Börsipäev 9. juuni
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07:03 CA Computer Assoc to acquire N*** Corp for $21 per share - NY Times (27.00 )
The NY Times reports that CA said yesterday that it had agreed to buy the N*** Corporation (N***) for $350m. N*** is the latest in a string of small acquisitions totaling more than $1 bn that CA has made to extend its software-mgmt product line. A formal announcement was planned for today. The cash deal values N*** at $21 a share. As part of the deal, CA will also acquire N***'s cash on hand, estd at $65m. The transaction is expected to be completed in 3 or 4 months.
(tsenseeritud) -
See uudis tuli välja juba eile hilisõhtul, kuid ilmselt annab täna Internetisektorile jumet:
07:10 Smith Barney initiates GOOG & YHOO with Buys; initiates AMZN & EBAY with Holds
Smith Barney initiates GOOG ($360 tgt) and YHOO ($47 tgt) with Buys. For GOOG firm cites: 1) strong secular growth in online advertising; 2) direct exposure to search, the most robust online ad segment; 3) clear mkt leadership; and 4) underappreciated potential for expansion beyond "traditional" search. For YHOO they cite: 1) broad exposure to the strong secular growth of Net advertising; 2) exposure to emerging growth in online subscriptions; and 3) leverage in the co's model implying continued margin expansion. Firm also initiates AMZN and EBAY with Holds. -
Eile said just GOOG ja YHOO kõvasti alla müüdud, negatiivne märk, et Smith Barney selliste kommentaaride peale vaid suhteliselt vähekene plussis ollakse.. GOOG 360 peaks olema new street high.
No see on küll jube PC-talk, NIKU nimelt ostetakse ära.
Mad Catz Interactive Inc (MCZ) tulemused valjas - vaatame kuidas see aktsia hinnale m6ju avaldab.
Rev Shark:
Adjust Your Sails to the Changing Winds
"It is a wise person that adapts themselves to all contingencies; it's the fool who always struggles like a swimmer against the current."
-- Unknown
The warning signs of a pullback and/or consolidation have been steadily growing in recent days. On Tuesday the Nasdaq 100 was hit hard, and big-cap technology stocks saw a bout a profit-taking. Yesterday, high-beta momentum stocks, Internet-related issues and small-caps saw some aggressive profit-taking.
The string of strong closes we enjoyed when the market was running has ended, the ascent of the indices has been halted at key resistance levels, and the aggressive buying of even minor dips has cooled off.
As the headwinds build, we must be prepared to adapt. The most important adaptation is to simply change your mind-set. Instead of aggressively seeking ways to profit from a strong market, we need to think about ways to preserve the gains that we have obtained in recent weeks.
After a good run when we are feeling successful and confident, the temptation is to let our guard down and to not be as concerned about the warning signs as we might be if we weren't sitting on some profits. We need to stay very flexible at this juncture in the market, and we need to err on the side of defense and selling.
One very easy trap to fall into is to give stocks too much leeway to pullback and consolidate. We tell ourselves, "I don't want to sell now, because when things turn back up, I might miss the reversal." When the reversal doesn't come and the stock continues to pull back, we find ourselves trapped with a big unrealized loss.
It is better at this point to be defensive, lock in profits and miss out on further upside than to try to press and extricate every last penny of gains. If you have been bullish lately, make sure you consider being increasingly flexible while the market undergoes a consolidation. It is better to miss out on future gains than to lose those that you already have.
We have two significant news events on the agenda today. First is Alan Greenspan's congressional testimony. After the recent spate of speculation about where the FOMC is in the interest rate tightening cycle, the market will be looking hard for clues amid Greenspan's turgid prose.
After the close tonight we have the midquarter update from Intel (INTC:Nasdaq). Expectations are high, and given the strong move in the stock recently, there is a very high probability of a sell-the-news reaction if the update isn't glowing.
Early indications are close to flat. Overseas markets were soft. Oil is up, and gold is down.
No positions in stocks mentioned.
G. B. Smith:
Gapping Up
NAV +5% (reports AprQ, makes positive comments about 2H 05), WPCS +52% (enters into credit agreement, but move seems to be related to Tuesday's announcement that co was selected for New World Trade Center project as stock did not move Tue or Wed; small float also; co also updates guidance in 8-K), NIKU +25% (to be acquired by CA), ALTI +11% (completes successful Phase One testing), ISIS +9.4% (clinical data), EAT +6.5% (guides higher; Pru upgrade), CEDC +5% (positive development with Polish govt), NITE +5% (Keefe Bruyette upgrade), TKLC +5% (OpCo upgrade), TSRA +4.7% (guides higher), ADTN +3.8% (guides higher; Baird upgrade), EYET +3.5% (adopts poison pill), ELBO +3.2% (Hart-Scott-Rodino waiting period expires), TIBX +2.5% (Canadian city may use product), NCI +2.4% (bounces after 31% drop yesterday), CNMD +2.3%, SEBL +2% (Relational Tools of Spain selects OnDemand product), RRC +2% (prices offering), GOOG +1.6% (Smith Barney initiates with $360 tgt)... Momentum favorites keep running: BDCO +10%, IPII +4.4%, GEOI +3.7%, TAGS +3.2%, IIJI +2.9%.... Under $3: GEPT +13% (co's acquisition candidate awarded $2.1 mln in new orders), MCZ +10% (reports MarQ), AGT +10%.
Gapping Down
PHELK -7% (prices offering), UTIW -6.2% (reports AprQ, light on revs), TERN -5%, VITX -4.6% (profit taking after 12% move yesterday), CDWC -4% (reports May sales), XMSR -2.7% (announces $300 mln stock financing), XLNX -2.6% (mid-qtr update; Baird downgrade, Moors & Cabot downgrade), FRO -2.1% (mentioned negatively by analyst on Bloomberg TV), RIMM -2.1% (provides update on NTP licensing and settlement agreement). -
Eyetech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. üritab nõrkusest välja rabeleda.
Ehk jõuab vähe kosuda enne kui Genentech müüki paisatakse.
Huvitav kui 30 juuni on teise kvartali lõpp siis mitu päeva läheb, et tulemusteni jõuda või äkki on see kuskil üles tähendatud? -
täna saaks ntmd straddle 3,55-ga, ega vist enam kuku? nädal on on jäänud
Härrased astuge peale, hakkame liikuma.
-------------------------------------Vagunisaatja EYETECH PARMA (eyet)`st -
Intel expects Q2 rev to be $9.1-$9.3 bln (consensus $8.99 bln), as compared to the previous range of $8.6-$9.2 bln, primarily driven by ongoing strong demand for notebook products. Q2 gross margin is expected to be approx 57%, plus or minus a point (Street expectation 56.8%)
Eks näis, mis CC'l räägitakse.
Nii-siis, mis selle EYETiga siis nüüd on? Eelmisel suvel võtsin kotti igatpidi straddleid ja strangleid - elu suurim laks tuli.
Puhkuse, Genentechi (DNA) konkureeriv ravim Lucentis näitas tunduvalt paremaid katsetulemusi, sellest ka langus EYETi langus.
Selge see, aga mida henry plaanitseb?
Plaanin ennast uskuma panna, et olen küll juba hirmasa vihinaga viiendast korrusesest mööda kukkumas aga ehk lähev veel hästi.
Oma aktsiatesse armumine on ohtlik, armastus on pime :)
Aktsionääri suurimaks vaenlaseks pidi ta ise olema.
Hinna tõus ja langus on otseselt seotud ahnuse ja hirmuga.
Kui närvid vastu ei pea siis müüd maha ja võtad lossi ning kui närvid on korras siis ei pruugi müüa.
Närvihaiged toovad hinna alla oma hävingu arvelt.
Nüüd tsiteerin Kristjani:
Kindlasti peab olema ka paindlik - praktiliselt ükski strateegia ei tööta igal turul, olukord turul muutub pidevalt ja kaupleja peab koos sellega ka strateegiate vahel valima, strateegia mis töötab suurepäraselt pulliturul, võib suuri kahjumeid tuua karuturul.
Elame näeme.
Iga algaja üritab oma strateegiaid luua.
Annan teile teada kui hävingu vastu võtan.
Kindlasti annan endale aru, et aktsiad on pelgalt aktiva, mis targal toimetamisel sinu omakapitali võib suurendada. -
Heh, ma just tahtsin priitp kirjale vastata, aga kasnäe, juba võeti vist teema moderaatorite poolt maha:)
igal juhul siin vastus küsimusele:
to: priitp
1) Suht jõhker koht selle küsimiseks, sest LHV on varem avaldanud seisukohta, et võõrast reklaami nad oma lehel lubama ei pea ja vist ei luba ka. Iseenesest nende seisukohalt õige, lihtsalt kas sa siit seetõttu raamitud infot ei saa, selles on küsimus.
2) Kui sa kontori tausta ise ei tea/usalda, siis oleks võibolla mõistlik ikkagi ise minna mõnda suurde IB-ga tegelevasse asutusse (Eesti väiksust arvestades jääks minu jaoks sõelale 4: HP, EYP, LHV, SS) ja nemad saavad aidata sind nii plaani koostamisel kui investorite leidmisel. Ma küll viimase kahe keha kohta ei tea, aga suurte pankade vastavates osakondades juba küll teatakse, kellele pakkuma minna, nii et see oleks kõige kindlam viis tegutseda. -
henryhenry, turule ahnuse pärast minnaksegi. ei maksa valehäbi tunda.
küll aga teine asi on hirmuga, see on kahjustav, aga kaob aja möödudes.
Hirmust jagu saamine on sarnane olukorraga, kus alles satud corporate maailma ja suured läbirääkimised ja summad esmalt hirmu tekitavad. Aga aja möödudes harjud sellega ära. Ja see ei ole asi, mida saab õppida vaid tuleb läbi elada. Sama ka turul. -
Teise poolega olen nõus.
Esimesest poolest saame me erinevalt aru.
Ahnuseks siin kontekstis nimetan seda, et hind tõuseb oodatust vähem aga Sa ei realiseeri võittu.
Ja teistpidi, asetad ostuorderi nii palju allapoole, et jäädki lõpuks ilma, hind läheb käest ära.
Kui eesmärk on positsioon võtta siis ei tohi tühipaljas paarisendine sisenemise võit asja võssa keerata.
See on minu meelest ahnus. (pool muna ja lind katusel)