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Biotech stoxxx

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  • Ja see thread on kõigile neile, kes arvavad heaks midagi biotehnoloogiaaktsiate kohta arvata.

    Minu arvamus on, et need võiksid olla tulevikus (ja võibolla juba sellelgi aastal) ühed tugevamad tegijad. Internetid võiks igatahes seljataha maha jääda.

    Jälgige suuremaid firmasid nagu Amgen (AMGN), Genentech (DNA), Immunex (IMNX), Biogen(BGEN). Või vaadake biotehnoloogia indeksioptsioone AMEXil.
  • Ma olen kuskil juba varem öelnud või kuulnud, et interneti alkeemikud avastasid kuidas kulda valmistada. Nüüd ei jää enam muud üle kui pöörduda biotechide poole kes annavad meile tarkade kivi ja koos sellega igavese elu.
  • jah, seda sa tegid paar päeva varem, siinsamas...
  • Väike vahekokkuvõte:
    Esimese kolme nädalaga sellel aastal:

    AMEX Internet Index +2.4% (@587.23)
    AMEX Biotech Index +25.6% (@491.83)

  • Ja peaaegu selle aasta põhjast ostet SRA +36%. Muuseas suhteliselt karmimat tõusu on teinud mõned sinu poolt nimetamata biotehnelinskid... Hea tulemus siiski, Sven!
    Sobilik lugu teema juurde.
  • Noh meie sinuga kui vanad kyberid teame ju, et indeks pakub alati mingit keskmist tootlust aga mitte kunagi seda, mida üksik paber teha võib või teinud on...
  • Jah, teine näide halvast kyljest on Monsanto.
  • Sven? Sven!! Ära nuta... Küll nad tõusevad jälle kunagi. Eile oli biotechidel pikkade nugade öö, mis nende hindu pisemaks kraapisid.
  • kristjan, ära selle pärast veel oma kave platsa otsast alla hüppa, et internetid, sonera ja nokia maa sisse tambitakse. sa unustad kogu aeg ära, et mina ei ole ameerika ja soome fänn, vaid sina. biotehnoloogia on lihtsalt näide telekome ja interneti outperformivast sektorist.

    internet vs biotech aasta algusest -2.6% vs +18%. mina olen rahul. ma nõustun ka sellise arvamusega, et kui nasdaq peaks langema, siis ei püsi ka biotechid. Aga enamike selle aasta kuude kokkuvõttes teevad nad internettidele ja ka nasdaqile tervikuna ära. ehk teisisõnu outperformivad üritust.

  • RESEARCH ALERT-Genentech downgraded, price upped

    NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Dain Rauscher said Monday it downgraded biotechnology company Genentech Inc
    (NYSE:DNA - news) to buy from strong buy, but raised the price target to $230.

    Shares of Genentech were down 6-3/16 at 161-1/16, off a 52-week high of 169, up from a low of 58-1/4.

    -- Dain Rauscher said anticipates continued strong growth in product sales, driven primarily by Genentech's oncology franchise.

    -- said a number of development pipeline milestones should drive solid ``newsflow'' over the course of the year.

    -- said it projected earnings per share of $1.07 on total revenue of $1.5 billion for fiscal year 2000.
  • Sven, muidugi oled isegi märganud, aga võiksid ka siinsetele edastada oma lemmikute (AMGN,DNA) hiljutist downgrade-mist.
  • Eile näiteks Deutsche Bank Alex Brown säilitas oma strong buy, target 81.
    Lehman Bros. outperform target 85.
    ABN Amro alandas buy-lt outperformile.

    Eile kannatas hind (close 64 1/8) ettevõtte enda hoiatuse tõttu, et kasumi kasv 2000-ndal pole nii tubli kui mõned arvavad (ainult 6-8%).

    Kui nüüd tähelepanelikult jälgida, siis ma olen väitnud seda, et biotech on üks tubli sektor, mis pole leidnud väärilist tunnustust näiteks võrreldes internetiga. Minu käsutuses pole piisavalt infot ega aega, et analüüsida üksikuid ettevõtteid, kuid ma olen positiivne biotehnoloogia suhtes üldiselt. Ja kui nüüd võrrelda internetiga jälle, siis YTD internetid -4.2% ja biotechid +17.4%.

    Ma siin kunagi ytlesin ka, et ei usu Nasdaqi tugevusse, kuna see põhineb ylevõimendatult infotehnoloogial ja seoses Nasdaqi oodatava langusega kannatavad lühiajaliselt ka biotechid, mis on nasdaqil noteeritud.
  • Editor-in-chief:
    Jono Steinberg (1/29/00)

    Biotech is hot, really hot.

    Back on September 18,I correctly predicted more gains in the months ahead. Guess what?
    Like this Article?

    Since then the AMEX Biotech Index has surged by 55%!

    So what do investors do now? Are further gains in the months ahead likely? What has fueled this historic increase in biotech shares?

    Well, for one, the sector had long been undervalued.

    Biotech companies have made tremendous strides over the past few years. More drugs are in human clinical trials than ever before and more drugs are being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) than ever before.

    Most importantly, more and more biotech companies are achieving profitability based on strong revenue growth. A few companies that I highlighted back in September, MedImmune (NASDAQ: MEDI - Quotes, News, Boards), Immunex (NASDAQ: IMNX - Quotes, News, Boards) and IDEC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: IDPH - Quotes, News, Boards) have all surged in share price recently on strong product sales and profitability.

    In addition to strong earnings gains, the strength of biotech is also the result of a number of high profile mergers in the industry. In 1999, Warner Lambert (NYSE: WLA - Quotes, News, Boards) completed its acquisition of Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ - Quotes, News, Boards) acquired Centocor and Sugen was acquired by Pharmacia and Upjohn (NYSE: PNU - Quotes, News, Boards).

    These acquisitions underscore the promise of biotech and really served as a catalyst for investors to recognize the value of biotech companies' pipelines and technology platforms.

    The strength in biotech has opened floodgates of capital for the industry. For example, in 1998, biotech companies raised roughly $1.1 billion in capital from the public equity markets. In 1999, almost $7 billion was raised. Wow!

    So, is this trend sustainable? In short, yes.

    We are in the early stages of tremendous advances in biotechnology and investors are beginning to recognize the potential.

    I could not talk about the potential of biotech or the surge in share prices without mentioning the Genomics sector. Genomics refers to the study of the information stored within the DNA of an organism. What?

    Let me put this into more simple terms. Genomics companies use genetic information to develop drugs.

    Genomics companies are revolutionizing the drug development process by enabling drugs to target diseases with much greater specificity than ever before. They accomplish this by basing drug and drug target discovery on the disease itself.

    Companies like Human Genome Sciences (NASDAQ: HGSI - Quotes, News, Boards) have seen dramatic increases in their share price, as investors understand the power of genomics. Pharmaceutical companies have long understood the power of and benefits offered by genomics. As a consequence, billions of dollars in collaborative deals between pharmaceutical companies and genomics companies have been forged.

    So, are Genomics stocks attractively priced? Well, clearly there is a bit of a mania going on with regard to their surging share prices.

    That said, the potential for a genomics company to be transformed into the next pharmaceutical company exists. My advice, if you want exposure to this sector, stick to the leadership company, HGS.

    So, where is the sector going in 2000 and how can investors benefit?

    First, investors must be very careful. With enthusiasm for the sector so strong, speculation is prevalent...
  • jah, jumala õige. Ma olen kodanikuga täiesti ühte meelt. Samuti nõustun ma sellega, et kuna biotech aktsiad on ikkagi tervikuna suht odavalt hinnatud (võrrelduna oma potentsiaaliga, mitte tänaste majandustulemustega), siis on seal kindlasti mitmeid huvitavaid ylevõtmisi oodata.

    Aga ikkagi - riskikartlikemal investoritel tasuks ehk väheke hoogu pidada Ameerikasse investeerimisel, olgu see siis kasvõi biotehnoloogiasektor. Nasdaq võiks ikka veidi rohkem langeda, enne kui asi taas huvitavaks muutub.

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