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Aktsiaturgude ralli enne USA turgude avanemist on ülesehitatud arvamusele, et kui ISM indeks(kell 17), mis mõõdab USA majandusaktiivsust tootmissektoris, tuleb oodatust nõrgem(ootused 50.5), siis kärbib Fed juba lähima kuu jooksul intresse.
Tero Kuittineni järgi oleme jõudmas nn. "Greenspani tsooni", kus uudiseid mõistetakse tagurpidi: head majandusuudised tähendavad halba(intresse ei lõigata) ja halvad uudised tähendavad head(Fed tuleb intresse lõikama)
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ISM andmed tulevad kell 17.00, seda selgelt praegu oodatakse. Graafiku toodud Kuittineni mõte "Greenspani tsooni kohta" on väga õige.
DELLi reitingut tõstis Banc of America, huvitav et see toimus vahetult enne DELLi kohtumist analüütikutega. BofA teab ehk midagi mida teised ei tea? Dell +3%. -
10:03 ET ISM near expectations : The ISM index came in at 49.5% for September; though below the 51.0% consensus, this consensus was most likely overstated in the wake of yesterday's weak Chicago PMI reading. Even at 49.5%, the ISM is well above the 42.7% breakeven line for the overall economy, and is consistent with GDP growth of better than 2%. Finally, the closely watched orders index actually improved to 50.2% from 49.7% in Aug; though still soft vs recent numbers, this increase is encouraging and squares with the recent strength in durable orders reports. The Construction spending data was near expectations, and Challenger layoffs showed the lowest layoff announcements in 22 months during Sep. The market is doing better on these reports: Dow +75, Nasdaq +1
Dell tõstis tuluprognoosi 8.9Miljardilt 9.1 miljardini