Börsipäev 18. oktoober - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 18. oktoober

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  • 3. kvartali tulemuste teavitamine on täies hoos:

    Eile hilisõhtul tulid lisaks Inteli(INTC) tulemustele, mida tänases juhtkirjas pisut pikemalt lahatud on, veel ka selliste ettevõtete, nagu Yahoo(YHOO), Motorola(MOT) ja IBM, kvartalinumbrid.

    Kõige suurem pettumus tuli ehk Motorolalt, kes on Nokia järel tööstusharus suuruselt teine. 3. kvartali kasum kukkus 45% - kuid vastas siiski Wall Streeti ootustele. Käive jäi aga alla – müügitulu oli $10.66 miljardit, mida on $0,4 miljardi võrra oodatust vähem. Aktsia eelturul hetkel 6 kuni 7% miinuses.

    Yahoo aktsiate puhul olid tulemused alguses pettumuseks ning aktsia liikus mitu protsenti miinusesse. Konverentsikõne ajal teatas aga ettevõtte tegevdirektor edusammudest kauaoodatud uue otsimismootori tehnoloogia vallas – see on ka üheks põhjuseks, miks tänasel eelturul on aktsiad positiivsel territooriumil.

    IBM-i tulemused olid tugevad. 3. kvartali kasum suurenes $2.22 miljardini. Ettevõtte püsitegevusest teeniti kasumit $1.45 aktsia kohta – selline tulemus ületas ootusi tervelt 10 sendi võrra. $22,6 miljardiline müügitulu ületas samuti ootusi – Wall Streetil oodati vastavat numbrit $21,5 miljardi kanti. Tugevad tulemused on aktsia eelturul hetkel 4% plussi viinud.

    Nagu eilses börsipäevas sai kirjutatud, avaldatakse täna kell 15.30 Eesti aja järgi USA tarbijahinnaindeksi numbrid. Vastavad tulemused olid siis sellised:

    Tarbijahinnaindeks: CPI M/M -0.5% vs -0.3% konsensus
    Tarbijahinnaindeksi tuumikosa: Core CPI M/M +0.2% vs +0.2% konsensus

    Lisaks veel:

    Housing Starts 1772K vs 1640 K consensus
    Building Permits 1619K vs 1710K konsensus
  • You Needn't Lead to Profit From Earnings

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    10/18/2006 8:44 AM EDT
    Click here for more stories by Rev Shark

    "The enemy advances, we retreat. The enemy camps, we harass. The enemy tires, we attack. The enemy retreats, we pursue."

    -- Mao Tse-Tung

    For the aggressive trader with a short term time frame, earnings season always offers up some interesting action. In many cases the initial sentiment and price action are an excellent opportunity to take a contrary approach and buy weakness or sell strength. In other cases the initial move is just the beginning of some lasting momentum and if you are quick to hop on the train you can go for quite a ride. Of course, distinguishing between the two types of situations is what determines your trading success.

    One of the major benefits of earnings reports for traders is that they provide clarity and eliminate a level of uncertain. If you know the numbers and guidance then the only thing left is to measure trader and investor psychology. If you are adept at that trading, the wake of an earnings report can be quite lucrative.

    Yesterday I posted my usual quarterly diatribe about the dangers of buying in front of earnings. It is not only risky but in the vast majority of cases it really isn't necessary if your goal is to get a jump on the rest of the market. In most cases you can put on the trade after the report at a reasonable price and without the huge risk of some surprise news. Sure, the stock may gap up or down but if there really is significant news you can still join the fray and profit after the fact. It might not be as exhilarating as being loaded up on the right side in front of the news but it is much safer and still can be quite rewarding.

    Even stocks with very positive unexpected earnings news don't go straight up. They may gap up but eventually they will offer the patient hunter some chance for a good entry. Stocks that have significant developments or changes in character are revalued over a fairly long period of time. The "efficient market" theory says that all information tends to be immediately discounted in the price of a stock. In reality it can take a very long time for that to happen and that is what creates great opportunity for investors.

    The great opportunities during earnings season lie not in betting on earnings but exploiting the action after they are released. This morning we should have a number of interesting trading opportunities shaping up as the market grapples with the true nature of the reports that have been released so far. You haven't missed the Yahoo, IBM or INTC trade because you aren't already in; the trade is just beginning so get to work.

    Although earnings are grabbing the headlines, it is the CPI report that is likely to be the biggest mover of the market. Investors were a bit spooked by higher than expected core PPI yesterday and are watching the CPI very closely today and that will help determine the mood.

    We have a lot more earnings tonight so that is likely to keep the market in a state of flux. AAPL, EBAY, AMD and JNPR are a few that may have some impact. We have a positive start but nothing dramatic. Overseas markets are up, oil is back close to $60 and gold is bouncing again.
  • Turg on tugevate raportite ja taltsa tarbijahinnaindeksi numbri toel avanemas plusspoolel.

    Ülespoole avanevad:

    Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: ILMN +19%, HWAY +12%, IBM +4.5% (also Goldman upgrade), PH +3.9%, INTC +1.6%, YHOO +1.5%... Other News: SIGA +179% (announces smallpox breakthrough), SNTS +10.7% (to license heartburn drug to SGP), SONE +7.9% (Cramer bullish on Mad Money; says it's the next OPEN which spiked 19% on Monday), PARL +7.1% (extends yesterday's late run; OpCo upgrade), TTWO +6.7% (founder and former CEO resigns), PEIX +5.4% (acquires stake in Front Range Energy), ANDW +4.3% (Baird upgrade), RVBD +4% (JMP Sec initiates with $24 tgt), LINTA +3.9% (to join Nasdaq-100), UAUA +3.1% (Prudential upgrade, raises tgt to $59 from $32), VPHM +2.9% (announces new health initiatives), DWA +1.7% (JP Morgan upgrade).

    Allapoole avanevad:

    Gapping down on disappointing earnings/guidance: APOL -14%, CGNX -12% (also downgrades from Bear Stearns and Needham), MOT -6.2%, ASML -5.3%, LLTC -4.6%, NVLS -4.2%, CDWC -4%, ITW -3%, DTLK -1.8%, NTRS -1.7%... Other News: ENDP -12% (FDA recommends less rigorous bioequivalence requirements for generic versions of its pain-relieving patch, Lidoderm; also Citigroup downgrades to Sell, Leerink Swann downgrade), AKZOY -7.3% (may delay potential blockbuster drug), LMRA -4.7% (SEC filing shows MVIS sold nearly 322K shares of LMRA), LIHR -3.1%, TEVA -2.9% (CEO resigns - Dow Jones), NTAP -2% (Goldman downgrade), AMAT -1% (in sympathy with NVLS).
  • The E.I.A. reports that gasoline inventories had a draw of 5.22 mln barrels (Bloomberg consensus is a draw of 200K barrels); crude oil inventories had a build of 5.02 mln barrels (Bloomberg consensus is a build of 1.5 mln barrels); distillate inventories had a fell 4.55 mln barrels (Bloomberg consensus is a draw of 800K barrels).

    Ja energiaaktsiad hüppavad ülespoole...
  • Huvitav, kuidas võiksid need Motorola kehvad tulemused Nokia hinnale homme mõjuda? Kas see tähendab seda, et NOK on MOT arvelt võitnud või samuti langeb? Seda näeb vist homme.

    Kas Motorola kasumihoiatuse andis?
  • MSM - nii palju kui on erinevaid analüütikuid, niipalju on ka täiesti erinevaid arvamusi. Leidub nii neid, kes usuvad, et Motorola nõrgem läbimüük oli vaid ettevõttepõhine, kui ka neid, kes usuvad, et kogu mobiiltelefonide tootjate sektorit ootavad ees keerulised ajad. Vastuseks sinu küsimusele kasumihoiatuse suhtes - Motorola kasumihoiatust ei andnud.

    Kuigi nendest allpool toodud lõikudest midagi erilist välja kindlasti lugeda ei saa, aitab see ehk aru saada, et arvamusi oli enne ja pärast tulemusi igasuguseid.

    18. oktoober - Handset results support positive bias for group into Q4 - Lazard : Lazard notes initial consensus expectations called for approximately 5% sequential growth. So far, firm says the third- through fifth-largest vendors have exceeded this growth, while MOT results fell short. Given that firm doesn't expect a big miss from NOK, industry growth should exceed 5% in 3Q.

    18. oktoober - Bank of America does not see MOT's weaker units as a negative read for NOK.

    16. oktoober - RBC believes co is gaining share from Samsung, LG, and NOK.
  • MSM, meie kommentaar oli järgmine:

    Eilne Motorola Q3 raport ei olnud see mida konsensus firmalt ootas. Kui valdav enamus asjaosalisi oli Motorola suhtes jätkuvalt positiivne ning prognoosis RAZR portfelli tugevuse najal häid tulemusi, siis Motorola numbrid nii käibe, ASP kui ühikute müügi osas ei vastanud optimistlike turuosaliste ootustele. Tänast kauplemispäeva alustati pea 2 punkti eilsest sulgemishinnast madalamalt, kuid võimalik, et näeme päeva peale taastumist kuna üldiselt ei ole tegemist fundamentaalselt suurte probleemidega ning mitmed turuosalised on täna väljas firmat kaitsmas.

    Motorola Q3 käive $10,6 mld jäi alla konsensuse poolt oodatud $11,1 mld-le. Samuti langes Motorola keskmine müüdud telefoni hind (ASP) prognoositus enam, kukkudes $138 pealt $131 peale. Firma sõnul kannatas müük peamiselt laovarude vähendamise tõttu operaatorite poolt, kes ootavad uusi CDMA/iDen mudeleid. Oodatust kehvemaks osutus müük Euroopas, kus ilmselt ollakse raskustes konkureerides 3G telefonide osas. Samuti on Samsung ja Sony-Ericsson hetkel tugeva portfelliga konkurentsivõimelisemad, mida tunnistab ka viimaste korralikud tulemused käesoleval kvartalil.

    Nõrkust Euroopas võiks pidada ka ASP languse peasüüdlaseks, kuna Motorola soovides ühikute müügi numbreid toetada, müüs agressiivsealt arenevatele turgudele. Sealsed turud aga reeglina müüvad suuremates kogustes low-end telefone. Positiivne on marginaalide paranemine 11,2%-lt 11,9%-ni, mis näitab seda, et vaatamata portfelli sisestele nihetele madalam hinnaklassi telefonide suunas suudetakse kasumlikkust säilitada. Motorola juhtkond andis mõista, et muutused tooteportfellis on planeeritud graafikus ning peaksid toetama alanud kvartali müüki. Üldiselt on Motorola selles osas suutnud sõna pidada ja võib uskuda, et olulise jõulukvartali müüki augud mudelite valikus ei tohiks mõjutada.

    Mida arvata seoses Nokia homsete tulemustega? Tagasihoidlike käibenumbrite taga ei tohiks olla üldist nõudluse langust, kuna tegemist on firmale omaste probleemidega. ASP langus, mis muuhulgas oli tingitud regionaalsetest probleemidest, ei tohiks tähendada teravnenud sektori sisest hinnavõitlust. Motorola nõrkus Euroopas ning 3G telefonide osas, mis on olnud pigem Nokia mängumaa, tekitab võimaluse, et Nokia koges möödunud kvartalis vähem konkurentsi. Kuivõrd oli tekkinud tühimikku turul täitmas Samsung, Sony-Ericsson või keegi teine selgub aga homme.

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