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Börsipäev 23.aprill

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  • Sony Ericsson avaldas tulemused:

    Sony Ericsson, the mobile phone-making joint venture between Sony Corp and Ericsson AB said Wednesday that its first-quarter net profit fell 48% to 133 million euros ($213 million), as sales fell 8% to 2.7 billion euros. The group said sales were hit by slowing market growth in mid-to-high end phones, which reduced the average selling price to 121 euros from 134 euros. In addition, profit was impacted by higher research and development costs. The group said pretax profit was 193 million euros, which was still toward the top end of the 150 million euro to 200 million euro range it announced in March. The group's market share fell one percentage point from the end of 2007 to 8% and it said it's predicting the global handset market will grow 10% in 2008. 


  • Bloombergi andmetel on ECB ametnikud tõstmas intressimäärade tõstmise tõenäosust ohjeldamaks 16 aasta kõrgeimale tasemele tõusnud inflatsioonimäära. Paljud majandusanalüütikud olid seisukohal, et eruotsoon jälgib majanduskasvu alalhoidmiseks USA intressimäärade poliitikat langetades ka eurotsoonis intressimäärasid, kuid EUR/USD suhe, tõusev nafta ja teiste toorainete hinnad on ametnike meelt muutmas.
  • Inflatsioon oma kõige hirmsamas vormis. Austraalia inflatsioon viimase 7 aasta kõrgeimail tasemel 4.2% peal ning koos sellega tõusevad ka tõenäosused, et sealne Keskpank on mais intressimäärasid tänase 7.25% pealt veelgi ülespoole nihutamas. Üks artikkel selle kohta ka Bloombergist. 
  • Lähemalt eile muudetud eurotsooni prognooside ja statistika kohta saab lugeda siit

  • kuna Joelil pilt juures, siis pole tekstile ":-)" vaja lisadagi.
    "inflatsioon oma kõige hirmsamas vormis"..."4,2%"?
  • kristjan

    Kas Sa siis pole kuulnud? Robert Mugabe dekreediga tühistati Zimbabves inflatsioon 1185% aastas ja uueks seaduslikuks inflatsiooninumbriks sai 1%. Statistikaametnike on juba karistatud, hindu tõstvaid kaupmehi ootab samuti vanglakaristus ...
  • Kristjan, eks naerunägu käib ikka kõigega kaasas. Head või halvad uudised :)

    Aga üle 4%line inflatsioon arenenud maailmamajanduse suurriigi jaoks on ikka palju küll. Kui ma õieti mäletan, siis sealse keskpanga soovitud vahemik on 2% kuni 3%.
  • Paneksin siia ühe kommentaari YHOO kohta eile õhtusest RealMoney'st. Ilu on vaataja silmades, aga David Sterman lausa õhkub negatiivsusest MSFT-YHOO diili osas:

    "On a core basis, Yahoo! earned $0.11 a share. With business moving towards maturity, it's fair to start to think about whether Yahoo! is even worth the price Microsoft is offering. After all, the annualized EPS translates to $0.45-0.50 in EPS. Even if annualized EPS rebounds to $0.75, the stock is likely worth 30-40X that figure, or about $20-25."
  • ma nii igaks juhuks panen ette, et kui need innukad praktikandid suvel jälle LHV's pinki nühivad, siis peaks nad kohustuslikus korras endale (koos pildiga muidugi*!) siin foorumites kommenteerimise õiguse ja KOHUSTUSE saama, et nad tagasiside vormis ka midagi õpiksid ja muidu kuivapoolseks kiskuvates foorumites jälle rohkem nalja saaks :-)

    Joeli jt. suhtes absoluutselt no offence muuseas!
    *edaspidi soovitatav termin foorumis: "pildiga pärakas"
  • Stefanilt A.Anspi tellimusel valminud promoartikkel.
    ja minu lugupidamine. Ma arvan, et SEB tegi vea, kui nad Stefanit küsitud hinnaga ei palganud.
  • To kristjan: Midagi nii julma ei oleks küll oodanud - noor ja sinisilmne organism foorumi verekoerte ette visata. Samas finantsmaailm ongi karm ja ehk tõesti hea mõte valusa eluga juba maast madalast harjuda.
  • Deja Vu :)
    G.W. Põõsas (igas tähtsamas kõnes): "Make no mistake, etc...!"
    S. Andersson (23.04.2008): "Ärge laske ennast eksitada, etc...!"
  • Aga Stefanile ka minu lugupidamine - vastuvoolu ujumine üks kord on julgustükk, teine kord tundub see enesetapuna, kolmas kord ... siis ehk hakkavad inimesed ka lugu pidama ja jutule tähelepanu pöörama.

  • Ambac Financiali (ABK) poolt on äsja avaldatud väga koledad tulemused:

    Reports Q1 (Mar) loss of $6.93 per share, excluding non-recurring items, $5.42 worse than the First Call consensus of ($1.51). Reports non-cash, mark-to-market losses on credit derivative exposures amounting to $1,725.2 mln. Reports loss provision on Ambac's financial guarantee direct exposures to mortgage-related securities which amounted to $1,042.8 mln. "The housing market crisis continues to disrupt the global credit markets and our credit derivatives and direct mortgage portfolios were severely impacted once again. While we realize that these are disappointing credit results, we continue to believe that the capital raise and strategic business actions taken during the quarter will enable us to get beyond this credit market. The capital that we raised during the quarter in the midst of a very difficult market plus capital generated from the reduction in net par exposure helped bring our claims-paying resources to approximately $16.0 billion as of March 31, 2008. We currently exceed S&P's AAA target level of capital by a comfortable margin and we expect to meet our goal of exceeding Moody's Aaa target level of capital in the second quarter. Importantly, we generated positive operating cash flow during the quarter."securities within the financial services investment portfolio.


  • Ei või olla! Eesti börsimaastiku virtuaalsetesse Pensa koobastesse peitunud maailmalõpu ootajad hakkavad vaikselt päevavalgele ronima. :)
  • No vaadates tänast Tallinna börsi pilti Kalev 1 tehing käive 23 aktsiat, tõus 14,29% või Viisnurk 15 tehingut (!) ja aktsia liikumine -14,97%. Hullemaks minna enam ei saa.
  • kellele negatiivsed uudised meeldivad, siis ...

    MBA Mortage Applications -14.2% vs 2.5% Prior
  • Boeing´ult (BA) esmapilgul päris kobedad tulemused, kuid prognoosid kehvad:

    Reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $1.61 per share, $0.26 better than the First Call consensus of $1.35; revenues rose 4.1% year/year to $15.99 bln vs the $16.52 bln consensus. Co reaffirms guidance for FY08, sees EPS of $5.70-5.85 vs. $5.93 consensus; sees FY08 revs of $67-68 bln vs. $68.95 bln consensus. Co issues mixed guidance for FY09, sees EPS of $6.80-7.00 vs. $6.87 consensus; sees FY09 revs of $72-73 bln vs. $74.49 bln consensus.  Commercial Airplanes now expects to deliver 475-480 in Y08, compared to previous guidance of 480-490 due to the rescheduling of initial 787 deliveries into Y09.

  • UPS prelim $0.87 vs $0.87 First Call consensus; revs $12.68 bln vs $12.31 bln First Call consensus
    UPS sees Q2 $0.97-1.04 vs $1.01 First Call consensus
    UPS lowers FY08 EPS guidance to $3.90-4.20 vs $4.17 First Call consensus

    Aasta teises poole seega paranemist ei loodeta.
  • Briefingu meestel ka kuupäevad sassis :)

    Reminder: Durable Orders and Initial Claims data due out in about 17 min at 8:30ET
  • Correction: Durable Orders and Initial Claims are actually due out tomorrow at 8:30ET
  • Mis targemad arvavad, kas täna oleks tark NTRI ära müüa?
  • Taaskord lõpetasin just tulemuste tabeli uuendamise ja otselink sellele siin. 

  • Kas viimase aja kiire tõus on õigustatud?
    The stock market's recent rough ride means "there are a lot of good companies at low prices," but Charles Mizrahi, editor of the Hidden Values Alert newsletter, says that few are actually cheap enough to be "raging bargains."
  • U.S. gasoline inventories down 3.2 mln barrels last week
    U.S. distillate stocks down 1.4 mln barrels in latest week
    U.S. crude inventories up 2.4 mln barrels in latest week
  • ilmselt pole mõtet NTRI-d müüa. Juhtkond teatas alles hiljuti parematest tulemustest ja kõrge short interest tingimustes on aktsial tõusuruumi veel korralikult ja pigem liigutakse üles- kui allapoole. Aga palju oleneb muidugi täna avaldatavast tulevikunägemusest. Ma ise usun pigem positiivset üllatusvõimalust.
  • ABK -40%, MBI -30%. Ja see, mis niimoodi seal haiseb, ajab ka kogu turul kõhu keerama.
  • Üks huvitav kiri Briefingust Legg Mason varahalduse poolt aktsionäridele (NB! haldab üle 1 triljoni usd väärtuses varasid):Legg Mason's Bill Miller issues Q1 letter to shareholders "The credit crisis that I wrote about last quarter culminated this quarter in the collapse and rescue of Bear Stearns, an event that I believe (though no one knows) ended the panic phase of the credit cycle. The economic consequences of curtailed credit, increased risk aversion, deleveraging, lost jobs, falling house prices, and negative equity returns remain, and are likely to take some time to play out. All of those issues have been front-page news for some time, and I believe they are well discounted by the market, which is why stocks have risen since Bear's collapse... For planning purposes, here is my forecast: I think we will do better from here on, and that by far the worst is behind us. I think the credit panic ended with the collapse of Bear Stearns, and credit spreads are already much improved since then. If spreads continue to come in, the write-offs at the big financials will end, and we may even have some write-ups in the second half instead of write-downs. Valuations are attractive, and valuation spreads are now about one standard deviation above normal, a point at which valuation- based strategies usually begin to work again, and momentum begins to fade (there is no evidence of the latter yet, as the old leaders continue to lead). Most housing stocks are up double digits this year despite dismal headlines, a sign the market had already priced in the current malaise. I think likewise we have seen the bottom in financials and consumer stocks, but not necessarily the bottom in headlines about the woes in those sectors. Although the economy is likely to struggle as it did in the early 1990s, the market can move higher, as it did back then... The wild card is commodities. If commodities break, or even just stop their relentless rise, equity markets should do well. If they continue to move steadily higher, they have the potential to destabilize the global economy... I agree with George Soros that commodities are in a bubble, but it also appears he is right when he describes it as one that is still inflating, and we still have the summer driving and hurricane season with which to contend... With most investors being fearful, I think it makes sense to allocate some capital to the greedy side of that pendulum, and that means putting cash to work in equities." (LM) 
  • Apple ootused on analüütikute poolt kõrgele seatud:
    Konsensus ootab EPS $1.07 ja käivet $6.94 miljardit. Ettevõte on ületanud konsensuse ootusi alates 2000 aastast ning eelmine kvartal olid samuti korralikud tulemused, kuid kärbiti prognoose, mis viis aktsia -10% langusesse ning langustrendi jätkati ka veebruari kuus -14%, käies ära $119 tasemel. Põhjadest on aktsia tõusnud +34%, mis peegeldab turu ootusi. Tähelepanu on pööratud müügi mahtudele: oodatakse 2 miljonit mac-i, 10 miljonit iPod-i ja 1.8 miljonit iPhone-i. Enamus on arvamusel, et ületatakse konsensuse poolt oodatud tulemusi, kuid küsimus on hoopis kui suures mahus ületatakse prognoose ning mida prognoositakse järgnevateks kvartaliteks?
  • Kas on kellelgi NTRI tulemuste kohta mingeid ootusi ja prognoose!
    Aktsia on pidevalt tõusnud. Eelmise kvartali tulemused just rõõmustavad polnud, kas pole ootused liiga ülesse kruvitud?
  • S&P on seisukohal, et Ambac Financial (ABK) Q1 tulemused ei muuda reitingu väljavaateid - Bloomberg
  • Mhmh, minu meelest on ka ABK ka triple A firma. Vähemalt!
  • Briefingu eelvaade:
    Nutrisystem: Showing flexibility with lower-cost plan; raising etimates in-line with pre-announcement. Lazard says NTRI is launching a new "Flex" diet program, priced $100 less than its core Advanced program and which firm believes tgts price-conscious dieters in this softer spending environment. Firm believes the launch may also coincide with the seasonally slower dieting period. Importantly, Flex could boost conversion rates on the NutriSystem.com website and at the call centers. While cannibalization of the core program is a potential risk, firm expects co to be selective in targeting customers, and notes that NutriSystem has successfully sold a discount offering through QVC for years. Firm's revised 1Q rev and EPS ests are $216 mln and $0.46, up from their prior ests of $200 mln and $0.36.
    Reutersi poolt oodatakse EPS $0.41 ja $214.52.
  • to:jim
    AMBAC Fincl: S&P says Q1 results won't result in rating change - Bloomberg
    Tegelikult natuke arusaamatu seisukoht S&P poolt hetkel, kuid eks kommentaarid peagi väljas ning siis olukord selgem.
  • AMZN tulemuste peale järelturul -2.2%
    AMZN prelim $0.34 vs $0.32 First Call consensus; revs $4.13 bln vs $4.08 bln First Call consensus
  • SCSS reported a first quarter net loss of $7.1 million, or $0.16 per diluted share
  • AlariÜ, jajaa, nägin seda ise ka, point oli selles, et mis kuradi mõttes on üks sellises seisus firma triple A rated?
  • Appel (AAPL) tulemustega väljas:

    AAPL sees Q3 $1.00 vs $1.10 First Call consensus; sees revs $7.2 bln vs $7.16 bln First Call consensus
    AAPL prelim $1.16 vs $1.07 First Call consensus; revs $7.51 bln vs $6.96 bln First Call consensus
  • tugev maci müük
    kas oleks õige arvata, et MS on oma pasa Vistaga Apple'le teene teinud ?
    see on üks põhjus miks vähemalt minu järgmine läppur on mac
  • Nutrisystem reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $0.42 per share, $0.01 better than the First Call consensus of $0.41; revenues fell 9.1% year/year to $216.5 mln vs the $214.5 mln consensus. Co issues in-line guidance for Q2, sees Q2 revs of $180-190 mln vs. $183.29 mln consensus.

    Ootused olid isegi kõrgemal, järelturul väike tagasiminek...

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