Börsipäev 23. mai - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Börsipäev 23. mai

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  • Kuigi eilne kauplemispäev tähistas juba teist korda järjest mustrit, kus päeva lõpp müüdi suhteliselt agressiivselt alla, ollakse täna päeva alustamas plusspoolel. Viimastel kuudel on üldise turu korrelatsioon energiasektoriga olnud päris tugev ning viimane sai eile eriti tugevasti pihta. Peale suurt tõusu kukkusid mitmed rafineerijad ning lisaks näitasid nõrkust ka mitmed erinevate metallide tootjad.

    Tooksin välja ka ühe kommentaari Cloroxi (CLX) kohta citigroupilt, mis näitab, et täna on aktsia isegi ettevõttele endale ostmiseks liiga kallis:

    CLX’s Share Price Appreciation Is Limiting Buybacks  - While CLX has two open-market repurchase programs (totaling $768 million outstanding), the company did not buy back any stock in 3Q07 under these programs, which we attribute to the stock’s recent appreciation (given that $700 million is capped at $55 per share, while the remaining $68 million is capped at $65 per share).

    UBS believes UNFI's 11% sell-off following 3Q07 results appears disproportionate to a reduction in guidance of just $0.03-$0.04 per share for FY07. Given that the stock had already been hit hard following WFMI's recent results and the uncertainty over its plans to acquire OATS, firm thinks that UNFI's risk/reward profile remains extremely favourable at this time.

    Baird initiates Leap Wireless Intl (LEAP 84.63) with an Outperform and sets a $103 tgt, based on strong subscriber and revenue growth, upcoming market launches to accelerate growth and expect Leap to continue to post strong revenue and Ebitda growth

    Credit Suisse assumes coverage of major chemical sector and downgrades their rating to Underweight from Overweight, to reflect the probability that even slower capacity growth will be too fast when coupled with slower rates of demand growth. The firm downgrades Dow Chemical (DOW) Nova Chemical (NCX) and Westlake Chemical (WLK) to Neutral from Outperform saying they like Dow's strategy, and see moderate upside in the stock. But speculation has left the risk/reward uninspiring. For Nova the firm says while a takeout is possible, the probability is such that, combined with massive exposure to ethylene, the story becomes "wait-and-hope". The firm says Westlake has no reliable short-term catalyst for the stock. The firm also downgrades Georgia Gulf (GGC) to Underperform from Neutral saying while many view the big decline in the stock as an indication that the worst is over, they think the worst may be just beginning. Firm reits their Outperform on Lyondell (LYO).

  • Early Pre-Market Gappers:
    Gapping Up: CYPB +104.7%, SRR +32.3%, AATI +19.2%, ZVUE +10.4%, FRX +8.9%, MMR +7.7%, ONT +7.0%, SWKS +6.6%, CEI +4.8%, SNDA +4.1%, MDT +4.0%, ZOLT +3.7%, ALU +3.5%, AL +3.5%, WFR +3.2%, LVLT +3.1%, VOD +3.0%, DCX +2.9%... Gapping Down: NFLD -48.2%, ADI -8.1%, DDS -4.2%, LLTC -2.3%
  • Aasia turud on üpris kirjud - Tai, Sri Lanka, India, Malaisia, Filipiinid miinustes. Jaapan, Hiina, Korea plussis.
  • Embrace the Tape, but Be Skeptical

    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    5/23/2007 8:33 AM EDT
    Click here for more stories by Rev Shark

    "Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions."

    -- Friedrich Nietzsche

    I have to admit I cringe a little bit each morning when I see yet another strong open. It is good for my long positions, but as an active trader/investor it is the market's ups and downs that create opportunities for me. A market that goes straight up is wonderful for the more passive investor who has all his capital invested and is content to stand aside and do nothing.

    For those of us who make the market a living, it is much harder to gain an edge when the best thing to do is nothing.

    It will be more interesting for traders when the market becomes more unstable. A market that has risen as quickly and extremely as this one is likely to eventually turn the other way. That isn't any big secret.

    Everyone knows, or should know, that the pace of gains simply can't continue forever. At some point there will be a rush for the exits and everyone will wonder how a market that looked so good can now look so bad. It will happen but it is the timing that makes things so difficult.

    Right now we have the perfect storm of positives. The economic news flow is benign, merger and acquisition news is hitting every day, momentum is strong and there is enough doubt and skepticism to ensure a steady supply of buyers to keep things going. The only real fear right now is fear of being left out of further gains.

    The only real choice investors have right now is to feel the love and embrace this market. Anything else will leave you frustrated and unhappy. It is foolish to predict when this rally will end. So many have said that we've gone too far too fast already and have ended up looking silly.

    The turn will come and we need to make sure we don't forget it, but it isn't here yet. Keep on running with the bulls but remember the quote above from Nietzsche -- extreme action like we are seeing now eventually leads to extreme action in the other direction. Don't act on that but don't deny that it will happen.

    We have a strong open on the way as more acquisition news is boosting the mood again. Overseas markets were strong and oil and gold are trading up.
  • kes krt need on, kes nii kõrgelt ja veel vastu suve ostavad??? aru ma ei saa............, täna peab miinusesse lihtsalt kukkuma?!? usun mina:)!
  • upser, Sa kõlad nagu suur lühike positsioon oleks käes!
  • CLX koha pealt on kõik kirjutajad nii über bullish, ma pole näinud eriti negatiivsetid argumente viimaste nädalate jooksul.
    nüüd ootavad homset call'i mille käigus oodatavalt kõik tuleviku väljavaated roosaks joonistatakse
  • Strateegiline plaan on Cloroxi (CLX) puhul ilmselt möödapääsmatu sellises turusituatsioonis ning ma ei usu, et nii suure firma puhul suudetakse probleeme väga kiirelt lahendada.
  • Olen ostnud QID seega ootan ka langust.
  • upser
    Ise olen ka putidega viimasel ajal vastu hambaid saanud, kuid Härra Turuga ei maksa vaielda, tal alati õigus. Kuigi olen ise karune ja ootan pääsu "rongile", ei usu, et see pullide pidu niipea lõppeb. Kuid eks paistab, see võib ka homme lõppeda.
  • Kahtlemata pole QID halb valik, aga vastuvoolu ujumisega tasub ettevaatlik olla. Turult on kuulda, et ka suurimad karud on turu käitumise suhtes hämmelduses ning sedavõrd suur optimism ja negatiivsete makrofaktorite ignoreerimine ei tõota ajaloole tuginedes edasisele käekäigule head...
  • QID on ka LHV Pro all ostusoovitusena väljas. Või on see lihtsalt üks ununenud soovitus?
  • Poison, QID on LHV Pro soovitus (eriti portfelli tasakaalustamiseks).
  • CLX short on ka muide samuti üks LHV Pro soovitus. Ise ei kommentaariks, aga Pro all võiks selle hetkeseisu sagedamini üle vaadata (ja kui vaja, siis seisukohti väljendada) küll. Kuidagi selline kurb unustussevajunud tunne on, ei muud!
  • Velikij, meie Pro soovituste 'hetkeseisu' vaatame igapäevaselt üle ja kohe kindlasti ei vaju ükski idee meie silmis unustusse. Mis Cloroxisse puutub, siis kommentaar tänases börsipäevas. Olemegi varem kiireid kommentaare oma ideede kohta siinses foorumis andnud, põhjalikumad kommentaarid loomulikult Pro all.

    Näiteks viimase 30 päeva jooksul on üles laetud 9 kommentaari meie ideedele + muu huvitav lisalugemine... Arvestades, et enamus ideid on investeerimisideed, on seda omajagu.
  • Greenspan sees dramatic drop in Chinese stocks - Reuters.com

    Reuters.com reports former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Wednesday he feared a "dramatic contraction" in Chinese stocks but said the global economy may be able to shrug off a drop in asset prices. Addressing a meeting in Madrid via teleconference, Greenspan said the recent boom in Chinese stocks could not last. "It is clearly unsustainable," he said "There's going to be a dramatic contraction at some point." Greenspan also said a correction could cause problems for Chinese personal wealth. Some analysts have speculated that the Chinese government could be tempted to dip into its reserves to bail out any stung investors and avoid social unrest.
  • Ja läks müügiks. Vaata mida gurud teevad, nii kui suud paotatakse, läheb paanikaks.
  • tõusud on aeglased ja pikad, eelmise suve põhjast juulist on 10 kuud möödas, qqqq on põhjast tõusnud vist üle 30 %, eelmine nii pikk ja suur tõus oli 2002 oktoobrist, ehk langeva turu põhjast 11 kuud järjest! Kõik langused on tulnud järsku ja langused on kiired, 1-2 kuud ja ligi 20 %, kuna see aasta pole nii roosiline usas enam, kui eelmised(alates 2002 a.), siis ei imesta tänavu sügiseks ka tipust - 30%! Lisaks vaatame, mis hiinas toimub, (1 languspauk tuli hiinast veebruaris, täna seal üle tüki aja 1 langus) seega ootan huviga, mis toimub!
    Olen ka loomulikult puttidega vastu pükse saanud, aga ei karda, see suur pauk tuleb kohe, kohe....................
  • Terve maailm tundub hetkel sinu arvamusega nõustuma ja see on pisuke probleem.
  • hetkel, aga eile- üleeile veel mitte? eile uurisin paar tundi graafikuid ja jõudsin järeldusele, et max aeg tõusta on veel 1 nädal:), eks näis........
  • Arvamuste summa on see, mida teeb aktsiaturg. Kui ta tõuseb, ei saa öelda, et terve maailm on selle arvamusega nõus.
  • Turg on nagu naised! Ei oska keegi täpselt ennustada, mis sealt tegelikult tuleb. Vahe on ainult selles, et lilledega teda juba ära ei osta.
  • Siin keskkonnas vaevalt selliseid naisi või mehi on, keda lilledega saab ära osta.
  • Tegelikult võib seda ka ennustada, et vähemalt 5 päeva kuus on punased..
  • vaatasin kalendrisse, mansaft, tõesti 5 päeva punased mai kuus, näiteks mai kuus oli ainult 4 pühapäeva, küll aga 1 mai oli ka punane, ka juunis on 5 punast päeva, aprillis oli jälle 6 punast!

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