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Börsipäev 21. detsember

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  • Aasia tuleb ...

    Merrill Lynch may get up to $5 billion in a capital infusion from Singapore state investor Temasek Holdings, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

    Earlier this week, China Investment Corp agreed to pump $5 billion into Morgan Stanley as the U.S. investment bank posted a fourth-quarter loss fuelled by $9.4 billion of losses in subprime mortgages and other assets.

    Citigroup agreed last month to sell a 4.9 percent stake to Abu Dhabi for $7.5 billion, while UBS accepted a $9.75 billion investment from the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC).

  • Vaja on uut teemaatilist feedi: "sovereign wealt funds in action". Trend on juba selge, oleks mugav silma peal hoida.
  • Interfaxi kohaselt on Vimpelcomi ja Golden Telecomi ühinemine mõlema ettevõtte juhatuse poolt heaks kiidetud. Ametlikku teadaannet veel väljas pole, kuid uudisteagentuuri kohaselt saabub see hiljem tänase päeva jooksul.
  • Kuna selle vastu võiks huvi olla, panen siia Bank St. Petersburgi 9 kuu tulemused:

    Bank St Petersburg

  • Vabandan küsimuse pärast aga mis päevadel USA börs puhkab?? Ma ei ole kuskilt jõudnud uurida. Tänud ette ära...
  • esmaspäeval sulgub 3 tundi varem ning teisipäeval on üldse suletud.
  • 24. detsembril on lühendatud kauplemispäev ning 25. detsember on turud suletud. 26. detsember ollakse taas avatud.
  • Lisasime LHV Balti Pro alla uue analüüsi Norma kohta. Ühtlasi tõstsime ka aktsia soovitust. Eestikeelne analüüs kättesaadav sellelt lingilt.
  • IDCC sai UK kohtult 3G litsentside kohta EU's positiivse otsuse
    natuke rõõmu masendvasse detsembrisse
    long IDCC
  • Circuit City (CC) jääb tulemustele ikka võimsalt alla ning aktsia kaupleb 20% eelturul madalamal. Kahjumit aktsia kohta -$0.64 vs oodatud -$0.31 ning eelmise aastaga võrreldes kukkusid müügitulud 3%.

    2008. aastal loodab ettevõte avada ca 60 uut poodi ning 2009. aastal ca 55 veel. Kenad plaanid, aga lühiajalised põrked kõrvale jätta, siis üldiselt on turg meelestatud viisil, et jutul on vähe väärtust ning vaid reaalsed numbrid loevad.
  • USA turud avanevad võimsalt ülevalt poolt. RIMMi eilsed tugevad tulemused on lennutamas nii aktsiat kui ka kogu sektorit.

    Saksamaa DAX +1.44%

    Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +1.53%

    Inglismaa FTSE 100 +1.20%

    Hispaania IBEX +0.96%

    Venemaa MICEX -0.14%

    Poola WIG +0.63%

    Aasia turud:

    Jaapani Nikkei 225 +1.50%

    Hong Kongi Hang Seng +2.26%

    Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.16%

    Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +0.26%

    Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0.46%

    Tai Set +3.31%

    India Sensex N/A (börs suletud)

  • Market Caught Up In the Spirit of the Season
    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    12/21/2007 7:50 AM EST

    VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. ...Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. --Francis Church

    The great thing about the holidays is that they tend to produce a positive mood. The troubles that have been plaguing us seem a bit lighter as we enjoy time with friends and family and count our many blessings. Typically the holiday spirit spills over into the stock market at some point and that started to occur yesterday afternoon.

    Good earnings from Research In Motion (RIMM), which had low expectations, is giving us a very positive open this morning and all those negatives that have been weighing on the market no longer seem quite as bad. Nothing at all has changed. We still don't know the depth of the bad debt issue, the economy is still showing signs of slowing and inflation is starting to raise its ugly head but for now people are happy to be buying Blackberry's and all is good.

    The market is a moody beast that can go from gloom and despair to joyous optimism in the blink of an eye for the flimsiest of reasons. Quite often it is irrational, but it doesn't pay to argue. It is the nature of the beast and all we can do is try our best to adjust as things change and try to make some money.

    Conditions are ripe for the market to run into the end of the year. The technical conditions support a bounce and market participants have motivation to push up prices. Pockets of the market are seeing momentum kicking in and that tends to fee on itself.

    However let's not get too carried away. The last three days have seen early strength fade and be followed by a late day rally. Those recent patterns tend to reoccur so we need to watch for that. Also keep in mind with the holiday upon us trading is going to thin and that can make for increased volatility as program trading and manipulative funds push us around.

    We have positive news flow, a big gap open and lots of underinvested investors who have been cautious lately. That is going to make for an active day.
  • Mul simuportfellis 30000 kasumit tänasega. Aga millegipärast maha ei saa müüa kraami, lihtsalt order ei lähe käiku. Närvi ajab!
  • Viimase 111 aasta parim periood aktsiaturgudel on Dow jaoks 21. detsember - 7. jaanuar. Nende 17 päevaga on keskmiselt tõustud 3.39%...

  • Realmoney all leiab äramärkimist LHV Pro klientidele juba Madise sule läbi tuttav Vimpelcom (VIP). Graafik järgmine:

    Dan Fitzpatrick: VimpelCom is stair-stepping higher on average volume. This is too early to buy for a breakout, and too late to buy on a pullback. But I'd suggest keeping it on your radar and buying closer to the 20-day moving average. 

  • speedy, pikemas perspektiivis usun sama saatust. See skeem kaob igaveseks (nagu ka 80-ndate junk bond maania). Securitization loob minu arust sellise huvide konflikti, kus investoril ei ole kuidagi võimalik kindlaks teha, mida talle üritatakse müüa. Asja eesmärk on pankade puhas bilanss, teenustasud ja riski võõrastele sokutamine.

    bearish case Yahoo foorumis (18-Dec-07 10:04 pm)
  • Ehk võiks väikse update teha ka FNDT kohta, PRO all. Hästi liigub, aga vales suunas. Keegi peab midagi teadma. On mingeid kõlakaid? Ise pakuks, et ei ole tulnud lubatud uudist ühe suure pangaga lepingu sõlmimisest, mida kvartali ülevaates lubati.
  • speedy ja teised FMD pullid, vaatab ka seda linki:
    Harvard teeb otsa lahti

    ning veel üks link:
    The Smoking Debt Gun
  • mida arvate BW kohta.? kas tasuks osta langust.pikas perspektiivis hea sisenemis koht?
  • kuna sub-prime probleemid on kõik hellaks teinud, on ka ABS'dega hetkel rasked ajad, ka valdkondades kus välja antud laenude kvaliteet on oluliselt kõrgem, ega saa võrrelda tarbimislaenudega. Moody's ei ole veel otseselt nende tagatiste reitingut langetanud.
    suur aha otsib alati turvalisi kanaleid paigutamiseks ka tulevikus, küsimus on läbipaistvuses - nagu sa mainisid, minu arust pigem tehniline küsimus (FMD-d tegevusala silmas pidades)

    kogu asja bottomline on see, kas FMD business model on ohus? ning tal ei ole võimalik tuleikus üldse tagatisi hankida? või ameeriklased lakkavad oma õpinguid finantseerimast?
    tänane samm FMD poolt näitab, et tagatisi on võimalik ka teistmoodi hankida
    MOTT nendele, kes arvasid, et see on muutunud võimatuks ning on kogu FMD viimase kuu selloffi taga

    ja NFI'ga minuarust täiesti mõttetu paralleele tõmmata - sektor, sihtgrupp, laenude ja tagatiste kvaliteet on hoopis teisest klassist
  • maidre,

    Et ma siin ise väga pikalt rääkima ei hakkaks, panen siia tänase kokkuvõtte Briefingust BW languse põhjuste üle. Vaatasime mõned päevad tagasi ettevõtet ja ka konkurente uuesti üle ning võimalik, et tsüklid on pikemad, kui ettevõtted neid ise tahaksid. Ning nagu juba varem olen öelnud, tundub mulle, et turg on faasis, kus lubadused maksavad vähe ja konkreetsed numbrid mitu korda rohkem. Seega ettevaatust ja kannatust.

    BW Brush Engineered Materials expects Q4 EPS to be within the previously announced range of $0.50 to $0.60, but softer demand may affect earnings by up to $0.15 (39.43 )

    Co announces several significant events, some of which will have an impact on the fourth quarter 2007 financial results. During the fourth quarter, the co's Advanced Materials Technologies and Services segment has experienced softer than expected demand in its magnetic media business. This softness is primarily due to tightening material specifications by a key customer which resulted in manufacturing process changes and requalifications. This process is expected to be completed with shipments resuming in early 2008. In addition, lower ruthenium market prices may result in a non-cash lower of cost or market charge in the fourth quarter. In addition to the softness in the magnetic media market, the Specialty Engineered Alloys segment has been experiencing a weaker than anticipated product mix and lower demand in the electronic connector market. Strong demand from applications in the oil and gas, heavy equipment and aerospace markets has continued during the quarter and has partially offset the impact of the weaker product mix. The co has also signed a definitive agreement with Techni-Met, to purchase substantially all of its assets. Techni-Met, is a manufacturer of precious metal coated thin films targeted at the medical and electronics markets. The acquisition provides additional critical mass to the co's thin films coating business that was acquired in 2005. The purchase price is approx $90 mln. The acquisition will be financed with internally generated cash and proceeds of approx $60 mln from the co's new $240 mln revolving line of credit. It is anticipated that the acquisition will be accretive in 2008. The co has reached an agreement to settle its lawsuit against certain of its London Market Insurers. The settlement includes a pretax cash payment to the co of approx $17.5 mln and provision by the London Market Insurers of a new insurance policy. The impact of the softer than expected demand and lower ruthenium prices is currently expected to be more than offset by the litigation settlement. The softer demand may affect earnings by up to $0.15 per share in the fourth quarter while the lower ruthenium prices may result in a non-cash charge of up to $0.05 per share. The litigation settlement favorably affects earnings by approx $0.25 per share. As a result, fourth quarter earnings are currently expected to be within the previously announced range of $0.50 to $0.60 (consensus is $0.54)
  • speedy, mis suur raha?
    Neid instrumente osteti 10, 50 ja 100-kordse võimendusega.
  • Mida see magnetic media business endas täpselt sisaldab?
  • Mart, kas sa üleüldse natukenegi tead, millega FMD tegeleb?
  • BW kohta küsitud meediatooted kuuluvad segmendi ‘Advanced Material Technologies and Services (lühendame: AMTS)’ alla. See segment moodustab ca 50% ettevõtte kogu müügituludest ning on koos berülliumitoodete segmendiga näidanud kõige suuremat kasvu. Niinimetatud meediatooted moodustavad ülalnimetatud AMTS segmendist päris arvestatava osa ning tegu on tegelikult ristipidi andmete salvestamist (niimoodi on võimalik suurendada andmekandjale mahtuvaid koguseid 5-10 korda) võimaldavate seadmetega.

    Kuna kokkuvõttes magnetic media business on varem moodustanud AMTS segmendi, mis moodustab kogu müügitulust ca 50%, kiirest kasvust põhimõtteliselt enamuse, on ka arusaadav, miks täna aktsia nii valuliselt selliste kommentaaride peale reageerib. Kel meelest ära läinud, millega BW tegeleb ja milline on erinevate segmentide osakaalud, soovitan uuesti pilgu Pro all olevale kunagisele tekstile peale heita.
  • Ma ei tea, kui palju on natuke või palju. Suht pealiskaudsel lugemisel on jäänud meelde, et ettevõte pakendab tudengitele antud laenud võlakirjadeks ning üritab need võlakirjaturul maha ärida. On mingi defaultide mudel ja mingid reitingud, mis kuuldavasti arvestavad sellega, et tööpuudus ei jõua kunagi kahekohalise numbrini.

    Aga probleemiks see, et usaldus mudelite vastu kadunud ning investorite mure tootluse pärast on muutunud kapitali säilimise mureks.

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