Börsipäev 15. mai - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 15. mai

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  • AstraZeneca(AZN) teatas täna hommikul, et on nõus omandama ülejäänud osa Cambridge Antibody Technology Group(CATG), mis veel tema oma ei ole. Antud tehing hindaks Suurbritannia suurimat biotehnoloogia ettevõtet hinnaga $1.33 miljardit. Preemiat makstakse aktsia eest muljetavaldavad ~67%.

    Target(TGT) tuli tulemustega välja - Q1 jooksul teeniti kasumit $0.63 aktsia kohta. Oodati aga $0.64. Ettevõtte juhkond ise esines avaldusega, kus oldi üpriski positiivsed ning avaldati lootust, et nende eesmärk 2006. aasta lõpuks võrreldes 2005. aastaga saavutada ~15% tõus kasumis aktsia kohta võrreldes 2005. aastaga on täiesti reaalne eesmärk.

    Warner Music Group(WMG) sai upgrade'i AmTech'ilt. Nendepoolne soovitus 'osta' ja uus hinnasiht $37.

    Nädalavahetusel võttis lisaks ka Venetsueela president Chavez taas sõna nafta teemadel. Hoiatas taaskord, et kui Iraan satub sõjalise rünnaku alla, hakkab nafta kauplema kolmekohaliste numbrite eest.
  • Protect What's Yours

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    5/15/2006 8:40 AM EDT

    "Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."

    -- John Wayne
    Last week the market suffered its most difficult week so far this year. The selling was broad, heavy and did some substantial technical damage. Although the headlines in the popular press attributed the selloff to inflation fears, the weak dollar, energy prices, stumbling consumer confidence and variety of other concerns, it doesn't really matter much what the cause might have been. None of these worries are anything new or surprising; the market finally started to focus on them last week.

    The reasons for the selling aren't really that important. What is important is that is that we make sure we deal with this change in market character in an intelligent fashion. The worst thing we can do is stick our head in the sand and ignore reality. Even if the market does suddenly reverse and go straight back up it is likely that different groups of stocks may lead us.

    Our foremost responsibility when the market trend turns down is making sure we protect our capital and curb our losses. This can be extremely difficult because it will often feel like we are cutting our losses at exactly the wrong time. In fact, you may very well end up doing just that, but it is far more important in a market downtrend to err on the side of protecting capital than trying to time a bottom. You can always rebuy a stock you sell and it is surprising how often a sale that feels ill-timed turns out not to be so bad in retrospect.

    Although it is a good idea to be aggressive in cutting losers, don't go too far in cutting your stocks that continue to act well. In a market meltdown, there will continue to be groups of stocks that attract buying interest. In many cases these pockets of strength can be even greater than usual as the hot money focuses on a much smaller group of stocks. Market meltdowns usually result in a new group of leaders when the market begins to recover. The stocks that led before are less likely to lead again.

    Today, for example, I see Bear Stearns has positive comments on the biotechnology group. That group has been a major laggard for most of the year so far and has sold off relentlessly for months. Bear Stearns says that PE and revenue multiples are near historic lows and is looking for merger and acquisitions activity to increase. I certainly wouldn't look for an immediate recovery in the biotechnology group but if and when the broader market does turn, we may see more opportunities in this sector than in other groups.

    Protect that capital but also stay vigilant and watch for new trends and ideas to emerge. Metals and oils are under pressure again this morning and that is going to cause some upheavals even if it is just a bout of profit-taking after a parabolic run.

    The gloom from last week is carrying over this morning. We have weakness across the board overseas with declines in commodities and metal prices being the primary driver. The dollar is strengthening against the yuan and the euro, and oil and gold are down sharply.

  • Ma ei lakka imestamast kuivõrd head need päevaülevaate alguse äriterad on. 5+.
  • Nii kole päev, et ei suuda isegi imestada :-(
  • Ainuke võimalus, et turg tõusma hakkaks on see kui ma midagi lühikeseks müüks....
    Aga muidu on ikka verine lugu küll!
  • Mis seal ikka - osta, kui veri tänavatel:P
  • Jah, räägtakse et see kestab 5 päeva ...

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