Börsipäev 24.-25. veebruar - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 24.-25. veebruar

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  • Eesti iseseisvuspäev ülejäänud maailma ei mõjuta: Vladimir Putin tagandas Vene valitsuse ning börsid üle maailma liiguvad omasoodu. Putini otsusel esialgu peale vene turu olulist mõju ei ole olnud.

    USA tarbijausaldusindeksi järsk kukkumine veebruaris kukutas ka aktsiaturge, kuigi negatiivne eelhäälestus oli juba turu alguses. Tarbijusaldus kukkus jaanuari 96.4 punktilt 87.3 punktile, samas kui oodati kukkumist 95.9 punkti taset.

    Nasdaq indeks kukkus alla 2000 punkti taset, kuid sellele järgnes Briefing.com järgi "an oversold bounce with institutional backing" ehk siis ülemüüdud aktsiaturule saabusid suured institutsionaalsete investorite orderid. Järgnes kiire positiivne reaktsioon.
  • Täna on aktsiaturu täheks taas Föderaalreservi juht Alan Greenspan, kes jõudis eile kritiseerida poolriiklike eluasemelaenude finantseerijaid Fannie Mae (FNM) ja Freddie Mac (FRE) finantssüsteemi stabiilsuse kõigutamises. Kell 17.00 alustab Greenspan kõnet kongressile, mis puudutab USA majanduse olukorda. Eelturul on suundumus kergelt positiivne.

    -Kell 17.00 avaldatakse jaanuarikuu majademüügi numbrid, oodatakse kuuma kinnisvaraturu kerget jahenemist.

    -Intel (INTC) tutvustab täna oma nägemust mobiilside tuleviku osas, kus mobiilside ja arvutid sulanduvad üheks. Lisaks on oodata mitmete lepingute avaldamist Inteli ja Euroopa mobiilsideoperaatorite vahel.

    Rev Shark:

    We've had some rather dreary action recently, with the market unable to shake off its lethargy. The indices attempted to bounce following a weak open yesterday but failed to do anything of significance. The buyers simply weren't too interested in diving back in. 

    Although the S&P 500 and DJIA are only just off their highs, there are plenty of individual stocks that have seen pullbacks of 20% to 30% or more. Technology stocks and high-beta momentum favorites have suffered the majority of the recent damage. The damage out there is much more pervasive and severe than the indices would indicate. The nice thing about that is that there are some nice opportunities to profit if and when the market turns. 

    The most notable thing about recent market action is that both momentum and dip buying have slowed dramatically. We aren't seeing the quick bounces that drove the nearly year-long rally and we aren't seeing good follow-through when we do bounce. Until that changes, we have to stay very cautious. 

    Too many market participants are cavalier about such things. They see no news on the wires and presume that everything is fine and nothing has changed. What they forget is that in the short run the market is primarily driven by emotions and feelings, not news and fundamentals. This is a market that has experienced a clear change in character and we ignore that at our peril. Don't worry about the news flow, worry about the emotions. 

    A change in market character is not necessarily a bad thing, because it helps create a new crop of opportunities. Our job now is to be in the right place at the right time so that we can take advantage as tradeable set-ups emerge. This is the place where we make our luck by positioning ourselves properly. 

    The key to producing exceptional gains in the market isn't predicting where the indices will be a year from now, but reacting to the facts that are in front of us and being prepared to move when the odds favor us. We are at a juncture today where we should simply stand aside and objectively evaluate things so that we are ready to move when the time is right. 

    Stay patient and don't trust this market until there are clear signs of some renewed upside momentum. Bounces are likely but don't be too quick to trust them. 

    We have a mixed open shaping up. Things have improved over earlier levels but the action is tentative. Overseas market aren't doing much. Gold is down and oil up. There is little major news and the only economic data due are existing-home sales at 10 a.m. EST.

  • Majade müük jaanuaris 6.04, oodati 6.27 miljonit (aasta baasil). Pärast eilset nõrka tarbijausalduseindeksit, ei pruugi oodatust nõrgem majademüüginäitaja turule head tähendada.

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