Börsipäev 2. aprill
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Tuletan veelkord meelde, et sellel nädalal USAs börsipäevad 17.30-24.00 meie aja järgi, kuna USA läheb suveajale alles selle nädala pühapäeval.
Lähis-Ida kriis rõhub jätkuvalt turgu, Goldmani negatiivsed kommentaarid tehnoloogiasektorit. Kuna nafta on 6 kuu kõrgemail tasemetel, on täna ostuhuvi fuel-cellide vastu- HPOW (+7.6%), MCEL (+6%), FCEL (+4.6%), BLDP (+2.9%), CPST (+2.9%), HYGS (+1.8%). -
Tähelepanu juhiks sellele, et volatiilsus on jätkuvalt madal, seega optsioone üsna kasulik teha. Aprilli keskel tuleb mitmeid majandustulemusi, seega kui kindlat suunda keeruline ennustada, siis tasub mõelda straddle tegemisele.
Järgmisel nädalal avaldavad tulemused näiteks YHOO, RBAK, JNPR, DCLK -
Mõned mõtted treidingu kohta mehelt nimega Chris Schumacher -
kliki siin.
Ta on www.realitytrader.com taga ja talle saab e-mailida chris@realitytrader.com -
Vaevalt, et JNPR pärast hoiatust millegagi enam üllatada suudab. YHOO better be good. Vaadake asja valuatsiooni.
Näiteks YHOO 17.5 straddle aprilli:
YHZDW 1.4 USD (call)
YHZPW 0.75 USD (put)
Kui aktsia liigub üle 19.5 USD või alla 15.5 USD on kindel pluss. -
Volatiilsusmõtteid ka RealMoneyst.
Volatility Playtime on Companies Reporting Earnings
04/02/02 11:28 AM EST
There are lots of companies who will be reporting earnings, and those options should be explored as volatility plays.
Next Tuesday earnings include Abbott Labs (ABT:NYSE), which is expecting earnings of 0.54 vs. the year ago 0.47, and the in the money April options are trading in line with historic volatility. Research in Motion (RIMM:Nasdaq) expected a -0.15 vs. year ago 0.10. RIMM is trading at 60 volatility, above historic volatility of 47, and Genetch (DNA:NYSE) expects earnings at 0.22 vs. 0.17 a year ago. The April 50-55 line is trading at a 32 volatility in line with historic volatility. -
Naftahind jätkab rallimist - tõustes 28 USD/barrel juurde. See on juba 12.10.2000 tasemete juures.
Kõrge naftahind on nagu maks ja rõhub kindlasti majandust, ühtlasti tekitab ka inflatsiooni, mis võib kiiremini sundida intresse tõstma. Sellest ka tänane müük. -
Rumor Mill: Eile fake CNNi teade täpse kirjeldusega Bill Gatesi mõrvast oli küll vaid aprillinali, kuid täna ringleb turul seda juttu hoolega. Microsofti tänane -4% on siiski ilmselt Goldmani kommentaaridest.
Micron Tech (MU) lowering contract prices? We are hearing trader talk that MU may lower their contract prices in the midst of recent weakness in DRAM spot prices...
Ja huvitav kui positiivne on Neljapäevasel analyst meetingul DELL? -
MU kinnitas ju paari nädala taguses conference-calli käigus tugevat serverite poolset nõudlust mäludele? Hästi nagu ei klapi.
BLDP on minu vana lemmik straddle tegemiseks - aktsia liigub periooditi üsna kiiresti. Lisaks on aktsia valuation vägagi kummaline, suunda väga raske ennustada. Praeguse madala volatiilsusega ... excellent play!
Ballard Power (BLDP) 33.08 +2.08: With oil prices approaching six-month highs, alternative energy stocks are experiencing renewed interest. Fuel cell stocks are among the beneficiaries which should be a near-term positive for Ballard Power. What Ballard Power does is make zero-emission fuel cells based on Protein-Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology. Management's strategy is to capture the automotive and residential markets for fuel cell energy. Ballard has a good start in these areas with firm sales registered to Honda, Nissan, Volkswagen and Cinergy among others. There has been a fair amount of hype surrounding fuel cell technology and it's difficult not to acknowledge the technology's potential. Electric power generation is currently a $225 billion market and fuel cells in their current incarnation have yet to tap this market in a meaningful way. The key question from an investment perspective is two-fold: 1) how long will it take for fuel cell technology to be commercially viable on a large scale, and 2) who will be the major players once the real money is being made? The answer to those two questions is not easy to come by which is what lends to the high risk/high reward nature of the investment. Yet note the issue is not whether the technology will be adopted. Fuel cells are cleaner than traditional energy sources in addition to being more efficient. The hurdle for these businesses is reducing the up-front cost associated with implementing the technology. Note that BLDP is not an investment for the faint of heart. The company carries a weighty $2.9 billion market cap on only about $36 million in trailing-twelve-month product and engineering revenues (i.e. excluding investment income). In other words, the market is pricing in success reminiscent of the early Internet days. Nonetheless, many readers have asked about investment prospects in this space and BLDP fits the bill as a potential long-term winner that also carries quite a bit of risk. -- Mike Ashbaugh, Briefing.com -
Äkki on ka see sektor hakanud põdema varem vaid telcolandis ja mõnel pool softlandi levinud haigust, mille sümptomiks on iganädalased meelemuutused? Aga eks DELL toob mingisugst selgust. -
Bettie, seda on tõesti nüüd igalpool. Aga straddle positsiooni jaoks ainult liikumist ongi vaja :)
Beast, on sul siis see straddle või ei? ja mis hinnaga? Ma ei usu soovitusi "excellent play", kui need pole money-backed. :)
oleks pappi ostaks putte!
tegin kaks virtuaalportut - t6usjad ja langejad.
t6usjad, apple&ericy on nullis
langejad on niiöelda rängas plussis tänu nvda (ostetud 19 märts vist)
gateway on ainus kes t6usnud.. -
Fit, ikka money backed :)
Straddle'id on päris mitmeid - APR 25, MAY 25, MAY 30
Keskmised straddle soetushinnad APR 25 - 5.7 USD, MAY 25 6.4 USD, MAY 30 5.6 USD. Esimsed 2 siis plusspoolele juba jõudnud.