Börsipäev 1. august - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 1. august

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  • Kuigi mineviku statistika ei prognoosi tuleviku käitumist, on ehk hea siiski teada, et vastavalt Stock Traders Almanac’ile on august keskmiselt aktsiatele ajaloo põhjal kõige kehvem kuu. Ning tänagi avaneb turg allapoole…

    Augustikuu 1. börsipäeval raporteerib oma kvartalitulemustest 134 ettevõtet.

    Allapoole avanevad:

    Gapping down on disappointing earnings/guidance: ZVXI -23%, CYBX -16% (guidance only), AFFX -15.6% (also Thomas Weisel downgrade), PWAV -11.5% (also multiple downgrades), WFMI -9.3%, EXPD -8%, PLAB -7.3% (guidance only), CMG -4.3%, VMC -2.9%, PFG -2.3%, UTHR -2.2%, ISSX -1%... Other News: HOTT -13.5% (weak July comps, guides lower), ANR -3% (delays earnings announcement), RACK -2% (Cramer negative on Mad Money), RMBS -1.9% (profit taking after 13% move yesterday), FLSH -1.9% (JP Morgan downgrade), TS -1.6%, AKAM -1.2% (profit taking after 30% move in last 3 days), SNDK -1.2% (boutique firm says another bidder could come in and drive up price for FLSH).

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