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Börsipäev 9. oktoober

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  • Australia ASX 100 -26.90 -0.71% 3,567.20 10/9 2:51pm
    Australia ASX All Ords -43.30 -0.94% 4,326.50 10/9 2:51pm
    Australia ASX Mid-cap 50 -98.50 -2.23% 4,078.20 10/9 2:51pm
    Hong Kong Hang Seng +545.74 +3.25% 15,977.47 10/9 11:56am
    Hong Kong HSCC Red Chip +144.57 +4.51% 3,045.50 10/9 11:56am
    Japan Nikkei 225 +228.86 +2.49% 9,432.18 10/9 12:45pm

    midagi rohelist vahelduseks
  • Venemaa turgudel taastatakse kauplemine siiski alates tänasest.
  • Tallinna börsil on täielik eufooria. Sama on ka Lätis ja Leedus.

    Kas keegi oskab analüüsida selle põhjuseid ?
  • vedrut ei suudetud enam kokku suruda :)
  • minu meelest on asi "täielikust eufooriast" üsna kaugel.. vaata käibeid.
  • Mingit eufooriat mina küll ei näe. Arvan, et hinnad lihtsalt juba liiga odavad ja selliste hindade peal 2-3 aasta või veel kaugema piiriga tasub igal juhul investeerida.
  • Lihtsalt ostjate närv ei pidanud langusele enam vastu. Ma arvan, et börsil pole mitte kedagi, kes sooviks raha mitte juurde teenida vaid seda ainult pangaarvel hoida:)
  • Njah, no tõus on keskmisest ikka soliidsem, ja käibed pole küll midagi erililist, kuid siiski turg on olnud avatud siiani ainult 40 minutit. Päeva lõpuks on ehk seal tõsisemad numbrid.

    Eile sügeles OEG-s positsioon võtta. Kahju et ei teinud seda :)
  • Ma võtsin OEG - d eile 1,14 pealt aga liiga vähe :((
  • võid ju saada veel parema positsiooni;)
  • Seega see oleks siis ainult ajutine tendents?
    Huvitav, mis homme toimub. Praegu on tegemist ikkagi väääga ilusa rohelisega - OMXT +7,15 % OMXV+9,77% 
  • :)

    Ma tahtsin ka 1,14 aga jäin tehnguga hiljaks. Ei läinud läbi

    Siiski, mida ennustate hommseks, kas tõus jätkub või saavad karud võitu?
  • No see jahimees kellele 300kg isakaru kallale tungis sai karust ikka võitu. Hambajäljed olid küll kaelal ja mees elama jäi ja lubas jahti edasi pidada.
  • Island on jälle OEG-d müüma hakand, varsti saab odavamalt:)
  • Vene börsil kauplemine jälle peatatud. Täna siis liiga tugev tõus...
  • arweni poolt viidatud hommikuse roheluse taga Aasia turgudel on muuhulgas sealsete keskpankade liitumine intressilangetajate perega

    Financial Times reports Asian central banks on Thursday joined their western counterparts in co-ordinated cuts to interest rates in an effort to curb the risk of the credit crisis sparking a severe global recession. Central banks in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan followed the example of the Federal Reserve, BoE and the ECB on Thursday morning, helping Asian share markets to make cautious gains. The Bank of Korea cut interest rates for the first time in four years, lowering its benchmark interest rate to 5% from a seven-year high of 5.25%. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority lowered its benchmark lending rate by 50 bps to 2%. It was the second rate cut in as many days, totalling 1.5%. On Wednesday, Hong Kong in effect lowered its benchmark lending rate by 100bps after reducing the "penal" premium it has traditionally charged above the Fed's target rate. Because of the Hong Kong dollar's peg to the greenback, Hong Kong interest rates generally track their US counterparts. To achieve Wednesday's rate cut, Hong Kong's regulator reduced its fed premium to 50 bps. Taiwan's Central Bank of China lowered the benchmark discount rate to 3.25% from 3.5%. Two weeks ago it made its first rate cut following a four-year rate raising cycle.
  • et 700 miljardi USD abi hiljaks ei jääks, siis kaalutakse ka kiiremaid viise ... pankade osaluse omandamist, Islandil juba tehtud, kõneks Suurbritannias ja nüüd siis ka USA ...

    The NY Times reports the Treasury Dept. is considering taking ownership stakes in many U.S. banks to try to restore confidence in the financial system, according to government officials. Treasury officials say the just-passed $700 bln bailout bill gives them the authority to inject cash directly into banks that request it. Such a move would quickly strengthen banks' balance sheets and, officials hope, persuade them to resume lending.
  • Probleemide lahendamine USA moodi.. pangad on hädas, sest nad on liiga palju laenanud, mida küll teha? Köhime neile pisut pappi, et nad saaks veelgi enam laenata.
  • jim ... pilt ei ole nii must ja valge ... halvad laenud andsid välja kohalikud pangad, kes müüsid need edasi Freddiele ja Fanniele, kes lõid need MBOdeks ja müüsid edasi investeerimipankadele, kes lõid need ümber CMOdeks ja koos CDSiga edasi müüsid ... jne.

    Freddie-Fannie, investeerimispangad (Lehman oli suur tegija CMO äris), CDS väljakirjutajad (AIG?) on oma karistuse juba saanud ... mõned tänased hädasolijad ahela lõpus on ehk vähem süüdlased ja rohkem kahjukannatajad juba
  • Kuigi Lamari (LAMR) lühikeseks müügi idee sulgesime, lähevad Soleili downgarde'i nägemused meie pikaajalise vaatega kokku:

    Soleil downgrades Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO 10.06) and Lamar Advertising (LAMR 27.40) to Hold from Buy and lowers their tgts to $10 from $25 and $28 from $53, respectively, as they believe that each co's pricing for digital is as weak (down 5-10%) as its static pricing and occupancies for digital billboards are under pressure... 

  • Oma 3. kvartali eeltulemused teatas eile õhtul IBM. 3. kvartali EPS $2.05 vs oodatav $2.02 ning müügitulu $25.3 miljardit vs oodatav $26.5 miljardit. Samas, 2008. fiskaalaasta kasumiprognoosi "EPSi vähemalt $8.75" kinnitati ja see on hea märk ning peaks tehnoloogiale tuge pakkuma. Aktsia selle peale ca 5% plussis.
  • jim see mida nad usas teevad ju on nende arust totaalselt õige kuna naende jaoks on võlg on neil asset, meie idaeurooplaste jaoks on see aga kadunud sõber ja palju tyhja taarat temapool.

    Eks praegu olegi see, et ameeriklased õpivad seda laenamise väärtustamise teemat läbi vitsade, ja tuleb välja et laenude enfocemise meetodid ei olegi niivõrd effektiivsed kui alguses arvati.
  • Mida seal enforcida, kui on teada, et päris laialdaselt laenutaotlusi lihtsalt võltsiti või kirjutati sinna täiesti suvalisi numbreid. Näiteks olukorrad, kus inimesed avastavad, et taotluses on sõber broker kirjutanud palgalahtrisse tegelikust 10 korda suurema summa.
  • nonii, kas meerikamaalt siis täna see kauaoodatud põrge ja läheb ralliks? Mis siis muud - kinnitage rihmad :)
  • USAs indikeerivad futuurid tund aega enne börsi avanemist tasemeid 2% jagu kõrgemal võrreldes eilsega.

    Saksamaa DAX +1.12%

    Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +1.99%

    Inglismaa FTSE 100 +0.99%

    Hispaania IBEX 35 -1.38%

    Venemaa MICEX +10.76%

    Poola WIG -0.06%

    Aasia turud:

    Jaapani Nikkei 225 -0.50%

    Hong Kongi Hang Seng +3.31%

    Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -0.84%

    Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) -1.43%

    Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0.44%

    Tai Set 50  +2.21%

    India Sensex N/A (börs suletud)

  • Henno, ühesõnaga esimene ring pole veel oma ahnuse eest korralikult piku peadki saanud kui on õige aeg uuele ringile minna kohe? :)

    Aga jah, eks USAs ole õigus laenu võtta kõige olulisem inimõigus üldse.
  • ei-ei jim,

    Esimene inimõigus oli 'õigus odavale bensiinile'... ;) See on nüüd küll muutunud, aga suurema osa muu maailmaga võrreldes jätkuvalt odav.
  • Regardless of Your Position, Have a Plan
    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    10/9/2008 8:26 AM EDT

    The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.
    -- Napoleon Hill

    It is always important to have a strategy for dealing with the market, but it is more important than ever as we undergo a truly historic downtrend. These last couple of weeks will likely be the worst action many of us will ever face when it comes to investing. No matter how you have been positioned, you likely have had some very strong emotional responses to these dramatic events. Even if you have avoided major losses, you are going to wonder about the whole process of investing and whether you will ever be able to trust the market again.

    The root cause of the most severe problems investors are facing is that they simply ignored the fact that the market was in a downtrend. It simply wasn't deemed important, which is what traditional Wall Street would have you believe. In fact, the market had been sinking for nearly a year before it accelerated even lower in the last couple weeks. If you simply honored that fact, you would be safe and sound.

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of investors don't respect the power of a trend. When the market is in a downtrend, about 70%-80% of stocks will decline, and as we've seen recently, it can be a far higher percentage. Investors like to believe that their stocks will somehow be immune. They want to believe that the market is irrational, and that it will soon come to its senses so the stocks they are holding will go back up. Inertia sets in, and we do nothing. The big problem is that the market's irrationality can last far longer than we can remain solvent, as the economist John Maynard Keynes once said.

    For many months, I've been preaching the gospel of Shark Investing, which is to respect and honor the trend. You don't want to hold stocks unless the trend is in your favor. I've been very pleased to hear from many readers who have followed this advice and are unscathed by the worst financial panic since the Great Depression.

    If you are still holding plenty of cash, which I hope you are, you have fantastic flexibility that will pay off big in the near future. You might use a small amount of capital to play the bounce game in this grossly oversold market, like I have been talking about lately, but mostly, you should just continue to stay defensive and let the market eventually find a bottom.

    What is extremely important is that you not be in a big rush to put money to work. Of course, the media pundits will encourage you to do just that, but ignore them just like you did during all of those prior bottom calls. There will be plenty of time to catch the next major uptrend when it starts. You just have to make sure you keep your capital safe for now.

    More difficult decisions face those who have been riding stocks down during this downtrend. It is incredibly frustrating to listen to market "experts" who have urged us to stay bullish during this months-long downtrend, and then hear them tell us to sell and lock in 20%-30% losses or more as we hit newer and deeper lows. What happened to their averaging-down strategy and assurances that things would bounce back? What happened to those proclamations that the bottom is in, and we have seen the lows?

    It is incredibly frustrating, and the natural inclination of many is to either do nothing, or sell everything and give up on the market. I hope you don't do that.

    My advice to those of you who are still heavily long is to do some selling and not worry about locking in a loss. The important thing is to break the "buy and hold" psychology that has kept you holding stocks in a nasty downtrend. You have to change the way you think if you want to be a successful investor.

    The first step in doing that is to realize how easy it is to sell and rebuy. Selling is nothing more than a very cheap form of insurance. You can undo it with minimum cost, even if you have to buy stocks a bit higher.

    I assure you that the stocks you held on the way down will not be the best ones to make up your losses on the way up. You are most likely emotionally invested in many of those stocks, and are having a hard time selling because it is not just a loss of money, but a personal defeat.

    So do some selling and reclaim your flexibility and balance. I'm hopeful that we will have a little bit of a relief rally soon that will allow you to reposition, but make sure you have a plan and are ready to implement it.

    The tone of the market this morning is a bit more positive. Overseas markets continue to be tremendously volatile, and investors are badly shaken. But the news flow is a bit calmer, and there are some signs that we are sifting through the wreckage and becoming more strategic in their thinking. I'm excited about the opportunities that await us. Just make sure you have capital so you can enjoy them.
    Ülespoole avanevad:

    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: IBM +5.2%... Select financial names rebounding: NCC +21.1% (in talks with a number of banks about a possible sale - WSJ), SOV +7.9%, LYG +6.8%, ABK +6.7%, AIG +6.0%, DB +5.3%, C +3.9%, BAC +1.8% (upgraded to Outperform at Baird), RBS +1.6% (WSJ reports the fact that the U.K. government is doing a bailout should remove fears that a large London bank could fail)... Other news: HUN +43.2% (Hexion Specialty Chemicals announces capital contribution from Apollo Management), IVAN +14.8% (Energy Ecuador signs contract with state oil company Petroecuador to develop Ecuador's Pungarayacu heavy-oil field), AAUK +7.0% (still checking), NOK +4.8% (still checking), QSFT +2.3% (announces appointment of CEO; Intention to repurchase up to $400 mln of common stock).
  • Fre on eelturul ilusti plussis.

    Isiklikult arvan, et tuleb suht nulline päev. Umbes nagu eile. Samas ennustan seda kohvipaksu pealt. :)

    Mis teie arvate tänasest?

    Kas tuleb tõus või langus?
  • minu kohvipaks ajas üle ääre, seega - tõus :)
  • tegelt tuleb maailma lõpp, mul kohvi tass täitsa tühi!
  • Ärge muretsege, meie suur juht teab täpselt: „Aga seda, et tänapäeval pangad läheksid nii pankrotti nagu omal ajal Maapank, see on küll praegu täiesti välistatud. Ajad on hoopis teised.”
  • Aga shortimise keeld on turgu natukene huvitavamaks muutnud.. vahepeal olid kõik aktsiad nagu lemmingud, liikusid ainult kambakesi koos ühes suunas. täna on näha päris huvitavaid liikumisi, lisaks nendele, millest võikski nõrkust eeldada (MS, WB) on alla müüdud ka näiteks WFC.
  • St, shortimise keelu lõpp on huvitavamaks muutnud.
  • Kuidas Citysse suhtuda. Hind kipub ära vajuma.
  • täna pidi saama jälle finantsi shortida ...
  • oeh, saada nupu vajutamine venis ... jim jõudis ette
  • igat panka on võimalik uppi ajada,
    vaja kriitiline mass jooksjaid leida
  • Ehk siis maakeeli: Tuleb hakata vabatahtlikelt jooksjatelt allkirju koguma :)
  • Pakuks välja, et täna vormistatakse kena karulõks shortidele:)
  • (MS) oleks jällegi väga atraktiivne põrkekandidaat, päevalõpuks kaubeldakse suure tõenäosusega kõrgematel tasemetel. Hetkel päeva põhjadest $12.59 kosunud juba $14 peale.
  • Vanasti korraldati ju Hansapanga Sügisjooksu. Päris suur hulk osalejaid oli. Või oli see SEB Sügisjooks? :)
  • huvitavat mõtlemisainet ... kuna täna on finantssektori shortimine taas lubatud, siis mis saab shortidest esmaspäeval kui USA valitsus otsustab nädalavahetusel mõnes pangas osalus või kontroll omandada
  • Viimane pooltund tuleb korrata mantrat ja loota, et : nõrgad käed välja, nõrgad käed välja...
  • nõrgad käed või mitte, aga olukord on üpris masendav, SPX üle 4% miinuses...
  • Seda kukkuvat nuga on ikka väga valus püüda
  • Vähemalt ei saa põnevuse puuduse üle kurta. Päeva lõpp ikka väga kole.

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