Börsipäev 7. veebruar - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 7. veebruar

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  • Gapping Up

    GRU +24% (positive Forbes article), RNWK +18% (positive Barron's article), IBIS +13%, ADSX +5.9%, HOMS +5% (Piper upgrade), ORCT +4.5% (favorable Barron's mention), OATS +4.3% (JP Morgan upgrade), CLX +4.3% (reports DecQ), SBYN +4.1%, IMCL +3.9% (Icahn increases stake in co), PAYX +3.5% (UBS upgrade), BCSI +3.4%, RHAT +3.2% (stock undervalued - Merrill Lynch), GLW +2.9% (Needham upgrade), MATK +2.7% (Needham reits Strong Buy and $80 tgt), KMG +2.3% (positive Barron's article), OSTK +1.9%.... Under $3: TMTA +15% (CSFB speculates of AMD buying the co), SCON +10% (receives favorable ruling in patent lawsuit), GRIC +9.2% (announces deals).

    Gapping Down

    AXYX -60% (Phenserine did not achieve significant efficacy), SOHU -12% (reports Q4, guides Q1 below consensus; down in sympathy: NTES -3.4%, SINA -2.8%, SNDA -1.9%), ELOS -8.5% (announces secondary offering; reports in-line Q4), SYNA -5.1% (Bear Stearns lowers target price), HUM -5.1% (reports Q4), GLNG -3.9%, BEAS -3.6%, RSTI -3.5% (reports DecQ), FRO -3.1%, MSO -2.3% (negative Barron's article), TZOO -2.2% (Travelzoo could fall further - Barron's), AGN -2.1% (reports Q4, but guides below consensus).

  • Cody Willard:

    Bulls Get a Boost Friday
    2/7/05 8:55 AM ET

    It's official -- Rev Shark is the proud papa of a new baby boy. He'll be around intermittently this week, so in the meantime, it's more of me, live from New York City.

    The action in the market on Friday was probably the most constructive for the bulls since before Christmas, and given such a long cold streak, they needed it. As I discussed in my column on Friday, the market has been prone to rather steady trends in the past year, including the most recent bear phase that started in late December. Although we won't know til we know if that bear phase ended around Jan. 25, it's clear that the market has put on a rather steady bounce since then, with the Nazdaq up about 4%.

    We've still got a lot of earnings this week, including Cisco tomorrow after the close, which will be getting, as it always does, a whole lot of attention. Considered a big tech bellwether, its earnings report and guidance will garner much press and play (yes, including here from this commentator, including this very paragraph).

    I'm back from a weekend in New Orleans, where I kept it cool and didn't get crazy. I was astounded at the throngs of people that willingly packed themselves into the streets, giving up their free will to the crowd as it took over and forced one's direction. Sorta reminds me of trading stocks, no?

    Gary B. Smith:


  • Oliver Ait
    Oskad öelda, kas AXYX peale tasub veel aega raisata? Kehvad uudised ära tulnud, kas on lootust tulevikus?
  • Küsimus polnud suunatud küll mulle aga märtsis võib veel tulla veidi datat, mis VÕIB tekitada veidi elevust. Üks Phase III (Phenserine in mild/mod AD) ebaõnnestus kuid kaks on veel käimas. Kaupleb cashi peal. lotopilet ühesõnaga :)

  • Tänud Bettie, nii et tasub radaril hoida
  • stocker,

    Kolmanda katse tulemused ei olnud platseeboga võrreldes tõesti märkimisväärsed. Kuid kuna aktsia kaupleb rahal, siis kukkumisruumi väga palju ei ole (märtsini tõenäoliselt dead money). Märtsis tullakse välja täpsemate andmetega käimasoleva Phase IIB triali kohta. Faasi käigus üritatakse selgust saada, kas ravim vähendab beta amüloidide taset või mitte. Kuigi Phenserine oli firma lead product ja põhiline ootuste üleskütja, on pipeline siiski laiem ja märtsis väljatulevad andmed võivad vajalikuks osutuda teiste ravimikandidaatide arendamiseks. Kukkumisrisk on nendelt tasemetelt juba väiksem ja seega võiks tulemused ära oodata.

    Siiski juhiksin tähelepanu asjaolule, et insiderid on aktsiat müümas olnud.
  • No kui insaiderid ei usu, miks peaksin mina seda uskuma, et midagi head tuleb?
  • Viimase 6 kuu müügitehingud on toimunud tunduvalt kõrgemal väärtuse (>$6 tasemetelt) ja enne antud uudise avalikustamist.

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