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  • di.se teatab et Põhja-Koreea on avanud Interneti-poe. Kaupadega saab tutvuda siit: siit

  • Selle aparaadiga võiks meie kinnisvarategelasi ravida :D
  • A portable semiconductor laser curer is designed for the treatment of stenocardia, hypertension, diabetes, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral haemorrhage, schizophrenia, bronchial asthma and canker with the help of laser beams.
    - Technical specifications
    1. Wave length of laser: 650 nm
    2. Max. output of laser: 5 mW
    3. Power: AAA 1.2 V x 4
    4. Charging voltage: 100-220 V

    - Manual
    1. Press the “power” button. The LED lamp is turned on the indicator “30 minutes”.
    2. Press the “output” button and select “3 mW, 4 or 5 mW” for treatment.
    3. Widen a nostril with pincers and put laser generator capped with laser head into the nasal cavity.
    4. Press the “start” button, then the “operation” light is on and red rays are emitted from generator.
    5. The curer makes a long beep after 15 minutes, then you take it out and put it into the other nasal cavity. The curer makes a long beep after another 15 minutes and the power is automatically turned off.
    6. Remove the laser head and clean it with cotton soaked with 70% alcohol.
  • "North Korea is set to make an "important announcement" on Monday amid speculation over the health of its leader Kim Jong-Il, a Japanese newspaper has reported."
  • Väga huvitav blog/uudisteportaal seestpoolt Põhja-Koreeast. Inimesed kes elavad Hiinaga piirilähedastel aladel helistavad ja raporteerivad.
  • Kuidagi raske uskuda, et Kim Jong Nam-ist (Kim Jong Il vanim poeg) saaks järgmine Põhja-Koreea riigijuht:
  • How Kim Jong-il's Firstborn Fell from Grace
  • Kim Jong-il Enhances Relative's Role
  • Kim Jong Il - viimased pildid:

    KCTV (The First Session of 12th SPA of DPRK
  • Pyongyang Kids Learn the New Song

    By Shin Joo Hyun
    [2009-05-21 16:15 ]
    In Pyongyang elementary schools, teachers have been teaching their students ¡°The Song of General Kim Jong Woon.¡±

    A Japanese source released a rumor to Daily NK on Thursday, ¡°On the 6th, in a few elementary schools in Pyongyang, students learned ¡®The Song of General Kim Jong Woon.¡¯ The lyrics contain such mainstays of idolization as ¡®gallant steps¡¯ and ¡®the General of Mt. Baekdu.¡¯

    The source reported, ¡°Students said that they had to memorize the song, otherwise teachers wouldn¡¯t let them go home. In Pyongyang schools, the authorities have been trying to arouse an atmosphere of succession.¡±

    He added, ¡°Teaching his song in schools is the same as confirming him as the successor.¡±

    According to the source, a new army slogan, ¡°Let¡¯s escort the Morning Star General, heir to the lineage of Mt. Beakdu, the Young General, and General Kim Jong Woon with one heart,¡± has spread.

    Although Kim Jong Woon¡¯s real age is 26, in lectures it is taught that he is 34 to 36 years old.

    The source explained, ¡°It is no longer a secret; general residents say overtly that Kim Jong Woon is the successor, even though there have not been any instructions about the succession issue handed down from the Party to the People¡¯s Units.¡±

    He added, ¡°Officials of the Party inflate Kim Jong Woon¡¯s career, even saying that he graduated from seven universities. Then, some sarcastically remark, ¡®Was he a university student when he was crawling about on all fours?¡¯¡±
    Designate a Successor Quickly!

    By Jung Kwon Ho, Lee Sung Jin
    [2009-05-15 18:01 ]
    The Worker¡¯s Party has apparently organized a campaign mobilizing the Party cell organization to send petition letters to Kim Jong Il asking for the swift nomination of his successor.

    A source from Pyongyang released news on the 14th, ¡°A secret decree, ¡®on offering a loyal letter by the Party cells to the General (Kim Jong Il)¡¯ was handed down under the name of the Central Committee of the Party on April 9th. The contents of the loyalty letter should ask Kim Jong Il to appoint a successor quickly so that the future of the fatherland can be stabilized soon.¡±
    [2009-04-17 18:34 ]
    Changchun, China -- After Kim Jong Il conducted an onsite inspection in Yangkang Province, rumors that ¡°the General (Kim Jong Il) looked extremely unwell¡± began to circulate among cadres of the provincial Party committee and they have spread fast across the whole country in just a month.

    It is no longer a great shock for North Korean residents to learn that Kim Jong Il is ill.

    A source from Yangkang Province reported on the 14th in a telephone conversation with Daily NK, ¡°When the General visited Samjiyeon (in Yangkang Province) last month, officers of the Escort Bureau accompanied him. In most cases he did not get out of the car while looking over the sites and then left for somewhere else.¡±
  • 2korda2
    Jah, just niimoodi on spekuleeritud, et Põhja-Korea tunneb, et tuleb praegu näidata tugevust arvestades Kim Jong Il tervist, ja ebakindlust suktsessiooniga.
  • Põhja-Korea "jangmadang"id (turud) on äkki kõige parem reklaam maailmas turumajanduse jaoks.

    Over the last few years, the North Korean authorities have changed their policy on the market system many, many times in order to try and control society without provoking too much unrest. However, despite the authorities¡¯ efforts, the jangmadang has become a good place for the people to share information on domestic, or sometimes international stories, as well as to make money.
    Since the famine of the late 1990s, the state-run circulation system had been all but non-existent due to the lack of commodities. Therefore, market transactions in the jangmadang spontaneously expanded in almost every field. The authorities accepted the inevitability of jangmadang activities within the sphere of the official economy
    In October, 2005, the authorities declared a ¡°reversion to the national food distribution system¡± and banned people from trading in food, a regulation which is still technically in force. In December, 2006, they prohibited men older than 17 from trading, and in October of the following year they banned women under 49 from doing the same.
    Eventually, in late-2008, the North Korean authorities had had enough. They decided to convert general markets into agricultural markets, contrary to the ineffectual 2005 ban on food trading.
    In December of the same year, the authorities made their first move, banning the people from selling Chinese industrial products in the Pyongyang jangmadang as a model for the rest of the nation. To facilitate control over such products, they had them delivered directly to Seopo Station in Pyongyang without being unloaded in Shinuiju as normal.
    Since January of this year, however, not a single market has been reformed. North Korean residents who trade with China have testified in interviews that the markets are working as normal. Previous regulatory measures have ended in failure, and this time another measure aimed at closing the jangmadang has seemingly fallen through.
    The famine of the 1990s, then, was the end result of the protracted collapse of the food distribution system.

    Thereafter, the North Korean people had to learn to survive by themselves. Many failed, but the jangmadang became an utterly indispensable tool for those who did not.
    This fundamental change had a great effect on the people¡¯s mindset. They soon began to realize that they were no longer reliant on the Leader and the Party, but on their own ability.

    Such changes inevitably raised people¡¯s reliance on the jangmadang and reduced their fear of authority, which led to vocal opposition at the merest hint of jangmadang regulation. Deferring the de facto closure of the jangmadang by six months strongly implies that people¡¯s reliance on the jangmadang was, and remains, so total that the authorities could do nothing to change it.
    By 2009, the authorities seemed to have failed completely. This is simply because a planned economy is not able to substitute for the jangmadang, and, in North Korea, even the planned economy itself has come to depend so much on the jangmadang.

    Were the jangmadang to close, then, the planned economy would be seriously affected.
    However, the North Korean authorities have not officially given up yet on plans to convert the jangmadang into simple agricultural markets, but claim to have merely delayed them yet again. Therefore, the jangmadang in July should be closely watched in order to foresee the future of North Korea¡¯s ad hoc marketization.
    A source from Shinuiju confirmed it. ¡°Many rumors of market closure have circulated, but they are working as usual,¡± the source said, ¡°Markets in Pyongsung are operating as well, so there are still many traders coming and going between Shinuiju and Pyongsung. Especially, as summer approaches, trade is increasing
    The selling of prohibited items in the jangmadang and street markets has become the target of official, systematic inspection. As a result, the livelihoods of those lower-class merchants in the cities who are scraping by on what they can make in a day have been gravely affected.

    Additionally, internal sources comment that more strongly regulating internal movements of people and cargo has added one more grievance for the citizens.

    An inside source from Pyongyang described the situation in a phone conversation with Daily NK on the 3rd, "Backpacks carried around by the citizens have become particular targets of inspection by the People's Safety Agency. The plain-clothes agents have increased the frequency of their inspections over the peddlers carrying out commercial transactions from apartments surrounding the jangmadang."

    In particular, he said, inspections by the PSA under the auspices of the No. 10 Checkpoint (a checkpoint of the National Security Agency) have been toughened. They open the luggage of the civilians and clean out their pockets. This has also raised the ire of the people."

  • Communist North Korea has embraced an eminently capitalist concept by airing on state TV what is likely to be its first beer commercial. Värvikas reklaam.
  • Huvitav, 0:44 pealt jookseb läbi tekst mis sisaldab väljendit ISO 9001. Ajupestud rahvale on konsultandid (mis maised?) suutnud kapitalismi järgi lehkava ISO serdi maha müüa? Vau.
  • Äkki oli tegelik point lauses a la "Sobib hästi juua õlleklaasist, mis on alusel, mis on trükitud värviga, mille tootmisel kasutati välismaal ISO 9001 standardit"? :)
  • Kuubal on kooperatiiviajastu, küll see Põhja-Korea ka murdub... Samas suur saab olema "kultuurikriitikute" nutt ja hala, kui maailma viimane paradiisriik ideoloogiliselt roiskuma hakkab!
  • Karum6mm,
    Kuubal küll mingit kooperatiivindust ei soodustata minu teada. Nutt ja hala ja nälg endiselt. Hiljuti keelati inimestel ka põllumajandustoodangu kauplemine omavahel. Seal peab kaks venda jalad ees võimult lahkuma enne kui midagi muutub.
  • Blink, ma pole käinud. Kavas oli, kuid siis tuli abiellumine vahele :-D Ma olen aru saanud, et nad siiski juba mõned viimased aastad ajavad kooperatiivindust - info pärineb dokumentaalfilmidest ja ajakirjadest.
  • Mõmm, aasta tagasi käisin, ei olnud veel suitsu.. kui sul peale youtube kanal, kus palju uuemaid dokumentaale näidatakse, olen loomulikult kade.
  • 12 eestlast käinud Põhja-Koreas:
  • Muide, kes ei mäletab sügavat nõuka-aega, siis mäletab ka seda, et Eesti NSV televisioonis jooksid ka erinevate kaupade reklaamid. Nende samade reklaamitud kaupade kättesaadavusega polnud reklaamil mitte mingit pistmist.
    See põhja-korea reklaam võib olla lihtsalt üks mullistus, kurioosium.
  • Vähemalt 4 eestlast maandub nädala pärast DPRK's. Vaevalt, et ainult 12 eestlast seal käinud on. Ega ainult Eesti ettevõtted reisikorraldusega ei tegele.
  • See mida nõuka ajal reklaamiti seda oli ikka üldjuhul saada ka kui mu mälu mind ei peta - limonaad, mahlad, Marati dressid, kanahakkliha,..
  • suffiks
    ei ei, lihtsalt kirjutasin lingitud artikli sisu tutvumiseks
  • Minust mööda läinud uudis, aga eelmise aasta kevadel hakati edasi ehitama ühte Põhja Korea sümbolehitist Ryugyong hotelli. 1987. aastal alustatud ning 1992. aastal seismajäänud ehitis ootas ehitajaid 16 aastat.



    Majast ka eesti keeles, võrdluseks maja kõrgus on 5 Viru hotelli kõrgust.

  • See saab siis olema ehitis, kus välismaalased jagavad kohalikele lastele P.K. nätsu ja kus salateenistus tube pealt kuulab. Ühtalsi saab seal ka valuutaga hangeldada.
  • Mario, minu issi viis mind lapsena Viru hotelli. Mis mind siiani mõtlema on pannud - kes oli see poiss, kes issi püksisäärest kinni haaras ja nätsu lunis?
  • hmh... this one is getting too weird too fast... varsti, puhk, on tal ka su aadress teada ;)
  • North Koreans in misery as cash is culled

    Põhimõtteliselt otsustas suur juht ja õpetaja, et vanad kupüürid enam ei kehti, uusi kupüüre saate piiratud koguses mõne aja pärast ja seniks on kõik poed ning teenindusettevõtted suletud. Totalitaarne ilu kogu oma hiilguses.
  • Aga vaata milline efektiivsus. Ja kusjuures toimib, lihtsalt inimestest on väga kahju.
  • Jah, isenesest õige. Muide sama toimub meil Tallinnas. Teatud erakonnas kus KORD on majas ja hääletatakse vildikate järgi ja targutamine on keelatud on juba II korda käes ainuvõim. Nagu näha, kord == saavutused.
  • Mul kah inimestest kahju, nii koreas kui Tallinnas.
  • Soovitan jälle http://www.dailynk.com/english/ mis on tõepoolest erakordne infoallikas.
  • ¡°According to the new decree, the exchange rate is still 100:1 for 100,000 won, but now the authorities will only permit people to exchange the rest of the money at 1,000:1.¡±

    As a result, if you take 200,000 won in cash to a bank, you get 1,100 won in new denomination bills. This emergency formula will do nothing other than destroy the fortunes of the people.

    Another source reported that in the jangmadang practical trading had ceased, although rice was still on sale from traders dealing in the product from home. The price of a kilogram has apparently skyrocketed to 30,000 won in old denomination bills, a 15-fold increase.
  • Teatavasti oli riisisaak väga madal käesoleval aastal, ja äkki kardetakse, et inimesed kes on kogunud raha kodus võiksid liiga palju ära osta.
  • Täiesti ulme, huvitav, miks inimesed nii teevad üldse, kellel seal riigis hea on elada - ühel psühhopaadil?
  • Pöff'il peaks sel korral jooksma ka üks PK'd käsitlev film. See on koonduslaagrid läbi teinud inimeste jutustus, kes on "toredast" riigist vaenulikku LK'sse putku suutnud panna.
    Mul tekib aga ikka ja jälle küsimus, et miks sellesse riiki "head" suurriigid demokraatiat viima ei lähe nagu Mesopotaamiasse.
  • Põhjusi selliseks rahavahetuseks võib olla mitmeid. Tuletagem kasvõi meelde NLiidu ajal toimunud rahareforme.

    Üks põhjus on kindlasti musta turu ärimeestel jalgade alt löömine. Vene ajal lõpul kuulutati samal põhjusel kahtetuks 50- ning 100-rublased kupüürid.
    Teine põhjus võib olla inflatsiooni maskeerimine. Näiteks 1961. aasta rahareformi käigus võeti rubladel üks null tagant ära ning selle varjus tõsteti hindu.
    Kolmas põhjus võib olla soov kontrollida inimesi. Nagu Lenin ütles: "Inimene peab saama isegi leivakoorukese partei käest ning olema veel tänulik, et teda ei lasta nälga surra."
  • Aga iseenesest on Põhja Korea nähtusena päris hea, sest kui tulevad kommunistid rõõmsalt oma mulli ajama siis saab nigu alati keset mulli ajamist küsida "Aaaaaaga, saan ma õieti aru, et tahate teha nii nigu Põhja Koreas ?" mille peale on tõenäoliselt kuulda natuke niutsumist.
  • Minul tekib küsimus, miks "head" suurriigid seda režiimi toidavad. Vägisi poleks ju vaja kukutada, aga las kukub ise. Saab vist päris palju toidu jms abi, tänutäheks santažeerib tuumapommiga.

    Iraan lubas ka 20 uut uraani rikastamise tehast ehitama hakata - pakun välja, et kui ta need enam-vähem valmis saab, siis ühe massiivse õhurünnakuga pühitakse nad minema. Siis võib ehitustöödega otsast pihta hakata.
  • Stallone, seal riigis on info suudetud monopoliseerida. Kujuta nüüd ette, et sa oled elanud terve elu suletud süsteemis, kus sa ei teagi, mis "väljaspool" tegelikult toimub. Meie võime siin rõõmustada, et vahtisime Breznevi surma paiku soome telekast vahest suisa ka tõde - näiteks seda, kuidas Punaarmee koos sakslastega Poola jagamise/okupeerimise puhul võidumarssi tegi vms. Seal on valdav osa populatsioonist nii ajupestud, et neile võidaks öelda, et ameeriklased tegevad näiteks laiahaardelise kannibalismiga ning nad usuks seda kirglikult.

    Kahtlustan, et ei ole "punast," kes salamisi ei unistaks sellest, et saaks vaid kõik asjad nii "ära organiseerida."
  • N Korea wages war on long hair

    North Korea has launched an intensive media assault on its latest arch enemy - the wrong haircut. A campaign exhorting men to get a
    proper short-back-and-sides has been aired by state-run Pyongyang television.
    The programme allowed men aged over 50 seven centimetres of upper hair to cover balding.
    It stressed the "negative effects" of long hair on "human intelligence development", noting that long hair "consumes a great deal of nutrition" and could thus rob the brain of energy.

    Men should get a haircut every 15 days, it recommended.

    A second, and unprecedented, TV series this winter showed hidden-camera style video of "long-haired" men in various locations throughout Pyongyang. In a break with North Korean TV's usual approach, the programme gave their names and addresses, and challenged the fashion victims directly over their appearance.

    State radio programmes such as "Dressing in accordance with our people's emotion and taste" link clothes and appearance with the wearer's "ideological and mental state". Tidy attire "is important in repelling the enemies' manoeuvres to infiltrate corrupt capitalist ideas and lifestyle and establishing the socialist lifestyle of the military-first era," the radio says.
  • ...ehh...aga kuidas naistega on? Neil on siis ajud nagu kreeka pähklid või? Ja kus on Põhja-Korea kiilakad geeniused? Järgmises Bondi-filmis või?
  • Vastus arti23'le ja Vanaemale on järgmine:

    Lõuna-Korea peallinn Seoul, millel on üle 10M elaniku, asub DPRK piirist umbes sama kaugel, kui Tallinn Paldiskist. Ehk ükskõik kelle süül või mis põhjusel aktiivne vaenutegevus taas puhkeks, oleks inimohvrite arv esimeste päevadega mõõdetav vähemalt sadades tuhandetes, võibolla aga isegi miljonites. Rääkimata räigest löögist maailma majandusele, arvestades Lõuna-Korea olulisust tootja, vahendaja ja tarbijana.
  • Well

    No enamik asju teevad nad ju täiesti õigesti.
    Info monopol - selle tarvilikkusest pole meil ilmselt tarvis rääkidagi.
    Kaubalis-rahaliste suhete oluline moonutamine. Seda mainiti juba eespool Nõukogude Liidu kontekstis. Inimene ei tohi tunda, et ta ISE oma T88GA teenib endale elatist. Inimene peab tundma, et ta elab partei ARMUST ainult selline inimene on KUULEKAS. Eriti oluline on see igasugustel juhtumistasanditel. Just selle pärast tohibki poes olla müügil ainult minimaalne elementaarne tarbekaup ja kõik mis on üle selle, kõik mis on vähegi hüve moodi peab tulema "fondidest". See on vajalik tagamaks, et edasipüüdlikud püüavad ikka õiges suunas ja on KUULEKAD.
    Kolhoosid on selle koha pealt eriti geniaalne leiutis -- lahutada p6llumajandustootja tema poolt toodetust. Et talle iga päev meelde tuletada: ole sõnakuulelik... või muidu.
  • Just, Offf. Lisaks, kui anda esmaspäeval heale informaatorile althõlma karp jaapani värvikriite (või siis guassvärve), siis saab vajadusel kolmapäeval venna avalikult üles puua kui rikutud lääne(lõuna?)kummardaja.

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