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Börsipäev 7.juuni

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  • Dagens Industri kirjutab tänases võrguväljaandes, et Autoliv soovib veelgi viia tootmist ja arendust üle odavatesse riikidesse. Sellest peaks kasu lõikama ka Norma.
  • Norma uudise pealkiri oli:
    "Autoliv will cut off 1000 sub-suppliers in the years to come".

    Esimene traderi-reaktsioon oleks Normale "sell".

    Uudist edasi lugedes selgub, et vähendadakse arenenud riikide allhanget ja suurendatakse odavama tootmisega riikide osa. Eesti kuulub siiski veel viimaste hulka ja see peaks hoopis suuremat käivet tähendama.

    Seega positiivne uudis.
  • 12:03:55 NRM1T EUR 7.25 3300 AUTO
    12:03:55 NRM1T EUR 7.25 2000 AUTO
    12:03:25 NRM1T EUR 7.26 200 AUTO

    Töötab küll,
    Täitsa positiivne uudis!

    Sorry, lihtsalt märkasin!
  • uhoh:

    Watch the Gaga Over Google
    6/7/05 9:00 AM ET
    I cringed this morning when I saw that CNBC has now stooped to putting the Google (GOOG:Nasdaq) ticker up with the indices in place of crude oil. It is already bad enough that analysts are playing "who can top my target?" but that sort of media attention from a purportedly 'objective' news source -- this kind of coverage borders on sensationalism -- always seems like an obvious sign of a top in retrospect.

    In any event, we have a fairly strong open on the way. There isn't much new out there but there seems to be a good supply of "hot money" traders looking for action. So strap on your trading helmet, adjust your goggles and get ready to rumble.

    Long GOOG

  • Gapping Up

    SMSC +15% (guides MayQ higher), SORC +12.5% (reports at high end of preannouncement), ADBL +10% (signs deal with XMSR), TCF +9% (CEO appeared on CNBC last night), RNOW +8% (announces customer deploying its platform), KOMG +7% (increases Q2 rev outlook), IIJI +5.4% (Toshiba to adopt co's anti-spam solution), HLIT +5% (announces customers using its products), ABS +4.7% (reports AprQ; beats by $0.03), CELG +4% (receives acceptance for review for Revlimid), UNH +3.4% (to offer AARP-branded Medicare drug plan), AUDC +3.4% (announces collaboration with IBM), WDC +3% (added to S&P MidCap 400), ECST +2% (in sympathy with Shopzilla acquisition), GOOG +1.6% (mentioned in Barron's Online).... Momentum stocks continue higher: GOAM +9.7%, CHINA +9.6%, ROYL +6.3%, NSI +4.8%, IPII +2.7%, SINA +2.2%... Under $3: BCGI +8% (extends yesterday's 20% move).

    Gapping Down

    Gapping lower on disappointing earnings/guidance: AMWD -22%, NTOP -13%, BOBE -9%, CMGI -9%, SHLD -4.3%.... Other News: RMBS -4.3% (contract renewal discussions with Samsung fall through; adds co to patent infringement suit), RYAAY -3% (cut to reduce by ABN Amro), SCMM -3% (achieves certification from South Korea's Telecom Technology), MSTR -2.7%, JMDT -2.4% (Pac Crest downgrade), INCX -1.5%, STLD -1.4% (Goldman downgrades steel industry view; STLD maintained In-Line), NVDA -1% (Needham downgrade), HCBK -70% (completes second-step conversion and $3.9 bln offering).
  • whoohaaaa GOOG +2,7%, Lubab kiiret sõitu.
    huvitav kui palju GOOG täna veel põruda jõuab...
  • Saab näha, kuidas GOOG $300 taseme suhtes käitub.
  • Rev Shark:

    Trader's Cap On: Most Bargains Already Off the Shelf
    6/7/05 8:38 AM ET

    "Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."

    -- Winston Churchill

    When a market has been as strong as this one has over the past six weeks or so it would be foolish not to worry at least a little bit about how much longer it might last. The fact that we have barely had a rest validates some of the fear about the continuation of this move.

    But the stock market is a very peculiar beast -- it moves to a rhythm that has little to do with what we think might be reasonable and appropriate. When we start to become concerned that things have gone too far the market will often keep on moving and make us feel even more uncomfortable about the need for a rest or a pullback.

    Last week I moaned and groaned quite a bit about how badly this market needs a rest. We finally succumbed to some profit taking on Friday and we continued to consolidate a little bit yesterday. It wasn't much of a pause but in a market with such tremendous momentum it may be all that is needed to support a further move upward.

    One of the things that was particularly positive about the market action yesterday was some very strong action in small-cap stocks. It is obvious that market participants are beating the bushes looking for places to put their money. Many of the bigger-cap stocks have already moved nicely, which means that we have to look much harder if we want to find "bargains."

    I would feel better if the market rested more but the persistent buyers make me think we aren't going to see too much of a pause. Too many folks have missed out on this move and they are kicking themselves for not chasing more. They will be too impatient to wait for a really solid consolidation.

    The bears who are looking for this market to roll over and go straight down are likely to be disappointed. The dip buyers aren't going to let that happen until they have been on the wrong side of a trade at least a few times. The bulls are just going to keep on coming as long as their buying is rewarded. It is only after "buying the dip" a few times fails that they start to give up on that strategy.

    I'll be looking to aggressively trade some small-cap stocks today. The environment is ideal for momentum but risks continue to grow.

    We have a good start setting up. There is little news other than Alan Greenspan musing over low long-term interest rates and the market seems to like that he doesn't know what to make of that. Oil is down, gold up and overseas market generally positive.

  • Nasdaq taas tugev ja jõudnud tagasi 2100 punkti lähedusse. Pullide seisukohalt oleks parem veidi pikem puhkus 2100 all, praegu minnakse üsna kiiresti uuesti seda tippu murdma.

    Dow puhul tasub jälgida 10 580 taset, S&P 500 kolmest indeksist kõige tugevama graafikuga.
  • ATYT juba teist päeva tugevas languses.kas keegi teab,millest tingituna....?
  • LHV Pro all ülevaade Able Laboratories probleemidest ja uuest huvitavast investorist, kes hiljuti ostis suure osaluse.
  • Metrologic MTLG yks huvitav aktsia, hiljuti hakanud yles liikuma.
  • Veel yks huvitav aktsia jaanud radarile
    Amkor Technology Inc (AMKR) - viimastel paevadel yliaktiivne tradimine.
    Hetkel hind $4.75 kandis
  • Sel nädalal võib mõnevõrra äkilisemaid liikumisi oodata pooljuhtide sektorisse. Täna siis Texas Instrumentsi (TXN) ja neljapäeval Inteli (INTC) mid-quarter update ning vaevalt turuosalised kehvade sõnumitega lepivad. On ju aprilli keskpaigast TXN kerkinud +24% ning INTC +22%.
  • Sattusin peale, et Russelli indeksisse kuuluvate aktsiate listi muudetakse(nii nagu iga aastagi). Uue listiga siis tullakse välja 10. juunil, reedel pärast börsipäeva ja uued osalised(ja ka vanad väljalangejad) siis kaastakse indeksisse vist 24. juunil.

    Huvi pakkus seetõttu, et ka üks minu aktsiatest - E-Loan - on üks potentsialseid kandidaate, keda pakutakse, et kaasatakse indeksisse(kusjuures eelmine aasta visati ta sealt indeksist Russell 2000 välja). Kui E-Loan peaks indeksisse kaasatama, siis kas ei peaks see kaasa tooma institutsioonide ostuhuvi? Comments?
  • Ja mina vaevasin pead, mis on EELN-i tõusu põhjus. Kui uudis väljas, siis kauplemise mõttes õige aeg müüa. Pikaajaline potentsiaal olemas.
  • Link iseenesest, kust selle kohta saab lugeda, on siis järgmine:


    Velvo..selle müümise kohta ongi nüüd nii, et kui E-Loan ikkagi võetakse indeksisse sisse, siis minu arvates kohe müüma ei pea jooksma. Tavaliselt institutsioonid ju "peavad" ostma aktsiad, mis indeksisse lisatakse. Ja ma usun, et hetkel pole eriti institutsioone ostmas olnud - volume on ikka väga madal olnud... ja ei olegi ju põhjust veel neil riskida, kui pole kindel, et võetakse vastu. Kui tuleb aga teade, et võetakse vastu..no siis minu mõistust mööda peaks ostuordereid ikka tulema.

    Ise näen samuti E-Loanis pikaajalist potentsiaali.. (Ei taha siin midagi üles rääkida, just pure discussion)
  • TXN sees Q2 EPS of $0.27-$0.30, vs $0.27 consensus; sees revs $3.12-3.24 bln, vs $3.14 bln consensus

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