Börsipäev 5. märts
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Kallid sõbrad, täna tuleb järjekordne ilus, põnev ning teguderohke päev USA-s.
Tooge õlut ja krõpsu ning asuge mugavalt 16.30 telerite ette. -
Huvitav, et need valimistulemused viisid börsi hommikul langusse. Oleks oodanud vastupidist.
Kogu maailm paremerakondade võidu pärast miinuses.
Euroopa börsid tugevas pooleteise protsendilises miinuses - negatiivne rahvusvaheline foon on valimiste temaatikast hetkel oluliselt tugevam. Samuti, vaadakem kas või meie idanaabrite indeksit RTS, mis täna üle 4% miinuses.
Jaapani Nikkei indeks lõpetaspäeva 3,3% miinuses, Hong-Kongi börsiindeks lõpetas 4% madalamal. Jaapani languse üheks põhjuseks USA nõrkus kuid ka Jeeni kiire tugevnemine, mis tähendab eksportijatele raskeid aegu.
Poleks pidanud postitust alustama. Enne mu "õllereklaami" oli Tallinn -2% miinuses, nüüd juba -4%. Krt, oleks ma teadnud, et nii kergelt on pööbel manipuleeritav, oleks putte võtnud:D
heh, jyriado ma huupi pakun, et kui oleksid OMXTallinn indeksile putte võtnud siis peale 2% allatulekut oleksid endiselt tugevas miinuses :))
Ameeriklased võiksid ülejäänud seltskonnale mütsi pähetõmmata, avanevad alt, kauplevad miinuses kuni euroopa kinni läheb ja siis põrutavad üles.
just nii lähebki, sealt peab põrge tulema -
kuna kõik arvavad uskuvat, et põrge tuleb, siis ehk tulebki, mina müün oma putid avanedes ära
Põrge? Te mõtlete põrget laest alla, kuna lagi on põrandale liiga lähedal ja põrand veidi habras on. Lael on ka veel see hea omadus, et ta kummist on. Põrkab tõesti paremini!
Prepare a Plan for Today's Pain
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
3/5/2007 7:42 AM EST
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
"Pain dies quickly, and lets her weary prisoners go; the fiercest agonies have shortest reign."
-- William Cullen Bryant
The pain and agony in overseas markets continued overnight and the fear of an ugly Monday morning selloff are being realized. A major problem is that the yen has continued to strength against the dollar, and that is causing a broad selloff in the stocks of companies that export products because this essentially reduces their revenue.
Although the yen is the most obvious reason for the selloff, the primary reason is good old fashioned fear. Once the selling kicked in last week many folks found themselves with too much long exposure. They are now panicking and scrambling for the exits. The selling momentum is dominating and dip buyers are standing aside and that means the selling is taking place in a vacuum with no underlying bids. Buyers are now afraid to step up to take advantage of the weakness.
This sort of painful market meltdown is usually short-lived and leads to sharp bounces but it never feels that way when it is taking place. All that investors can think of now is trying to find a way to stop the bleeding. They are acting emotionally because they are feeling intense pain and that often leads to poor decisions.
The big question for us to contemplate is whether you should dump long positions into this weakness. Yes, the technical condition of the indices are now badly broken and you definitely should be trying to find ways to reduce your exposure, but a weak Monday morning open is probably not the time to do it. Often times you can relieve some of the anxiety by making small sacrifices of stocks that are trading down sharply, vs. wholesale dumping of positions into this action - that's as ill-advised as chasing a big gap up to start the week.
Many market players are looking for a quick snapback after the pummeling. It might not last long but it is practically a self-fulfilling prophecy and likely to surprise some by how quickly it will develop.
If and when it occurs, the key is to make sure you don't get sucked into thinking that everything is going to be fine and that we are going to continue on our merry way back to recent highs. A snapback rally will be the time to cut long exposure and consider potential shorts.
There is panic in the air this morning, which means those who stay calm have the chance to find some good opportunities. Stay tough, make a plan and move methodically. The most common reaction market players have after a major melt-down is that they didn't play it better. -
Eelmise nädala lõpus lennanud Palm saab Stifelilt downgrade'i.
Apple AAPL Prudential Neutral » Overweight $100 » $105
New Century REIT NEW Jefferies & Co Hold » Underperform
New Century REIT NEW Stifel Nicolaus Hold » Sell
Marvell MRVL JP Morgan Overweight » Neutral
Palm PALM JP Morgan Neutral » Underweight
Accredited Home Lenders LEND Stifel Nicolaus Hold » Sell
Ülespoole avanevad:
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: AEZS +22.4%, OTIV +5.9%... M&A: ARXX +20.4% (to be acquired by General Atlantic and Francisco Partners), PTMK +8.9% (confirms it will be acquired by GAP)... Other news: MGRM +7.9 (announced data presentations at the CROI conference), BVF +4.9% (TEVA announced agreement with BVF regarding generic Wellbutrin XL), AMAG +4.4% (Ferumoxytol Data Monitoring Committee identifies no safety concerns in final data review).
Allapoole avanevad:
Gapping down on weak earnings/guidance: HSOA -20.1%, AMD -5.9%... Sub-prime mortgage deterioration continues: NEW -58% (filed NT-10K Friday night, noted possible "going concern paragraph"), FMT -23.3% (to exit sub-prime business), NFI -23.2%, LEND -17.0%, AHM -10.2%, IMH -9.4%, CFC -6.3%... Other news: MEMY -36.1% (says MEM 1003 did not prove effective for the treatment of bipolar mania, subsequently downgraded at Lazard), EMU -6.6%, SIL-6.5%, WVCM -6.0%. -
Üldise languse taustal jäi silma POT graafik. Aktsiale on $170 juurest vastupanu ette tulnud ning viimaste päevade langusega on juba korralikult allapoole tuldud, kuid kuna reedel vajuti läbi oluliselt $150 toetusest ning 50-päeva EMA-st, siis usun, et see aktsia võib endiselt pakkuda huvitavat võimalust panustamaks langusele. Lühikeseks võimalus minna $150 alt ning siht ca $140 juurde.
Tulime Pro all välja veel ühe investeerimisideega - Gmarket(GMKT). Ettevõttel on väga tugev positsioon Lõuna-Korea n-ö poodidele interneti turgu pakkuvate ettevõtete seas, paranevad marginaalid, kiiresti kasvavad tulud, koduväljaku eelis Lõuna-Korea turul ning muljetavaldav ja kiiresti kasvav kasutajate baas. ADS-id (American Depositary Shares) on USA turul täiesti olemas, selleks ei pea Lõuna-Koreast aktsiaid ostma.
Mäletan, et keegi LHV-st kommenteeris Novostar Financiali (NFI) peale viimase kvartali tulemusi ja seal oli kirjas, et NFI kavatseb sel aastal veel 4$ dividende maksta. Hetkel aktsia hind 4,40. Selge see, et oodatakse ilmselt pankrotti ja vaevalt, et mingeid dividende makstakse. Või siiski? Aga lihtsalt huvitav fakt aktsia hinnast ja juhtide optimismist.
NFI mitte ei kavatse, vaid peab seda tegema tingituna tema juriidilisest vormist. Nimelt on NFI REIT ja REIT peab kalendriaastal dividendidena välja maksma 90% eelmise aasta kasumist. Nagu näha, turg kahtleb ettevõtte võimes seda kohustust täita (või üldse jätkata tegevust) üsna tugevalt, NEW ("going concern possible") ja FMT ("exit from sub-prime") kommentaarid aitasid sellele tublisti kaasa.