Börsipäev 29. august - orkaan Katrina - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 29. august - orkaan Katrina

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  • Orkaan Katrina tõttu täna nafta koguni 3 USD kallim (+4.6%), turud miinuses (kuid põhjadest juba veidi kosunud). Hetkeks käis naftahind barreli kohta ka $70 peal ära.

    Orkaan peaks New Orleansi jõudma 20.00 paiku meie aja järgi, 1.3 miljonit elanikku New Orleansist sunnitud evakueeruma, halvimal juhul mitmeid kuid linn vee all.
  • Eelinfo:

    Aktiivset tegevust alustab Investorite Liit
    09:57, 29. august 2005

    TALLINN, 29. august, BNS - Järgmisest nädalast alustab aktiivset tegevust Investorite Liit, mille peamine eesmärk on Eesti investeerimismaastiku tutvustamine ning investorite huvide kaitsmine nii ettevõtete osanike väärkohtlemisel.
    "Kutsume liidu liikmeteks kõiki neid inimesi, kes tahavad aktiivselt osaleda Eesti investeerimismaastiku kujundamisel. Esimest korda saavad Eestis ühendatud suure hulga investorite huvid," ütles liidu juhatuse liige Heldur Meerits.

    Liidu liikmeteks on oodatud nii kõik Tallinna börsil noteeritud firmade aktsiatesse, aktsia- ning pensionifondidesse kui ka mitte noteeritud ettevõtete aktsiatesse investeerimisest huvitatud eraisikud. Liikme aastamaks on 500 krooni.
  • No kell 20 istume siis kõik telerite ette CNN live-shoud vaatama :-)
  • Eh-ee, Investorit Liit võiks esimese asjana koondada omaaegsete Ühispanga väikeaktsionäride nõudmised Ain H vastu. Jagaks selle 700M omavahel ära. :-)
  • Täna olla Tallinki aktsia tõusnud,nii et võib olla juba 800M.See on nüüd klassikaline class action mida USA firmade vastu kogu aeg viljeldakse ja mida siis advokaadi bürood ise esile kutsuvad. Arvestades advokaatide viimase aja ühinemislaineid(pankrotilaineid) ei 6tohikds huvilistest puudust olla.Samas meie juristide tase ja seadustike puudulikkus jääb nähtavasti takistuseks.
  • Class-actionist rääkides, LHV Arbitrage kohtuvaidlus Ühispanga vastu veel lahenduseta, nimelt kaebasime kohtusse Ühsipanga ülevõtmispakkumise tõttu, pidades hinda ebaõiglaseks. See Tallinki juhtub lisab vürtsi sinna kindlasti.
  • Minu meelest see A. H. juhtum annab selgelt tooni, miks EYP aktsiad sai odavalt ära võetud!
    Pankurid ei näinud tulu terendamas pangale, kuid targu jätsid tulu enda tagataskusse tiksuma :P
  • Briefing.com...

    Katrina cuts oil output by a third -- Reuters According to Reuters, U.S. energy companies said U.S. Gulf of Mexico crude oil output was cut by more than one-third on Saturday as Hurricane Katrina appeared poised to charge through central production areas toward New Orleans. The Gulf of Mexico is home to roughly a quarter of U.S. domestic oil and gas output, with a capacity to produce about 1.5 million barrels per day of crude and 12.3 billion cubic feet per day of gas. As of Saturday, 563,000 barrels daily crude output had been shut in due to the threatening storm. Shell Oil Co, which was evacuating all 1,019 of its offshore workers in the central and eastern Gulf on Saturday, had the bulk of closed Gulf daily oil production, with 420,000 barrels turned off. Shell also said 1.345 billion cubic feet per day, or Bfd, of natural gas had been shut by Saturday. Total daily Gulf natural gas output shut on Saturday was 1.9 billion cubic feet. 

  • Tegelt tuleb nüüd tagantjärele igasuguseid ÜP luukeresid kapist välja. Tuleb välja, et omal ajal teadsid kõik, et ÜP mehed võtavad altkäemaksu. ...ja mina, rumal, imestasin, miks HP peetakse heaks pangaks ja ÜP kahtlaseks pangaks!
  • Kas keegi üldse mäletab mitmest pangast ÜP kokku klopsiti ja mitu panka hiljem veel üle võeti?
  • Ei mäleta kahjuks, mitmest pangast ühine pank kokku klopsiti aga pakun, et "kuraditosin" 13!
  • CNBC reports that Hurricane Andrew had been the most costly hurricane in U.S. with insured losses of $20 bln. Katrina is seen topping this with up to $30 bln in insured losses.
  • "Hurricanes can't make you money. That trade never works," Jim Cramer said Friday on his "Mad Money" TV show. "But, you can always make money off of people acting stupidly. You've got to own Montpelier Re Holdings. Cramer said insurance companies always have to pay out during hurricane season, and they manage for that. "That's what they do. They're in the insurance business!" An expected hurricane shouldn't have any effect on their earnings forecasts, he said. Cramer prefers Montpelier as opposed to American International Group.
  • Live coverage: http://www.wdsu.com/video/4907831/detail.html

    Suurim probleem on tohutu storm surge - üleujutus, mis tekib ülimadala õhurõhu tõttu tormi keskmes üles tõusnud veest. Tõusulaine kõrguseks ennustatakse 45-55 jalga (jalg käib meetriteks u. kolmeks jagamise kaudu ehk siis ca. 15 meetrit). Mehhiko lahel olev meteopoi registreeris hiljuti 47 jala kõrguse tormilaine (laine selle "tavalises" mõttes - mitte tõusulaine).

    Taifuunid on lahendad. Kaugelt vaadatuna.
  • Sügis hakkab kätte jõudma, aeg taas LHV chatiga alustada. Täna teemaks orkaan, ootame kõiki chatti.
  • Gapping Up

    Hurricane-related stock moving higher on Katrina hitting New Orleans: ABIX +26%, TAYD +15%, IPII +13%.... Small cap energy plays running on Katrina: BDCO +15%, NGAS +13%, FUEL +13%, ABLE +9.4%, CNR +9.3%, ROYL +8%, IVAN +8%, GW +6%, Large cap energy also moving: SU +7%, SII +7%, CHK +4.6%, PTF +4%, VLO +3.3%, BP +3.1%, HAL +3%, FRO +3%, COP +2.6%... Alternative energy/fuel cell stocks also moving in part on Katrina: CPST +15% (also First Albany upgrade; tgt $6), MCEL +13% (also awarded Phase II funding), ENER +3.5%... Other News: NXXI +49% (FDA approves claim), NDC +7.3% (to be acquired by PSTI), MUSE +6% (Deutsche upgrade; $9 tgt), JOYG +3% (to join S&P 400), HD +2.6% (hurricane), LOW +2% (same), BMHC +2.7% (same).

    Gapping Down

    Casino stocks weak on Hurricane Katrina: ISLE -6.7%, BYD -3.1%, LVS -2.4%... Insurance stocks also weak: AIG -2.3%, ALL -1.8%... Other News: NWAC -6% (continued strike concerns), ELN -2.3%.

  • Dennis Leontyev is the Options Strategist and Editor of Hamzei Analytics HOTS Newsletter.

    Equity markets have been in a slow choppy decline for over three weeks. Volume is running below average and internals are in line with a typical summer correction action. So far stocks has been acting like a usual correction in a bull market, but this is about to change starting Monday morning. Katrina will probably have a dramatic short-term effect on several asset classes. Usually an event like this creates a panic-type situation, which is a necessary ingredient for a bottom (even if it is a very short-term bottom). Since a lot will depend on this event, I would like to concentrate on event driven trading in this update.

    This time the event is a hurricane called Katrina, which can potentially kill a lot of people, damage one of the US cities and ruin 1/4 of energy business and a major port. So, what action makes financial sense? The obvious, of course:

    1. Unleaded gas will go up because some of the refineries are damaged
    2. Crude oil will go up because the port is damaged and infrastructure is damaged
    3. Equities should go down because this has a negative impact on the economy.
    4. Bonds will go up because they will represent safety.
    5. U.S. Dollar will go down, because New Orleans is located in the US.

    That is it. A trader does not need to know anything else. This is Finance 101 at work. So, all I need to do as a trader then is the following: Buy Oil and Bonds, Sell Stocks and U.S. Dollar.

    Now, 24 hours later the event is over (let's assume that was a bad event).

    A trader is long oil and bonds and short stocks and U.S. Dollar. What to do now?

    And now everything is returning to normal and the event is over. So a trader needs to justify his holding by something other then event. If he can't do it, he gets rid of them, and by doing so, he returns those markets to levels where they were right before the event. They always come back to pre-event levels.

    Does anybody actually think that intelligent and successful traders in the institutional world do what I just described? Of course not. These event-driven moves are done by two forces:

    1. FEAR because if you are on the other side of this so-called basic logic, you have to cover your position or

    2. All a trader took in college is Finance 101 and a trader doesn't know any better, and actually believes that Katrina will move the market according to logic on a long-term basis.

    These moves are made by short-term traders. Some of them will capitalize on the event and some will not. But these events never have lasting effects of more then a few hours (maybe a couple of days). On Monday or Tuesday an I-Bank portfolio manager will call a meeting and ask his VPs who manage $50Billion whether we need to change our allocations to asset classes like Bonds, Equities, Currencies and Energy based on Katrina. What do you think they will decide to do? Nothing. They will not change anything, and therefore the market will proceed to do what it intended to do before the event. And before the event the stock market was searching for a short-term bottom and a bounce. So this is exactly what I am expecting, but this time it is going to occur in a dramatic fashion.  Not intended as advice, as always just my take on the action. 

  • Rev Shark:

    Batten Down the Hatches on Your Portfolio
    8/29/2005 8:39 AM EDT

    "The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over."

    -- Aesop

    The focus of the market this morning is the weather, with Hurricane Katrina pounding the gulf coast in an area that produces and refines a good portion of our domestic fuel supply. The eye of the storm has not yet come ashore as I write and we don't have any good information about what the overall impact may be.

    The media make the job of objective evaluation of the financial impact even more difficult because it is so focused on sensationalist stories. They trot out experts talking about models posulating lots of death and destruction but reality is always much different than the predictions.

    Katrina is going to have at least some impact on a variety of market sectors. Obviously oil-related stocks will be moving but also insurance stocks such as AIG, ALL, RNR, CB, PGR, SAFC, XL, etc., will be affected. The Louisiana area also has a large gaming industry and stocks like ISLE, PENN, HET and BYD will be affected. Retailers like HD and LOW and regionally concentrated restaurants and retailers are also likely to see a reaction.

    One of the big problems for the market is that this hurricane is hitting just as we are already wrestling with some major issues, and the technical picture has been eroding steadily for some time and is precarious at best. To add insult to injury we have Alan Greenspan commenting in his farewell speeches about how the housing boom is slowing and also pointing out how other "excesses" are likely to begin correcting in a rather economically painful way. It definitely is not the sort of talk the market wants to hear right now.

    We have some major problems to contend with in front of the Labor Day holiday. In some endeavors the best course of action is to stand tough and fight back, but the stock market is not one of those endeavors. Your primary goal is to protect your capital and make sure you are in good shape to move forward when things improve. Bravery is not a quality that benefits market participants; it is time to seek safety and bend to the wind.

    OPEC announced that is going to increase output by 500,000 barrels per day and that seems to be helping the market a little as I write but trusting OPEC has never been a good idea.

    Overseas markets were negative overnight, crude oil was flirting with the $70 mark for a while, the dollar is weak and gold up.

    Gary B. Smith:

  • Dennis Leontyevi jutt tekitab tunne, et meie silmade all õpib turg ära uue triki - osta halbade uudiste peale, sest kohe nende järel tuleb põrge. Mis peaks tähendama, et see trikk lõpetab töötamise - kõik ostavad kohe uudiste peale, hind hüppab, mingit edasist põrget ei tule, vaid tuleb hoopis langus päeva lõpuks.
  • eile oli LHV chatis päris huvitav, ootame ka täna rahvast sinna.
  • Alan Farley kirjeldab oma kauplemise orkaani-päeva:

    Hurricane Monday" gave traders their most volatile session since the London bombing in early July. Going into the morning, I started a diary to illustrate how I measured the risks and opportunities triggered by the event. This exercise will show you my thought processes when a quiet Monday gets turned upside down by bad news.

    7:14 a.m. EDT: I'm at my trading screen. Katrina is down in size overnight. My weather graphics show the eye headed straight toward New Orleans. Crude oil opened Sunday near $71 and dropped off to $70 immediately, It's now hovering about 50 cents below this "round number" as traders gauge the storm's impact to the supply chain.

    The reversal at $70 says this is still major resistance and energy traders need real news to push it over the big number. The big problem is that no one can assess rig, pipeline or refinery damage until at least Tuesday, and it will take days for real damage numbers to be tallied. That means movement in the energy pits this Monday will be traders jockeying for position based on pure speculation.

    I'm surprised the Oil Service HOLDRs Trust (OIH:Amex - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) is trading up in the premarket. Some rig companies will see enough damage to undermine earnings for the rest of this year.

    I have a list of 60 oil and gas companies on my screen. It will be instructive to watch variations in their performance at the open. In particular, which companies will benefit by providing repair services? I did some homework, but no repair operations stood out. So I'll wait and let the market separate the winners from the losers for me.

    I have one hurricane play ready to go. It's the same one I kept ready during last year's hurricane barrage. Crawford & Co. (CRD.A:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) is the only pure claims-adjusting play that I know about, but I'm reluctant to mention the name because it's so thinly traded. Having been in the insurance industry for 20 years, I know adjustors made a fortune after Hurricane Andrew, heading down to Florida and providing services for carriers. In fact, most carriers ran out of adjustors during that period and paid premium prices to anyone they could find.

    I also have one big problem this morning. I bought St. Paul's Travelers (STA:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) on Friday afternoon because it had a pretty pattern. The insurance carriers will get hit this morning, and I'm going to lose money. My plan is to sell it on a gap down of less than a point, or hold it for a bounce if the gap is greater than a point. Will the plan save me money? I give it just 50-50 odds.

    8:38 a.m. EDT: Just grabbed a surprising premarket bid on St. Paul's Travelers at $44.25, down 50 cents from Friday's close. It looks like a bargain, but I'll see later if it was a good exit price. Here's one thing amazing me right now: Diamond Offshore (DO:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), with extensive Gulf operations, is bidding up over a buck even though it has shut down its local rigs.

    9:08 a.m. EDT: This is unbelievable. Ivanhoe Energy (IVAN:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), a classic pump-and-dump stock, is up 8% in the premarket. As I suggested in Monday's column, I believe we're headed into an energy top/climax that will hold for the next two to four months.

    Globex futures have bid off their lows as the eye wall passes to the east of New Orleans. It's a classic response to underestimate hurricane damage right at its peak, because local reporters play up conditions from their limited vantage points. I recall a Miami reporter during Andrew looking out his downtown window and declaring the storm was a dud because he couldn't see any damage.

    9:19 a.m. EDT: St. Paul's Travelers is now trading a point and a half below my exit price. Sometimes it pays to get up early in the morning.

    9:44 a.m. EDT: Halliburton (HAL:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) is showing the biggest jump (up almost 4%) of all the energy stocks I'm watching. That's makes sense. Globex futures are trying to fill the opening gap. This isn't the right time for a big reversal, so I'm looking for renewed selling pressure once the market shakes out the short-sellers.

    9:57 a.m. EDT: I've seen bid-ask spreads as high as 60 cents on oil service stocks that trade well over 2 million shares per day. The NYSE specialists are taking full advantage of this morning's volatility. Oil service stocks now are coming down hard.

    10:09 a.m. EDT: I had a marketable order on my small-cap claims adjusting play for 8 minutes, but it wasn't filled. Can't find that one in the NYSE rulebook. I have five stocks in a long-term account, and it's my intention to leave those alone today, regardless of the price action. Past experience says not to sell when everyone else is selling.

    10:29 a.m. EDT: The Oil Services HOLDRs Trust is finally stabilizing, after dropping down to fill the opening gap. Picked up Apache (APA:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), Burlington Resources (BR:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) and Halliburton for quick bounce trades.

    10:37 a.m. EDT: Stopped out of Apache for a small loss and exited Burlington Resources with a decent profit, all in 8 minutes. Meanwhile, the morning squeeze continues. The Globex futures are up but market breadth is negative in both exchanges. Apparently a lot of folks remember the upside reversal on the morning of July's first London bombings.

    10:48 a.m. EDT: Crude oil has stabilized around $68.50. Now I'm looking at Sunoco (SUN:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), which is a refinery in the Northeast with limited or no direct Gulf exposure.

    11:26 a.m. EDT: The churn continues. Market volume is still lower than average because we're headed toward Labor Day weekend. This makes the environment even more dangerous and unpredictable. Oil service stocks now reflect reality a lot better than when the session began. I'm still fishing a little in refineries and repair operations, and am holding Halliburton and Sunoco.

    11:56 a.m. EDT: Lunchtime in New York and the futures are wobbling around the unchanged level. It's a setup where neither side of the market gets paid. This may be a hovering pattern until crude oil decides where it wants to go today. My two energy stocks are showing a profit, but not enough to buy a Big Mac. It takes a lot of effort to turn an extremely volatile morning like today into a nonevent for all concerned.

    12:33 p.m. EDT: I sold Halliburton into its bounce for a quick profit but am still holding Sunoco and just added more shares. This has definitely turned into a daytrader's session.

    1:27 p.m. EDT: Oil is in full retreat and the equity short squeeze continues, but I'm not finding good long-side patterns. It appears most of the buying power is concentrated in the chips and the index futures, although market breadth is improving.

    1:49 p.m. EDT: So far, this day has been a lot of smoke and almost no fire for my trading account. Fortunately, the longer-term account is flashing green. In that account, I own Apple Computer (AAPL:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), L3 Communications (LLL:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), NRG Energy (NRG:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), Geron (GERN:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) and Enersis (ENI:NYSE ADR - commentary - research - Cramer's Take). It's nice to have some trades working on a confusing day.

    2:26 p.m. EDT: The crude oil pit is closing, the short-sellers are hurting and buyers are feeling a welcome sense of relief. I'll keep on playing both sides and wait to see how the market closes out the session. Just took a short on Per Se Technologies (PSTI:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) and long on Sigma Designs (SIGM:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take).

    2:44 p.m. EDT: Selling Sunoco into the spike here. Don't believe there's a lot more upside for refinery stocks today.

    11:56 a.m. EDT: Lunchtime in New York and the futures are wobbling around the unchanged level. It's a setup where neither side of the market gets paid. This may be a hovering pattern until crude oil decides where it wants to go today. My two energy stocks are showing a profit, but not enough to buy a Big Mac. It takes a lot of effort to turn an extremely volatile morning like today into a nonevent for all concerned.

    12:33 p.m. EDT: I sold Halliburton into its bounce for a quick profit but am still holding Sunoco and just added more shares. This has definitely turned into a daytrader's session.

    1:27 p.m. EDT: Oil is in full retreat and the equity short squeeze continues, but I'm not finding good long-side patterns. It appears most of the buying power is concentrated in the chips and the index futures, although market breadth is improving.

    1:49 p.m. EDT: So far, this day has been a lot of smoke and almost no fire for my trading account. Fortunately, the longer-term account is flashing green. In that account, I own Apple Computer (AAPL:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), L3 Communications (LLL:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), NRG Energy (NRG:NYSE - commentary - research - Cramer's Take), Geron (GERN:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) and Enersis (ENI:NYSE ADR - commentary - research - Cramer's Take). It's nice to have some trades working on a confusing day.

    2:26 p.m. EDT: The crude oil pit is closing, the short-sellers are hurting and buyers are feeling a welcome sense of relief. I'll keep on playing both sides and wait to see how the market closes out the session. Just took a short on Per Se Technologies (PSTI:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) and long on Sigma Designs (SIGM:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take).

    2:44 p.m. EDT: Selling Sunoco into the spike here. Don't believe there's a lot more upside for refinery stocks today.

    3:13 p.m. EDT: Seeing last-hour strength. Taking advantage of it by buying Genesis Microchip (GNSS:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take) and Global Industries (GLBL:Nasdaq - commentary - research - Cramer's Take).

    3:41 p.m. EDT: The primary market theme today has been to deny weakhanded short-sellers after the hurricane. But that doesn't mean the full effect of the shock event is now reflected in stock or energy prices. The good news is that the major indices are pushing back toward their broken 50-day moving averages. Followthrough above those levels would signal the correction is over and we're headed into a test of the August highs. But I'm skeptical and concerned that Turnaround Tuesday will undo most or all of today's good vibes.

    3:58 p.m. EDT: It was a profitable day because the longer-term positions did well, but not most of the day's scalps and quick flips. Selling the Genesis Microchip spike but keeping the rest of my late buys and short sales overnight.
  • keegi voiks nyyd v6rrelda bushi toetjaid osariike ja orkaanis kannatanud osariike..
    eelmine orkaan korrelleerus..
  • üks lause mis praegu usas toimuva kohta silma jäi:
    "...lack of water, food, communication and these idiots are stealing basketball shoes..." :))
  • Nägin ka Tradinglooma poolt räägitud telepilti.

    Mustad varastasid riideid ja tosse ning pumppüssidega politseinikud ajasid neid taga.

    Näljasurm on uksele koputamas ja sa varastad nänni. Palju õnne.
  • Ülalolevat teemat võib siis ka täna chatis lahata, ootame kõiki chatti.
  • BBC teeb Bushi vastast kampaaniat,huvitav kas see mees astub tagasi?
    Nähtavasti oleks jõudnud enne tormi ka midagi ära teha aga presidendike puhkas rantsos.
  • Spunk rääkis chatis, et üks mustanahaline oli poodi valvanud turvamehe maha lasknud, kui ta vargust üritas peatada.

    Bush tagasi küll ei astu, kuid reitingud teevad tal põhjasid.

  • Kui aega, siis soovitan CNNi vaadata, sest viimastel päevadel on näidatud suht sürr kaadreid. Lisaks Kristjani kirjeldatuile, kus püssidega musti taga aetakse, näidati eile ühte (abielu)paari vette mattunud linnaosas eramaja katusel. Ainus asi mis neil kaasa võetud (loe: käes), oli suur USA lipp.
    Teine päris hea saatelõik oli linnast evakueeruvast rahvast, kes solberdas põlvini vees ja üritas oma viimast vara päästa, kui ühtäkki keerati kaamera tänavanurgale, kus üks muusik täistuuridel pasunat puhus.

    Loomulikult eriti adekvaatse käitumisega nende näidete näol tegu pole, aga mine sa tea, äkki keeraks ise ka sellises olukorras ära.
  • Ei päse chatti sisse kuidagi:( "ühenduste loomine ebaõnnestus"
  • CharlieF, peaks olema korras, 30 kasutajat praegu chatis.
  • eks proovin pärast kodust. äkki siin võrguga mingi kala
  • Lugesin veelkord läbi NO uudised ja vaatasin videod.Ma 99% kindel et seda linna enam ei taastata.
  • Täiesti kindlalt taastatakse.
    1) Sümbol, mitme märkimisväärse subkultuuri ja muusikastiili sünnikoht.
    2) Märkimisväärne kogus mustanahalisi. Poliitiline enesetapp mitte uuesti üles ehitada.
  • Ei, sest:
    1) Pole nii palju spekulatiivset kapitali
    2) Pole tutvusi ega kriitlist massi
    3) Pole sügavamaid või huvitavaid teadmisi piirkonnast, mis annaks suuna, mida arendada.

    Ma arvan, et kõige suuremad MAJANDUSLIKUD kannatajad selles pasas on Föderaal- ja osariikide valitsused ning Euroopa edasikindlustajad. Noh ja negatiivse stsenaariumi puhul (bensiini)tarbijad->walmart->USA majandus->Aasia ja Euroopa majandus->globaalne majandus :).
  • keegi ei investeeri sinna,fedid ei taha isegi tammisid sulgeda.miks peaks kui varsti jälle uus katrina võib tulla.
    kui seda linna tahaks keegi taastada siis oleks ka keegi peale selle linnapea kes sellest huvitatud oleks.See paarkümmend tuhat mistanahaist kes sinna jäi ei otsusta midagi.
  • Bushi tagasiastumine Katrina parast kuulub kull ulme valdkonda, siin polegi midagi kommenteerida.

    Aga NOs laheb ikka olukord jarjest kreisimaks - osad mustad surevad nalga, teised kaivad relvastatud joukudena ringi ja tassivad tanavatelt varastatud autodega minema koik, mis vahegi vaartuslik neile tundub.

    Aga ules ehitatakse see linn kindlasti, see oli ju vaene mustade linn (paljudel polnud autosid ega isegi bussipileti raha, et linnast enne tormi minema soita) ja nagu Suffiks utles, mitteehitamine ei tule kone allagi - vaene must on looduskaitse all.
  • to: arwen

    Pika- ja lühiajalise pragmatismi edukat sümbioosi harrastatakse sellistes organisatsioonides, mille nime lõpus "Inc.", "LLC", "Plc", "AS" vms. Organisatsioonid, mille nime lõpus täiendavat laiendit ei ole ja millel kipub üldjuhul oma lipp, vapp, sõjavägi ja raha olema, ohverdavad tihti pikaajalise, vahel ka nii lühi- kui pikaajalise pragmatismi ainult sümbolismi või steitmendi nimel. Või ku osanikud saavad kurjaks ja nõuavad irratsionaalseid tegusid.
  • ma olen aegajalt usas elanud ja nii kov kui fed i poolt irratsionaalset otsust oodata on naeruväärne.See ei ole seal ideuroopa ja seal ka delivery man tundub arukam kui mujal.
  • Vaata, siin tuleb ilmselt mängu see, mida keegi irratsionaalseks/ratsionaalseks peab?

    1) Kas igasugu vähemuste poputamine on ratsionaalne?
    2) Kas tubaka- ja ravimitööstuse pookimine (ja selle võimaldamine setup provideri ehk osariigi poolt)hiiglaslike, per kärss täiesti idiootsete trahvide ja kahjutasunõuetega, on ratsionaalne?

    Minu vastused on:
    1) Ei
    2) Ei

    Miks seda siiski tehakse:
    1) Ühiskond talub ja asjaomased huvigrupid ronivad barrikaadidelt maha.
    2) Common Law kui õigussüsteem on lihtsalt idiootne, aga mul pole vettpidavaid argumente ega ma ka tea, miks seda võimaldatakse.
  • ei ole kahtlustki, et üles ehitatakse

    tahaks näha seda meest kes otsustab, et ei tehta

    poliitiline enesetapp
  • to Suffiks: louisianas on muide civil law ,ta on ainuke osariik usas kus ei ole common lawd.muuseas eesti õigussüsteem ja kogu kontinentaale euroopa õigussüsteem läheneb common lawle.

  • Jah, punktid sulle. Aga see ratsionaalsuse/irratsionaalsuse jutt?
  • no ei tea midagi öelda selle ratsionaalsuse kohta.Ratsionaalsus viib ju hukule ja nii inimene kui ühiskond on irratsionaalne.Samas võimu peab teostama rationaalselt.Vähemalt Hegel ja respublica ütlesid nii,vali kord ja murrame läbi jne.Kapitalism peaks olema ratsionaalne.
    Ma ikka mõtlesin seda fedi ja kovi juttu seal usas sellesmõttes et ega seal eriti rumalaid otsuseid ei tehta ja rah ilmaasjata ei raisata.
  • Nomaeitea, tahaks näha seda meest USAs, kes teatab, et sadade miljardite peksmine Iraagi 'ülesehitamisse' on OK, aga kümnete miljardite peksmine Louisianasse ei ole.
    Mitte, et see tingimata õige või vale oleks, aga lihtsalt tahaks näha, kidas ta seda pressikonverentsil teatavaks teeb ja mis raffas pärast ütleb...
  • oi see on valus kontrast.
    ja eestis tehakse probleem ja puhutakse skandaali, kui vanainimene sõidab oma autoga kuskile sohu teatrietenudsele, samas kui teised, kellel pole käsundusohvitseri ja ihukaitsjaid, pidid jala minema...
  • Ma usun, et kindlasti võidavad sellest katastroofist lähiajal ehitusfirmad. Võin arvuga mööda panna, aga usun et u neid kahjukannatajaid kokku on kindlasti 1 miljoni kanti (NO-le lisaks ka muud linnad, ja piirkonnad) või isegi enam. Vahet pole kas kannatajad on mustad, valged või sinised. Isegi kui NO-d mingil põhjusel üles ei ehitata, on vaja need inimesed kusagile elama asustada = > lähiajal hakakvad sealsed maja. ja infrastruktuuriehitajad kõvasti tellimusi saama Usunm et vajadusel paneb ka USA riik ka sinna ehitusse kõvasti pappi sisse (nö. riigi tellimus) ja pigem vähendab veidi kulutusi iraagis, afganistaanis.
  • Pole küsimustki, kas ehitatakse üles või mitte. Inimesi on selleks maailmas lihtsalt liiga palju ja maad liiga vähe. Meenutagem kasvõi nt. Pompeid.
  • Kui nüüd pisut sarkastiliselt küsida - keda see huvitab, kas ehitatakse üles või mitte?! Huvitab ju tegelikult ainult KES ehitab üles, KES varustab või KES buldooseriga lõpliku demontaa˛i teeb. Näiteks täna ma olin peale kl 13:10 täiesti selle poolt, et esimeses järjekorras tuleb seal linnas energiavarustus taastada. Generaatoritega. Mida plaanib hulgaliselt müüa mingi CHDT tikkerit omav firma. Praeguseks on mul juba savi ja +100% tõusu on ka asi.
    Ja nii on ju ükskõik millise katastroofiga - iga suurem jama on üldrahvaliku spordivõistluse (kauplemispäeva) ilus start. Hukkuvad ja kannatavad üksikisikud annavad sealjuures ainult teemale vürtsi...(loe - volatiilsust).
    Aga tegelikult - muidugi ehitavad üles - sümbol ju ja lisaks hea võimalus kaasajastada arhitektuuri. Võrdlus - kui poole Pärnu majad oleks jaanuaris lahkunud meie hulgast, oles tänaseks seal juba kindlasti hulgaliselt uusehitisi.

Teemade nimekirja


Et pakkuda sulle parimat kasutajakogemust, kasutame LHV veebilehel küpsiseid. Valides "Nõustun", annad nõusoleku kõikide küpsiste kasutamiseks. Tutvu küpsiste kasutamise põhimõtetega.
