Investeerimine Iraaki - Investment topic - Forum - LHV financial portal

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Investeerimine Iraaki

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  • Tekkis huvi sellise pealtnäha riskantse teema vastu nagu Iraak ja võimalused sinna investeerimiseks.
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    Kas Eestis eksisterib sellist võimalust? Mida üldse arvate?
    Risk on kindlasti suur, et terrorism ja kodusõda jäävad kestma, aga kui peaksid asjad jätkuvalt ülesmäge minema, siis on ka tulusus kordi tavainvesteeringust suurem.
  • nojah siia võib sama teksti kopida kui palju tahes kuid kui fondil on sellised reeglid siis pole eriti reaalne, et sinna kuidagi liiga palju väikeinvestoreid ligi pääseb:

    Englund’s asset management firm, Godvig Capital, launched the now US$9 million fund in September with US$8 million in assets. Domiciled in the British Virgin Islands and managed from Englund’s headquarters in Luxembourg and—most interestingly—its Baghdad office, the fund is structured as an open-ended mutual fund, but in every other way acts as a hedge fund: it charges a performance fee, offers quarterly redemptions, has a hefty minimum investment and is open only to “qualified purchasers” and professional investors.------------------He adds that his fund can take in as much as another US$15 million. It charges a 2% management and 20% performance fee—with an 8% per annum performance hurdle—and qualified investors must put at least US$100,000 into the fund. He offers monthly subscriptions, net asset value calculations and quarterly redemptions.

  • LHV pärs-est fond vast kvalifitseeruks kuid kas see tahab fondi paigutada?

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