Börsipäev 11.jaanuar - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 11.jaanuar

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  • DOW 10068 (10094)
    NIKKEI 10442 (10538)
    EUR/USD 0.892 (0.892)
    Kuld 287.50 (283.50)
    Nafta 19.98 (21.09)

    USA aktsiaturg lõpetas väikeses miinuses, tehnoloogiasektor nullis.
    Täna esineb Greenspan ja võib öelda midagi olulist majanduseisu kohta.

    Kullahind tõusis veel paari protsendi võrra.

    Tallinn börsil võiks kulgeda kauplemine sarnase stsenaariumi järgi nagu eile.
    Hansapanga aktsiatel on tugev toetustase.
  • Yahoo Japan, ebay Japan deny report two could merge
  • Microsoft Announces details of Xbox launch in Japan.

    MSFT will launch the console throughout Japan on Feb. 22 at a price of 34,800 yen (US$263), with 12 launch games available.

    Says on avg. it sold 3 games with every Xbox unit sold in N. America through the end of 2001
  • Kasulik teada:

  • Värske BW mainib järgmisi ülevõtmiskuuldusi:

    IBM ostab EMC
    Baxter ostab CERS
    NWN on müügiks väljas
  • Kas EMC ei saanud kunagi algust just IBMi mainframe masinate kettasüsteemide tootmisest lennufirmadele vmt? ;)
  • Greenspan kl. 20.55

    THI üllatuslikult oodatust oluliselt madalam, aga futuurid ei reageerinud
  • turul on miski komme yles liikuda..
    ehki futuurid punases..
  • Majority of tech stocks 'overpriced': ML (MSFT, ORCL, CMVT, LLTC, MXIM, HWP, CSC) By Tomi Kilgore
    Steve Milunovich, global technology strategist, said an analysis of the implied growth rate of tech earnings for 2002 and 2003 suggest that 70 percent of the tech stocks evaluated appeared overvalued. "Relative to 1990, tech looks expensive when valuations are adjusted for interest rates," Milunovich said in a note to clients. Among stocks he sees as overpriced are Microsoft (MSFT) , Oracle (ORCL) , Comverse Technology (CMVT) , Linear Technology (LLTC) and Maxim Integrated Products (MXIM) . He said underpriced stocks include Hewlett-Packard (HWP) and Computer Sciences (CSC) .

  • PPI -0.7%, core rate -0.1% By Rachel Koning
    Prices paid at the wholesale level fell more than expected in December, the latest data from the Labor Department showed Friday. The producer price index fell 0.7 percent versus the 0.2 percent decline expected in a poll of economists. The core PPI, which strips out food and energy prices, dipped 0.1 percent. Economists looked for the core rate to edge up 0.1 percent. Finished energy prices tumbled 4 percent thanks to cheaper petroleum, heating oil and diesel fuel. Food prices slipped 0.1 percent as declines for eggs and meat offset more expensive vegetables and fruit. Auto and clothing prices also fell. All told, inflation remains a no-show for the U.S. economy, leaving the door open for more stimulative interest-rate policy from the Federal Reserve if such action is warranted. The Fed next meets Jan. 29-30.

  • Greenspani kõne tähtsus:
    1) we haven't heard his views on the economy in some time,
    2) we are now at a possible turning point in the business cycle, and
    3) the subject of the speech is the economy, it is reasonable to bet that today's speech will indeed be a key market event.
  • Milline taevakanal Allani kõnet näitab?
  • CNBC lubas näidata.

    Greenspan oli kõnes üsna negatiivselt meelestatud kiire recovery suhtes.

    Turg võtab negatiivselt.
  • Greenspani kõne jättis siiski ruumi selleks, et kuu lõpus intresse alandatakse. See hoiab turgu rohkem langemast.

    Enne kõnet näitasid futuurid, et 25 bp intressikärpesse usuti 28%, pärast kõnet 50%.
  • Jube pikalt räägib... Võiks asja lühidalt ja konkreetselt ära rääkida...

    Bloomberg TV näitab ka. Ega tal midagi eriti positiivset küll öelda ei ole ja enamus öeldust on juba kuuldud...

Teemade nimekirja


Et pakkuda sulle parimat kasutajakogemust, kasutame LHV veebilehel küpsiseid. Valides "Nõustun", annad nõusoleku kõikide küpsiste kasutamiseks. Tutvu küpsiste kasutamise põhimõtetega.
