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Press the Bullish Advantage
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/5/2006 9:11 AM EDT"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did."
-- Newt Gingrich.
This market sure does look healthy: The indices are at multiyear highs, the uptrend is firmly in place, the technical picture looks good and neither high oil nor a hawkish Fed have been able to turn the market down. It sounds pretty darn good and the easy thing to do is to let down our guard and expect this positive environment to persist.After the hard work of making it to highs we need to persevere and keep it going. We don't want to squander the gains we have made, or allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency simply because the bears have been so wrong about this market. The time to really persist and press is when you have the advantage.
By work I don't mean staying bullish I mean making sure we manage positions effectively. We have to be particularly vigilant in employing sound money management at the point when the market looks like it is in good shape. Make sure you lock in some of those gains and don't let the laggards in your portfolio weigh you down. We may indeed enjoy more upside in this market but we have to be prepared for that not to be the case as well. The hard work after the hard work is what will ultimately determine our success. Stay tough.
We have flat morning action. Overseas markets were mostly lower. Gold is still climbing and oil is perky in front of the inventory numbers this morning at 10:30 a.m. EDT. (I have some other business to attend to today so my posts are going to be abbreviated. I'll be popping in regularly nonetheless.)
Positiivne start. Futuurid üha kosusid ning turg avaneb soliidses plussis. Täna on kindlasti tähelepanu all Apple. Asi siis uues softis, mis kannatab Maci peal ja MS Windows XP'd jooksutada. Üldist sentimenti taltsutab oodatav tööturu raport.
sõna "ja" üleliigne
Apple tugevuse taga on hoopis kokkulepe Hynixilt suurtes mahtudes flash malu ostmise kohta iPodide jaoks, mida turg võtab kui garantiid iPodide jätkuva tugevuse kohta.
Briefing ajas crappi, see Hynixi uudis kyll 5% tõusu ei ajanud, oluline oli, et Apple lasi välja beetasofti windowsi kasutamiseks oma Inteli-põhistes Macides
Fit, see on uudis, et Windows töötab Inteli protsessorite peal? :)
Kui juba spämmiga alustasid, Jim, kas oled töötu, et palju aega tihedalt LHV boarde skännida ja faktide esitamise kallal näkitseda?:)
PS: hynixi uudis oli väljas juba eile õhtul. -
Fit, mul on hea uhke tunne, et Sa kõik oma tööülesanded ainult sellepärast pooleli jätad, et mulle vastata, isegi kui muidu LHV foorumeid kommenteerimise vääriliseks ei pea.
Uudis Windowsi töötamise kohta Inteli protsessorite peal oli väljas 1980. aastal umbes. -
WinXP-d standardkonfis Macile peale saada vist tõepoolest ei õnnestunud ka Inteli prosega. Küll on aga mingisuguse Virtual PC tüüpi asja kasutamine kahtlase väärtusega. Eks turg reageerib nagunii uudise peale, kuid tõele jälile saamiseks ootaks vastavad testid ära.
See küll päris börsipäeva teema pole, aga jim, arvuti koosneb paljust enamastki, kui protsessor. Konkreetsel juhul aitaks kui google'sse toksida Extensible Firmware Interface.