Börsipäev 25.juuni - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 25.juuni

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  • Esmaspäevast tõusu suudetakse täna veel jätkata.

    Dow aktsiaid on toetanud DuPont (DD), kes tõstis järgmise kvartali kasumiprognoose.

    Hoolega oodatkse FEDi istungjärgu tulemusi, seekord on tegmist kahepäevase kogunemisega, see algas täna ja lõppeb homme. Tulemused avaldatakse meie aja järgi kell 21.00.

    Üldiselt oodatakse, et FED ei muuda midagi.
  • pilk minu virtuaalportfellile:
    pullid 30% miinuses (thank you, apple und ericy!) tmta on hasti vastu pidanud..
    karud 45% plussis (nvidia,micron,siebel,qqq, muud pudipadi)

    gateway polegi pankrotis :(
    mäletan kui lucent oli 7$
    ja sun oli 16 :)
  • Massive fraud at wcom 0.91>0.35

    5 kvartali jooksul paisutanud tegevuskasumeid 3.6B USD võrra
  • Näedsa. Polegi Osamat vaja, piisab WCOMist.

    Huvitav, kas ka peale seda case'i usaldus turgude vastu säilib ? :-P

    ENE.....MSO, IMCL , TYC.....WCOM......

    WorldCom Improperly Booked More Than $3 Billion in Expenses Since 2001
  • This seems substantially worse than either Enron or Andersen. Partly because of the cumulative effect -- the major scandals have now spread across energy, accounting, banking, biotech and telecom. The rot now looks systemic rather than sector-specific. Partly because Worldcom has a mountain of debt -- this is going to send ripple effects across the lending community. This company wasn't really expected to go under until late 2003 or early 2004 if even then. Partly because the key issue here (booking expenses as capital expenditures) is exactly what many telecom companies have been suspected of doing. This is the focus of much unfocused concern in the sector -- and now the feelings of unease finally have found a conduit.

    If the early reports on CNBC are true, this case may show that one of the largest telecom operators in the world may have systematically falsified its whole cost structure. That is radically different from hiding debt in off-shore vehicles or shredding documents. It's a shock on another scale entirely. And it definitely is not a typical "post-boom hangover" phenomenon -- unless we draw the parallels to early Thirties.
  • FED ei muutnud intresse, raske oli midagi muud oodatagi. Intressipoliitika jäeti neutraalseks.

    Turg võtab uudist natuke negatiivselt.

Teemade nimekirja


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