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Täna püüab turg tõusta. Vaevalt saab tõus olema sama suurejooneline nagu kolmapäeval.
AMAT +3% on tõusmas enne homseid majandustulemusi. Vihje headele tulemustele andis täna tulemused avaldanud Tokyo Electron
Goldmans Sachs tõstis firma projektsioone. -
Siiski proovib kopeerida kolmapäevast rallit, käive on muidugi kesine
Cisco Systems hit by various vague rumors (CSCO) 15.34 -0.08: Stock dropped quickly in recent action; hearing various vague rumors none of which can be confirmed; one is that CSCO has been or will be the target of a newsletter which focusses on short-selling opportunities; have also heard accounting issues mentioned, though these have made the rounds many times before without ever proving true.