Börsipäev 20.mai - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 20.mai

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  • Sel nädalal: Paljud jaekaubandus ettevõtted avaldavad tulemused(näiteks Lowe's (LOW), Home Depot (HD), Target (TGT))

    Majandusstatistikast on tähtsamad neljapäev kestvuskaupade tellimused ja reedel SKP

    Samas tuleks arvestada, et USA-s on ees pikendatud nädalavahetus(järgmine esmaspäev Memorial Day ja turud kinni), seetõttu võib nädala lõpus kauplemishuvi väheneda


    Täna võib tulla üllatusi vähiravimeid tootvatelt firmadelt(näiteks ABGX ja CELG), kes presenteerivad oma tulemusi ASCO konverentsil Floridas.

    Homme algab E3, mis võib hetkeks kõrgendatud huvi tekitada arvutimänge tootvate firmade vastu(ATVI, ERTS)
  • Nokia conference call this morning at 11a EDT(18.00) to report mid-quarter estimates.

    But most attention on the call will be devoted to confirming or squashing the rumors which began trickling out last Thursday that NOK was about to acquire a major chunk of Redback Networks, thanks to a surge in RBAK's broadband-hardware market share.
  • Merrill Lynch reiterates selling tech into strength :

    Merrill Lynch in a pre-open note said that "mainstream" technology is not a growth sector anymore, and reiterates long-standing strategy of selling tech shares into strength given NASDAQ's recent rally;

    fragmentation, overcapacity, margin pressures, and pro forma reporting continue to plague the industry;

    however, the Pentagon may be the next "Killer App".

    Recommends redeploying assets into attractive themes such as: dividend-paying utilities, consumer staples, aerospace/defense, drugs, energy, and corporate-oriented financial stocks.
  • Miks turg miinuses?

    a) kasumivõtt pärast eelmise nädala tõusu;

    b) Merrilli vilets nägemus tehnoloogia suhtes

    c) Asepresident Dick Cheaney ütles, et terrorismirünnakute jätk USA suhtes on üsna kindel.
  • Kuld teeb uusi rekordeid: praegu 314USD lähedal
  • FBI Director: Walk-In Suicide Bombers 'Inevitable' In US
  • Asepresident Dick Cheaney ütles, et terrorismirünnakute jätk USA suhtes on üsna kindel.
    Kui rünnak tuleb milliseid positsioone siis hoida, müüa, osta!? Või oleks aeg juba nüüd stardiasend sisse võtta???
  • Millal see Iseseisvuspäev oligi....
  • A MAE, pigem on see hirmu-surve turule, 11.sept. hakkab ameeriklaste meelest juba vaikselt kaugeks mälestuseks jääma. Rünnaku puhul saaks kaitse- ja sõjatööstuse aktsiad kõrgendatud ostuhuvi.

    Iseseisvuspäev ikka ja endiselt 4.juuli ...
  • Tänan. Ilmselt on siis oht suurem...
  • võibolla b ja c mingil määral toetavad kui eelkõige pakuksin a-d. mis läheb üles, peab ka alla tulema. ise prognoosisin seda langust juba reedeks ja kaotasin seetõttu kihlveo:(
  • About Merrill Lynch technology strategy report this morning. The recommendation was to take profits into the recent strength. The report goes into much detail about an interesting academic model of how profits shift within the technology sector as products mature.

    The theory is that when a product isn't that good, companies compete by working hard to make the product better. When they do this they tend to buy from suppliers who provide integrated products that tend to be unique. Money flows into companies that are working to develop integrated products in these groups.

    On the other hand, when a product is highly developed and tends to exceed customer needs, the manufacturers compete by getting highly modular components from vendors at good prices. These are commodity-type companies, and money tends to flow elsewhere.

    The report mentions a number of areas where technology still needs to improve substantially. Security software, video conferencing, voice-over-IP and Linux are seen as the hot areas where the most work is needed.

    Supply chain software and CRM software are areas where technology is already meeting needs very well and companies are competing largely on the basis of price vs. features.

    In short, not all technology is created equal. Within the sector in general there will still be good opportunities, but you need to go to the areas that are not yet fully meeting the needs of customers.

Teemade nimekirja


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