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Küsimus selline, kas keegi saab praegu regulaarselt USA turu IPOsid n-ö eelmüügist?
Ja kui, siis, mis vahenditega ja kui suures koguses? E*Trade jagab vist mingit 100-200 aktsiat aktiivsematele klientidele, aga sellega kaasneb pikaajaline hoidmiskohustus. -
Nii nagu mina olen aru saanud, saab IPO hinnaga aktsiad siis, kui oled IPO't organiseeriva finantsasutuse klient. ETrade on olnud üks aktiivsemaid internetifirmade IPO'de organiseerijaid. Iga vastav firma võib seada omad reeglid ja need võivad aktsiate puhul erineda. GOTO puhul pakkus GOTO varajastele reklaamipartneritele suhteliselt pisikese osa aktsiad (maksimaalselt vist 300) ja selleks tuli teha avaldus ja konto avada mingis muus maaklerifirmas (kahjuks ei mäleta peast praegu nime). Edasi lasin need aktsiad lihtsalt Dateki arvele kanda.
Ma arvan, et parimat infi saad, kui võtad ühendust soovitud firmaga ennem IPO't, kirjutad neile soosiva maili ja küsid, kuidas saaksid osaleda.
Veiko -
Veiko: Mis Sinu e-mail on?
veiko@financials98.com ja veiko@hr-manager.com
Veiko -
kes siis IPOsid said ja juba esimesel päeval mitme-mitmekordse kasuga realiseerisid...
Tabel tänasest WSJ, IPO veerus ei ole mitte aktsiate arv, vaid emissioonide arv. Aktsiate arv ulatus aga tuhandetesse
Some executives that received shares of IPOs from Goldman Sachs.NAME COMPANY IPOs Margaret Whitman eBay 100 Jeffrey Skoll eBay 75 Pierre Omidyar eBay 40 Edward Lenk eToys 25 Stephen Green Global Crossing 75 Abbott Brown Global Crossing 10 Barry Porter Global Crossing 12 John Legere Global Crossing 9 Steve Valenzuela PlanetRX.com 100 Martin Peretz TheStreet.com 25 Jerry Yang Yahoo 100 -
Kuidas IPO-d LHV-s kaubeldavaks muutuvad. Ehk siis küsimus pigem selline, et kas IPO päeval saab tehingu teha kohe alguses või peab mingi aja ootama enne?
LHV Traderis alates esimesest kauplemispäevast, LHV investeerimiskontol on vajalik maaklerile teada anda, et värskelt börsile tulnud aktsia LHV kauplemissüsteemis kaubeldavaks muudetaks: maaklerid@lhv.ee või 6800420
Tundub, et Princetoni ülikooli teadlastel on kohati igav ja nüüd on tuldud välja uurimusega IPOde edukuse ja firma nime vahelistest seostest. Nimelt leiti, et lihtsalt hääldatavate nimedega ettevõtete aktsiatel läheb esimestel kauplemispäevael (näiteks Google (GOOG)) märksa paremini kui keeruliste firmanimede (näiteks Vyyo (VYYO)) korral.
Sarnasesse valdkonda läheb ka varasem tähelepanek, et turud on päikesepaistelistel päevadel tugevamad kui vihmasaju korral.
On siis Tallinki nimi sedavõrd keerulisem kui Eesti Ehitus ? ;)
Rootsi teadlased on leidnud tugeva korrelatsiooni kurgede arvukuse ja laste sündivuse vahel - kusjuures tegu ei ole naljaga. Kunagi legendaarne TÜ matemaatika õppejõud Elmar Sakkov tõi selle näiteks kuidas matemaatiliste seoste otsimise juures võiks ka pead kasutada, sest ka omavahel mitte seost omavad nähtused võivad hämmastaval kombel korrelatsioonis olla.
to: Henno
Või nagu Hellat Rumvolti kunagine uurimus, mis tõestas, et päikese aktiivsuse kasvades (muutub rohkem inimesi idiootideks ja) põhjustavad rohkem raskeid liiklusõnnetusi. -
Miks mitte, kõik asjad siin maailmas on omavahel seotud. Sündmust tingiva inimesele aru saadava iga teguri kohta on olemas 100 muud mõjutegurit, mille seost antud sündmusega normaalne inimene ei taju. Tükike tilli supis annab pisut teise maitse, millest supi sööja ei pruugi arugi saada:)
To: Suffiks
... ja ilmade soojenedes lüheneb naistel seelikupikkus :) -
Väike jutuke 2006 aasta IPO-de võitjatest ja kaotajatest.
Scouting the Latest IPOs
By S.J. Caplan
October 2, 2006
Just like opening day at the ballpark, investing in new IPOs holds the potential for shining promise and crushing disappointment. If you simply can't bear to just cheer on your favorites from the sidelines, at least be careful about investing in this league. Many new issues swing for the fences during their first trading days, only to slump once marketing hype gives way to mundane earnings reports.
Don't commit an error by stocking your entire portfolio with rookies. Allocate just a small percentage of your risk capital to IPOs. Scout your potential phenoms carefully, and be choosy about composing your own rotisserie league. Investing with an eye for a season extending long beyond opening day will reward you with quality players capable of staying in the game. With that in mind, we offer our Foolish scouting report of the latest IPOs.
Last week's games
Several games were played last week. The players are ranked below, according to their returns from their offering price to the close of their first trading day.
Winner: Mindray Medical International
Ticker: (NYSE: MR)
Industry: Chinese medical-device maker
Deal terms: 20 million ADSs, $13.50 per share
Lead managers: Goldman Sachs and UBS
Filed: Sept. 6
Opening day: Sept. 26, opened at $16, closed at $17.55; 30% gain
Bleacher banter: Priced above its expected range of $10-$12; strong demand
Runner-up: Bare Escentuals
Ticker: (Nasdaq: BARE)
Industry: Cosmetics manufacturer
Deal terms: 16 million shares, $22 per share
Lead managers: Goldman Sachs and CIBC World Markets
Filed: June 30
Opening day: Sept. 29, opened at $28, closed at $27.15; 23.4% gain
Bleacher banter: Priced above its expected range of $15-$17; strong demand
Omni Financial Services
Ticker: (Nasdaq: OFSI)
Industry: Bank holding company
Deal terms: 3.35 million shares, $9.50 per share
Lead managers: Sandler O'Neill and Keefe, Bruyette & Woods
Filed: June 14
Opening day: Sept. 29, opened at $10, closed at $10.49; 10.4% gain
Bleacher banter: Priced below its expected range of $10-$12; the number of shares was increased by 350,000
Ticker: (Nasdaq: SFLY)
Industry: Online photo service provider
Deal terms: 5.8 million shares, $15 per share
Lead managers: JPMorgan, Piper Jaffray, and Jefferies
Filed: June 29
Opening day: Sept. 29, opened at $15.50, closed at $15.55; 3.7% gain
Bleacher banter: Priced at the high end of its expected range
CBRE Realty Finance
Ticker: (NYSE: CBF)
Industry: Commercial REIT
Deal terms: 9.6 million shares, $14.50 per share
Lead managers: Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Wachovia, and JMP Securities
Filed: March 3
Opening day: Sept. 28, opened at $14.50, closed at $15; 3.4% gain
Bleacher banter: Priced below its expected range of $15-$17; of the total shares sold, insiders offered 1.1 million shares, 400,000 less than anticipated
ICF International
Ticker: (Nasdaq: ICFI)
Industry: Government consultant
Deal terms: 4.67 million shares, $12 per share
Lead managers: UBS, Stifel Nicolaus, William Blair, and Jefferies
Filed: May 11
Opening day: Sept. 28, opened at $12, closed at $12.25; 2.1% gain
Bleacher banter: Priced below its expected range of $14-$16
Loser: EV Energy Partners
Ticker: (Nasdaq: EVEP)
Industry: Oil and gas developer
Deal terms: 3.9 million units, $20 per unit
Lead managers: A.G. Edwards, Raymond James, Wachovia, and Oppenheimer
Filed: May 15
Opening day: Sept. 27, opened at $20.10, closed at $19.79; 1.1% loss
Bleacher banter: Priced at midpoint of its expected range
On deck
Several major IPOs are slated for the coming week, including the following:
BreitBurn Energy Partners
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: BBEP
Industry: Oil and gas partnership
Proposed deal terms: Six million units, $19-$21 per unit
Lead managers: RBC Capital Markets and Citigroup
Filed: May 12
Danaos Corporation
Proposed ticker: NYSE: DAC
Industry: Greek shipping company
Proposed deal terms: 10.3 million shares, $20-$22 per share
Lead managers: Merrill Lynch and Citigroup
Filed: Sept. 19
ImaRX Therapeutics
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: IMRX
Industry: Biopharmaceutical
Proposed deal terms: Five million shares, $10-$12 per share
Lead managers: CIBC World Markets, Jefferies, and First Albany Capital
Filed: May 19
Note: Held over from prior week
Light Sciences Oncology
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: LSON
Industry: Cancer treatment developer
Proposed deal terms: 5.25 million shares, $14-$16 per share
Lead managers: Cowen & Company and Wachovia
Filed: April 24
Rosetta Genomics
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: ROSG
Industry: Israeli genomic therapeutics developer
Proposed deal terms: Three million shares, $11-$13 per share
Lead manager: CE Unterberg Towbin
Filed: Sept. 1
Games of the week
It may be more fun to stay on the sidelines this week and root for the Dow to continue its rise. If you're drawn to the IPO market, take a look at Breitburn Energy, another entry into the crowded new-issue energy arena, which has not been performing well lately. The California-based company holds producing and non-producing oil reserves in the Los Angeles basin and Wyoming, and plans to pay a quarterly cash dividend of $0.41 per unit.
Perhaps you've always fancied yourself a Greek shipping magnate. If so, maybe you'd like to take a cruise with Danaos, an international owner of container ships. The Athens-based company, founded in 1972, has a record of growth and profitability and intends to pay dividends of $0.44 per share.
Warming up in the bullpen
eHealth, an online health-insurance provider, announced deal terms of five million shares, offered at $10-$12 per share. The lead managers are Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Thomas Weisel, and JMP Securities.
UltraPetrol Bahamas, a marine transportation company, announced deal terms of 12.5 million shares, offered at $13-$15 per share. The lead managers are UBS Investment Bank and Bear Stearns.
Sent down to the minors
Aside from ImaRx Therapeutics pushing its offering from last week to this week, no companies postponed their offerings.
Minor-league developments
Get ready, get set ... not yet! The latest filings announced during the last two weeks include:
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: AVAV
Industry: Unmanned aircraft systems provider
Proposed deal terms: Not yet determined
Lead managers: Goldman Sachs, Friedman Billings, Raymond James, and Stifel Nicolaus
Filed: Sept. 28
Altra Holdings
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: AIMC
Industry: Mechanical parts manufacturer
Proposed deal terms: Not yet determined
Lead managers: Merrill Lynch, Wachovia, and Jefferies
Filed: Sept. 29
Animal Health International
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: AHII
Industry: Animal-health product distributor
Proposed deal terms: Not yet determined
Lead managers: JPMorgan, William Blair, Piper Jaffray, and Robert Baird
Filed: Sept. 28
CVR Energy
Proposed ticker: Not yet determined
Industry: Fuel refiner and fertilizer producer
Proposed deal terms: Not yet determined
Lead managers: Not yet determined
Filed: Sept. 26
Mellanox Technologies
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: MLNX
Industry: Israeli semiconductor firm
Proposed deal terms: Not yet determined
Lead managers: Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, Thomas Weisel, and Jefferies
Filed: Sept. 28
Switch & Data
Proposed ticker: Nasdaq: SDXC
Industry: Interconnections service provider
Proposed deal terms: Not yet determined
Lead managers: Deutsche Bank and Jefferies
Filed: Sept. 27
Disabled list
Jazz Semiconductor announced the withdrawal of its offering last week following the company's acquisition by Acquicor Technology (AMEX: AQR).
Current champions
Meet our current 2006 champs. Among companies that went public this calendar year, these firms' percentage returns from their offer prices to last week's closing price rank them as the top five players:
IPO Date
Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG)
Mexican restaurant operator
Riverbed Technology (Nasdaq: RVBD)
Omrix Biopharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: OMRI)
Medical products
MasterCard (NYSE: MA)
Credit card provider
Techwell (Nasdaq: TWLL)
Current benchwarmers
Now meet our current 2006 benchwarmers -- that's nicer to say than "losers," isn't it? Among companies that went public this calendar year, these firms' percentage returns from their offer prices to last week's closing price rank them as the bottom five players:
IPO Date
Vonage Holdings (NYSE: VG)
Cardica (CRDC)
Medical device maker
Traffic.com (Nasdaq: TRFC)
Traffic information provider
SGX Pharmaceuticals (SGXP)
Aventine Renewable Energy (AVR)
Ethanol supplier
Groupies & fan clubs
If you don't want to declare your loyalties for specific players, but still want to enjoy the action, consider subscribing to an IPO-focused mutual fund or exchange-traded fund. Of course, do your scouting homework here, too, and make sure you read their prospectuses before buying season tickets.
Last week, the First Trust IPOX 100 (AMEX: FPX), an ETF, posted a 1.6% increase, clearly beating the IPO Plus Aftermarket (Fund: IPOSX), a mutual fund, which inched up only 0.3%. In the broader market, the Nasdaq gained 1.8% and the Russell 2000 rose 1%. -
Leidsin selle analüüsifirma (PBN) huvitava ülevaate "IPO PIONEERS 2". PBN's new report provides key data and analysis on all 18 Russian listings in 2006, as well as on 11 additional CIS IPOs from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Georgia. IPO Pioneers 2 on järg 2005 aastal avaldatud ülevaatele "Russia’s IPO Pioneers: A Review of 23 Initial Public Offerings." Profiles of Russian listings since 1996 and key data on the size and success of the offerings. Hea ülevaatlik lugemine. Mõlemat analüüsi saab alla tirida firma veebilehe uudiste sektsioonist.
CIS maade IPO-ülevaade samalt firmalt IPO PIONEERS 3.
PBN’s third annual survey of the IPO market reviews 33 companies from CIS countries to list in 2007. Complete with listing data and offering trends for each of the Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh companies, it analyzes the development and outlook for the CIS IPO. -
SolarWinds Inc kõlab nime poolest kui alternatiivenergeetikakompanii, kuid on tegelikult network management software provider (mõeldud on siis andmesidevõrke).
Njah, endale tundus DigitalGlobe (NYSE: DGI) huvitavam.
DigitalGlobe's main clients include U.S. and foreign defense and intelligence agencies, and commercial customers, such as internet portals, and oil and gas exploration companies.
The company said its products are used in applications such as Google Maps and Microsoft's Virtual Earth.
DigitalGlobe gathers images daily through its two satellites and maintains them in its library. It plans to launch a third satellite in the autumn, which it expects to nearly double its image collection capabilities.
Kauplemist alustab 14.05.09. Samast kausist sööb näit. ka Nasdaqil listitud GeoEye (GEOY). -
Nii GeoEye kui DigitalGlobe, mõlemad Google huviorbiidis kui ülesostukandidaadid.
DigitalGlobe (DGI) siis täna alustamas. IPO hind tuli $19, üle esialgse hinnavahemiku $16-$18.
Konkurent GEOY oli siin viimastel päevadel ka suurelt liikumas, teisipäeval CC käigus teatud satelliidifotode osas. Sai selloffi tugevalt, aga taastus osaliselt, kuna tehniline viga puudutab väikese turuosaga fotode tegemist ning parandatav. Veel eilegi analüütikute poolt kaitsmist ning aktsia liikus turu üldise suuna vastu. -
kui kellelgi on mõni hea sait tulevaste ipode kohta, siis ärge olge kadedad!
SolarWinds 12.1M share IPO priced at $12.50
As expected, the deal priced above the $9.50-$11.50 range.
DGI, mis avanemispäeval isegi $25 juures käis, sulgus eile juba allpool märkimistaset, $18,6.
SolarWinds alustab kauplemist täna, ticker SWI.
Hmm.... pagana hea seagripi play :) -
Täna alustab Nasdaqil kauplemist OPEN. Hind tuli esialgsest $16-$18 vahemikust kõrgemale, $20 peale. 3 miljoni aktsiaga koguti $60 miljonit.
Siin ta ise -
Keegi @charliebilello tegi Twitteris veidi USA viimase dekaadi suurimate IPOde Aktsiate hinnamuutustest statistikat. Jagan siin ka:
2019 IPOs vs. offering price...
Beyond Meat $BYND: +178%
PagerDuty $PD: +106%
Zoom Video $ZM: +102%
Tradeweb $TW: +59%
Pinterest $PINS: +40%
Levi Strauss $LEVI: +29%
Uber $UBER: -18%
Lyft $LYFT: -33%
2018 IPOs vs. offering price...
Docusign $DOCU: +74%
BJ's Wholesale $BJ: +54%
iQiYi $IQ: +11%
StoneCo +STNE: +11%
Pinduoduo $PDD: +9%
Dropbox $DBX: +3%
Spotify $SPOT: +0.3%
ADT $ADT: -56%
2017 IPOs vs. offering price...
Okta $OKTA: +489%
Roku $ROKU: +468%
Appian $APPN: +174%
Stitch Fix $SFIX: +63%
Redfin $RDFN: +12%
Cloudera $CLDR: -33%
Snap $SNAP: -41%
Quidian $QD: -71%
Blue Apron $APRN: -92%
2016 IPOs vs. offering price...
Twilio $TWLO: +723%
Nutanix $NTNX: +119%
MGM Growth Properties $MGP: +79%
US Foods $USFD: +66%
Athene $ATH: +8%
Line $LN: -0.4%
ZTO Express $ZTO: -4%
Trivago $TRVG: -64%
2015 IPOs vs. offering price...
GoDaddy $GDDY: +274%
Etsy +$ETSY: +258%
Shake Shack $SHAK: +186%
TransUnion +TRU: +185%
Ferrari $RACE: +177%
First Data $FDC: +55%
Box $BOX: +35%
Tallgrass Energy $TGE: +4%
Univar $UNVR: -1%
Fitbit $FIT: -75%
2014 IPOs vs. offering price...
Zendesk $ZEN: +832%
Alibaba $BABA: +150%
GrubHub $GRUB: +138%
Synchrony Financial $SYF: +57%
http://JD.com $JD: +48%
Ally Financial $ALLY: +22%
El Pollo Loco $LOCO: -27%
GoPro $GPRO: -73%
OnDeck Capital $ONDK: -77%
Lending Club $LC: -77%
2013 IPOs vs. offering price...
Burlington Stores $BURL: +840%
Tableau Software $DATA: +288%
Chegg $CHGG: +187%
Twitter $TWTR: +43%
Sprouts Farmers Market $SFM: +20%
BenefitFocus $BNFT: +16%
SeaWorld $SEAS: +11%
FireEye $FEYE: -22%
Noodles & Co $NDLS: -54%
Potbelly $PBPB: -57%
2012 IPOs vs. offering price...
ServiceNow $NOW: +1,411%
Guideware Software $GWRE: +695%
Splunk $SPLK: +670%
Workday $WDAY: +619%
YY $YY: +540%
Palo Alto Networks $PANW: +440%
Facebook $FB: +376%
Shutterstock $SSTK: +149%
Yelp $YELP: +115% -
See statistika on veits subjektiivne: Kasvõi NIO (-26%) on suurem, kui mitmed nimekirja kõvasti plussis olevad aktsiad, näiteks $BJ. Nii aktsiaid valides saab näidata, et IPOdega enamasti teenib või siis vastupidi.
Mida üldse võrreldakse, IPO ongi ju offering. Offering vs offering? What? X-kauplemisperioodi lõpuga võrreldes, mis see X= päev, kuu, aasta börsidebüüdist? Miks kommid kursiivis siin on?
Ise küsin ise vastan, IPO vs. 15.05.19
Kursiivis on jutt sp, et nii vana teema on see, et kõik, mis kirja paned on italic :)
Ma kopeerisin twiidid otse, lootsin, et siinne rahvas hampsab läbi, teinekord panen täpsustused juurde.
Jaans, siin pole midagi tahetud näidata, lihtsalt kõlakamate ipode tulemite list, mis siit puudu ja mis siin üle on? -
EV/SALES on uus P/E
Küll tulevikus jõuab seda rahhi ka kokku ajada (kogu tehnoloogia on deflatsiooniline ning efektiivsust, ressursi säästlikumat kasutust loov. Kasutajale ainult puhas rõõm ja kulude kokkuhoid. Isegi investorid on nõus osa sinu kulusid enda kanda võtma ja doteerima aka Über.....) -
Where's Enefit Green by the way...?
Where's Enefit Green by the way...?
The topic will be discussed in June/July by the government. Then next steps will be decided.
One major obstacle has been exhaustive court fight regarding Tootsi windpower site acquisition. The situation is clearing a bit regarding Tootsi, giving a solid foundation to go forward with possible IPO in H2 2019.
But let´s see and wait what the government has to say. -
Fastly oli helde. Loodan Cloudflare'ilt (13.09) sama.
Fastly oli helde. Loodan Cloudflare'ilt (13.09) sama.
Aeg tundub pilve-ettevõtete jaoks hetkel kehv. Head ER’id kukutavad hinda üleöö (ZM, CRWD, MDB), endised pikaajalised tõusjad on suuna alla keeranud (ZS, TEAM, TWLO) jne. Kuigi mul on Cloudflare’i kui ettevõttesse pikaajaliselt usku, siis ma ei imestaks, kui praegu järgneks IPO esimese päeva “tõusule” (ehk siis listinguhinna ja avamise hetke reaalse letihinna vahe) samasugune vaikne veritsemine nagu Slacki puhul. -
Kõigi aegade suurim IPO tulemas ikka veel sel aastal, väidab WSJ.
Saudi Aramco tahab tõsta $1,3-1,7 triljoni valu pealt $100-200bn. 11.12.19 esimene kauplemispäev saudide omal börsil. Prospekt tuleb 10.11.19 vist. -
+100% tundub selline mõistlik algus
Lugesin ka Tuesday kuskilt, aga mõtlesin, et trükiviga, Yahoo kalender pettis hoopis:
https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/ipo?from=2020-06-07&to=2020-06-13&day=2020-06-11 -
14. august Duck Creek Technologies. Kindlustus on ju puhtdefinitsiooniliselt kasumlik äri.
14. august Duck Creek Technologies. Kindlustus on ju puhtdefinitsiooniliselt kasumlik äri.
Tundub et IPO-del viimasel ajal lendu küllaga.
[i]Listed underwriters of the IPO are Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, BofA Securities, Barclays, RBC Capital Markets, JMP Securities, Needham -
Sellele küll kõrget lendu ei looda, aga samas - 'inverse the inverse'.
CVAC IPO Covid vaktsiin algfaasis arendamisel.
Pricing oli $16. Avanes reedel, järelturul lõpetas $61.
Firma väärtus oli pricingu pealt $2,82B. Lõpetas $10,7B valuatsioonil.
Why not. -
CVAC IPO Covid vaktsiin algfaasis arendamisel.
Pricing oli $16. Avanes reedel, järelturul lõpetas $61.
Firma väärtus oli pricingu pealt $2,82B. Lõpetas $10,7B valuatsioonil.
Why not.
Paraku sellega numbrimäädzik piirduski. Eelturul on üleval +48%, mitte +61% või +16%. Kahju. Isegi MCap ei jõudnud üleöö $16B peale, näkased $14B vaid.
Bill Gates olla ka kunagi 2015 aastal sinna $52M raha pannud. See raha oli ammu ära põletatud ning sealt ei arenenud eriti midagi, vaadates 2019/2020 numbreid. Aga headlineks ilus küll.