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Rambuse tõus

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  • 3,90 maksnud aktsia ületas reede õhtul 16 piiri. Kui kaua see eufooria peale kohtulahendit võiks kesta? Kumb on kuu pärast tõenäolisem, 10 või 25 dollarit? LHV kliendid näivad ka aktiivselt kauplevat sellega. Hinnatase mineviku tulemuste järgi on küll meeletu. Kasvuinvesteerimine veel küll surnud selle järgi ei ole. :)
  • Rambuse aastatepikkune fan on Fred Hager. Juhtun olema juba mõnda aega tema mailinglistis, kes lugeda viitsib sellele lõiguke:

    The Implications of Rambus' Win at The U.S. Appeals Court
    By Fred Hager

    The recent total win of Rambus in the United States District Court of
    Appeals has tremendous implications for Rambus' shares during the next
    couple of years.

    Few people realize the pressure that this decision puts on companies like
    Micron, Infineon and Hynix are under to settle with Rambus.

    As everyone knows, SDRAM is disappearing, and DDR is taking over. The
    latest court decision clearly shows that DDR chips are likely to infringe
    on Rambus' designs.

    No competent legal department of any company would advise their executives
    to purchase products that are probably infringing, so why would they buy
    from Micron, Infineon or Hynix, as opposed to companies that are licensed
    to manufacture legally, like Samsung and Elpida. In addition, companies
    that go ahead and knowingly infringe can look forward to paying triple

    Because we believe that the most probable outcome is an eventual win by
    Rambus, we will in the near future publish a detailed report on expected
    earnings and price targets after the inevitable eventual settlements or
    wins in courts.

    >From now on, we will write every week (with few exceptions) about some
    aspect of the Rambus trials.

    Upcoming Articles:

    Settlement is the Only Reasonable Way Out For the Three Amigos.

    Why We Believe the FTC Will Drop Their Case or Eventually Lose It.

    The Discovery by Rambus in the FTC Case Has Opened a Pandora's Box for the
    Memory Makers - Rambus Has Significant Grounds for an Antitrust Case Due To
    Price Fixing and Collusion.

    In our actual account portfolio, we have sold our positions in Nokia (NOK)
    at $14.42, International Rectifier (IRF) at $19.78, and Silicon Storage
    (SSTI) at $2.81, and we purchased more Rambus shares at $13.50 with the
    proceeds. We will follow up on Monday with the portfolio details. Please
    do not consider this an endorsement to sell everything and buy just Rambus.
    We have several portfolios, but this one happens to be with real money. We
    are convinced Rambus presents a tremendous opportunity for the long-term,
    and we believe we'll get more mileage out of our dollars with Rambus than
    the others at this time.

  • Väärtusaktsia Rambus kindlasti pole, Price/Sales näitaja on koguni 17.

    Spekulatsioonid mis aktsia üles on lükanud ($20 tase pole mingi piir), võivad seda ka jätkuvalt lükata, seega on shortimine üsna riskantne. Kuid pigem arvan, et kuu pärast maksab aktsia $10 kandis.
  • Hämmastavaid asju võib ikka kauplemispäeval näha - Rambuse kohtuasi võiks saada sellelnädalal lahenduse ning aktsia oli eelnevalt tugevalt tõusunud. Täna kukkus aktsia väga lühikese ajaga 45 dollarilt 29,7 dollarile ning nüüd juba tagasi 40 dollarile. Ja põhjus? Bloomberg teatasb lihtsalt FALSE ALARM
  • Rambus sai kohtus võidu Hynixi patendi osas, aktsiaga kauplemine peatatud.

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