Eesti Energia tuleb turule interneti ja telefoniteenuste pakkumisega... - Free topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Eesti Energia tuleb turule interneti ja telefoniteenuste pakkumisega...

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  • Mida prognoosite Telekomile ja kõige enam Starmanile kes ka fixi üritab müüa.
  • Las kõigepealt tulevad turule. Testimisest valmistooteni on pikk maa minna.
  • Nad võiks kõigepealt parem börsile tulla.
  • Jutust kumas läbi, et tegemist suhteliselt kallima lahendusega, mille sihtgrupp võiks pigem olla uusrajoonide eramud, kuhu Starmanil kindlasti asja pole ja ehk ka Elion pole asjast huvitatud. Küll võib seal probleemisk osutuda Wimax lahendustega konkureerimine.
    Sellisel juhul jääb mõju minimaalseks. Lisaks muidugi see, et el.pistikust on netti lubatud juba oma 5-6 aastat, seni pole ikka midagi.
  • Sellest oli juttu ka mõni aasta tagasi. Siis arvati, et tulevikku sellel ei ole kuna liinides pidi olema väga palju häireid (eriti lõpptarbijani minevates) mis nõuab lisaseadmeid ja -investeeringuid. Kokkuvõttes pidi olema väga kallis lõbu ja tulemus kesine.
    Vaevalt praegu olukord muutunud on.
  • Oot-oot, kelle raha eest nad seda süsteemi arendavad ja samas tõstavad elektrihinda?
  • EE arendab ja tõstab hinda sõltumata sellest, kas nad pakuvad oma infra peal andmesideteenust. Samas kui andmesideteenus sunnib neid investeerima ülekandevõrgu kvaliteeti, siis on see ju tervitatav. Seniks kuni nad reaalsete pakettidega turule ei tule ja ka reaalset konkurentis paku, on see kõik PR-trikk ja jahu ajalehtede möldritele.
  • järsku kaabelTV ronib ka elektivõrku? Vesi starmani veskile. :P
  • ja Tallinna vesi hakkab veetorust internetti ja solgitorust Pimp TV-d saatma
  • Liiguvad kuuldused Saku koostööst Tallinna Veega...

  • Michael Murphy (New World Investor):

    „Broadband Over Power Lines Could Ultimately Replace DSL and Wireless”

    "This breakthrough 120-year-old technology not only will turn every single electrical outlet in the world into a high-speed Internet connection...
    ...but could ultimately make DSL and wireless obsolete. Here's why."

  • Kel asja vastu huvi, siis siin on Michael Murphy natuke pikem selgitus:

    Today, this "new" 120-year-old technology is not only on the verge of supplanting DSL, cable, and wireless, but it is also joining the long history of advancing communication technologies that you now take for granted.
    Mark my words--if you buy into the AT&T hype, you are going to get burned.
    However, if you can take advantage of this MegaShift now, you could reap almost-obscene profits as the world rushes to adopt this breakthrough technology.

    Why Broadband Over Power Lines Could Ultimately Replace DSL and Wireless?

    I'm not going to proclaim that the era of cable, DSL, or wireless broadband technologies is dead. That would be foolish. But if you'll take a few minutes to hear me out, I'll explain why today's high-speed technologies could not only go the way of the videocassette but take the telecoms with them.
    How so?
    Through a technological breakthrough called "broadband over power lines" (BPL). Simply put, BPL uses today's power lines to send data and voice communications.
    As a result of this innovation, every single electrical outlet in the world can not only become an Internet connection, but one that's twice as fast as cable and 10 times faster than DSL.
    Do you realize what this means?
    This one technology not only puts the utilities in head-to-head competition with the cable and phone companies, but it also has a massive cost advantage since the utilities don't have to invest a stinking dime in infrastructure or franchise fees.
    Let me repeat that. Because of this quantum breakthrough, they don't have to build new transmission lines or even rewire people's homes to offer high-speed broadband data or video content to their customers.
    Without getting too technical, all the utilities need to do is send a simple carrier wave down the power lines to give their customers broadband access that's two times faster than cable and 10 times faster than DSL--all by simply plugging a receiver into a wall socket.
    And I mean any wall socket!
    As a result, this BPL technology not only gives consumers more than half a dozen Internet access points in every room in every home, apartment, hotel, and commercial building, but also offers utility companies a major new source of revenue without the cost of building any infrastructure.
    So unlike the cable and telephone companies that need to string a cable or phone line to your house to give you Internet access, the utilities can offer you better service without the hassle or expense.
    In a world where you have to plug into a wall socket for electricity, a phone line for telephone communications, a DSL or cable line for Internet access, and a cable line for TV programming, BPL changes everything--and the repercussions are going to be dramatic.
    That's true not just for cable companies and telephone companies that derive their incomes from high-speed broadband communications and video, but also for utility companies, which will soon be able to offer the fastest and most convenient Internet access in the world.
    And it's all because BPL technology gives the utilities the opportunity to bundle electricity, broadband, and communications into one connection that's already been prewired around the world.

    When this company's pioneering technology is rolled out nationally, you could see its share price explode from under $5 to $15 this year, and on to $30 in as little as 36 months.
    That's a huge claim, I know.
    But not when you think of how this one technology, using existing electrical wiring to deliver high-quality Internet and other data services, could change the landscape of the communications industry forever.
    Just think for a moment about what it would be like to use any wall socket in your house not just for power, but also for broadcast-quality TV programming, Internet access, and telephone communications. Then you'll begin to see the opportunity that's at hand.
    No more cable connections. No more separate Internet connections or phone connections. No more unreliable wireless connections. Just plug in and get everything--direct to you from your utility provider!
    Why do you think laptops outsell desktop computers by more than two to one? You simply get everything in one compact package: monitor, computer, speakers, Internet connection--all in one portable, easy-to-use device.
    Only this new bundle of communication services will one day give you high-speed Internet that's not only twice as fast as cable, but also comes with broadband video, telephone, and, of course, POWER!
    And that's just the beginning.
    When BPL is rolled out within the next few years, it will only be a matter of time before you are able to videoconference from the comfort of your living room by simply plugging into an electrical outlet.
    It's hard to overstate the impact that this breakthrough technology will have on the communications industry--or what the world will look like in the years ahead--as it offers convenient, secure, and reliable broadband Internet access from virtually any ordinary electrical outlet.
    It gets better: This breakthrough technology will be rolled out in China in the next five years. Can you imagine the kind of money that will be made? Think of a billion Chinese citizens gaining Internet access by simply plugging into wall sockets in their homes!

  • Michael Murphy:

    In all my years following the big technology trends, I've never seen a bigger ground-floor opportunity than I do today in Broadband over Power Lines.

    This Company's Quarterly Revenue has not only Exploded by 683%, but is also Insanely Undervalued at just $4 a Share

    Thankfully, it's virtually unknown to most investors. However, the big money has started investing. Barclays, Vanguard, and Mellon Financial have already invested millions.

    Even Donald Trump has taken a major position...
    But The Donald doesn't own shares in the company. He's purchased the company's BPL equipment to outfit his Trump Place. And he's not alone.
    Over the past two years, the company has slowly and quietly been installing its equipment in a number of major hotels around the United States. If you've traveled to a Quality Inn, Comfort Inn, Sandman, Holiday Inn Express, InSeason, Clarion Inn & Suites, or The Helmsley Middletowne, there's a chance that you've already used its system for broadband Internet access.
    When you consider that this one market segment was enough to catapult the company's quarterly revenues 683%, you can begin to see the profit opportunity in the making, as the company's patent-proven BPL moves from business to home use.

    This company recently got an important patent on its technology that connects buildings to BPL-enabled power lines. When the word gets out, you will be sure to see this stock price soar as throngs of investors--and utility companies--beat a path to this company's door, and its unique position could give it Microsoft-like status in the new field.

    With 70% of the 203 million Internet users in America still using low-speed dial-up connections, you had better believe Broadband over Power Lines will not only attract throngs of new customers in the months and years ahead, but also seriously cut into the market share of the cable and phone companies.
    After all, it offers cheaper, faster, and more convenient high-speed Internet, video, and data services--all accessed through an existing wall socket.
  • tjah. sellele oodile jääb üle vaid täpsustuseks lisada, et lisaseadmeid vajatakse igasse viimasesse kui alajaama ja trafopunkti mis jääb tarbija ja tootja vahele. nii, et pole see lugu nii odav ja kiire teha ühtigi.

    teiseks - väide, et wireless on seejärel obsolete on pehmelt öeldes nõrk. ma eelistaks metsatalus internetti omada just raadiolainete kaudu mitte mingite kokkusärtsuvate traadikeste abil, mille esimene torm või traktorist maha võtta võivad.
  • seemik, mitu, pehmelt öeldes, miljonit sellist metsatalu sa maailmast leiad ja milline, pehmelt öeldes, megapap selliste talude internetiühenduste pakkumistel ka ringleb? Ja kuidas sa seal metsatalus seda netti kasutad, kui, pehmelt öeldes, elektrit ei ole?
  • priitp,

    pehmelt öeldes on meerikamaal selliseid 'viimase miili' talupidamisi päris mitu miljonit. küsimus polnud megapapis vaid mr. Murphy väites, et wireless muutub ülearuseks.

    ja sellistes majapidamistes on, pehmelt öeldes, igasugu tuule-, diisli- jm. generaatorid ja päikesepaneelid. aga kuidas nendega netti genereerida, seda vist keegi veel ei tea.

    seda elektripistikust neti saamist on vähemalt 10 aastat jahutud, pole nagu märganud eriti kiiret ja laialdast levikut?

  • Firma nimi ka, millest oli juttu mu eelmises komm'is:

    Telkonet Inc. (TKO) is the world’s leading pioneer of BPL (broadband over power lines) technology, and like its abbreviation, TKO is going to provide knockout profits to early investors.
  • Ma võin korrata oma 04/04/06 10:27 kirjutatud kommentaari: seoses traadita võrkude populaarsuse (madalad seadmehinnad, paranev leviala/kiirus) pole üle elektriliinide eriti tasuv seda teenust pakkuda - võib-olla kohtades, kus raadiosagedused on kuhjaga täis või linnadevahelise võrgu toimetamiseks veel kuidagi, aga eratarbijale see vaevalt taskukohaseks saab.

    Unistada ju võib, et lükkad läpakal juhtme seina ja korraga on olemas nii vool kui internet :-)

  • Thanks, trumm!
    Küsin veel, et kas oskad kommenteerida ka järgmist lõiku:

    "Over the past two years, the company has slowly and quietly been installing its equipment in a number of major hotels around the United States. If you've traveled to a Quality Inn, Comfort Inn, Sandman, Holiday Inn Express, InSeason, Clarion Inn & Suites, or The Helmsley Middletowne, there's a chance that you've already used its system for broadband Internet access."

    Mis võiksid olla need põhjused, miks nimetatud hotellid omale vastavaid seadmeid installivad?
  • Süsteem on kulukas ja keeruline. Otstarbekas seal, kuhu oleks interneti paigaldus kaabli vms kaudu veel kulukam - suured objektid nt hotellid, ühiskondlikud hooned jms. Jaetarbijale ei ole suudetud seni tasuvalt teenust pakkuda.

  • ÄP Online kirjutab:

    EPL: Keila lasteaeda tuleb internet elektrijuhtmetest
    Ülo Toomsalu
    10.08.2006 07:33
    Loe kommentaare (0)
    Keila Vikerkaare lasteaia igast pistikupesast tuleb nüüd lisaks elektrile ka internet.

    Keila Vikerkaare lasteaed on esimene koht pärast Eesti Energia Televõrgu kontorit, kus katsetatakse interneti levikut läbi elektrivõrgu, kirjutab Eesti Päevaleht.

    Lasteaia majandusjuhataja Katrin Noodapera sõnul sai lasteaed suurema hulga arvuteid, mistõttu plaaniti luua ka internetiühendus.

    ASi Televõrk juhataja Urmas Aiaste sõnul ongi internetiühendus koos elektrivooluga praeguste tehniliste võimaluste puhul mõeldav eelkõige lasteaedades ja koolides. Ta nimetas ka muinsuskaitsealuseid maju, kuhu ei saakski liiga palju kaableid ja juhtmeid vedada.

    Aiaste sõnul on elektrikaableis leviv internetiühendus kiiruse ja muude näitude poolest võrdne teistmoodi levivaga. "Ainus piirav tegur on see, et elektrialajaam ei tohi lasteaiast või koolist liiga kaugel asuda - praegu võib vahemaa olla kõige enam 200-300 meetrit," ütles Aiaste.

    Alajaam on seejuures tähtsaim koht, sest seal asuvad internetti vastu võtvad ja elektrikaablisse suunavad seadmed.

    Andmesidespetsialist Armin Kask selgitas, et lasteaia elektrikilbis on väike võimendi, et internetisignaal leviks kogu lasteaias võrdselt hästi.

    Kui Vikerkaare lasteaias on katse õnnestunud ja internet töötab tõrgeteta kõigis ruumides, võetakse ette järgmine sobiv koht.

  • "metasatalus" on suured puud ümebrringi, seega traadita internett ei levi seal.

    aga ma usun et veel paar aastat ja saate "interneti" holo-diskil endale koju kaasa võtta.
  • Eesti Energial võib olla väga hea võimalus end internetiturule sisse süüa

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