Börsipäev 21. mai - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 21. mai

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  • Päris huvitav graafik tarbijahinnaindeksi tuumikosa liikumisest. 2.9% pealt on langetud juba 2.3%ni ning ahelmeetodiga kaalutud tuumik tarbijahinnaindeks (chain-weighted core CPI) on mõnedel andmetel puudutamas juba 2% ehk ülemist äärt, mida on föderaalreserv korduvalt neid rahuldavaks vahemikuks (1% - 2%) pakkunud.

    Seega lootused intressimäärade langetamise osas aasta lõpu poole ei ole kaugeltki mitte utoopilised.

  • Dreamworksi(DWA) poolt vändatud film Sookoll Shrekist on rahvale oma südamlikkusega ikka hästi peale läinud. Shreki 3. film nägi kinolava esimest korda 18. mail ning tõi sellel nädalavahetusel USA kinokassadesse $122 miljonit. BofA on sündmust ka kommenteerimas, öeldes, et nende prognoosid $300 miljonilise koduturu kassakäibe osas tunduvad igati paika pidavat ning omaltpoolt kinnitati aktsiatele ‘osta’ soovitust.

    Sellenädalase majandusstatistika tähtsaimateks on neljapäevane kestvuskaupade näitaja ning uute majade müüginumber. Reedel tulevad ka olemasolevate majade müüginumbrid.
  • Briefing võrdleb Russell 2000 ja SP500 käitumist:

  • Strange Market Brings Muted Sentiment

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    5/21/2007 8:25 AM EDT
    Click here for more stories by Rev Shark

    Happiness for the average person may be said to flow largely from common sense -- adapting one-self to circumstances -- and a sense of humor.
    -- Beatrice Lillie

    Going with the flow is what typically makes investors feel good about the market. When things are going up and investors are along for the ride, it is difficult not be pleased. For some reason, that hasn't been happening even though the DJIA is having one of its best runs in the history of its existence.

    What is the problem? Why is sentiment so muted? Why aren't more folks excited about this market? There are a number of reasons that come into play that we should reflect upon when considering how the market plays out from here.

    Probably the foremost issue affecting investors is the disconnect between what they are seeing and hearing economically vs. what is happening with stocks. Given the issues with real estate, a slowing economy, record high gas prices, inflationary pressures and so on, it simply doesn't seem logical that the market is acting like we are undergoing one of the greatest economic booms in history. How can the market possibly be acting so well when the reality of the average investor is so different?

    The average investor in the U.S. is not fully cognizant of two fundamental issues, since he is not experiencing them personally. First is the huge amount of international liquidity. There are buckets of cash sloshing around out there supporting huge acquisitions and mergers every day. The money flow seems endless, but all the average investor sees is increasingly restrictive mortgage lending. He has no access to this cash so he finds it hard to understand how this money can continue to be thrown around with such ease.

    The average U.S. investor is also not appreciating how the global economy is driving things and making the domestic economic environment less important. The U.S. economy has always been the primary driving force behind the market -- when we sneeze, everyone gets a cold. But what is happening in the U.S. economy is now becoming secondary as huge amounts of cash from China and other booming markets are looking for a place to go and propping up things simply because they are highly liquid and are an easy place to put cash

    The massive outperformance in mega-cap DJIA stocks isn't because this small group of stocks has suddenly become better values than anything else. They are moving because they are liquid and an easy place for overseas investors to put their cash. The small-caps have underperformed because the liquidity that is driving this market is so big it can only go into the biggest stock out there.

    It is a very unusual time in the market, and trying to figure out how much longer this action will continue is an impossible task. Given what it driving things, it could last quite a bit longer. At some point it will likely end with quite a bit of pain, but for now all we can do is stay vigilant and respect the very strong trend.

    We have another positive open. Overseas markets are strong on more deal news, Oil is trading up and gold is down.
  • Tom Brown (Second Curve Capital) on suurendanud oma positsiooni LENDis
  • Infoks. OPECi tähtsus maailma nafta turul on jätkuvas tõusus. EIA andmetel on 2010. aastaks maailma nafta pakkumisest 42% OPECi riikide kontrolli all ning 2030. aastaks kasvab see vähemalt 48%ni.

Teemade nimekirja


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