Börsipäev 9. juuni
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Prudential tõstis täna pooljuhtide sektori reitingut ‘favorable’ peale varasemalt ‘unfavorable’. Prudentiali soovituslike valikute nimekirja kuuluvad suurenevate marginaalide ja toote tsüklitega seotud ettevõtted – AMD, TXN, MCHP, BRCM ja MRVL. Samas, seis pooljuhtide sektoris on väga segane ja ühe analüüsimaja arvamustest on raske midagi välja lugeda. Analüütikud ei ole sektori suhtes ühel meelel. (Näiteks kui 7. juunil tõstis Caris & Company Broadcom’i soovitust ‘osta’ peale, siis 8.juunil langetas DA Davidson omapoolset soovitust ‘neutraalse’ peale.)
Eile ostsid Dendreoni(DNDN) aktsiat insiderid. 5000 aktsiat ostis nii Watson Douglas(director), Urdal David(SVP, Chief Scientific Officer) kui ka Hamm Richard F JR(SVP, Gen Counsel Secretary). Aktsiate keskmine soetushind oli paar senti üle 4 dollari. Ost järgneb väga kiirele üle 15%-lisele aktsiahinna kukkumisele viimase paari päeva jooksul ning avalikustatud uudisele, et avaldatakse uuringu tulemused, mis näitavad julgustavaid tulemusi Provenge’i kasutamisel kombineerituna Avastiniga.
Under Armouri(UARM) sihti tõsteti Piper Jaffray poolt varasema $33 pealt $36 peale. Piper Jaffray tõstis ka Under Armouri kasumiprognoose nii 2006. aasta fiskaalaasta kohta kui ka hilisematele perioodidele. 2006. aasta fiskaalaasta kasumiprognoosi tõsteti 49 sendilt 30% 64 sendini.
Bear Stern langetas Inteli sihti dollari võrra $24 peale. Samuti vähendati oodatavaid kasumiprognoose teise kvartali suhtes. Prudential kinnitas taas oma ‘underweight’ soovitust Inteli suhtes.
Mittal Steel (MT) alustas läbirääkimisi ühinemise osas Arceloriga. Maailma suurimad terasetootjad kinnitasid täna, et eile oli esimene päev, kus arutamiseks istuti koos maha. Mittali eestkõneleja kinnitas, et ei kavatse oma 25.8 miljardi euro suurust pakkumist tõsta, kuid Arcelor hakkab praegusele pakkumise suurusele ikka veel vastu. 28. juunil toimub aktsionäride üldkoosolek, kus otsustatakse Arcelori saatus – üks variant on veel ühineda Venemaa Severstal’iga. -
Selling Pause Refreshes, but Don't Jump On It
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
6/9/2006 8:43 AM EDT
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other."
-- Walter Elliot
The strong close yesterday following the ugly intraday plunge was certainly refreshing but the worst thing we can do at this point is to embrace it as a major market turning point. It is extremely important that we persevere in our efforts to protect our precious capital and respect the fact that the state of the market is still very unhealthy. We can't let our guard down at the first sign of better action even if it's a technical positive like an intraday reversal on heavy volume. The recovery process is going to take time and if we are impatient it is likely to cost us.Let's be blunt about it, we are in a tough market environment right now and it is very likely to persist until we have some greater clarity about inflation and interest rates. We'd like to think that after the pain this market has been going through in recent weeks that it might occur soon, but that's just wishful thinking.
One of those days we will have greater clarity and the market will act better, but the key is to make sure that we are properly positioned, emotionally and financially, when that finally does occur. That means we can't get too optimistic or too trusting too fast. We have to persist in playing defense and protecting capital even when we have a taste of better action, like we did yesterday.
To be a great investor or trader it isn't necessary that you make money every all the time. Sometimes simply not losing money is a great advantage. If you are an individual investor managing your own account you have great flexibility in doing that. You can exit positions easily and rebuild them quickly when the time is right. There is no need to act like a lumbering, elephantine fund that must hold on through poor market periods because it lacks individual investors' flexibility.