Börsipäev 23. august
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Rev Shark:
Bounce on Tap
8/23/2005 8:51 AM EDT"It's the boredom that kills you. You read until you're tired of that. You do crossword puzzles until you're tired of that. This is torture. This is mental torture."
-- Jack Kevorkian
The problem with boredom is that it pushes us to do things that aren't in our best interests. Buying this, selling that or making a trade seem like a good idea because at least we are doing something to occupy ourselves, but deep down we know we are just playing the metaphorical slot machine because we are bored.
There is no question that the market is struggling and making little headway. We had a decent bounce to start the day yesterday but it fizzled like an untied balloon. The buyers did show some minor interest, with good breadth and some support late in the afternoon.
Overall, the action has not been that bad; it is just slow and uninteresting and lacking any real energy. The major indices have been holding key technical support at the 50-day simple moving average and that holds promise for a tradable bounce of some sort.
The problem is that we can't be too trustful right now of a move upward. The chances that we will develop strong momentum prior to the Labor Day holiday seem quite small. The likelihood is that we continue to react to the price of crude oil and that the market moves in a choppy fashion.
The good market breadth, relative strength of the small-cap stocks and basing action above key support levels makes me feel that we are due for a bounce upward. The market has been doing a good job of dealing with poor news flow and disinterested market participants, and we may be able to generate enough energy for a small rally at this point.
It is very quiet this morning. Futures are trading down slightly, Asian markets were mixed and Europe mainly negative, crude oil is steady and gold is trading up again.
Gary B. Smith:
Ja kõigi suureks üllatuseks avaldas täna hilisõhtul oma kvartalitulemused Baidu.com (BIDU):
17:10 BIDU Baidu.com reports Q2 results; guides for Q3 (82.00 +9.31) -Update-
Co reports unaudited Q2 (Jun) earnings of $1.5 mln, a 382% increase q/q and a 625% increase from prior year period, diluted earnings per ADS was $0.05 for Q2. Revenues increased 52% q/q and 189% y/y to $8.4 mln. Co states, "China's online marketing sector, and the search-based pay-for-performance model in particular, is still at an early stage of development but is evolving rapidly. Baidu will continue to make focused investments in our products, technology and marketing in order to maintain our leadership position in this rapidly developing market. Traffic acquisition cost was $500K, decreasing to 6.1% of total revenues from 11.4% in the corresponding period in 2004. Co currently expects to generate total revenues in an amount ranging from $9.6-10.0 mln for Q3, representing a 139-151% growth from the corresponding period in 2004. (No estimates available for co); stock trading at $82.28, +0.28 in after hours.
@ 1st glance: Kasvab jah kiiremini kui Google, kuid $10 mln käibe juures pole see vast eriline saavutus. Conference call'i ei tee aga lubab, et tulevikus hakatakse tegema. -
Pier 1- hoiatas jälle, aga sellel aktsial ka nagu Starmanil müüad otsas. Või kuidas?
SideKick, õige aadress on google.com/talk/
kretiin oled vä? mis vahe on google.com/talk ja google.com/talk/ ?
kle harakiri proovi siis ise Exploreriga ilma /
fun-il õigus. Kui sisestada ilma kaldkriipsuta, siis viskab error-it
Siin küll kaldkriipsu jama IEga pole. (New window) Google Talk Samas kui probleemiks on kontaktide erinevates võrkudes laiali paiknemine, saab ju alati tekstisõnumite saatmiseks Trilliani kasutada.
Trillian on hea jah, ise ka kasutan. GoogleTalk on open-source, seda peaks saama Trilliani peatselt liita küll.
Skype'i vist ei hakkagi saama? -
skypet saab vaga lihtsalt suvalisse appi integreerida, vahemalt developer dokumentatsioon vaidab nii!
ise pole seda konkreetselt progenud, seega praktiline kogemus puudub.
aga plaanis on supersofti skype sisse panna! -
klepik - millal herr Jürvetsonilt vastuseid võiks oodata?
Abesiki, pommitame teda ikka, kuid ei ole veel vastuseid saabunud.
GoogleTalk on Jabber. Peaks Trilliani külge probleemideta tulema. Vaid vaja Jabberi plugin konfida Google'i serverile.