Börsipäev 8.-9. märts - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 8.-9. märts

Kommentaari jätmiseks loo konto või logi sisse

  • -USA turud alustasid kerges plussis. Tööjõuraport oli reedel nõrk, kuid päev lõpetati siiski plussis. Makrouudistelt hakkavad taas pilgud pöörduma majandustulemustele. Esimene kvartal on läbi näiteks Oracle (ORCL).

    -BellSouth (BLS) alustas nädalat suure  tehinguga, müües oma Ladina Ameerika varad hispaania firmale Telefonica, tehingu hinnaks kujunes 5.85 dollarit. Aktsia on 0.5% plussis.

    -Toiduainete valmistaja J.M Smucker (SJM) ostab International Multifoods Corp. (IMC) 500 miljoni dollari eest. Seega jätkub ühinemiste, liitumiste laine.

    -Martha Stewarts Living Omnimedia (MSO)aktsia kukkus täna veel 10%. Meedia ja kodukaunistusfirma on tugevas sõltuvuses oma juhist Martha Stewartist, kes reedel mõisteti süüdi keelatud väärtpaberitehingute tegemises.

    Gary B. Smith:

    Rev Shark

    After a chaotic week with a number of twists and turns, the market is in a position where the key to success will be to pay close attention and chip away at market opportunities that arise. We are often inclined to make dramatic market calls and predictions but more often than not the best approach is simply to stay in tune with the short-term mood and enjoy the minor vibrations. 

    Many folks make the mistake of thinking market success comes from making bold predictions about turning points in the market. The truth is that market success is mainly a function of coming to work every day happily anticipating the many new opportunities that are likely to come into view. The great thing about earning a living from the stock market is that there is always a new supply of opportunities, and as long as you have capital and a positive attitude, you can make good money. 

    Before I become a trader I was an attorney and CPA. They certainly are excellent professions that can be fullfilling and lucrative, but until I became a trader I never really understood how enjoying your work could make such a huge difference in your results. It became clear to me that trading was the right fit for me. 

    The main appeal of trading at first was simply the flexibility and freedom that it gave me. Over time it became clear that very nice economic rewards were a consequence of enjoying what I was doing. To actually wake up and look forward to what I was going to do that day made a huge difference not only in my happiness but also in my paycheck. 

    The market right now is rather murky. We did a nice job shrugging off poor jobs news and Intel's (INTC:Nasdaq) weak report. On one hand the S&P 500 and Russell 2000 continue to act well but on the other hand the Nasdaq has been having a real struggle. Seasonal catalysts are gone but speculative action remains strong. 

    I don't know which way this market goes, but I do know if we immerse ourselves in it and monitor its heart beat and blood pressure, we are likely to find some good trading opportunities. There are symptoms of health and of illness, but neither is strong enough for us to take any dramatic action. Sooner or later that will change. 

    In the early going we have some traditional Monday morning strength to start the week. Overseas markets were generally positive with retailers and oils doing well. The dollar is showing strength, which is pushing gold back under $400 again. 

    My main focus will be to watch for a continuation of pockets of strong speculation and outperformance in small-caps. As long as those two conditions persist I'll lean to the long side

  • 08-Mar-04 07:27 ET In Play Warnaco Group Inc. misses by $0.04, ex items (WRNC) 17.97: Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings from continuing operations of $0.23 per diluted share, excluding ($0.32) in charges related to discontinued operations, $0.04 worse than the Reuters Research consensus of $0.27; revenues fell 0.5% year/year to $337.4 mln vs the $347.7 mln consensus.

    Tehniliselt päris kena.

  • Ja ka täiesti arvestatava käibega, kui tänase päeva lõpuni seda plussi suudetakse hoida, siis on tehniliselt väga tugev märk.
  • Mida arvate Intelist? Tehniliselt vist veidi kole pilt, või võiks siiski varsti ostmist kaaluda?
  • Ega vist enne seda osta ei julgeks kui üle $30 taas tõusta jõuab. See siis puhtalt tehniline vaade.
  • ASKJ ostetakse kõrgemalt kui müüakse......targemad ehk seletate!!!!!
  • Tundub,et seda aktsiat müüakse wäga aktiivselt lühikeseks....
  • Adz, sellisel juhul on see üks Traderi positiivne eripära - nimelt koondatakse seal orderid erinevatelt börsidelt ja kui kohati tekib hinnaerinevus erinevate börside vahel, siis saab väikest arbitraazi kasutada.
  • QQQ allpool $36 taset sulgemine oli päris halb märk.
  • Paistab, et Intel alustas rallit ja selle ka lõpetab
  • -Eile lõpetasid tehnoloogiaaktsiad päeva müügisurve tõttu tugevas miinuses ning kuna tõusutrendijoon on juba kas läbitud või ollakse läbimurdele väga lähedal, siis võib tänane päev olla otsustav. Futuuride hinnad viitavad siiski kergelt positiivsele avanemisele.

    -Mikrokiipide valmistaja Texas Instruments (TXN) tõstis oma esimese kvartali kasumi ja käibeprognoose, kuna turul seda ka oodati, siis aktsiat asuti eilsel järelturul peale uudist müüma. Texac Instruments suurkliente on mobiilifirmad ning esimene kvartal peaks ka neil oodatust veidi paremaks kujunema.

    -Veebruarikuu müügiga hiilgasid kaks peamist mikrokiipide valmistajat Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM) ja United Microelectronics (UMC). Kuid investerid peavad pooljuhtide sektorit ülehinnatuks ning tõenäosus allapoole liikuda on tõusust suurem.

    Gary B. Smith:

    Rev Shark:

    Yesterday was very disappointing for the bulls. The Nasdaq started off the day showing some promising signs of a life. Cisco (CSCO:Nasdaq) had an upgrade, Intel (INTC:Nasdaq) looked like it was holding support around 29 and the chip stocks were in positive territory. 

    The early positives didn't last long. Soon after the open, breadth started to slip. As the day wore on both volume and selling picked up steadily. The big-cap technology stocks led the parade to the downside and by the end of the day the Nasdaq has twice as many losers than gainers. 

    The Nasdaq now finds itself struggling to hold above 2000, which is a key support level. 2000 was the high back in December, the closing level on Dec. 31 and our low so far this year. There are a lot of eyeballs watching that number and a lot of stops in that vicinity. A breach is likely to produce some very intense action. 

    Does the Nasdaq's precarious technical picture spell doom for the broader market? Are the long-suffering bears finally in position to reap some rewards? If you look only at the Nasdaq and the Nasdaq 100, the answer to that appears to be yes but things aren't quite as dire when you look at the S&P 500 and the small-cap indices. These indices are still hugging their recent highs. They have plenty of nearby support and the technical pattern is still quite good. 

    What we have to consider is whether the weakness in the Nasdaq is likely to weigh on other areas of the market. Can the small caps and the S&P 500 make new highs as the Nasdaq breaks down? It is possible, but the odds are poor. Rightfully or not, technology stocks are almost always the most important leadership group in the market. When the markets are strong it is the area that attracts investors first. When they are looking for the big returns, technology stocks tend to be at the top of the list. The momentum boys know that it's technology that is most likely to produce the best action. 

    When technology stocks suffer it is a sign that speculation and risk-taking is declining. The aggressive investors are pulling back and that can spread very quickly into other areas of the market. 

    We have a tough trading environment and we have to respect this weakness in the Nasdaq and can't be too quick to anticipate a dash back to the highs. Even if we do see a good bounce the mood has shifted and the inclination to sell into strength is likely to be high. 

    We have a tentative start so far this morning. Texas Instruments (TXN:NYSE) is helping out a bit with solid guidance. Overseas market were under pressure because of weakness in technology stocks but financials showed a little relative strength. Gold, oil and the dollar are doing little. We don't have any major economic news due and the earnings calendar is quiet. 

    Traders are likely to stay cautious especially as we approach the key Nasdaq 2000 level. Be careful out there. Cash isn't a bad option at the moment.

  • Nasdaq Composite alla 2000 punkti ... kuid enne pole siiski suureks muretsemiseks põhjust kui ka sellest tasemest allpool sulgutakse.
  • EELN rallitleb sellise Briefing.com uudise peale

    EELN Momentum Radar -- E-Loan (3.05 +0.01)

    Making a decent move over the past couple of sessions is E-Loan, a consumer direct lender of mortgages, auto and home equity loans. The plunge in interest rates last Friday on poor jobs data has sparked interest in financial stocks. Bankrate (RATE 18.20 -0.74) rose as much as 25% since Friday as the lower rates should bolster mortgage refinancings. EELN is also a direct play on mortgage refinancing and rose 7% on Friday, but remains under many radar screens. The stock has fallen more than 50% from its 52-week high of $7.20, hampered by a dramatic slow down in the mortgage market. The surprising decline in rates over recent days should bode well for co's mortgage biz, which accounts for a signifcant portion of total revenues. Another potential catalyst is the high short interest in the stock at 12% of the float.
  • Ka EELN ei näe graafikul väga halb välja, lühiajaliselt paistab gapi täitmine (kuni 3.50) küll tõenäoline.
  • THC saab jätkuvalt soodsalt, olen endiselt seda meelt, et aktsia on liiga kallis
  • mis see haamer tahendab?
    egas me niiruttu ka kuku, kaime veel 2000 all ära paar korda
  • Dollar taas 1.235 usd/eur taset testimas, selle läbinuna liiguti paari minutiga 1.229 usdeur tasemeni. Ja vastupanutasemeid taas raske leida.
  • mina olen veendunud, et aasta 2004 lõpetatakse madalamalt kui alustati, ehk selle aasta tipud on tehtud. Loodan samas et eksin, aga kus on see jätkusuutlik majandus, mis aktsiad üles viivad? usa töötuid palju, saksas sama lugu ja ka mujal(eestis:( ), jaapani nikkei seisab paigal ?, kas optimism rajaneb ainult ootustel, vaatame kui palju indeksid tõusnud 10 kuuga, aga majandus?
    ostke putte, ja olete rikkad!
  • tänane eur/ usd graafik on küll hirmus.
  • mis seal hirmsat, näiab lihtsalt, et jalgealune optimismiks on kadunud,
    paremad võtavad raha, kehvemad unistavad kosumisest!
  • USD/EUR taas käitub taas väga tehniliselt - nii kui toetustase (1.2350) murtakse, tuleb kohe järsk liikumine alla.

    Ja Euroopa Keskpank loodab vähenevad volatiilsust valuutaturgudel ... tundub, et valuutakauplejaid on ohtralt juurde tekkinud.
  • Tundub, et väike põrge ettevalmistamisel.

  • tahtsingi öelda, et valutsiga kauplejatel on hea põli,, aktsiad suht paigal % arvestades
  • Päeva performer? Commonwealth Biotech (CBTE).


    March 9, 2004--Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Inc. (NASDAQ SmallCap Market: CBTE), a life sciences
    contract research organization and biotechnology company, today announced execution of two major bio-defense related contracts valued at nearly $1 million. The company expects to realize all revenues from
    both contracts in 2004.

    Päeva alguses firma turuväärtus $24..päeva lõpus..arvutage ise. Mida kõike turult $1 mln eest osta ei saa..

  • riq

    Tol hetkel mõtlesin doji`t. QQQ lõpetas ju selliselt.
  • Bettie,

    Nüüd jääb ainult CBTE-l välja kuulutada 10 mln suurune stock offering antud hinnatasemelt ja kui mõne aja pärast ilmneb, et diilid ikkagi läbi ei läinud, eks siis natuke müüakse alla.
  • natu nalja jälle euriga. ksukil oli uudis, et miski jaapan on uvitet usdi tugevnemisest. eile sama lugu enne suurt kukkumist üles ja siis euri müüma - väike kõrvalhüpe nn.
  • Ma katsetan ühte eur/usdi demo - spread kaks pipsi. Järjest suurenevas kaotuses.

    Üks vahva stsenaarium:
    Pikem lühike 1.2317 miski 15:27, mõni hetk hiljem stoppis 1.2341 välja, panin stopi nii, et eelmise vastupanu highle +10 juurde. Sic, hüppas 1.2344-ni.
    Uus lühike 1.2304. Pool kasumist 1.2276 välja, teine pool välja 1.2260. Iseenesest oleks võinud teise poole 1.2445 juures kinni panna.

Teemade nimekirja


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