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Börsipäev 29. aprill

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  • Tere hommikust!

    Helsingi Börsil täna LHV klientide poolt eelistatud aktsiate osa olulisi tulemusi ei laeku, olulisematest raporteerijatest võiks mainida Keskot ja Elisat.

    See eest Stockholmis on oodata kahe sealse suure tegija tulemusi: ABB ja AstraZeneca

    Viimatimainituga seoses tasub tähele panna, et täna on üldse oluline päev Euroopa farmaatsiasektoris, lisaks avaldavad tulemused Altana, Aventis, Ciba, GlazoSmithKline, Merck. Kuna farmaatsiasektor esindab nö. kaitsvat sektorit, siis sõltub sealt laekuvatest tulemustest suuresti kuidas võiks raha lähemal ajal erinevate sektorite vahel roteeruda.

    Tallinna Börsil sulgus Hansapanga aktsia eile 25.51 EUR tasemel. Täna alustab aktsia (25.51 EUR-0.45 EUR)/4=6.27 EUR taseme ligiduses, 6.27 EUR ehk 98.10 EEK on börsi poolt tänaseks kehtestatud võrdlushind, millest sisestatavate orderite hinnad ei saa erineda rohkem kui +/- 15%.

  • Tuttav kaubandustöötaja sai töökohta faksi/saatelehe, kus järgmise nädala suhkru kilohinnaks oligi märgitud 17 krooni (?!?!?!?!) Elame, näeme!
  • Nokia võitles Helsingis tükk aega 12 EUR tasemega ja kukkus sellest lõpuks kolinal läbi, päeva low juba 11.87 EUR, eelmine madalaim hind tulemuste päevast oli 11.99 EUR ...

    Täna hommikul sai Nokia muuhulgas underperform reitingu CSFB käest varasema neutral asemel.

  • CSFB hinnasiht on nüüd 15 EURi asemel 11 EURi... Eilse päeva kohta ka veel selline asi, et Nokia ei ostnud aktsiaid tagasi. Eelneva 7 päevaga osteti kokku 37,5 milj. aktsiat keskmise hinnaga 12,70 EURi ringis.
  • Ostis tagasi. SHARE REPURCHASES 28.04.2004

    Trade date 28.04.2004
    Bourse Trade BUY
    Share NOK1V
    Amount 4.500.000 shares
    Total cost 55.971.000,00 EUR
    Average Price / share 12,438 EUR
    Highest Price / share 12,61 EUR
    Lowest Price / share 12,31 EUR

    Nokia Corporation now holds a total of 42.000.000 shares including the Shares repurchased on 28.04.2004.

    On behalf of Nokia Corporation

    Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited

    Matthew Duggan Mike Reuter
  • Minu viga... eilne ost jäi kahe silma vahele...
  • Kalle, jõudsid ette ..., :)

    Huvitav nüanss: reitingut ja hinnasihti alandanud CSFB on ise Nokia jaoks aktsiate kokkuostja
  • Mis see viimase viie aasta madalaim tase Nokia aktsia jaoks EUR-ides on?
  • Saksamaa 3 suurima panga hulka kuuluv HVB Group, kelle tütarfirma Vereins- und Westbank on just avamas  oma filiaali Eestis - peale tulemusi -8% ja kogu Saksamaa börsiindeksis DAX suurt osakaalu omav finantssektor korralikule langusele veetud. Homme tulemused avaldav Deutsche Bank -1,40% ja paar päeva tagasi heade tulemustega hiilanud Commerzbank -2,10%.

    Tänastest olulisematest raporteerijatest plussis vaid Royal Dutch Shell, +2,23%, ka farmaatsiasektor ei ole senini millegi eriti positiivsega üllatanud.

  • hetkel liigub Nokia 5 aasta madalaimal tasemel(11.38 eur oli madalaim)
  • Bayer (BAY) tuli 10. mail avaldatavate tulemuste eel välja positiivse kasumihoiatusega, lubades 25-30% analüütikute ootustest suuremat EBITAd, aktsia +3%

  • Deutsche B on täna kõvasti Nokiat müümas...
  • Nokia loses market share faster then expected - WSJ (14.60 )

    The WSJ reports that Nokia's share of the global cellphone market fell more than five percentage points to less than 30% in the Q1, according to market-research figures to be published Thursday, a sign that the industry giant's massive lead over the competition may be shrinking more than expected. Nokia accounted for 29.2% of the cellphones shipped in the Q1, compared with 34.9% a year earlier, according to Strategy Analytics. The research firm said the total market grew 40% to 153 mln units in the Q1 from a year earlier, owing to strong demand for color-screen handsets in developed markets and for basic phones from first-time buyers in developing countries. Rival research firm Gartner has yet to publish figures, but Ben Wood, a Gartner analyst, said the Q1 was extremely strong. However, Mr. Wood warned that the market appears to be cooling off in the current quarter. Strategy Analytics said Motorola and Samsung Electronics both saw their market shares climb by one percentage point to 16.5% and 13.1%, respectively.
  • Leidsin ise Nokia aktsia viimase viie aasta madalaima taseme 6.augustist 2002 11,1EUR. Sellest madalaimad tasemed jäävad '98 aasta lõppu.
  • LHV pealehel näitab TALSE +5% mõtlesin et suur huvi Hansa vastu tekkind, aga ... lihtsalt KALA
  • -USA eilne järsk börsilangus on tänagi jätkumas. Nasdaqi futuurid on 4 punkti miinuses, S&P 500 1,7 punkti miinuses.

    -USA töötu abiraha taotlejate arv kukkus nädalaga 18 000 võrra 338 000 taotlusele, ootused olid veidi nõrgemad. Märtsis loodi 308 000 uut töökohta, mis oli samuti ootamatult tugev näitaja ning tõotab intressimäärade tõusu lähiajal.

    -Esimeses kvartalis kerkis USA majandus 4,2%, mis on kolmas kvartal kiiret tõusu järjest. Samas oodati siiski kasvunumbri küündimist 5 protsendini, seega oli uudis turule pettumuseks.

    -Nokia (NOK) aktsia on taas löögi all: Credit Suisse alandas firma reitingu "underperform" peale rõhutades, et firma esimese kvartali nõrkus ei pruugi olla ajutine. Eelturul aktsia 3% miinuses. WSJ teatel on firma turuosa kukkunus alla 30 protsendi.

    -Time Warner (TWX) esimese kvartali kasum kahekordistus, analüütikud on aktsia suhtes ome negatiivsust üle vaatamas, aktsia eelturul 4% plussis.

    -Merill Lynch  alandas Norteli (NT) soovitust neutraalse peale. Firma rõhutas, et suur ebakindlus ning SEC-i uurimise negatiivne mõju on aktsiale halvasti mõjumas. Aktsia eelturul veel 5% miinuses.

    Rev Shark:

    Sometimes the gutsiest thing you can do is to step aside. When the bubble burst in 2000, the biggest losses where incurred by those who were frozen into inaction. They convinced themselves that everything would be fine if they simply hung on to their positions and waited for the market to come back. They were scared to sell and lock in their losses. The easy thing to do was sit and do nothing. 

    The harder course of action was to have a game plan where you limited your losses and waited to rebuy when the market looked better. Action is always more difficult than inaction, especially when you also need good timing and plenty of patience. 

    Traditional Wall Street has brainwashed many individuals into thinking that the best course of action is to simply hold on to stocks for the long term. Like mutual funds, we are encouraged to stay nearly fully invested at all times. The argument is that if you aren't fully in the market at all times you will miss the good days. No mention is made of the benefits of missing the bad days. Wall Street doesn't like the idea of investors sitting in cash, even though it is quite often the best course of action. 

    So when the market is tough, have some intestinal fortitude. Sit down, look at your positions and plan a course of action. Don't bury your head in the sand and rely on hope to save you. Mr. Market has little respect for your hopes, needs and dreams. He helps those who help themselves. Your No. 1 goal should always be to protect your capital. Making gains is secondary. If you don't have money to invest, nothing else matters. 

    We have another ugly morning shaping up. The Chinese economic issues continue to weigh on cyclical and commodity stocks. Gold is being smacked once again. It is trading down over $7 to $379, and is at its lowest point in over six months. The dollar continues to strengthen, and the 10-year bond is hitting the psychologically important 4.5% level. 

    Overseas markets are a sea of red. Nokia (NOK:NYSE) is causing some pressure due to a price-cutting program, but overall there is some good individual company news from the likes of Time Warner (TWX:NYSE) and Royal Dutch/Shell (SC:NYSE). 

    The gloom is awfully thick this morning, and that may help produce a bounce at some point, especially if we open weak. Be careful, though, because the bigger trend is definitely turning down, and even if we do see a relief bounce, it is not likely to last for long. 

    We have the GDP number and weekly unemployment claims coming up, which should provide a jiggle or two. But this is a market that is worried and prepared to find reasons to keep on selling.

    Gary B. Smith:

  • I kv. esialgne SKP tuli oodatust madalam +4.2% (oodati +5.0%). Turg ei oska sellele hästi reageerida, üheltpoolt lükkab see intresside tõstmist edasi, teiselt poolt lihtsalt negatiivsed makroandmed. Praegu tundub siiski müügisurve jätkuvat.
  • Vene börs täna 5% miinuses. Selline langus on kestnud juba kaua, on see investorite hirm Jukose sarnaste juhtumite ees või on mingi muu põhjus. Kõrge nafahind peaks Venemaale küll väga kasulik olema.
  • Kuidas Cepheidi (CPHD) ärakukkumist kommenteerite? Kas tõesti on üks klient (US Postal Service) firmale nii tähtis, et tõrked toote juurutamisel langetavad stocki 30%?
  • Veri on tantsupõrandal või juba tänavatel? QQQ on täitnud gapi 29. märtsist, kui see midagi loeb.

    RevShark sez:

    This is starting to look a bit panicky now. The smell of fear is wafting through the air as bids disappear and sellers take whatever they can get. This feels like capitulation action to me, and I expect that we see a bounce tomorrow.

    When things look this bad, the selling is this intense and market participants are this gloomy, the odds of a snap-back rally start to increase. For the moment, we are in free fall. I've lightened up on my QQQ (QQQ) short into this weakness.

    Short QQQ


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