Börsipäev 31. märts
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Futuurid rohelised, päeva algus plussis sealhulgas jaemüügi ettevõtted BBY, CC, HD.
Crude-oil futures fell Friday morning after marking a two-month high a day before on concerns about tensions surrounding Iran's nuclear research program.
U.S. stocks climbed as oil prices retreated and a measure of inflation eased concern that the Federal Reserve will keep raising interest rates.
Colgate-Palmolive Co. may offer to buy Pfizer Inc.'s entire consumer-products unit. -
Reedesele börsipäevale kohaselt on turul väga vähe liikumisi, nii Nasdaq kui Dow on sisuliselt muutumatutel tasemetel võrreldes eelmise päevaga. Tugevas miinuses on siiski energiasektor ning nafta hind on kukkunud alla 66 dollari taset. Võlakirjaturg on tegemas kerget põrget peale nädal kestnud langusseeriat, 10 aastase võlakirja intressimäär on langenud 4,85 protsendile.
Viimasele kvartalipäevale mittekohaselt, ei ole hakatud hindu üles suruma. Ka käive on suhteliselt väike. Ons see mingi märk?
Flows into international stock funds last month again outpaced those into U.S. funds. Some watchers are asking whether smaller foreign markets can handle the load as investors seek out returns in riskier corners. Total net flows into mutual funds were $27.33 billion in February, the Investment Company Institute reported yesterday. Of that haul, $18.98 billion went into international stock funds. Iceland was a hot target among international investors looking for high yields -- its benchmark stock index surged 65% last year -- but flows have reversed lately due to concerns about the nation's widening current-account deficit and banking system. "It was one of these phenomena where everyone is trying to play the same game," says Axel Merk, manager of the Merk Hard Currency Fund. "But you can't do it with a country like Iceland … when everybody wants to leave [a market], it's a disaster." Economist Nouriel Roubini recently warned on his RGE Monitor Web site that other countries, including Turkey, Hungary and New Zealand, could face similar liquidity runs because of existing economic conditions, including a housing bubble, declining savings rates, and large fiscal deficits.