Raha surm ja teaduse võit?
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Rahal kui sellisel on palju negatiivseid külgi keskse (?) mõõtühikuna, kuid positiivses mõttes tundub ta liberaalne ja rahulik - laseb eksisteerida rahus võimekamatel ja piiratuma väljavaatega inimestel, sihikindlatel ning kunstnikel. Vastandina - kui poest saaks saia osta selle alusel kui palju sa oled maailma uut teavet loonud, oleks ohvreid üle mannergu ääre. Niisugune maailmakorraldus nõuaks kindlasti tippteadlaste “ostuvõimekuse” arvelt ajuheidikute toetamist.
Kui 20 aastat tagasi oli meil ilge naturaalne vajadus teenida, siis tänapäeva noortel see nii tugev ei ole. Tollal oli suur oht, et homme pole võimalik viinerit osta kui ei teeni, siis 2014 on see üldjoontes laual kui sa ainult näpuotsagagi midagi teed.
Forbesi facebooki lehel on 1.38M like vs I Fucking Love Science lehel 17.88M (!!!) like.
Financial Timesi FB lehel 1.98M like vs From Quarks to Quasars 1.31M like
Zuckerbergi Twitteril 311K jälgijat vs Stephen Hawking 226K jälgijat.
Aga võtkem arvesse milline meeletult suurem meediakajastus on Mark Zuckerbergil.
Naturaalne vajadus tundub olevat uutes teadmistes, mitte rahas. -
Mis on uus teave? Kas kellelgi on vaja näiteks teada, mitu karva on ühel keskmisel kassil? Või mitu korda päevas sügab mune mõni plikade ebajumal? Sellist "uut teavet" on täis kollane ajakirjandus.
Ka teaduses on samasugust "uut teavet" vähemalt 95%, millega pole mitte midagi mõistlikku peale hakata.
Alustaks määratlusest, mis on uus teave. -
Vastandina - kui poest saaks saia osta selle alusel kui palju sa oled maailma uut teavet loonud, oleks ohvreid üle mannergu ääre.
Aga näiteks sotsiaalvõrgustikud, olgu meil teatrihuviliste sotsiaalvõrgustik, mis ühendab inimesi, kes huvituvad teatrist ja kuidagi panustavad sellesse ja selle panuse eest saavad teatrietendust nautida. Esimesena meenub kõigile facebook, kui jutt on sotsiaalvõrgustikest, aga facebook ei ole kõige parem näide. Võib olla mingi krediitide süsteem, kus siis "teatrikrediite" saab vahetada "saiakrediitide" vastu. Või siis teadmiste krediidid.
Seoses selle teabega, mulle rääkis üks tuttav, et tema unistab süsteemist, kus ta läheb poodi ja näeb saiapätsi riiulil. Ta skännib sildi oma mobiiltelefoniga ja saab informatsiooni kõigi kohta selles tootmisahelas, kes saia küpsetas, millise hinnaga ta jahu ostis, kes vilja jahvatas, kuidas hind kujunes jne. Lisaks sellele on tal endal võimalik ükskõik millises osas selles ahelas ostu või müügipakkumine teha.
Kas nüüd just midagi sellist, aga usun, et IT tormiline areng muudab ühiskondlikke suhteid kindlasti. Ja tegemist on mingis mõttes evolutsiooniga, kus ei sunnita peale asjaosalistele mingit süsteemi, vaid see on kasulik kõigile osapooltele. Praegune süsteem on monopoolne, kus poliitikud saavad tõsiselt perse keerata asja.
Pakun sulle paari linki
P2P (peer-to-peer) is a post-capitalist socio-economic framework that is centered around three different priorities:
1) the need for a ecologically sustainable material economy: a rejection of the pseudo-abundance of an infinite growth economy
2) the need for the open and free sharing of knowledge, culture and information: a rejection of the artifiial scarcity induced by Intellectual Property legislation, which should be reduced in its capacity to legally prevent the sharing of knowledge
3) solving the issues generated by the two priorities above in a way that promotes and extends social justice.
This is from the original description at the launch of the group:
"P2p dynamics can operate in almost any socioeconomic context--local, global, for-profit, for-benefit (non-profit), hierarchical, non-hierarchical, and hybrids of these.
In an ideology-agnostic nutshell, you might say the P2P framework is about cooperative individualism (this is precisely how Michel Bauwens describes peerism in "The Political Economy of Peer Production").
A person's success at being a peer and treating others as peers depends largely on how well they grok the ideas of inter-subjectivity and enlightened self interest. (Wikipedia has pages on both)
The mixture of individuality (selfishness) and sociality (cooperation) in each person reflects the multilevel interaction of individual and group selection in evolution. This often carries a level of cognitive and cultural dissonance that each peer and peer group must grapple with.
This is an open & public group, and all existing members are invited to add additional friends. Also, be sure to check out the P2P Foundation website for many more P2P related topics."
More information at:
Notice (adapted from the blog Crooked Timber): We welcome links and comments from group members. If your comments are blatantly racist, sexist or homophobic we will delete them and remove you from the group. The same goes for comments which are personally defamatory or which seek to derail a thread through provocation of one kind or another. If your comments strike us as irrelevant, extraneous, or repetitively proselytizing, we may also delete them in the interests of keeping the conversation on topic.
Aga praegu ongi ju nii - tegelikult kasuliku teadusliku teabe lisaja saab ka viinerit osta oma patenditasude, autoritasude, palga jms eest. Tarbetu teadusliku teadmise lisaja ei saa, st turg indikeerib, et tegelikult ta ei lisagi teaduslikku teadmist.
as hominem ttrust, töö on bakalaureuse kohta hästi kirjutatud ja huvitaval teemal, minu enda omaaegne baka töö oli paras sopp ikka selle kõrval
Öööööäh, üldiselt maailm hakkab maslowi püramiidi alumisest kahest tasemest kõrgemale vaikselt ronima. Ja seal üleval pool pole rahaga enam midagi peale hakata.
#Öööööäh, üldiselt maailm hakkab maslowi püramiidi alumisest kahest tasemest kõrgemale vaikselt ronima. Ja seal üleval pool pole rahaga enam midagi peale hakata.#
Ja-jah, siis kindlasti kuii püramiidi kaks alumist taset on rahaga ära rahuldatud. -
Aga praegu ongi ju nii - tegelikult kasuliku teadusliku teabe lisaja saab ka viinerit osta oma patenditasude, autoritasude, palga jms eest. Tarbetu teadusliku teadmise lisaja ei saa, st turg indikeerib, et tegelikult ta ei lisagi teaduslikku teadmist.
Esiteks on patentidel ajaline limiit, see on otsustatud poliitiliselt. Kui turg indikeerib, et kes viinerit saab, siis see turg ei indikeeri kindlasti, kui kaua ta saab seda.
Siin on mõned patentide vastased argumendid
Ten Myths about Patents
Väidetavalt hilines tööstusrevolutsioon 30 aastat tänu Watti aurumootori patendile ja inimesed, kes püüdsid toda mootorit paremaks muuta, pandi isegi vangi.
Tesla puts electric car patents into public domain
Mina usun, et see kiirendab elektriauto arengut. -
Helsinki's ambitious plan to make car ownership pointless in 10 years
The Finnish capital has announced plans to transform its existing public transport network into a comprehensive, point-to-point "mobility on demand" system by 2025 – one that, in theory, would be so good nobody would have any reason to own a car.
Helsinki aims to transcend conventional public transport by allowing people to purchase mobility in real time, straight from their smartphones. The hope is to furnish riders with an array of options so cheap, flexible and well-coordinated that it becomes competitive with private car ownership not merely on cost, but on convenience and ease of use.
Subscribers would specify an origin and a destination, and perhaps a few preferences. The app would then function as both journey planner and universal payment platform, knitting everything from driverless cars and nimble little buses to shared bikes and ferries into a single, supple mesh of mobility. Imagine the popular transit planner Citymapper fused to a cycle hire service and a taxi app such as Hailo or Uber, with only one payment required, and the whole thing run as a public utility, and you begin to understand the scale of ambition here.
That the city is serious about making good on these intentions is bolstered by the Helsinki Regional Transport Authority's rollout last year of a strikingly innovative minibus service called Kutsuplus. Kutsuplus lets riders specify their own desired pick-up points and destinations via smartphone; these requests are aggregated, and the app calculates an optimal route that most closely satisfies all of them. -
Helsinki's ambitious plan to make car ownership pointless in 10 yearsThe Finnish capital has announced plans to transform its existing public transport network into a comprehensive, point-to-point "mobility on demand" system by 2025 – one that, in theory, would be so good nobody would have any reason to own a car.
Helsinki aims to transcend conventional public transport by allowing people to purchase mobility in real time, straight from their smartphones. The hope is to furnish riders with an array of options so cheap, flexible and well-coordinated that it becomes competitive with private car ownership not merely on cost, but on convenience and ease of use.
Subscribers would specify an origin and a destination, and perhaps a few preferences. The app would then function as both journey planner and universal payment platform, knitting everything from driverless cars and nimble little buses to shared bikes and ferries into a single, supple mesh of mobility. Imagine the popular transit planner Citymapper fused to a cycle hire service and a taxi app such as Hailo or Uber, with only one payment required, and the whole thing run as a public utility, and you begin to understand the scale of ambition here.
That the city is serious about making good on these intentions is bolstered by the Helsinki Regional Transport Authority's rollout last year of a strikingly innovative minibus service called Kutsuplus. Kutsuplus lets riders specify their own desired pick-up points and destinations via smartphone; these requests are aggregated, and the app calculates an optimal route that most closely satisfies all of them.
Selle jutu peale tuleb meelde see videoklipp, tihtipeale satuvad poliitikasse tegelased kellel on ravi poolikuks jäänud.
Mars is Amazing.