Börsipäev 5. mai - FEDi järelmõju - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 5. mai - FEDi järelmõju

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  • Tere hommikust!


    Tallinna Börsil oodatakse endiselt Harju Elektri I kvartali tulemusi, mille avaldamise tähtaja on ettevõte määranud nädala täpsusega (03.05.2004-07.05.2004). Lisaks pakub huvi turu edasine reaktsioon Hansapanga eile avaldatud headele tulemustele, mille tagajärjel vallandunud hinnaralli päeva lõpuks vaibus.

    Helsingi börsil on LHV klientide poolt eelistatud aktsiate seas oodata Nokian Renkaat (NRE1V) tulemusi.

    Täna mujal Euroopas laekuvad huvipakkuvamaid tulemusi: BMW, Adidas-Salomon, Statoil ja paar päeva tagasi positiivse kasumihoiatuse andnud Credit Suisse.

  • Nii, Nokian Renkaat (NRE1V) oodatust tublisti paremad tulemused väljas ...

    Käive 112,7M EUR (2003 Q1 95,7M EUR) +17,8%

    Tegevuskasum 10,7M EUR (2003 Q1 3,2M EUR) +234,8%

    EPS 0.61 EUR (2003 Q1 0.06 EUR) +916,6%

    Kasvu täheldati kõigis kasumiüksustes ja turgudel.

  • Nokia on Helsingis üsna kiirelt hüpanud 11.60 pealt 11.90 peale, mingit uudist aga ei ole, sealsete maaklerite sõnul tehniline liikumine, börsile pilku heites tundub, et kõik suured on äkki ostma hakanud: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse jne.
  • Enne võis jälgida huvitavat liikumist, IMHO, Nokia Soomes oli päris tugev kuni Nasdaqi avanemiseni, siis kukkus - ja nii iga päev. Eks näeb, mis täna kell 16.30 juhtub.
  • noh täna rallime nagu marko märtin!
  • No Nokia phone in top 10 phones sold in Sweden in April
    Vodafone Sweden, a unit of Vodafone Group, said Wednesday that no phones from Nokia made its top ten list of best selling products in April.

    aktsia rallitleb meeldivalt HEXil, kõigil on pohhui negatiivsetest uudistest!
  • Nokia ei ole Rootsis top10s, huvitav kuidas Ericssonil Soomes läheb? :)

    Aga Nokia viimase aja ebaedu taga nähakse just vähest koostööd operaatoritega, nende kaudu liigub Euroopas ja USA turul üle poole müüdud telefonide koguarvust ja see tendents kasvab ...
  • Pilk realmoney.com tegemistele:

    Rev Shark

    The goal of Alan Greenspan and the boys at the Federal Reserve is clear: They wish to slowly, carefully and incrementally raise interest rates as the economy grows and inflationary pressures increase. They said they will move in a "measured" manner, which is an indication that there is likely to be a series of small interest rate hikes at some point, rather than a couple of big increases. 

    Our task now is to figure out how the market will react to the Fed's plan. Given that the market spiked and then gave back almost the entire gain following yesterday's news, it is safe to say that market participants are uncertain and a bit confused. 

    The major problem is that the Fed did little to remove the uncertainty that has been weighing on the market. It made it quite clear that it will eventually raise rates but left us guessing as to when and to what extent. Without knowing the timing and the degree, the market is left trying to figure out how to properly discount those moves. 

    The good news is that the Fed did sound very bullish on the health of the overall economy. Manufacturing activity is booming and job growth is showing signs of life. The question for market participants is to what degree a better economy has already been priced in and what impact inflation and increased interest rates will have on the market. 

    If it were easy to answer that question we'd all be sailing on our yachts in the Caribbean. We have to look for clues as to what the market is thinking. The best measure of market sentiment is the charts of the indices and they are worrisome. The big drop last week left us in a position where the bulls need to work extra hard to repair the damage. The bulls have been able to produce a little bit of a bounce the last few days but there was little conviction or vigor to the buying. 

    The Nasdaq is holding the 200-day simple moving average at 1935 but the downside support is precarious. The overhead resistance, on the other hand, is much tougher. The first major hurdle to the upside is the interim low between the two latest upside spikes at 1975. If the Nasdaq can cut through that level and hold the gain for a day or two it may be able to build momentum for another leg up. 

    Is that likely? I don't think the odds are good. There has been a marked change in character in the market in recent weeks. The list of new highs continues to erode, volume on the upside has flagged and there are few positive catalysts on the horizon now that earnings season is over. We also have seasonality to consider. Many folks have been wondering about the old adage, "Sell in May and go away.

    If the bulls are unable to cut through at least some of the nearby overhead it is going to worry market participants and induce some selling pressure. The shorts will likely be emboldened if the bulls are unable to manage any decent upside progress. 

    I'm leery of the ability of this market to do anything substantial to the upside right now. We may see this bounce last a bit longer but I'd use strength to lighten up and/or do some shorting. Heavy overhead resistance looms and the downside support is thin at best. The risk is to the downside here. 

    The early indications are slightly positive but very choppy. Asian markets were weak, led by a sharp drop in Taiwan. European markets are mixed as a bombing in Athens raises come concerns. The dollar is down a tad and gold is continuing its bounce. Oil, which has been flying, is taking a rest this morning. 

    The only economic news on the calendar is non-manufacturing ISM for April, which is generally not a big market mover. The focus is going to shift to Friday's jobs report very quickly, which the market will use as a measure for how fast the Fed will move to increase rates. 

    It's not a good time to be a hero. Protect that capital.

    Gary B. Smith:

  • Henno & sidekick,

    Teie uudiste puhul on oluline mitte see, et Nokia oli Rootsis väljaspool TOP10, vaid VODAFONE müügis väljaspool TOP10

    Need on vääga erinevad asjad...ja põhjusega!
  • eestis ju küll telisasonerale kuuluv emt pakub nokiasid
    ma küll ei oleks tähele pannud eriti nende reklaamides ericssone
  • Nojah, TeliaSonera ja Vodafone on tiba erinevad asjad just kasutatavate handsettide poole pealt
  • hetkel küll ei usu et nokial hakkab tulevikus paremini minema sest teised on telefonide arendamises järele jõudnud kui mitte just ette ja selles osas peab küll nuud nokia tublid tööd tegema et mitte oma turul osa täielikult kaotada. aga see koik on minu arvamus.
  • Kõlad juba nagu ÄP Toomas :)

    Kuigi nagu Kawe Kristjan juba ühe ammuses intervjuus mainis, et usinad kollased käekesed võivad Nokiale tubli konkurentsi pakkuda, usun, et lahing pole kaugeltki läbi (rääkimata sõjast). Nokia on aja jooksul suutnud näidata suurepärast võimet ennast nõudlusega kohandada ning vähemalt hetkel ei tule ka finantsidest puudust.

    Ma pole küll selline diehard Nokia pull nagu sidekick siin kõrval aga eks selle negatiivsusega ole natuke turg siin liialdanud.


  • FIM avaldas täna Raisio 1Q analüüsi.

    Ettevõtte EPS 1Q oli -0,03, FIM ootas 0,00, FIMi sõnul RavintoRaisio oli ootuspärane ja Life Science ületas ootusi, kasum jäi oodatust väiksemaks Raisio Chemicals tõttu, kuid kuna Raisio saab üksuse müügist igal juhul €475M, olenemata tulemustest, siis on see vähetähtis (Raisio seisukohalt).

    FIMi andmetel on Raisiol 8,4 miljoni euro suurune maksuülejääk, mis võimaldaks maksta 0,12€ suuruse dividendi, maksupoliitika muutuse tõttu oleks see kasulik teha juba sellel aastal. Raisio ei ole siiani soovinud kommenteerida Kemikaaliüksuse müügist saadava raha kasutust, ega ka antud €8,4M kasutust. FIM spekuleerib, et Raisio kasutab saadud raha võlgade maksuks, väikeseks firmaostuks Life Science kasvatamiseks ja ilmselt tõstetakse ka investeeringute taset.

    Ettevõte avaldab uue strateegia suvel, mil selgitatakse täpsemalt ka kasutuses olevate varade jaotamist (dividend, firmaost, investeeringud).

    FIM jätab aktsia reitingu "Lisa" tasemele. Eriliselt tõstetakse Life Science üksust, millest on saamas väärtuse kasvataja, mitte kahandaja, nagu siiani (vihje 1Q maksudeeelsele kasumile).

  • Uudiseid Repligeni (RGEN) fännidele:

    13:14 RGEN Repligen Corp: WR Hambrecht comments on ImClone suit (3.42 +0.52)

    WR Hambrecht commenting that Repligen announced it filed a lawsuit which claims that ImClone Systems (IMCL 66.45 +1.95) is using a cell line manufacturing technology for Erbitux that infringes on its patent No. 4,663,281. Repligen is the exclusive licensee for this patent from MIT. Firm believes Repligen is seeking damages and a small royalty on Erbitux sales. While the outcome and timing is uncertain, they believe this is another potential upside to the Repligen story, and the stock could represent a trading opportunity based on future newsflow. Firm notes that Repligen and MIT have filed for an extension on the patent that could add an additional 5 years of patent life; the current patent expires today, May 5,
  • Uudisena pole firma seda veel välja lasknud, vaid 8-k filingus, mis tuli välja täna hommikul.


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