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Börsipäev 7. juuni

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  • LHV foorumites mitmeid kordi juttu olnud SanDiskist(SNDK) on täna uudiseid:

    Ettevõtte poolt hiljuti tööle võetud Gavin Wu (Aasia ja Vaikse Ookeani piirkonna managing director) esines teadaandega, et ettevõtte eesmärgiks on jõuda Apple Inc. järel teisele kohale MP3 mängijate müümisel. Apple(AAPL) omab küll 60-70% turuosa MP3 mängijate turust, kuid SanDiski toodet ‘Sansa e200’ on saatnud Põhja-Ameerikas julgustav müügiedu. ‘Sansa e200’ tuli turule kõigest paar kuud tagasi – aprillis. SanDiski eesmärgiks on endale haarata MP3 mängijate turust 20-25% turuosa.

    SanDisk rõhutas samuti, et on rahul oma mälukaartide müügia, mis tegi aprillis läbi suure 55%-lise tõusu.

    Positiivsete teadaannete peale on SanDiski oodatavaid kasuminumbreid tõstnud juba Merril.

    Täna hommikul teatas Dendreon(DNDN) uuringu avalikustamist “American Cancer Society's journal, Cancer” juuli numbris. Uuringu tulemused annavad julgustavaid tulemusi Provenge’i kohta kombineerituna Avastiniga.

    Greenspan esineb Senati ees täna – siiamaani on kõlama jäänud, et maailma nafta rafineerimisvõimsus on muutunud murettekitavaks. Võib kasvu pärssivaks teguriks muutuda. Samuti ütles, et USA majandus on seni nafta hinna tõusule hästi vastu pidanud ja et nafta turu spekulandid on kiirendanud nafta hinna tõusu.
  • Gauging Stagflation's Effects

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    6/7/2006 8:58 AM EDT

    "Like the disco era it dominated, stagflation has a distinctive beat: slow growth, rising inflation, high oil prices and weak labour markets."

    -- The Economist
    In case you haven't been paying attention, the major market indices have broken down badly in the past three weeks or so. We had one brief bounce attempt but the most noteworthy aspect of this breakdown has been its swiftness and the lack of any counter-trend rally.

    Many folks point out that the indices are still near their highs and really haven't corrected that much, but when you dig into the action in individual stocks, things don't look quite as rosy. At the close yesterday, only 52% of stocks are above their 200-day moving average. While that isn't at the levels of other major bottoms, it is getting close.

    Valuations aren't that bad and the economy is OK. Why are stocks acting so poorly? The answer is that there is more fear of stagflation, and the Fed is fanning the flames of that worry. The worst possible economic combination for the stock market is rising prices and slowing growth.

    Stagflation is one of those words that economists and politicians avoid because it carries so much emotional baggage -- it caused the misery of the 1970's and anyone who lived through the market downturn in 1974 won't soon forget it.

    Although the talk about stagflation has been quite muted, that fear is driving this poor action. The million-dollar question is whether it is a legitimate concern. Are we in danger of a stagnating economy with rising prices? The Fed is sending that message and is using that worry to justify more aggressive rate hikes. Overall, a more hawkish Fed will eventually be good for the market unless it goes too far and pushes us into a recession, but that said, stagflation is a far greater problem than a recession.

    The danger of stagflation is probably remote but the Fed is going to make sure we are aware of the issue in order to justify continued rate hikes. Much of what the Fed does is nothing more than market manipulation through its public comments, and right now it is working to ensure we acknowledge the potential problem of stagflation. If you listen to recent speeches you might believe we have a number of rate hikes yet to come, yet the reality is that we will likely see one at the end of the month, but another in August is questionable.

    So what do we as investors do as the market contemplates these stagflation fears? Do we try to use big-picture analysis to time a bottom? That is a horribly imprecise approach and will either have us in too early or sitting on the sidelines too long.

    What we need to do is stay defensive and focus on the charts of the indices. The charts will tell us when stagflation fears have been discounted and the market is ready to turn back up. Right now there is no indication at all that we have fully priced in fears of inflation and a slowing economy. We simply have to be patient and wait. That doesn't mean we won't have some bounces and volatility to trade but there is nothing to indicate the market has bottomed and is ready to turn up at this point.

    We have a little bounce to start the morning as European stocks rallied overnight but Asia struggled. Be careful out there. It is going to be choppy trading.

  • to Joel
    Pole jälginud, kas tegelikult ka Greenspan esineb? Oli see nüüd keelevääratus või on lihtsalt selle ametiposti nimi nüüd Greenspan :P
  • to 2korda2
  • To 2korda2,

    Tartzi poolt antud lingil saab juba sündmustest ise lähemalt lugeda. Kuigi Bernanke võttis Greenspani ametikoha jaanuaris üle, esineb Greenspan siiski jätkuvalt oma vaadetega majanduse kohta. Täpsema olukorra ja intressimäära poliitika teema jätab ta loomulikult oma ametikoha järglase Bernanke kommenteerida, kuid arvestades Greenspani aastatepikkust kogemust Fed-i juhina, kuulatakse ka Greenspani arvamusi üpriski teraselt.

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