Investment school
LHV Library
LHV contributes to the promotion of investor education, in this regard the LHV Library provides its clients with access to investment and economic literature. If any of the books below appeal to you, please visit an LHV office in Tallinn, Tartu or Pärnu and borrow a book for up to a month. The service is for LHV customers.

100 Years of Wall Street
Financial ups and downs are only part of the 20th century saga of Wall Street. The street symbolizes the historic triumphs, failures and excesses of capitalism, but it has also been the scene of great human achievements and epic tragedies. Like America itself, "The Street" has shown almost boundless optimism and tenacity in the face of adversity. It has also revealed a surprising weakness for foolishness along with an unpredictable capacity for bursts of genius, innovation and success. That is why 100 YEARS OF WALL STREET, the story of the world's financial center, is also the story of our American century from our first uncertain steps on the international stage to the responsibilities and challenges we face as the sole superpower at the end of the millennium. The expert and occasionally bemused guide to the story is Charles R. Geisst, who is renowned as a historian, best-selling author, financial scholar and corporate consultant. He is also a gifted storyteller who reveals how the smallest details produce crucial shifts in the big picture. With wit and profound insight, Geisst takes the reader behind the scenes to explain how powerful personalities and unexpected developments created the financial, cultural and social events that helped shape our world. We are the heirs of Wall Street's phenomenal achievement, but it has also fueled runaway greed. It has contributed to growth while scrapping large sectors of the economy. Is the market "fair" or "just"? What do such questions really mean? Geisst dramatically brings to life a world that can only be fully understood by following its secret deals, monumental transactions, colorful characters, earth-rattling market collapses and exhilarating highs.

21 kirja elust ja selle väljakutsetest
Charles Handyt peetakse moodsa aja üheks suurimaks mõtlejaks, kelle juhtimisalased raamatud on aidanud kujundada ettevõtlusmaailma. Elutööle tuginedes vaatab ta selles raamatus tulevikku, et näha milliste katsumuste ja võimalustega seisab silmitsi järgmine põlvkond. Milliseid eesmärke tuleks seada? Kuidas elumõtet leida? Kuidas tulevad inimesed toime keskkonnaga, kus vanad põhimõtted enam ei kehti?

23 asja, mida teile kapitalismist ei räägita
Miks saavad ettevõtete juhid palju kõrgemat palka, kui nende tööpanus vääriks? Kas tööstuse asendamine õhu müümisega on ikka parim viis majandust arendada? Kui turg on vaba, miks siis äriajamist nii rangelt kontrollitakse? Kas on võimalik, et interneti tähtsust ülehinnatakse? Miks nõutakse, et algajad ettevõtted vanade tegijatega vabalt konkureeriksid? Kas vaeste viletsus on tõesti nende endi süü? Sellest raamatust leiab vastused nii neile kui ka paljudele teistele küsimustele. Üheks maailma mõjukaimaks mõtlejaks (Prospect Magazine, 2013) hinnatud Ha-Joon Chang selgitab elaval ja kaasahaaraval viisil seda, mis viimase paari kümnendi jooksul kapitalismiga juhtunud on, ja kuidas seda toimivamaks ja inimnäolisemaks timmida.