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Börsipäev 4. aprill

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  • Take a Tough Line With Your Stocks

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    4/4/2006 9:13 AM EDT

    "When the rock is hard, we get harder than the rock. When the job is tough, we get tougher than the job."

    -- George Cullum
    Even though the indices acted fairly well yesterday there were some signs of weakness under the surface. Most notable was the poor breadth and relative weakness of small-caps. It wasn't anything terrible profound or intense and could be attributed to a hangover following the close of the first quarter.

    Nonetheless, it was a little troubling and it is a good time to be a bit tougher with the stocks we are holding.

    To be tough with stocks is to demand exceptionally good behavior. If they don't do what they should, we are hard-nosed and simply cut them. You can't be forgiving of poor performance in a market that is as challenging as this one.

    That not only pertains to the stocks you are holding but those that you are considering buying. When things are strong the market will often bail you out of marginal stock picks. You don't have to be as selective or demanding to make money. In a bull market that is showing signs of age like this one, we have to raise the bar and only hire the best stocks to work for us. That means solid charts and decent numbers to back them up.

    Although I believe that now is the time to tighten up stops and be more selective, I'm not turning negative on the market. It still has not done anything to crack the uptrend, so I'm still giving it the benefit of the doubt and am not anticipating an end to the rally. On the other hand that doesn't mean that we shouldn't tighten up defense and be tough with our stocks.

  • Märksõnad (Bloomberg, MW, Yahoo!, AP):

    Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) tarnib mikroprotsessoreid nüüdsest uuest tehasest Saksamaalt. Võtmesündmus turuosa suurendamisel.

    3M (MMM) kaalub oma farmaatsiaüksuse müümist, et keskenduda rohkem nendele toodetele, mis vajavad välja töötamiseks vähem aega.

    Põhja Ameerika suurim paberitootja Int. Paper (IP) soostus müüma 5.1 miljon aakrit (1 aaker = 0,405 ha) metsamaad $6.1B eest.

    Kui eile saavutasid kuld ja hõbe dekaadi kõrgtaseme, siis täna kauplevad metallid madalamalt. Lihtsalt kerge õhu välja laskmine.

    Täna võivad FEDi ametnikud anda vihjeid selle kohta, kui pikalt keskpank intressimäärade tõstmisega jätkata võib. Info selle kohta kell 12:00 NY aja järgi ja teine sõnavõtt peale turu sulgemist.

    Microsoft won an order from the U.S. Census Bureau that covers 500,000 handsets, its biggest-ever contract for mobile-phone software. This is Microsoft's latest challenge to Research In Motion Ltd.'s BlackBerry device. Microsoft expects to almost triple its mobile unit's sales to $1 billion in one to three years.

    May crude fell to $65.95 a barrel, down 79 cents in afternoon dealings as traders turned their attention to Wednesday's updates on U.S. petroleum inventories.
  • Proovi natuke oma arvamust ka lisada. Saab huvitavam.

  • Dailyfx.com kajastab valuutaturul toimuvat ja saelne kommentaar euro tugevnemisele selle lingi all.
    Lühidalt kokku:
    - Hommikul avaldatud Euroopa tööpuuduse raport oodatust tugevam (tööpuudus langes 8,2%-le)
    -Tootjahindade kasv kiireim alates 2000 aastast (0,5%, aastatagusega võrreldes +5,4%)
    -Eilne eurotsooni tööstusindeks oli USA numbritest parem ning seda esmakordselt 5 aasta joksul.
  • nextphase - märkus õige. Arvamusega asjad tulevad peagi.

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