Börsipäev 12. veebruar - SONS -25% - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 12. veebruar - SONS -25%

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  • Mõned teemad tänaseks päevaks:

    - Tänase hommiku analüütikute vaieldamatu lemmik on Brocade (BRCD), mis avaldas eile õhtul oma kvartalitulemused. First Albany ning CSFB mõlemad tõstavad oma reitinguid ning ka uued hinnasihid on $7-8 kandis. Tundub, et firma turuosa kaotus konkurenditele MCDTA ning CSCO on peatumas.

    - Disney (DIS) kaupleb täna hommikul jällegi mõnend protsendid kõrgemal. Põhjuseks pressis avaldatud spekulatsioonid, et eilne Comcasti poolt tehtud ostupakkumine oli alles avalöögiks.

    Disney (DIS) avaldas eile ka oma kvartalitulemused ning kuna firma tegutseb ka teemaparkide valdkonnas, siis võib nendest üht-teist välja lugeda ka Six Flagsi (PKS) jaoks. Lähemalt täna õhtul LHV Pro all.

    - Sirius Satellite (SIRI) kaupleb täna veidi üle 10% plussis, kuna sõlmis RadioShack (RSH)-i lepingu, mille järgi SIRI seadmeid hakatakse viimase keti kaudu müüma. Lisaks sellele tõstis SIRI oma 2004. aasta kliendiprognoosi 860K pealt 1 mln juurde. Ka peaks 2004. aasta käive tulema üle $70 mln.

    Eriti huvitav on see, et SIRI kingib RSH-le lepingu eest warranteid, millega saab osta 10 mln SIRI aktsiat @ $5.

    - AT&T Wireless (AWE) kaupleb ka täna 2-3% plussis, kuna WSJ kirjutas, et Vodafone (VOD) on nõus firma ostma varasema $30 mld asemel tervelt $35 mld eest.

    - Sonus Networks (SONS) on tänase päeva analüütikute põlguse objektiks. Juba eile hommikust saati kukkunud aktsiad said eile õhtul veel suurema kukkumise osaliseks kui firma teatas, et peab üle vaatama oma 2003. aasta tulemused.

    Kaubeldes 10-11x 2004. aasta käibeprognoosi, ei ole need aktsiad teps mitte osavate killast ning tänahommikuste reitingualandajate seas on nii Salomon kui ka Goldman.

    - Gary B. Smith:

    - RevShark:

    The most striking aspect of yesterday's action was the great confidence exhibited by the bulls. News of the potential deal between Disney (DIS:NYSE) and Comcast (CMCSA:Nasdaq) reassured the bulls at the open, and then Alan Greenspan paved the way for bold and decisive action. The uncertainty caused by the very low-volume action of the prior days was forgotten as the desire, not to be left behind seized the herd.

    Are the bulls now prepared to build on that confident action? Will they shake off worries and concerns secure in the knowledge that interest rates are not going to rise any time soon? The bulls pulled off V-shaped bounce and confounded the skeptics yet again. Do the bears dare doubt them?

    The strong technical action yesterday shifts the benefit of the doubt to the bulls. A broad, big-volume move to new highs can't be dismissed lightly. That's the stuff that momentum is made of, and we should all be aware of the danger of standing in front of a locomotive that is picking up speed.

    But it is not all wine and roses. Technology stocks are lagging. The best example is Cisco (CSCO:Nasdaq), which was oblivious to the frolic yesterday. Microsoft (MSFT:Nasdaq) managed to gain a feeble 13 cents. These are leadership stocks, and if they're not participating in a strong rally, you have to wonder why. We need to watch the big boys closely if we wish to gauge the health of this market.

    Big-cap tech stocks will be the focus tonight when Dell (DELL:Nasdaq) reports its earnings at 5 p.m. EST. Dell rarely disappoints and usually has very upbeat reports. We will need to focus on how the market reacts to the probable good news. If it can ignite the buyers stand aside but if a sell the news reaction kicks in then we need to watch for ripples in the broader market.

    So the bulls are feeling confident and secure. The news flow is good and there are no concrete concerns to worry about. Respect this positive atmosphere, but remember that danger breeds best on overconfidence. This market may not be priced for perfection, but it's close. Bad news, or even news that is less good than expected, is likely to produce a very sharp reaction.

    With Mr. Greenspan's upbeat economic comments yesterday and the Dell report tonight -- the last major earnings report for the quarter -- there are not clear news catalysts left out there to drive this market. How will this market act when it lacks significant news? Will a benign environment favor the bulls or the bears? That's the key question in the weeks ahead.

    The early action is steady. The dollar continues to stumble and gold continues to bounce. We have the weekly unemployment report due this morning. It's been stuck in the mid-300,000 level for a while, and is expected to be in that range once again. Retail sales and business inventories are also to be reported.

    Can the bulls follow through? Stay tuned for the next installment in our continuing saga.


    Futuurid: Naz-0.13% SP-0.04%


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  • Boiler Room hakkas TV3 pealt just.

    IMCL - alguses liikusid non-approval kuulujutud. IMCL kukkus ja siis kauplemine peatati. Siis tuli aga uudis, et tegelikult approval tuli.

    Data ise näitab, et Erbitux aeglustas kasvajate kasvu, kuid overall survival rate'i ei mõjutanud (tundub vähemalt nii). Keskmiselt pos. uudis. Peaks üles avanema. ABGX, OSIP jt arendavad sarnaseid asju..nende reaktsioon räägib palju ka IMCL võimaliku liikumise kohta. FWIW

  • IMCL-ga kauplemine avatakse 10 min parast, laheb ilmselt tulistamiseks.
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    The split is payable on March 15, 2004, to shareholders of record as of February 23, 2004. The stock split will be accomplished through a 50% stock dividend, providing shareholders with one additional share of common stock for every two shares they hold. In lieu of issuing fractional shares, shareholders will receive a cash payment based on the average of the high and low sales prices of the common stock on the record date.

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Teemade nimekirja


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