Nigeeria kirjad ja investeerimisskeemid
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Oma karjääri jooksul olen ma kokku puutunud inimeste uskumatu naiivsusega seoses teemaga "easy money." Inimesed on valmis oma viimased säästud Western Unioniga kohe Amsterdami saatma, et saada kätte $42 mln, mille nad olevat "loteriiga võitnud." Veelgi enam - tõsimeeli on tahetud ingliskeelse kõne peale "aktsiaid" osta. Golden Circle - suvaline Ponzi-skeem, You name it ... Alati on muidu täiesti normaalseid ja intelli
Sellest on siin foorumites ka juttu olnud. Võllahuumori sõbrana arvan, et järgmistest linkidest võiks küüniliste naljade sõpradel abi olla...
Kui see topic siia üldse ei sobi, kustutage ära... Samas mingi rõõm peab ju olema, kui Nokia on 4% miinuses ning Nasdaqi futuur näitab -11.50...
:'-( -
Väga hea näide nn Nigeeria kirjast oli Õnne 13 -s, kus oli midagi analoogset ja kui Sten igaks juhuks helistas, et asja kohta küsida, siis selgus, et oli tasuline telefon, mis tõmbas arve hoobilt tühjaks.
mmm...ei ole seriaalide vaataja... aga kas mitte "Kodu keset linna"?
Ma helistasin ühe sõbra eest - muidu intelligentne inimene, kuid keeleoskus kasin... Naera puruks, mis juttu aeti... telefoniarvet õnnestus vist 50 EEK tekitada, kuid "entertainment value" ületas selle mitmekordselt. Kujuta ette, kui Sulle räägitakse sügava musta mehe aktsiendiga sellest, kuidas Sa pead KOHE panema teele EUR 1500, et muidu läheb "võit" järjekorras järgmisele tegijale. See "kohe" on vist ka nende cold-caller'ite põhimeetod. Osta KOHE XYZG aktsiat, muidu jääd ilma SUUUUREST tõusust...
Hämmastav on see tõesti, kuidas mõned vägagi intelligentsed inimesed ei saa aru, et niisama ei vedele raha maas. Ning seda peaaegu mitte kunagi.
Seetõttu ma usun, et see foorum üsna õigel kohal. -
See "KOHE" on tavaline ka enamuse kinnisvaramaaklerite puhul. Same bunch nende mooramaa meestega in my book. Vabandan mõlema elukutse auväärsete esindajate ees :)
sB -
see ongi ju mõjutamine seesmiselt s.t.rõhumine asjadele ala kohe ,..suur tõus ,
mis panebki inimese silma särama
90-ndate keskel oli ka Eestis prominente kes Nigeeria kirjade õnge läksid.
sealt ka vanasõna ´´liiga hea et olla tõsi´´ -
A kes veel peale vist Otepä panga, mis-ta-nimi-nüüd-oligi, mehe?
Indrek Samusenko (Comexi pood, nüüdne Westmani kauplus Pärnu maanteel) näiteks. Kui ma ei eksi, siis sellest mehest pole siiani midagi kuulda olnud. Vabandan, kui info on mäda või ebaviisakas.
megawatt, kas Siim Kallas on yks prominentidest, kes Nigeeria kirja orki $10 milj USDga laks?
Kes tahab leiab võimaluse kuidas nendele Nigeeria tontidele koht kätte näidata...
või otsi google'st "419 scams" -
kalekom, ei viitsi lugeda. Paari sõnaga, mida see koha kätte näitamine tähendab?
See pole küll Nigeeria kiri kuid soovitan lugeda kuigi jutt on suht pikk:
Lühidalt miski mees üritas oma hinnalist Apple Powerbook arvutit maha müüa kuid sattus miski tegelase otsa e-Bays, kes ilmselgelt talle tünga tahtis teha. Asi läks korralikuks fiaskoks, sest petturile saadeti "arvuti" nagu seal piltidel näha ning pettur pidi UK-s selle eest miski 27% asja väärtusest käibekat maksma. -
MSM. seal aadressil on minu teada jah mitme päeva jagu lugemist. Point selles et keegi lollitas nigeerlast kuni see oli diili tegemise nimel nõus astuma olematu kiriku liikmeks ja selle eest ka veel maksma. asi jõudis isegi BBC uudistesse. lõpuks kadus nigeerlane ära. ju nägi tüübi blogist mis temaga tehtud oli :P
isegi pilte kiiruga vaadates saab asjast hea ülevaate ja kõvasti naerda :)) eriti kus "kirikuõpetaja" oma "turvameestega" pildil :D:D Tarantino ja PhotoShop :P -
Tonuonu, see viimane on päris lahe juhtum. Peaks äkki mingi MTÜ tegema, kes maapiirkondades tööd pakuks ja pettureid piinaks?
Vot, see lause "90-ndate keskel oli ka Eestis prominente kes Nigeeria kirjade õnge läksid".
Peale Samusenko rohkem ei teata. Ma arvan, et rohkem õngeminejaid ei ole. -
Nigeeria kirjad on Nigeeriale oma Nokia.Tegemist on tähtsuselt teisel kohal oleva välisvaluuta-allikaga peale naftaekspordi.Aastas petetakse välja 2-5 miljardit dollarit,sellest sajad miljonid
ameeriklastelt.Käive on suurem kui riigi töötleval tööstusel kokku.Need on FBI andmed. -
Kunagi oli Viasat Exploreri pealt saade kus näitas UK õnnetuid. Tüngasaanuid oli ikka päris kõvasti, hämmastav, et lihtsameelseid nii palju oli. Üks perekond oli vist mingi 5 korda järjest neile raha juurde tampinud lootuses, et asjad liiguvad. Arvasin, et nii naiivsed võisid küll ainult ida-eurooplased 90-te alguses olla aga ei.
Mul miski kauge sugulane müüs enda ja naabrinaise lehmad maha, et saaks osta kõrvarõngaste tegemiseks "materjali" mille kokkutraageldamise eest $7 per tükk lubati anda. Ma päris alguses ütlesin neile et unustage ära. Lasnamäel olid miskis putkas kõrvaklapid 13 EEK eest müüa - poole keerulisem kui plasthelmestest kõrvarõngas. Kui keegi USA firma üldse tahab siinsetele lihttööd anda siis kindlasti ei maksta selle eest üle kohaliku miinimumpalga. aga noh, inimesed ei kuulanud ja edasist pole mõtet rääkida.
Kusjuures, ma olen ilma asjasse süübimata suht kindel, et USAs tegutses kaks firmat samade omanikega. Firma A oli siis see, mis müüs plastikhelmeid ning firma B, mis neid A-lt ostis ning tööd Ida-Eurooplastele edasi andis. Kuna keegi neid mõttetuid kõrvarõngaid sellises koguses ja hinnaga ei vajanud, läks Firma B pankrotti. Firma A omanikke aga keegi dividendide saamises süüdistada ei saa, kuigi nad on samad kui B omad. -
MSM, EBSis on üks õppejõud, kes ise on Nigeerias "rahal järgi" käinud ning seetõttu isegi seal vangis istunud. Kusjiires koos ühe tuntud advokaadiga. Tema jutu järgi vähemalt oli vabaduse saabudes õngeminejaid ikka päris korralikult. Ka vägagi prominentsete tegelaste seas. Sellest ei hakka rääkimagi, et tollel ajal meil siin selliseid eriti lahedaid kelme liikus, kelle kõrval Giovanni-poiss on päris tilluke tegija... :-D
Mina igatahes hävitasin oma tuttava äkkrikastumise soovid aadressi abil. Juhtus nii, et tema poolt peetud kirjavahetus sarnanes vägagi kahtlaselt sellega, mis seal ära oli toodud. -
Üks varemalt Ühispangas kõval kohal olnud tegelane rääkis mulle loo, kuidas nad varastel üheksakümnendatel rahadega Nigeerias käisid, seal kõigest ilma jäid ja hädavaevu elusalt tagasi Eestisse jõudsid.
Nii et promisid on rohkemgi, kes nigeerlastega mehkeldanud.
Huvitav, et aeg-ajalt ilmub Times või Economistis kuulutusi, kus pakutakse mingeid Nigeeria kaevandusi erastada.. -
Veebruar on internetis levivate pettuste ennetamise kuu
Täna, 1. veebruaril algab ühekuuline enam kui 30 erinevat riiki hõlmav
kampaania, milles pööratakse avalikkuse tähelepanu segadusse ajavatele
massi-turunduse pettustele. Kampaania algatajaks on rahvusvaheline
rakendusasutuste vaheline koostöövõrgustik ICPEN (International
Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network). Eestis viib
ennetuskampaaniat ellu Tarbijakaitseamet.
Täna algava kampaania eesmärgiks on teavitada tarbijaid erinevatest
pettusskeemidest, nagu näiteks ootamatud teated loteriivõidust või
raha teenimise võimalus läbi püramiidskeemi. Kampaania ülesandeks on
anda tarbijatele teadmisi ja vajalikke oskusi pettuste äratundmiseks
ning neist teavitamiseks.
Ennetuskampaania käigus informeeritakse tarbijaid enimlevinud
pettuste liikidest, pettuste vastu võitlemise võimalustest ning enda
võimalikust kaitsmisest (turvalisem liikumine internetis). Samuti
antakse teavet selle kohta, kuhu pettusskeemi ohvriks langenu
pöörduda saab ning millised on meil ning naabermaades enim levivad
pettusskeemid. -
sellel teemal -- viimasel vajal tuleb Eesti seest ja kaugemaltki ohjeldamatult kutseid "sõprade soovitusel" liituda.
lisaks kõigile lahketele kutsujatele personaalselt vastamisele hoiataks ka siin, et tegu scamiga, mille eesmärk ilmselt MSN/hotmaili paroolide kogumine kergeusklikelt. -
Juhtusin ka seda Viasat Exploreri saadet vaatama. Pettumus oli see, et oleks ikka tahtnud näha kuidas tüüp kinni võetakse. See reporter oli liiga arg, ta ei julgenud nurga taha raha järele minna. Politseioperatsiooni oleks ju saanud julgestuseks korraldada. Palju efektsem oleks olnud filmida midagi politseikroonika sarnast kus kurjategija kaamerate ees kinni püütakse. Kas seal nurga taga oli raha või ei olnud jäi lahtiseks. Film lõppeski nii, et igaüks võis arvata mida tahab. Tekkis isegi selline mõte, et võibolla reporter sai raha kätte nigeerlaselt ja tegi filmi nagu poleks saanud.
Aah ei taha. Tuleb tsunami või sulab Lõunanaba ja ongi kõik läinud. Kõrgel Lasnamäl on turvalisem.
Seda kindlasti. Ega pakkumisena mõelnudki, lihtsalt link sarjast "Maailm on kirev"!
Krt, Eestit ei olegi - meie cluster koosneb saartest:
E10 - Oslo
E11 - Norway
E12 - Finland
E13 - Sweden
E14 - Denmark
D9 - St. Petersburg
D93 - Smolensk
E15 - Poland
Nii et seekord jääb siis ka minu puhul ost ära. Kui Eestit ei saa, siis ei taha...:)
B. -
kunagi investeeriti kõvasti sellisesse ainesse nagu "punane elavhõbe", rahvasuu rääkis , et kilo maksab kuskil 1 000 000 taala....
uurisin kunagi huvi p2rast et seda nn, punast elavh6bedat toodetakse tuumariikides vist mingi aastas kokku paar kilo.Kooliajal mingid kutid pakkusid seda lausa tonnides myya.Et pidi terve rongieshelon venemaalt tulema>:)
Kahju et sa TNT alles nyyd mulle kilohinna paljastasid.Oleksin praegu rikas sell.:) -
Mul on üks tuttav härras- ja ärimees, kes olevat mingitelt sahker-mahker meestelt 90ndate alguses seda kraami "nalja pärast" ka ostnud - rublade eest ja odavalt (tegemist on reaalteadustes teaduslikku kraadi omava tegelasega, kes oli mainitud aine olemusega piisavalt kursis). All bids welcome! Samas müüa Jimmy Hoffa laiba asukoha kaart ning Roswellis alla kukkunud humanoidi surnukeha. ;-)
Kumb kallim on, kas Hoffa või Roswelli humanoid?
Pakun et Hoffa. Keda see humanoid ikka kotib, ammu kõik võimalikud visualisatsioonid sel teemal ära leierdatud, aga Hoffale saaks enampakkumise korraldada kus siis teamsterid ja mitu erinevat "perekonda" omavahel võistu pakuksid. -
Huvitav kui palju on venelased teeninud oma Russian Fraudiga.
Näiteks puidumeeste hulgas liigub kogu aeg mingisuguseid "suurte koguste pakkumisi na dolgosrotshnoi osnove, DAF Eesti piir" ja saladuskatte all teatatakse juurde, et kõige selle taga on tuttav kuberner.
Enam-vähem samasuguseid kirju olen näinud nafta, väetiste ja alumiiniumi kohta.
Nende kirjade peale on vähemalt viisteist aastat hordide kaupa mehi mööda venemaad palgihunnikuid ja metsa vaatamas käinud ning kindlasti ka ettemaksu maksnud.
Aga palki njeetu :) -
Ma ühele sellisele kirjale vastasin, et oleks äärmiselt huvitatud sellest skeemist. Algatuseks palusin aga kulude katteks mõned miljonid saata, et avada arveid, maksta altkäemakse jne. Kirja lõpus palusin viisakalt mitte tülitada enam ja minna iseennast läbi tõmbama (f... yourselfes)
Selle peale ennäe imet tuli vastus: "Go and f... your mother! I hate guys like you!"
Selline lugu siis, juba pika aega polegi tuld miskit sellist kuni eilseni, kus üks murjam tahaks oma surnud isa teemandeid rahaks teha:P -
Vaene suvalise Aafrika riigi diktaatori nõbu, kes kunagi peaks tõesti tahtma näiteks oma perekonna $40 000 000 riigist välja toimetada ja tõepoolest vajab selleks välismaiseid abilisi. Küll kutt võib hämmastunud olla, kus läänes ollakse rikkad, et $4 000 000 nimel ei viitsita lillegi liigutada ja terve kari rahavastaseid sõimab ja mõnitab teda. Tulevikus hakkab mustal mandril levima kõnekäänd stiilis "it's tough to be an african dictator."
Mobutu Sese-Sekol vedas ses mõttes, et tema jõudis oma mõned miljardid dollarid shveitsi viia kui Aafrika diktaatoreid veel usaldada sai. Nüüd ta küll surnud, aga eks keegi ikka sellest numbriarvest kasu saab.
My Dear,
With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this
letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising for you to receive this
proposal from me since you do not know me personally.
However,I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$423M, which I seek
your partnership in accommodating for me. You will be rewarded with 40% of
the total sum for your
partnership. Can you be my partner on this?
I am Ms. KIMAEVA LIOUDMILA, personal secretary to Mikhail Khodorkovsky the
richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies: Chairman CEO:
YUKOS OIL (Russian Most
Largest Oil Company) Chairman CEO: Menatep SBP Bank (A well reputable
institution with its branches all over the world)
The documents of the above funds in question was handed over to me to be
used in payment of an American oil merchant for his last oil deal with my
boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Already the funds have been deposited with TRESURY SERVICES EUROPE ,where
the final crediting is expected to be carried out. While I was on the
process, My Boss got arrested for
his involvement in politics in financing the leading opposing political
parties (the Union of Right Forces, led by Boris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a
liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky) which poses treat
to President Vladimir Putin second tenure as Russian
president. You can catch more of the story on this
All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above quoted sum
and I will arrange for the documentation which will enable TRESURY SERVICES
EUROPE transfer the sum
to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to American continent
and never to be connected to any of Mikhail Khodorkovsky conglomerates. The
transaction has to be concluded in 2 weeks As soon as I get your willingness
to comply through my most private email
address ( I will give you more details.
Thank you very much
Vaadates kirja üldist stiili on autor ikkagi pärit mõnest Aafrika riigist nagu enamus neist. Samas, nii Aafrika mustanahalistel kui venelastel on mõlemal väga iseloomulik aksent kui nad inglise keeles räägivad, seda peaks oskama eristada ka suvaline USA taksojuht.
Keegi võiks vastata talle ja teha ettepanek edaspidi vene keeles suhelda. -
Ma tean et ma olen ketser ja ebapatriootlik, aga kas keegi oskab seletada, KUST TULEB RAHA!? Pikalt ja detailselt on juttu aktsiate märkimisest ja optsioonidest ja shashamashast, aga sellest kust kohast raha tuleb, ei piiksugi. Eesti oma "nigeeria kiri". -
AS BlingBling
Yo! Kui märgid AS BlingBling aktsiaid, ei pea kunagi enam bling-blingi pärast muretsema. Foshizzle my nizzle! Mingi bizzle köhib, et sa pole õige ülemise riiuli ketikozzle vaid mingi tavaline krazzle, siis flipid over oma bling-bling sertifikazzle'i ja näitad, kes on tõeline palaya.
AS BlingBling, kõigile kes on hiphopi mehed ja hardcore playad!
Vot umbes midagi sellist oleks tõenäoliselt samuti võimalik maha müüa, ainult teisele seltskonnale. -
Iga aasta 1000% tootlust...Pole mitte paha. Keegi minuga koori viitsib teha?
Samuti ootan pakkumisi loodava koori nime tarbeks.
B. -
Kes tahab ratsa rikkaks saada? Aga palun...
With due respect, trust and humility, I write to you
irrespective of the fact that you do not know me, but
please do consider this letter as a request from a widow
and family in dare need of assistance
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since
you don't know me personally. I am Mrs Sarah Olds,wife of
Late Mr Martin Olds,a famous zimbabwean farmer who was
murdered in a
farmland dispute in Zimbabwe.Please go through:
I got your contact through a search on the internet here in
South Africa. I do not know your person but I am relying on
faith to see me through.
During the war waged against the farmers in Zimbabwe by the
supporters and cohorts of President Robert Mugabe to claim
all the white owned farms in our country, my late husband
belonged to one of the classes of farmers also
targeted by the ZANU-PF armed group, because he did not
support their ideas and policies of taking white farmers
land by force.
Black war veterans claiming to be farmers, invaded my
husband's house on April 17, 2000 at about 8.35p in
Macheke/Virginia district and murdered him
because of his insistence that white farmers be allowed to
retain their farmlands despite the recently introduced land
reforms "Act" in Zimbabwe by the
head of state,President Robert Mugabe. Until his death he
was one of the prominent members of the Zimbabwean Farmers'
Union (ZFU).
But before my husbands death, he first escaped safely into
South Africa with his life time fortune of
US$37m(Thirty-seven Million US dollars)cash, important
documents of property title and other valuables which were
concealed and secured in a trunk box, and transported to
Johannesburg through diplomatic means. The consignment box
is currently safely lodged and secured in the vaults of a
private security firm here in Johannesburg after which he
returned to zimbabwe while he was killed. The fund was
meant for the purchase of new tractors,machinery and
agro-allied chemicals for our new farms acquired in
This land problem came when President Robert Mugabe
introduced a new land act "Modus Operandi" reform which
wholly affected the rich white farmers. A
lot of people were killed because of this land reforms
"Act" of which my late husband was one of the main targets.
My husband was solely targeted because of his support for
the white farmers.
Based on this,I had to flee the country with my two
children and my only surviving senior brother Mr
Christopher Munya.We are now in south africa as political
assylum seekers.
We decided to contact you to assist us in removing
this money my husband kept in a private security company
here in south africa to your account or any part of the
world for
investments as the monetary/investment laws here in south
africa prohibits
refugees from operating bank accounts or be involved in any
transaction/investment. Based on this, we are contacting
hoping that you will assist us with this transaction.
As a widow, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking
a genuine and an honest person who will assist us in
investing this money in a highly profit
yeilding ventures without the knowledge of my
country(Zimbabwe) government who are bent on taking
everything my late husband had after confiscating all his
farmlands and investments in Zimbabwe . We are
left with nothing except the money deposited in a private
security company.
In recognition of your personal executive powers and
investment opportunities that abound in your country, I
solicit for your assistance to us by moving my family money
into your country/ bank account for safekeeping pending our
future arrival for investments in your country.
The family has resolved to adequately offer a share of of
15% of the money to you for your involvement and assistance
to our family in moving the entire
money out of South Africa.
Please contact me through my e-mail address indicated above
or below if this proposal is of interest to you or call my
brother Mr Christopher Munya on telephone
number+27-829-708343..while I implore you to maintain
absolute confidentiality required in this transaction. If
not, then I humbly apologise for this infringement on your
Mrs Sarah Olds. -
Kui veel leidub inimesi, kes kohustusliku kirjanduse valdkonda kuuluvat Boiler Roomi ei ole näinud, siis täna õhtul pakub TV3 selle võimaluse.
They that take the sword shall perish with the sword Alustuseks lugege näiteks lugu prints Soki Mobutust, kes tõmmati enese tahtmata USA räppmuusikatööstusesse...
Sellise kirja sain :-p Spämmina!
Montana Oil and Gas, Inc.(MOGI) To Explore further opportunities in
Alberta Canada, is an energy deve|oper in Canada's most high|y coveted
Aggressive investors and traders may want to watch Montana Oi| and Gas
(MOGI) again this morning! Montana Oil and Gas Inc. (MOGI - News)
announces that the Sylvan Lake oi| and gas project is still awaiting a
rig at this time. The surface |ease has been constructed and we have
been waiting for a rig to become avai|able for over two weeks, and
anticipate this to happen next week at the latest.
The Company has a 25% working interest in the Sy|van Lake project.
Symbol - MOGI
Price - $.43
Reasons to conside MOGI:
1. Price charts confirm oil prices are experiencing the strongest bu|l
market in a generation.
2. Natural Gas prices have trip|ed in the |ast two years.
3. With mu|tiple projects in high-gear and the expanding production on
reserves potentia|ly worth mu|ti-mil|ions, MOGI is selling for less
than 1/4 the va|ue of its assets.
4. Montana Oi| and Gas specializes in using new technology to turn
unproductive oi| and gas deposits into profitable enterprises. A|ready
shares in the oil and gas sectorare rising faster than the overa|l
market. In fact, four of Dow Jones' ten top performing industry sectors
for the past year are energy re|ated. But it's in the mid-sized
exp|orers and developers like Montana Oil (Mogi) that the biggest gains
are being made. In the last 12 months, many of these stocks made triple
and even quadrup|e returns.
VANCOUVER, British Co|umbia, March 30, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Montana Oil
and Gas, Inc., (Pink Sheets: MOGI) President Peter Sanders is p|ease to
announce the fo||owing update on its Sy|van Lake project.
After several delays due to unseasonab|e weather and road c|osures in
the Province of A|berta, the contracted dri||ing rig was moved onto
over the weekend and Ensign Drilling has spudded the 5-3-38-3 W5M well
nd are current|y dri|ling at 1,250 feet. Surface casing wi|l be run to
930 feet. The dri|ling rig is known as a te|escopic double and is rated
to drill to 1O,0O0 feet in depth. Dri||ing operations are expected to
be suspended shortly for a few weeks as the County may impose a
on heavy vehicles using secondary highways and roads during spring
as heavy vehic|es may cause severe road damage. This is an annual
which occurs in most of Centra| and Northern Canada when the frost,
may be severa| feet thick comes out of the ground. Dri|ling operations
a large rig such as the Sylvan Lake wel| requires service by heavy
such as mud, water, cement and vacuum trucks which wi|l be prohibited
using the roads during this period of time. Peter Sanders notes,
§The road bans that have been taking p|ace a|l over A|berta happen
every year
and in the spring is no surprise, al| oi| and gas companies are
effected by
breakup, the good thing is, is that we have the rig on site, which wi||
remain there unti| we are finished dri||ing, surface casing has been
completed and we wi|l be ready to finish dri||ing the minute the road
bans are lifted".
The Sy|van Lake Prospect is a we|| defined 3-D seismic structura| high
within a preserved Pekisko remnant is|and that may have virgin
with similar production potentia| as the adjacent N Poo| where 6 wel|s
produced 68O,O0O barre|s oil since 1997. In overa|l, the Sylvan Field
produced 40 mil|ion barre|s of oil from the Pekisko formation and 50
cubic feet of gas from the Shunda formation.
Ensign Dril|ing wil| test a total of 3O feet from several zones in the
formation at 7,155 feet and a 3O-foot Pekisko oil formation at 7,320
When drilling resumes, the ho|e is planned to reach a tota| depth of
7,57O feet,
which may take some 10 days to then complete dri|ling and testing.
Each deve|opment we|| has probable production of 15O barre|s of oi| per
and 75O?thousand cubic feet gas per day with reserves in excess of 1
cubic feet gas and 300,0O0 barrels of oil. There are four other pay
zones that
are prospective for gas. The average we|l in the Sylvan Lake Fie|d has
500 barre|s of oil per day and/or over one mi|lion cubic feet of gas
per day.
If successful, the company intends to dril| up to 4 more we|ls on these
sections. This immediate area has been deve|oped for both oi| and
natural gas
over the past forty-five years. Accordingly a multitude of gas
gathering and
processing facilities and oi| transportation facilities have been
For more detailed information on this project p|ease see news release
Feb. 7th, 20O5.
Good Luck and Successfu| Trading. -
See Karumõmmi postitatud kiri paistab suhteliselt laia levikuga olevat, sain ka ise miski kümmekond samasisulist kirja.
sain sellise kirja paar päeva tagasi
Inheritance Claim(Urgent And Confidential)
Dear Friend,
This is after proper consideration that e-mail correspondence may be the best medium to contact you. There is this contract payment of Thirty Eight Million Dollars (US$18,000,000) which is due for payment in favor of a German farmer and a major contractor in my ministry-Mr.
Wolfgan Schinister, a contractor with my ministry, Nigerian National petroleum corporation (NNPC), he executed the contract of pipeline renovation in the sector of Oil & Gas.The payment exercise is presently going on at the moment and tremendous efforts have been made to inform the beneficiary Mr.Schinister about the on going payment exercise to no avail. Rather reports reaching us following series of inquiries so far to keep Mr. Schinister posted regarding the on going payment exercise disclosed that the honorable Contractor was among victims of recent plane crash in gonnez-France that left 193 passengers on board
dead owing to skeletal information available.
However, I urge you to please present yourself and stand as a distant relation to the deceased contractor in order to receive the contract entitlement as the next of kin to the bonafide-beneficiary-Mr Schinister hence, the contract review committee has resolved to revert the funds to national purse in favor of the Ministry as soon as the payment exercise is over.
Consequently, please understand that this solicitation of your kind gesture in claiming the contract payment as the beneficiary's next of kin is to enable two of us share the money after the business has been completed successfully. Be informed that every required modality that
will enable the actualization of this business transaction has being setting motion using my contacts, Connections and Goodwill to ensure that the money will be successfully paid to you. Upon my receipt of your response confirming your willingness to assist me actualized this dream, I will commence the processing of vital documentation that will
proof pose you as the beneficiary. I am willing to give you 40% of the total money as your share of the business, while 10% as miscellaneous. For further details/clarification. you are advised to reply immediately via my private
to enable me ascertain your accordance with this arrangement.
Mr Foster Williams
vastasin f... you
ja sain vastuse
Subject: Attend With Seriousness!
Dear Friend
Thank you for your reply.I did not understand what you mean.But if it may interest you to know that your choice in this transaction is not accidental.It is inspired by God.I got your name and five others from an internet directory,in my search for a reliable and reputable individual who will assist in claiming the said funds.It should also be strongly noted that this transaction should not be viewed as cheap and as a result must be attended with seriousness.If you follow my instructions and directives this transaction is not expected to last more than 7 bank working days as i assure you 100% risk free involvement and legitimate.If you wish to call me my telephione number is +234-8043368578 for ore conversation.In the actual fact the $18,000,000 usd will be packged as consignment via diplomatic means.The diplomats will bring the $18,000,000 usd as consignment to your country.So confirm to me your rediness and seriuosness in this project so that we can finalize on this arranegements regarding the diplomats movement in bringing the $18,000,000 usd as consignment to your country.
I await your urgent reply.
Williams -
Montana Oil & Gas co. spamist niipalju, et Montana Oil & Gas on täitsa turgudel kaubeldav, mitte küll MOGI vaid MOGI.PK.
Sarnase sisuga maile liigub päris palju viimasel ajal. Tundub, et teatud seltskond tahab kuidagi aktsiaid üles haipida ja ise kiirelt mingil hetkel väljuda!??!?!?!?! -
Thirty Eight Million Dollars (US$18,000,000)
viimasel hetkel tõmmati summat paarkend milli alla enne postitamist... :) -
Gateway Access Solutions, Inc [GWYA]
Gateway Access Solutions, Inc. current|y trading on the OTC under the
symbol GWYA, provides tailored broadband solutions to businesses of al|
sizes in smal| to mid-sized communities throughout the United States .
These underserved markets represent bil|ions of dO||ars in annua|
revenues for those companies current|y "ro|ling out" their proprietary and
licensed markets. Gateway Access So|utions is headquartered in Carson
City , Nv
Is This Company the Next SPRINT? Judge for Yourse|f.
Robert Cranda|| and Char|es Jackson, in their study, "The $50O Billion
OppOrtunity", computed that the benefit of broadband to the national
GDP, once ful|y dep|oyed, amounts to between $37O and $5OO bil|ion
annual|y. Another study by the Yankee GrOup predicts a $233 annua| cost
savings from hi-speed services a|one. This is an al| pervasive technology
that wi|l affect nearly every aspect common to our dai|y lives.
An unusua| Opp0rtunity exists today in the broadband access industry.
The cost of deploying broadband is inverse|y proportiona| to the linear
density. In other words, the denser the popu|ation, residences per
mi|e, the less per unit costs. So, the |arge broadband providers, te|ephone
companies and cab|e television companies, focus on larger metropo|itan
GWYA¦s so|utions are designed to Offer rural businesses and heavy
broadband consumers a |eve| of performance and dependabi|ity that not only
meets metropolitan standards for wire-based broadband, but exceeds
those benchmarks. Moreover, the system's low costs of deployment,
maintenance and servicing enable pricing that is both competitive and flexible,
rapidly generating ROI for both subscribers and the Company.
So the first market 0ppOrtunity is defined by geography. Sma|l to
mid-sized markets have been left under-served or even unserved and present a
market Opp0rtunity for smal|er operators.
The second market 0pp0rtunity is defined by technology - acquiring
regiona| monopolies emp|oying FCC |icensed radio frequencies (RF) for
wire|ess broadband deployment. Using these licensed frequencies and wireless
deployment, broadband can be de|ivered at significantly |ower costs and
faster deployment speeds than competing technologies, DSL or cab|e
In the metropolitan markets, the industry is stratified with high|y
specia|ized providers focusing on narrowly defined segments. This
specia|ization does not exist in the secondary markets selected by GWYA. So the
company has designed a business model around what it ca|ls
"Collaboration on Behalf of Its Customers" (CBC). Through CBC, the company offers
its subscribers access to tai|ored technology so|utions. It expects this
strategy to deliver on two |evels.
1) Long-term revenue growth depends on the continual se||s of
value-added app|ications which ride on top of high-speed access,
2) Maintaining long-term re|ationships with its business subscribers is
the key to competitive advantage and customer |oyalty and retention.
P Speeds are considerably higher than competitors
P Speeds are symmetrica|
P Highly secure
P Broadband on demand
P More re|iab|e - |ess static and interference than competing
The Company's strategy has already produced the desired resu|ts in its
ear|y stage, with acquisitions of several proprietary frequencies in
key MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Area), executing on its first |arge,
|ong-term anchor contract, and bui|ding out an infrastructure that wi||
open service areas to a substantial subscriber base.
This is possible within a very short time period and at very |ow
investment levels due to the technology. The core infrastructure necessary
for entry into a MSA is only a sma|l fraction of that of competing
technologies. Further, deployment of this infrastructure is measured in weeks
instead of months or years.
And most important|y, wire|ess broadband technologies al|ow deployment
on an as-demanded basis. Large capita| outlays for infrastructure are
not required. Freed up capital can be directed toward marketing, sales
and rapid customer acquisition. This time-to-market is a competitive
advantage that cannot be matched by the cable companies and Telco¦s
competing in these secondary markets.
The advantages of their tailored, wireless broadband solutions are
perfect|y matched with demand within rural markets. To fully appreciate
this symbiotic re|ationship, one needs on|y compare the business
environment faced by this company to the barriers faced by large telephone
carriers, sate|lite services and cable providers. Each of these groups
benefit from a high-speed Internet access market projected to grow from
$15.6 bi||ion in 20O3 to $28 bil|ion in 20O6.
Gateway Access So|utions is seizing an exciting 0pp0rtunity. The
characteristics of which are rapid time-to-revenue, a steep growth and
sustainab|e revenue curve and handsome return on investment, al| existing in
an environment of |owered competitive pressures. Here is where this
0ppo0rtunity exists.
We exist in a wor|dwide networked marketp|ace with no lack of demand
for digita| techno|ogies. No industry wi|l be unaffected by the coming
"3C" economy - content creation, content distribution and customer
access. Bui|ding a hi-speed network, forming a connected marketp|ace, is the
first step in exp|oiting the pentup demand for advanced consumer
equipment, inte|ligent devices, bandwidth-intensive app|ications, services
and content.
The continued fragmentation of U.S. businesses into countless smaller
locations is changing their IT needs, creating un|imited new
opportunities for providers such as Gateway Access So|utions to Offer solutions to
the challenges of a high|y mobile work force.
To remain competitive, companies of every size and shape, from large
cong|omerates to sma|| h0me-based businesses, are finding it imperative
to imp|ement the latest techno|ogies.
The Company¦s ear|y targets in a market start with the larger
subscriber and proceed to the sma|lest user - residential. In order of size and
desirability are hospita|s, c|inics, medica| offices, co||eges and
universities, government agencies, smal| to medium-sized businesses, SOHO
customers, and telecommuters, with the secondary target market focused
on residentia| customers.
Why Invest in Gateway Access So|utions? Look at the Market!
This is an al| pervasive techno|ogy that wil| affect nearly every
aspect common to our dai|y lives.
The system's low costs of dep|oyment, maintenance and servicing enab|e
pricing that is both competitive and f|exib|e, rapid|y generating ROI
for both subscribers and the Company.
The Company's strategy has already produced the desired resu|ts in its
ear|y stage, with acquisitions of severa| proprietary frequencies in
key MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Area), executing on its first large,
long-term anchor contract, and building out an infrastructure that will
open service areas to a substantia| subscriber base.
Why Wil| Gateway Access Solutions be Successful?
The advantages of their tailored, wireless broadband solutions are
perfect|y matched with demand within rural markets.
Wireless broadband technologies 0ffer |ower costs and quicker
deployment times, having no trenches to dig, no cable to bury and no |eased line
charges from te|ephone companies. Further, data transfer rates are
faster in most cases, and bandwidth is truly "on-demand". Bandwidth is
scalab|e and burstab|e.
Penny stocks are considered high|y specu|ative and may be unsuitable
for al| but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way
affi|iated with the featured company. We were compensated 300O d0l|ars
to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and
advertising purposes on|y and should not be used as investment advice.