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Veebruari kuu tegija?

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  • Kelle peale sina oma raha panustaksid kui sul oleks aega veebruari kuu ja raha kaotamine ei oleks probleem? Lihtsalt tahaks kuulda kõige pöörasemaid ja riskantsemaid mõttevälgatusi.

  • Riskialtimatele NGEN. Lisaks tehniliselt atraktiivsele positsioonile ja nanosektori momentumile on teisigi põhjuseid, ei viitsi hakata kõiki välja tooma. Nanosektori aktsiad on ajalooliselt üsna sünkroonis liikunud. Eks näis, kas see ka jätkub. Illustratsiooniks võiks tuua ngen'i liikumise võrrelduna hiljutise suure hüppe ülespoole teinud alti'ga.
    Usun, et kui mingeid üleliia halbu uudiseid ei tule ja turg tervikuna positiivsust säilitab, siis 50% liikumist ülespoole pole utoopia.
  • näiteks Nokia tõuseb täna 4%, sest presenteerib Cannes oma uusi mudeleid. samas ei tea palju langeb.
  • Lisaks nanole soovitaks silma peal hoida sellistel tegelastel nagu AVNX ja PSRC
  • Tarmo,

    Viitsid paari sõnaga rääkida PSRC'st? Ma näen seda, et a) ainuke klient on PLMO b) Äri Samsungiga ka vist ei funga. Aktsiad vabalanguses (kuigi reede oli paljulubav).

  • Risk PSRC-ga seoses fundamentaalselt kindlasti väga suur. Samas on aktsia tehniliselt väga huvitavaks muutunud ja kuna paluti pakkuda võimalikku veebruarikuu tegijat, siis kuna firma aktsiad on ka suures osas lühikeseks müüdud, ootan lühiajalist korralikku põrget, stop tuleb muidugi paika panna. Lisaks sehkendab PSRC viimasel ajal koos Texas Instrumentiga ja täna Cannes algav üritus võiks olla just selleks tõukejõuks, mis karudele võiks peavalu valmistada.

    Inc., (Nasdaq: PSRC) provider of Palm OS(R), a leading operating system
    powering next generation phones and mobile devices, and Texas Instruments
    Incorporated (TI), today announced the availability of two Palm OS(R) Cobalt
    reference designs running on TI's industry-leading OMAP(TM) platform,
    including the OMAP730 GSM/GPRS processor and OMAP850 EDGE processor. These
    reference designs enable wireless handset OEMs and ODMs to quickly create low-
    cost, high-performance Palm Powered(TM) smartphones for use on GSM/GPRS and
    EDGE networks.
    PalmSource and TI will demonstrate Palm OS Cobalt running on TI OMAP
    technology during 3GSM World Congress, taking place February 14-17 in Cannes,
    France. The demo will be shown at the PalmSource booth, K5 in Hall 4,
    throughout the event (Feb 14-17); TI will feature the demo at its booth, E19
    in Hall 2, on February 16 and 17.
  • Mingi aeg märkasin, et nad ostsid Hiinast ka ühe firmakese.
  • Hiina on neil jah pidevalt fookuses olnud, ka PLMO-l.

    Kes üldse riski ei karda, tsekagu sellist nanopinki ka nagu NNOS, mis täna pigem lotopiletit meenutab.

    NanoSignal Corporation Announces a Signed Letter of Intent to Acquire Global [DWTRNZZ]
    Medical Services Inc. and Their

    Business Editors/Technology Writers

    LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 14, 2005--NanoSignal Corp (Pink
    Sheets:NNOS) announced today that it has signed a letter of intent to
    acquire all the issued and outstanding stock of the parent corporation
    Global Medical Services Inc, and its subsidiary Pioneer Health
    Solutions. Gary Walters CEO of NanoSignal Corporation stated today,
    "This Acquisition will provide cash flow to the corporation and its
    targeted subsidiaries and create a medical division as well, while we
    are still in the stages of development of the Dicom compatibility to
    HATACI the open end MRI system at Desert Radiology.
    This acquisition will provide a resolution to help stabilize the
    recent dwindling price in our stock due to the likelihood of market
    shorters taking advantage of our non existent income or cash flow
    stream by which today companies are being measured."
    Global Medical Services Subsidiary, Pioneer Health Solutions,
    combines the advantages of managed health care with freedom of choice.
    The program is tailored to emphasize prevention and cost containment,
    Pioneer's program offers people who cannot afford or qualify for
    traditional health insurance.
    Doctors & Hospitals: Physicians, hospitals, lab tests, diagnostic
    tests and much more. Our members can experience up to 50% savings on
    medical services from a network of over 50,000 ancillary medical
    facilities, 4,000 hospitals and over 500,000 physicians nationwide.
    All of Pioneer Health Solutions' participating providers must pass
    strict credentialing criteria prior to joining the network.
    John Murray President of Global Medical Services states, "This
    acquisition with NanoSignal Corp will provide the capital and exit
    strategy, which will provide Global and its subsidiary the capital &
    backing it needs to fully utilize our provider network & expand our
    marketing to millions of potential members who otherwise would be
    unaware of our affordable alternative to high cost of health
    insurance." See for more info on the acquisition
  • Aga millist aktsiat peate Tallinna börsil Tugevaks tõusjaks/langejaks Veebruari kuu jooksul.
  • Tugev tegija on kindlasti Hansapank.
  • Ise olen ka nanosektorist huvitet. Kusjuures just tänu ALTI-le, kes mulle vahepeal kasuks tuli :=)

    Aga SNSTA on minu jälgimisnimekirjas olnud alates oma jaanuarikuusest hüppest. Ometi ei märganud ma tabada õiget hetke ostuks nüüd, mil aktsia hind liikus 25-lt 38-le...

    Hetkel vaatan ka AIRT-i... niipalju kui mina graafikutest ja TA-st jagan, peaks nagu tulema mingisugune tõus. Ainult et volüüm on suht väike... praegu raskusi 21-22 vahel. Loodan siiksi nädala lõpuks 23-24 saada kätte.
  • PSRC PalmSource strength attributed to rumor Nintendo became licensee of Palm OS; European partner's new phone gets good reviews (11.50 +0.84)

    Räägi veel hundist
  • Soovitaks VERT-i 1.20 alt, kuid due diligence jääb teie enda teha.
  • CBMX kogub tuure, ka kandidaat veebruari tegija tiitlile. Foorumi pealkiri ise väga hea, seda võiks pidevalt jätkata, järgmine kuu siis juba Märtsi tegija jne.
  • CBMX mention oli ju alles pärast rallit?
  • Ei teagi täpsemalt, nende CEO Amit Kumar on sel nädalal taas nn. nanotuuril ja usun, et teles võeti taas asi ülesse. CBMX võib vabalt ALTI-t teha, ka neil on uute batareide arendus käsil lisaks paljudele muudele programmidele.
  • ma JUST jõudsin seda mõelda enne kui fit välja ütles... :P
  • (disclaimer: mis siis, et JUST suurte tähtedega oli - seda ei pea ostma)
  • PSRC PalmSource: Comments on stock's 8% move yesterday - Stanford (11.55 )

    Stanford out on PalmSource noting the stock moved almost 8% yesterday due to the announcement of the Xplore M68, the introduction of a few China MobileSoft products, and a rumor that Nintendo may be licensing software from PalmSource. Understandably, the Nintendo rumor is probably the biggest driver of yesterday's price gain. Nintendo is rumored to have licensed some form of PSRC's PIM applications to run on the newly-released DS (Dual Screen) console. The firm warns clients against bidding up PSRC based on the Nintendo rumor. Stanford believes that any royalty revenue impact from the deal would probably be small. The firm also does not understand why anybody would want to use a Nintendo DS as a PDA.
  • EPIQ on huvitav firma ja peale tulemusi liiga alla müüdud. Kiire põrge on tõenäoline

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