Börsipäev 7-8. aprill - Majandustulemused rokivad - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

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Börsipäev 7-8. aprill - Majandustulemused rokivad

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  • - USA tehnoloogiasektor on peale eilset langust kerges plussis, vana majandus Alcoa (AA) tulemustest tuge ei saanud ning futuurid indikeerivad kerget miinust.

    -Alumiiniumitootja Alcoa (AA) on eelturul 2% miinuses. Firma esimese kvartali kasum kahekordistus võrreldes eelmise aastaga ning ulatus 355 miljoni dollarini ehk 41 sendini aktsia kohta. Alumiiniumitoodete nõudlus on endiselt kõrge. Firma tulud kasvasid 11%, kasum 135%.

    -Nokia (NOK) aktsia eelturul nullis, vaatamata firma vastu algatatud kohtuasjale. Nimelt pole aktsionärid rahul juhtkonna käitumisega, nende arvates oleks käibe langusest tulnud varem teatada. Lisaks alandasid mitmed reitinguagentuurid aktsia soovituse müü või hoia tasemele.

    -Rallit jätkas sateliitraadiot pakkuv Sirius (SIRI), Chrysler Group teatas, et võimaldab antud firma teenust Chrysler, Jeep ja Dodge autodes. Aktsia eelturul 5% plussis, kuid ära ei tohiks unustada, et firma väärtus küündib juba 3.8 miljardi dollarini.

    -Täna jagub palju tähelepanu Yahoo (YHOO) aktsiale, kuna firmalt on oodata päeva lõpus majandustulemusi.

    Rev Shark:

    After a 10% run in the Nasdaq and the quickly approaching earnings season, it is time for a bit of rest and contemplation. The question now is whether this is the pause that refreshes and rejuvenates, or the hesitation that leads to doubt, worry and a crumbling market. 

    The primary hope for the bulls is that earnings season will produce enough positive reports and upbeat guidance to attract more buyers. The first major report from Alcoa (AA:NYSE) last night was a bit of a disappointment, but Yahoo! (YHOO:Nasdaq) and Research In Motion (RIMM:Nasdaq) have the opportunity to stir up some emotion with their reports tonight. 

    The market would look much better technically if it rested and/or pulled back a bit more at this point. We have done little to digest the recent gains. A pullback would allow stock to move from the hands of profit-takers and weak holders into more confident grasps. 

    What we have to watch for right now is how psychology develops as earnings reports hit. Are good reports used as an opportunity to make sales? Or do they restore confidence and attract new buyers? The fact that the Nasdaq has made a quick 10% move into earnings season helps set up a "sell the news" environment, but if the market works off the overbought condition to some extent in the next few days, it will relieve some of that pressure. 

    We have a holiday Friday and lots of market participants are taking spring vacations. That may slow volume and cause some volatility today and tomorrow. The inclination to lock in recent gains and raise cash before leaving town is something we will have to watch for. 

    I continue to feel bullish about the market into earnings season primarily because of the very healthy action in small-cap stocks. The speculative money is doing some buying, and there are plenty of good-looking charts to consider. My intraday scans have been uncovering many healthy pockets of action in recent days. 

    In the early going, we have a cautious start. Overseas markets were mainly higher due to positive buzz about DaimlerChrysler (DCX:NYSE), but Alcoa is a drag this morning. The news calendar is slow, with the exception of a couple of earnings reports tonight. We should see some positioning in the Internet sector in front of the Yahoo! report. 

    At the moment the market is looking tentative, and we may want to stay patient as we watch for a clearer trend to develop.

    Gary B. Smith:

  • NOK ostuga ei maksa kiirustada, vajub üsna kindlalt madalamale.
  • millal juniper oma tulemused avaldab?
  • Yahoo tulemused tõesti väga võimsad ja järelturul tõstnud kogu tehnoloogiasektorit.

    16:33 YHOO Yahoo! beats by $0.02, ex items, raises Y04 guidance, approves 2-for-1 stock split (48.35 -0.42)

    Reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $0.13 per share, excluding one-time gain from unredeemed third party loyalty program points that expired during qtr, $0.02 better than the Reuters Research consensus of $0.11; revenues rose 94.4% year/year to $550.1 mln, excluding traffic acquisition costs, vs the $501.1 mln consensus. Co also guides, sees Y04 revenues of $2.41-2.52 bln, excluding traffic acquisition costs, vs the R.R. consensus of $2.23 bln. Co's Board approves two-for-one split of co's common stock, payable May 11, 2004 to stockholders of record on April 26, 2004.
  • Mis arvate, kaua kestab YAHOO mõju SOHUle?
  • Deutsche Bank raising global semiconductor forecast for FY'04 to 16.5% from 8.56%. Cowen also boosts forecast this morning to 25%.

    Päris suur hulk on positiivseid uudiseid tänase päeva alguseks, Nasdaqi futuurid juba pea protsendi plussis.

  • Ka General Eletric (GE) ületas prognoose ja on eelturul protsendi plussis. Yahoo (YHOO) on täna veel paar protsenti suutnud lisada ja eel turul +12.5%.

    06:53 GE General Electric beats by $0.01 (31.40 )

    Reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $0.32 per share, $0.01 better than the Reuters Research consensus of $0.31; revenues rose 9.5% year/year to $33.35 bln vs the $32.22 bln consensus.
  • -Lühikese kauplemisnädala viimane päev on algamas positiivselt.Yahoo head majandustulemused ning töötu abiraha taotluste kukkumine kolme aasta põhja on loonud hea võimaluse tugevaks tõusuks. Nasdaqi futuurid 1% plussis, S&P500 0,6%.

    -General Electric (GE) on eelturul 1.3% plussis, firma avaldas eelturul majandustulemused. 11 üksusest tervelt üheksa näitasid kahekohalisi kasvunumbreid. Kogukäive kasvas esimeses kvartalis 10% 33.35 miljardile dollarile. Tööstustellimused kasvasid 20%, teenuste sektoris kasvasid tellimused 8%. Ka 2005 aastalt oodatakse kahekohalist kasvunumbrit.

    -Jaemüüjate märtsinumbrid olid head. Wal Mart (WMT) teatas, et märtsis kasvas võrreldavate poodide müük 14% 25.13 miljardi dollarini. Aprilli kasvuks loodetakse 4-6%.

    -Yahoo (YHOO) teatas 2:1 aktsiate splitist ja heast käibe ning kasumikasvust. Esimese kvartali müük kasvas tervelt 168%. Aktsia eelturul 14% plussis.

    -Arvutitootja Dell (DELL) tõstis oma esimese kvartali käibenumbri 11.4 miljardile dollarile, samas jäi kasumiprognoos muutmata. Eelturul 2.7% plussi.

    -Eelmise nädala töötu abiraha taotlejate arv kukkus 14 000 võrra 328 000 taotlusele, mis on Bushi administratsiooni ajal madalaim näitaja.

    Rev Shark:

    We have a rather happy mood this morning following good news from Yahoo! (YHOO:Nasdaq), Dell (DELL:Nasdaq), General Electric (GE:NYSE) and Genetech (DNA:NYSE). The bulls have needed some upbeat earnings reports and that need is being satisfied this morning. 

    The big question now is whether the news is positive enough to generate momentum and propel the market to new highs. Technically it is still a bit overbought, but the pullback over the last two days has helped alleviate that condition to some extent. The downtrend that started in January at around 2150 and took us down to the 200-day moving average at 1900 is now clearly broken. Overall, it looks like we have fairly good technical support for a sustained move. 

    The fundamental picture is a bit more murky. Obviously, the earnings today are a big positive and that should help raise expectations for the reports to follow in the weeks ahead. Economic news will become increasingly important as folks look for some confirmation of the strong jobs report. The weekly unemployment report due out at 8:30 a.m. EDT should garner some attention for that reason. 

    The situation in Iraq is a source of concern and the testimony of Condi Rice today will attract some attention. If we are unable to establish firmer control in Iraq very soon, that is likely be a source of market concern. Strong testimony by Ms. Rice today will help shore up confidence in President Bush and be a positive for the market. 

    Another issue we have coming into play today is the long weekend coming up and the start of spring vacations for many. Will investors look to lock in gains today in front of the weekend? Or will they want to position themselves long in hopes of more good news next week? I'm not sure, but the likelihood is that we see some fairly good volatility as the day progresses. 

    Given the news from Yahoo! and Dell, Internet and computer related stocks will be the prime focus of traders. We saw a wide variety of Internet stocks trading up after hours yesterday, and the momentum investors are going to be trolling the waters for opportunities. We are also seeing some good retail comparison as monthly same-store sales reports roll in. DNA and good news from Pfizer (PFE:NYSE) may help boost bios and drugs. There are very broad positions out there this morning. 

    We have all the ingredients for a strong up day. We probably even have some shorts to squeeze after the weakness of the last couple days. Quite often, the days like this that start with good news stay strong all day. We'll see what happens an hour or so after we open and things settle down, but I would be in no hurry to try to short strength at this point. If you are bearishly inclined, stay patient. This move is likely to have some legs. As long as we hold above the bottom of the recent gap at 2025 on the Nasdaq, this market is in solid technical shape. 

    Early indications are very strong. Asian stocks were mixed overnight, but technology stocks are driving European markets higher. The dollar is exhibiting strength against both the euro and yen. Oil is up and gold down. 

    Buckle up. It's going to be a wild one today.



  • "Senitundmatu Iraagi rühmitus teatas täna, et on võtnud pantvangi kolm jaapanlast ja kavatseb nad kõik tappa, kui Tokyo ei vii oma vägesid Iraagist ära. Rühmituse videosalvestise ja nõudmised esitas Katari telekanal Al-Jazeera.

    Kõik kolm pantvangi on tsiviilisikud ning üks neist ajakirjanik. Jaapan lükkas terroristide nõudmised tagasi, põhjendades seda asjaoluga, et Jaapani väed täidavad Iraagis vaid humanitaarülesandeid ning sõjategevuses ei osale. Terroristid röövisid täna Iraagis ka kaheksa lõunakorealast, kellest üks hiljem vabastati."

    mingi islamirühmitus on asja Iraagis väga kavalalt ette võtnud, USA liitlased püütakse ükshaaval riigist välja saada (hispaanlased juba lasid püksid täis, poolakad on laskmas, jaapanlased järgmiseks....) ja kui USA üksi jääb, siis kasvab rahutus riigisiseselt ja kui Kerry peaks presidendiks saama, siis võib lähis idas taas üks islamivabariik juures olla.

Teemade nimekirja


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