Börsipäev 3. september - eile Intel, täna tööjõuraport - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 3. september - eile Intel, täna tööjõuraport

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  • Eile USA turul +4,40% tõusnud ja peale seda järelturul Inteli mõjutusel -1,05% langenud Nokia on avanemas Helsingis 10 EUR tasemel, mis praeguse EUR/USD kursi järele tähendab hinda 12.16 USD ehk 0.05 USD madalamal kui eilne sulgemishind USA järelturul.
  • Liigub kuulujutt, et Nokia on tõstmas kasumiprognoose...
  • Nokia ja kasumiprognooside tõstmine - väga kahtlane, Nokia on viimasel ajal kvartali keskel olnud vait kui sukk.

    Kuid see, et Nokia praegu ka Inteli peale nullis on, näitab tugevust. Praegustel aktsionäridel veel müügiks vara, kuid need kellel aktsiaid veel pole - minu meelest pole hilja ka osta.
  • Kristjan, pean sind siiski parandama, raske on leida kvartalit, kui Nokia pole kvartali keskel kommentaare jaganud.
  • Njah, ametliku kvartalikeskse kokkuvõtte on nad vähemalt ära kaotanud ja kuulu järgi ei lubata eriti ka Nokia kõrgemaid ametnikke seminaridele/konverentsidele esinema.
  • Ametlikult loobuti kvartali vahearuande esitamist vist peale I kvartali tulemusi...
  • Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 144,000 in August, and the unemployment
    rate was little changed at 5.4 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the
    U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Over the month, job growth occurred
    in several service-providing industries.
  • Gapping Up

    MICC +12% (to launch mobile service in Pakistan), KMRT +1.3% (updates transaction with Sears), SHFL +1.3% (reports JulQ, Roth upgrade)... Under $3: UAIR +3.1% (reports deal with pilot's union may be near).

    Gapping Down: Intel drags down semis

    INTC -6.7% (cuts Q3 revenue, gross margin guidance) Down in sympathy with Intel: CY -8.3% (also guides lower), ALTR -4.2% (also guides lower), AMAT -3.3%, CSCO -1.6%, MRVL -5%, TMTA -5%, STM -4.2%, XLNX -3.5%, BRCM -2.5%, ASML -6%.... Other News: PRSF -18% (Misses JulQ by wide margin), EFII -16% (guides Q3 lower), IDTI -6% (guides lower).
  • Vene pantvangidraama igatahes hakkab lõppema - Vene uudisteagentuurid teatavad 7-st hukkunust, Briti televisiooni kaameramees nägi 100-t hukkunut enne kui Vene võimud ta eemale ajasid. Ilmselt vene (valitsusmeelse) meedia ja tegelikkuse vahele jäävadki päris suured käärid.
  • miks COMS kauplemine peatatud, vähemalt traderis ei toimu midagi???
  • USA turud on suurte uudiste järel segaduses. tehnoloogiasektor avanes peale Inteli kehva kvartalivahekokkuvõtet vaid protsendi miinuses. Vana majandus on kergelt plussis.

    Tööjõuraporti järgi loodi augustis 144 000 uut töökohta, mis on oodatust veidi vähem, kuid samas tõsteti varasematel  kuudel loodud töökohtade arvu. Tööpuuduse määr langes 5,4 protsendile, mis on madalaim näitaja alates 2001. aasta oktoobrist. Üldhinnang raportile on turul positiivne. Seda kirjeladab võlakirjaturu reaktsioon, 10- aastase võlakirja intressimäär kerkis 4,2% kiiresti 4,25 protsendile.

    Inteli (INTC) käive jääb selles kvartalis prognoosidele tunduvalt alla ning ka kasumimarginaali prognooside täitmisega on raskusi, aktsia avanes 7% miinuses 20 dollari all.

    Rev Shark:


    We have one of the most important economic reports of the year coming up at 8:30 a.m. EDT this morning. The August jobs report has the full attention of market participants this morning and is likely to produce a very sharp move in the market when it hits.

    Expectations are for new jobs of 150,000, a 5.5% unemployment rate, 0.2% increase in earnings and an average work week of 33.7 hours. The 150,000 number is the key and there is a very wide range of views on how things will turn out.

    A lot of folks like to think they have an edge when it comes to predicting how this report will turn out. They believe that if they take a number of facts and apply logic they will be able to predict it.

    Don't fool yourself. Betting the jobs data this morning is a straight-out gamble. You may get lucky and be on the right side but don't make the mistake of thinking that it was due to predictive skills rather than just blind luck. The jobs report is a slot machine. You pull the handle and take your chances.

    The situation is even more complicated after the abysmal midquarter update from Intel (INTC:Nasdaq). The company disappointed in every key area and surprised many of the already pessimistic analysts. As might be expected there is fallout in the chip sector this morning and Prudential has downgraded the group to unfavorable from neutral.

    Can a good jobs report offset the poor Intel update? Probably but there is going to be some fallout in technology stocks regardless of a good jobs report. There are obviously some issues in this sector that are not solely a function of increased employment.

    Overseas markets are lower overnight in reaction to Intel. Oil is holding steady at a little over $44 a barrel. Futures are down sharply but will be shaken up when the jobs report hits.

    I'm going to put on my trading goggles and fortify myself with an extra cup of coffee. Good luck and go get 'em.

  • 3Com lowers revenue, gross margin forecasts [DNCCPFH]

    CHICAGO, Sept 3 (Reuters) - 3Com Corp. a smaller rival of telecommunications equipment maker Cisco Systems Inc. , on Friday lowered its revenue and gross margin
    forecasts for the fiscal first quarter ended Aug. 27. Marlborough, Massachusetts-based 3Com said it now expects revenue of $160 million to $164 million. The compares with a June forecast for revenue to be flat to slightly up from $183 million in the fiscal 2004 fourth quarter. It said gross margins in the quarter are expected to be 38 percent to 39 percent, slightly below its prior forecast of about 40 percent. In total, sales and marketing, research and development,
    and general and administrative expenses are expected to be at the low end of the company's prior mid-$90 million range.
  • Tööjõuraporti tugevust näitab ka tänane dollari graafik, peale raporti avaldamist alustas dollar kiiresti tugevnemist ning tõusis euro vastu protsendi. Hetkel tasemel 1.2054 eur/usd.

  • Tänane kukkumine on seotud pantvangikriisi ja naftahinna tõusuga.

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