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Eile õhtul jõudis turule huvitav uudiskild - nimelt USA üks tippdemokraate Barney Frank soovib võidelda Bushi poolt keelustatud online mängurlusseaduse tühistamise vastu. Link FT's ilmunud artiklile on siin.
Üks huvitavamaid lõike on see:
"Barney Frank, chairman of the House financial services committee, told the Financial Times he would reintroduce a bill in the next few weeks to establish a licensing and regulatory framework for online gambling operators.Mr Frank said he also expected anti-gambling regulations, rushed through in the dying weeks of the Bush administration, to be included among the measures Congress will look to rescind."
Eilsel kauplemispäeval tõusid Gigamedia (GIGM) ja Cryptologicu (CRYP) aktsiaga kaubeldavad mahud enam kui 5-kordseks ning GIGMi aktsia liikus ülespoole 12% ja CRYP üle 30%. Täna soovitaks silma peal hoida veel Londoni börsil kaupleval Playtechil (PTEC.L), kes USA online mängurluse legaliseerimise korral oleks samuti üks väga suur võitja. Eilse sulgumishinna lähedalt oleksin ostja.
Visast (V) oli paar päeva tagasi siin juttu. Tulemused olid tugevalt üle ootuste. EPSi teeniti $0.78 vs oodatud $0.66. Müügitulud tõusid 16.8% $1.74 miljardi peale vs oodatud $1.68 miljardit. VISA kaartide arv maailmas kasvas 10% 1.7 miljardi peale ning kaardiga tehtud tehingute arv tõusis 13% 14.5 miljardi peale. Kaardiga tehtud mahud kasvasid 13% $701 miljardi peale. 2010. aastaks nähakse 20%list EPSi kasvu.
Kokkuvõttes väga ilus kvartal, aktsia järelturul üle 7% plussis. Raha aktsia kohta $8, võlga pole. Aktsia kaupleb 2009. aasta septembris lõppeva fiskaalaasta 17x kasumil ning 14.5x 2010. aasta septembriga lõppevat kasumit. Arvestades ettevõtte näitajaid, on aktsiad pikaajaliselt ka neilt tasemeilt minu arvates atraktiivsed. -
Tänaselt ECB kogunemiselt oodatakse intressimäärade jätmist 2% peale, kuid Inglise keskpank peaks määrasid langetama 0.5% võrra 1%-ni.
Bank of England cuts key rate by half point to 1%
European Central Bank leaves rates unchanged at 2.00%. as expected
Jim Rogers peab võimalikuks Venemaa lagunemist rohkem kui üheks riigiks ning kaalub rubla vastu panustamist. Video leiab siit
Jim Rogers on kah moroon. Selles videos arvab ta, et Ukraina ja Kasahstan võivad Venemaast eralduda. ahah
Initial Claims 626K -
Initial Claims 626K vs 580K consensus, prior revised to 591K from 588K
Pole ilusad need numbrid jah... -
Lisaks Robert Half International'ile (RHI) tegelevad tööjõu vahendamisega veel Manpower (MAN), Kelly Services (KELYB) ning Korn/Ferry International (KFY).
Rogers peab siiski silmas, et peale Venemaa võivad tükkideks laguneda ka Ukraina ja Kasahstan ... Ukraina can break up, mitte break off?
pealegi lause eespool on ta väga hästi kursis, et NSV Liit lagunes 15 riigiks, vaevalt, et see tal järgmise lause juures Ukrainast ja Kasahastanist rääkides ära ununes :) -
"break up" tähendab ka "lahku minema". ja jutt käib venemaast. KST
Evli öökis otse turgu, ei no head mehed
kas Celente ennustus hakkab vaikselt täituma?
täna KIM tulemused ja ESS downgrade
more to follow .... -
Tulemuste tabel uuendatud ja link siin.
Schlagbaumm, kui otse turgu ei lase, siis võidki müüma jääda. Ja USA halbade uudiste peale oli neil seal päris kiire.
USA turud on päeva alustamas tugevalt miinuspoolel. S&P500 -0.9%, Nasdaq -1.6% ning nafta kõigub jätkuvalt olulise $40 taseme ümber, makstes $40.1 barrelist.
Saksamaa DAX -1.51%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -1.94%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -1.16%
Hispaania IBEX 35 -1.94%
Venemaa MICEX -0.53%
Poola WIG +0.17%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 -1.11%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +0.88%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -0.46%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) -0.50%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -1.42%
Tai Set 50 +0.10%
India Sensex 30 -1.21%
Remain Steadfast
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
2/5/2009 8:55 AM EST
Life is supposed to get tough.
-- Kelsey Grammer
Day after day we see more news verifying how terrible things are for the economy. We can't even seem to progress to the point where we are anticipating the worst, and what makes it even more difficult is that many folks are losing confidence in the idea of a governmental solution to our woes. In fact, in a recent Rasmussen Reports poll shows that 50% of U.S. voters believe that the final economic recovery plan is at least somewhat likely to make things worse rather than better.
When we have such poor news flow and such a low level of hope, it shouldn't be too surprising to see the market sliding lower. We actually have been holding up a bit better than you might expect given some of the poor earnings and the weakness in financials like Bank of America (BAC) .
The big problem right now is that the price action isn't bad enough to really attract value buyers and those who are looking for a "contrarian" buy, but it certainly isn't good enough to attract folks who are worried that they may miss out on a bounce. It is even more difficult now with the way that the Obama administration is handling the potential bank bailout. We have rumors and speculation about what it might be, and it is already well criticized before we even know what is likely to be proposed.
Weekly unemployment claims just came in weaker than expected and the comments last night from Cisco (CSCO) CEO John Chambers, who is usually quite optimistic, are going to put some pressure on technology stocks, which have been leading lately. There really is absolutely no leadership in this market. We have had a few minor pockets of action in educational stocks and dry bulk shippers, but as far as any sector that is acting well technically and attracting momentum, you can forget it.
To state the obvious, this is one very tough market and economy. That is the nature of cycles of everything in life. It isn't supposed to be too easy. We just need to stay tough and work ourselves through this. Better days will come despite governmental efforts to "help." We just have to make sure we protect our capital and maintain a positive attitude about opportunities down the road.
This too shall pass.
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance/same store sales: ARTG +18.9%, CBL +16.0%, MF +15.4%, ENS +11.8%, CRR +11.5%, BBBB +8.3%, AKAM +7.6% (also upgraded to Buy at Citigroup), CNMD +7.3% (light volume), V +7.2%, ZUMZ +7.0%, OIIM +6.9%, LTD +6.1%, M +5.8%, MA +5.6%, DLB +5.3%, ATW +5.0%, BMC +4.7%, ANF +4.6%, KSS +4.2%, BJ +4.1%, BMI +3.8% (light volume), CRXL +3.7%, GPS +3.3%, DUK +2.9%, DSCM +2.7% (light volume), , WMT +2.5%, GSK +2.4%, FMC +1.2%, K +1.2%, TFSL +1.0% (light volume)... Select metals/mining names showing strength: AZK +7.1%, SLW +5.3%, MT +3.8%, BHP +3.7%, AUY +2.8%, GG +2.6%, KGC +2.0%, RIO +1.8%, AAUK +1.7%, GOLD +1.6%, RTP +1.5%, NEM +1.4%... Select financial related names trading higher: RBS +10.9% (Royal Bank of Scotland to retain RBS Insurance; no longer in talks to sell unit - DJ), LYG +10.1%, BCS +6.5%, TRIN +4.2%, PNC +2.5%... Other news: TS +7.0% (still checking), ERES +4.6% (will replace Corus Bankshares in the S&P SmallCap 600), MDR +3.3% (subsidiary receives more than $1 Billion of U.S. Government awards), NAL +2.9% (will replace MOD in the S&P MidCap 400)... Analyst comments: LIZ +3.7% (upgraded to Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley), MRVL +3.5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman-DJ), HK +1.3% (initiated with a Buy at Collins Stewart).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance/same store sales: HAR -23.2% (also downgraded to Underperform at Credit Suisse), CNQR -17.3%, BPZ -16.0%, NCR -14.3%, CVLT -12.1%, EXBD -10.5%, POWI -10.3%, AGNC -10.0%, THQI -9.4% (also downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Piper Jaffray), KIM -7.8%, NVLS -6.4% (also downgraded to Neutral at BofA/Merrill), BKC -6.2%, EQR -6.1% (light volume), UL -4.7% (light volume), HRS -4.5%, ATML -3.7% (light volume), DB -3.4%, SUN -3.3%, SE -3.1%, JCP -2.7%, DLTR -2.5%, FLIR -2.5%, DO -2.4%, PHM -1.8% (light volume), BG -1.6%, CSCO -1.5%... Select oil/gas names trading lower: TOT -2.6%, PBR -1.7%, RDS.A -1.4%, E -1.2%... Select financials showing weakness: AIB -8.7%, IRE -5.5%, UBS -5.1%, CS -4.9%, BBV -3.6%, PNC -2.9%, PRU -2.8%, WFC -2.4%, MET -2.4%, BK -2.0%, BAC -1.5%, GS -1.4%... Other news: CRYP -9.3% (pulling back from yesterday's 20%+ surge higher), SAY -6.2% (Satyam Computer names Murty as new CEO - WSJ), PAAS -5.5% (announces public offering of shares), DOW -3.3% (still checking for anything specific)... Analyst comments: TXT -5.6% (downgraded to Neutral at JPMorgan), DELL -5.0% (downgraded to Underweight at JPMorgan), ESS -4.4% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill), MRX -3.1% (downgraded to Hold at Natixis), BBT -2.3% (downgraded to Hold at Citigroup). -
IYR 30 murtud
here we go -
Ja nafta kukkus alla $40 piiri. -2% @ $39.5.
Sector ETF leaders & laggards through first hour of trading
First Hour ETF Sector Strength:
Silver- SLV +1.9%, iShares broker/dealers- IAI +1.8%, RBOB gas futures- UGA +1.6%, iShares healthcare- IHF +1.5%, Semis- SMH +1%, IGW +1.5%, Retailers- RTH +1.3%, XRT +0.8%, Gold- GLD +1.3%, Gold miners- GDX +1.2%, US bonds- TLT +1.1%First Hour ETF Sector Weakness:
Reg banks- RKH -5.6%, KRE -2.9%, Commercial banks- KBE -5.2%, iShares REITS- ICF -5%, iShares real estate- IYR -3.8%, Financials- XLF -3.4%, IYF -2.5%, Base metals- DBB -2.7%, Oil HLDRS- OIH -2% -
Goldman Sachs üllatab. Aktsia päris tugevalt tõusnud viimasel ajal
IMF says bank nationalization may be needed, but for limited time - DJ
U.S. Senate moderates say have agreed stimulus package total should be close to what Obama wants - Reuters
Additional details on talk of possible mark-to-market rule modification
Reuters reports that it might be possible to modify mark-to-market accounting rules for U.S. banks facing steep writedowns of troubled assets without abandoning the underlying accounting standard, a senior Senate Democrat said. Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, told reporters on Wednesday evening after a panel hearing that at least one former bank regulator was discussing how to approach the difficult issue without "walking away from" mark-to-market standards. The issue of how to value distressed assets held by U.S. banks has been one of the most difficult challenges in constructing a bank rescue plan, according to industry lobbyists and lawmakers. This appears to be one of the factors contributing to today's strength.
Senate Majority leader Reid says hopes to have vote on Senate stimulus package on Thursday - Reuters
Bank of America: US Senator Dodd doesn't see nationalization of Bank of America - DJ
kuule räägi eesti keeles ka....muidu hakkan sulle vastama vene või hispaania või setu keeles
Eesti keel lisati just -
Fed´i Bullard hurjutab turge kirjeldades USA majanduse olukorda väljendiga "sharp recession"
Lisaks on Hiina makro paranemismärke näitamas (viide:BDI-le) ning tundub, et mõned investorid hakkavad juba turgudelt oletatavat põhja õngitsema.
Moody’s Will Review $302.6 Billion in Commercial Mortgage Debt
Feb. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Moody’s Investors Service is reviewing the ratings of $302.6 billion in commercial mortgage-backed securities.
The review encompasses 52 percent of outstanding U.S. commercial mortgage-backed debt ranked by Moody’s, the New York- based ratings company said today in a statement. -
Fed's Stern says many credit sectors are still 'strained'
Fed's Stern says recession likely to continue until midyear
Fed Bullard says downturn likely to continue for next few months -
US Treasury's Geithner to unveil comprehensive financial framework plan on Monday, according to Treasury official - Reuters
Speak English or Die
Bank of America (BAC) insiders, including CEO, buying shares
pilt muudab inimesed isiklikuks
Jatke Alari rahule ja teeme uhe kiirkusitluse :
Kes nadala parast pull voi karu :
1 index
2 nafta
1 pull
2 pull -
Mulle pakub pigem huvi mida finantssektor homme teeb...pakun, et langeb....FAZ asend sisse võtta...?
1 pull
2 pull -
1 pull
2 pull -
1 pull
2 null -
No üks karu peab ka olema
1 karu
2 karu -
1. d-day ( derminaator või kirbi kodupuhastus süsteem) Kirpe pole (ainult ülesmäge ütles istruktor Väiksel Munamäel aga silmis oli säde mida pole ammu näinud taksujuhtide silmis).
2. Ei huvita sõidan Priusega Toyota( tegelt trammiga tundub odavam) auto naabrimehel kes tahtis olla naabrist parem!
3. Kes endale viimasel ajal pole midagi lubanud on rumal.