Börsipäev 4. november - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Forum Investment topic

Börsipäev 4. november

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  • Rev Shark:

    Don't Let Fear Put You Off Your Game
    11/4/2005 8:18 AM EST
    "Beware the fury of a patient man."

    -- John Dryden

    The key to further upside in this market is that the bulls stay patient and confident. If they can manage that while we consolidate recent gains, the market will be in excellent shape to produce further upside.

    If the bulls become too aggressive and greedy and expend their buying power too quickly, they will jeopardize the move. A burst of energy like we have seen in recent days is certainly fun if you are long the market, but it's a poor foundation for a longer-term uptrend. When markets go straight up there is a greater chance that they will go straight down as well.

    The key is to stay patient and not let profit-taking, consolidations and pullbacks shake your confidence. A rest is not only to be expected after a strong move, but welcomed. Unfortunately it is very easy to have your confidence in the market shaken by even a brief pause. Most everyone has had the troubling experience of racking up some nice gains and then giving them all back when the market did a U-turn. It is tough to be patient when the misfortunes of the past are in the back of your mind.

    In the early going we have slightly positive action. Oil has rolled over and that is helpful. A big spike there would be a problem but so far it seems contained. Overseas markets were mostly flat and gold has bounced back a bit.

    Gary B. Smith:

  • Räägiks natuke börsil toimuvast ka... Kas teile ei tundu, et HTRN kaupleb hetkel päris ahvatleva hinnataseme juures? Ma loodan, et mõni maakler teil seal ostuordereid ka vastu võtab :)
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    Eelkõige ootakski kommentaari HTRN ja PIR-i kohta.
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  • äkki oleks hea mõte pro teenust promoda ja kuuks ajaks näiteks vabalt kättesaadavaks teha kõigile klientidele?
    promo jaoks
    kunagi oli aga vaataks kuidas te arenenud olete

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