Börsipäev 29. märts - "põrkame?" osa IV
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Päeva algus paistab positiivne, USA futuurid on plussis ja samamoodi ka Euroopa. Reedene pausipäev oli pigem positiive pullidele ja kui ka esmaspäev suudetakse selges plussis lõpetada on võmalused edasiseks tõusuks head.
Kui Euroopa keeras eelmisel pühapäeval kella, siis USA kõnnib omapäi ja keerab kella alles järgmisel pühapäeval. Seetõttu terve see nädal toimub kauplemine vahemikus 17.30-24.00. -
Nädalavahetusel telekanaleid klõpsides jäin korraks pidama FoxNewsi peal, kus üks analüütik vastas küsimusele "mida praegu hea osta?" - "ostke QQQ-d". Üsna totter soovitus, kuna sellega panustab ta kogu tehnoloogiasektori tõusule, mitte millegile konkreetselt. Lõhnab lihtsalt inimeste turulekutsumisena.
Ilmselt on ka eelmise nädala ralli taas turule meelitanud barbeque-investorid, kes nädalavahetusel positiivseid kommentaare kuulnud ja sellest tingitud ka esmaspäevahommikune positiivsus. Jälgige seega kuidas see positiivsus päeva jooksul püsib. -
Mõtted juba järgmises kuus, seetõttu ka alguses kogemata 29.aprilli börsipäevast sai kirjutatud :)
-Turgudel on oodata taas avanemist reedesest kõrgemal, Nasdaqi futuurid on pea protsendi plussis. Sellel nädalal on oodata mitut olulist uudist, kõigepealt OPEC-i kokkusaamine ning naftatootmise piirangute lõdvendamine, Euroopa Keskpanga neljapäevane istung määrab ära intressipoliitika ning mõjutab dollari/euro kurssi. Lisaks on reedel oluliseks turgu mõjutavaks faktoriks tööjõuraport.
-Esmaspäevale kohaselt teatati mitmest ühinemise/ülevõtmise tehingust. Anglo American (AAUK) teatas, et müüs oma 20% osaluse firmas Gold Fields (GFI) venemaa niklitootjale Norsils Nickel 1.16 miljardi dollari eest.
-Leonard Green & Partners teatas, et ostab ära firma Hollywood Entertainment (HLYW), iga aktsia eest pakutakse 14 dollarit.
- Maailma suurim biotehnoloogiafirma Amgen (AMGN) teatas samuti firma ostust, geeniuuringute ja ravimiarendamisega tegeleva firma Tularik (TLRK) eest makstakse 1.3 miljardit dollarit.
-Wal Mart (WMT) teatas, et märtsi müük edeneb hästi ning müügikasv jääb 4-6% prognoosi ülemisse otsa.
Rev Shark:
After suffering through a nearly two and a half month-long pullback the bulls finally managed Thursday to pull off one of the biggest gains in over a year. Despite a little shakiness at the close on Friday the bulls did a good job of holding on to it.
The question we contemplate as we start a new week is whether this is a beginning of a meaningful change in the market or just a temporary respite that will draw in buyers and ultimately dole out even more pain. The big bounce on Thursday has raised hopes substantially and the mood seems to have altered quite a bit. The bulls now feel the stage is set for the market to rally and are counting on a number of catalysts to kick in to drive things higher.
The first catalyst to consider is end-of-the-quarter window dressing. The quarter ends Wednesday and with the indices slightly down on the year there is likely to be some pressure for big funds to end up marginally on the positive side. A positive finish no matter how minor will looks good with the indices in negative territory.
The next big catalyst is Friday's monthly jobs report. There has been speculation for some time now that jobs growth is going to kick in suddenly and produce a surprisingly strong report. That has been anticipated the last couple of months but failed to materialize. That speculation is still out there and the likelihood of drama when this report hits on Friday morning is high.
The third catalyst coming into play is first-quarter earnings reports. So far we have had a paucity of earnings warnings, but with the quarter closing this week we are likely to see some as the final numbers come in. Expectations for earnings season have seemed fairly sedate but when the reports start to come out the second week of April we have the potential for some strong emotions to kick in.
Following the big bounce on Thursday the major indices have some key technical support. The Nasdaq, for example, managed to hold right around the 1900 level last week, which is also very near the 200-day simple moving average. If the market pulls back again that level will be tremendously important.
The best thing at this point is to continue to digest Thursday's gains while staying flat or pulling back marginally. That would allow stock to move out of the hands of the short-term flippers who caught the bounce and into the hands of strong, longer-term holders. It will be very instructive to see how much dip-buying kicks in if we do start to pull back more dramatically.
My primary focus is stocks that are likely to make a run into earnings reports because of positive expectations. Many of the big earnings winners from last quarter have been hit hard in recent weeks and I expect the ones most likely to have another good quarter to show signs of life.
We have some Monday morning optimism to start the week. European markets are perky while Asia is mixed. Technology stocks, especially chips, are showing some early signs of life. Oil, gold and the dollar are seeing some pressure this morning. We have no economic news on the agenda today.
I always cringe a bit to see a strong open on Monday. It always feels more emotional than analytical when buyers can't wait to rush in and do some buying.
Gary B. Smith:
Turu uus rakett on varsti Oplink (OPLK). Toodab jubinaid optilistele võrkudele, firmal pole praktiliselt üldse võlga, kapitalisatsioon on pisut üle 300 mln USD, samas kui cashi ja likviidseid vahendeid on 170 mln eest. Varsti tulevad firma majandustulemused, eelmisel kvartalil oli veel 1 sent aktsia kohta kahjumit, aga oli selge paranemine eelmiste aastate tulemustega võrreldes. On reaalne, et firma jõuab peagi kasumisse ja siis käitub aktsia sarnaselt PalmOnele, mis on viimasel ajal meeletult rallinud.
Lähem info Oplinki kohta on saadav lingilt www.oplink.com
Väga hea link, kus kõik oluline kirjas. -
Võimsalt ostetakse esimesel tunnil, ilmselt paljud turuosalised kardavad rallist maha jääda. Jällegi toonitan, et väga oluline on täna, kuidas see ostuhuvi püsib päeva lõpuks.
ja veel ... praeguseks on vastupanutasemed üsna ukse ees: Nasdaq 2000, Dow Jones 10400 ja S&P 1125. Hoidke radaril.
MSFT ei mängi täna kaasa eriti.
sB -
THC edges to new session high as CNBC guest highlights recent insider buying at company (10.63 +0.33)
MSFT sõitis ju eest ära, nüüd ootsab järgi