Börsipäev 9. veebruar - Investeerimine - Foorum - LHV finantsportaal

LHV finantsportaal

Foorum Investeerimine

Börsipäev 9. veebruar

Kommentaari jätmiseks loo konto või logi sisse

  • Tähtsamate makroandmete avaldamise osas valitseb USAs täna vaikus, kuid kvartalitulemused teevad muuhulgas teatavaks AGCO (AG), Beazer Homes (BZH), Hasbro (HAS), Lorillard (LO), Sohu (SOHU) ning pärast turgude sulgemist Zoltek (ZOLT).
  • Strauss-Kahn hoiatab...

    a) depressioon on käes (arenenud riikides)
    b) IMFil võib poole aasta pärast tasku tühi olla...


    (Ärge pange mulle selle lingi postitamist palun pahaks. Enne seda oli ka mull hea nädalavahetus...)
  • Tasku tühi? Kuule, tead ju ise ka väga hästi, et sularaha pole nafta, mis maa seest otsa saab ja atmosfääri haihtub? :)
  • GS'i L. Blankfein riskimise vajalikkusest

    Peeter: For policymakers and regulators, it should be clear that self-regulation has its limits.
  • kristjan, ära muretse - ma kirjutasin eelmisel nädalal klientidele just midagi sarnast ;-)
  • total unemployment at 15.4%
  • Chesapeake Energy upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman.
  • USA alustab päeva minimaalses miinuses. S&P500 865 punkti ehk -0.2%, Nasdaq samal tasemel, kus reedel ning nafta +3.7% @ 41.6.

    Saksamaa DAX +0.05%

    Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.13%

    Inglismaa FTSE 100 +0.17%

    Hispaania IBEX 35 -0.13%

    Venemaa MICEX +4.90%

    Poola WIG +1.63%

    Aasia turud:

    Jaapani Nikkei 225 -1.33%

    Hong Kongi Hang Seng +0.84%

    Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.99%

    Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +3.32%

    Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0.52%

    Tai Set 50 N/A (börs suletud)

    India Sensex 30 +3.04%

  • Two Issues Weighing On the Markets
    By Rev Shark
    RealMoney.com Contributor
    2/9/2009 8:42 AM EST

    "A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe."

    -- President Barrack Obama
    This week the market will be dealing with new government spending legislation of a magnitude never before seen in history. We will see a vote on the so-called stimulus bill of about $800 billion or so, and we will hear details about a new bank bail-out plan that is unlikely to have a clear price tag but could easily cost another $1 trillion or so.

    If there is one thing our government officials know how to do when there is a crisis, it is to act. There is no shortage of proposals, advice and schemes to cure our economic woes. Unfortunately, even those who are working so hard to help us aren't so confident that there is a good solution, however, their logic is that if they don't act, things will only become worse.

    I'm not so sure this frantic scramble for solutions is going to help, but what we need to focus on is whether it might give the stock market some increased confidence and help us generate at least a decent bear market bounce. The optimism about the market has increased lately, and we have seen some better technical action. We continue to hold around the November and December lows and are trying to turn up through some key overhead.

    The S&P 500, for example, is right at its 50-day simple moving average at 870 or so and is challenging the late January high that we hit when the 'bad bank' plan was first broached as a possibility. Volume has improved a bit, and breadth has been running nicely positive.

    Two issues continue to weigh on the market at this point. The first is that we are hostage to the bailout and stimulus news. Each new rumor and announcement pushes us around sharply and then reverses fast. It is extremely hard to have confidence in individual stock picks and charts when there are macro-economic developments each day that can whipsaw us so viciously.

    The second issue keeping this market challenging is that there is still little clear-cut leadership. We have had a little better action lately in some technology stocks, and medical and biotechnology have shown relative strength as investors look for recession-proof sectors, but there are no standout groups attracting momentum money.

    Leadership begets more leadership, and that is one of the key things missing in the market right now. That won't change fast, but that is the key to watch for in the development of a good bear market rally.

    This morning we are pulling back a bit as some doubts creep in about the bank bailout plan that is going to be announced in the next day or two. The stimulus plan will also undergo some further transformation, but the details are generally known, and we'll see if the market can muster more energy.

    The bulls have some momentum going and the potential of big economic announcements to drive folks into the market. This morning sentiment is a little uncertain, but the dip buyers have been resolute lately and have consistently jumped in on weakness. If they continue to do so, then fear of being left out has a good chance of producing some further upside as our governmental officials flail about to save us.
    Ülespoole avanevad:

    In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SOHU +11.8%, BCS +10.5% BZH +6.0% CTRP +3.7%, AU +2.3% (light volume)... Select financial/insurer related names showing strength boosted by BCS results: HBAN +15.7%, STSA +13.8%, HIG +11.2%, RF +9.5% (acquires its second failed bank in five months from FDIC), CACB +9.3%, XL +7.3%, FITB +7.2%, LNC +6.8%, SNV +6.5%, MI +5.5%, RBS +4.5%, BAC +4.4%, CIT +3.7%, C +3.3%... Select drybulk shipping names showing strength: DRYS +9.2% (announces preliminary agreement with Nordea Bank for a covenant waiver on the $800 mln primelead facility), GNK +3.2%, EGLE +1.8%, EXM +1.4%... Select stem cell names trading higher ahead of the BIO CEO and Investor Conference: ASTM +7.8%, STEM +4.0%, GERN +3.9%... Other news: CRIS +17.1% (announces collaborative agreement between Genentech and National Cancer Institute on GDC-0449), GMXR +7.1% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), MGM +5.1% and LVS +5.1% (still checking), MOT +3.1% (Motorola CEO and Co-CEO bought 725K shares at $3.67-3.83 on 02/05-02/06), GM +2.5% (in talks to take back part of Delphi - WSJ), NTAP +2.0% (mentioned positively in Barron's), DIS +1.8% (Walt Disney teams with Spielberg in wake of Universal's exit - WSJ), SHPGY +1.2% (receives FOSRENOL Paragraph IV notice letters from Barr Laboratories and Mylan), MCD +1.0% (reports global comparable sales up 7.1% in January)... Analyst comments: YGE +5.4% (initiated with Overweight at Barclays), CHK +3.2% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman- Reuters), SLB +1.9% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman- Reuters ), PFE +1.8% (upgraded to Buy at UBS).

    Allapoole avanevad:

    In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NYX -7.2%, WHR -6.9%, ENER -5.8%, GROW -5.8%, HAS -4.5%, ROH -2.7%, GOLD -1.0%... Select metals/mining names showing weakness with lower spot prices: RTP -6.9% (WSJ reports that Leng won't become Rio Tinto's chairman), AUY -3.0%, GG -3.0%, HMY -2.7%, PAAS -2.2%, AAUK -2.1%, MT -2.0%, NEM -1.9%, AEM -1.8%, GFI -1.4%... Other news: GGP -19.3% (announces it will report Q4 results Feb 23, two weeks later than previously projected; co will not conduct a conference call), NMR -9.1% (co said after the close on Feb. 6 that it may sell as much as 300 bln yen in common stock), CS -6.8% (still checking), RYL -1.1% (files mixed shelf offering for unspecified amount)... Analyst comments: CTX -2.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman- Reuters), LEN -2.0% (downgraded to Hold at Citigroup), WDC -2.0% (downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy at Needham), BIIB -1.5% (downgraded to Underweight at Barclays), NBL -1.0% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman- Reuters).
  • Goldmani poolt CHK ostunimekirja lisamine on kindlasti väga tervitatav - lisaks meile hakkavad ka teised analüüsimajad tunnistama CHK pikaajalist atraktiivsust ja varade kvaliteeti ning väärtust. Maagaasisektoris on capexi koomale tõmbamine olnud väga tormiline ning puurtornide arv on augusti tippudest juba mitukümmend protsenti madalamal. Kui nafta ja mootorkütuse varud on hoolimata nõudluse langusest suutnud kasvada, siis maagaasivarud pigem pakkumise kiire vähenemise tõttu liikunud samas tendentsis ajalooliste näitajatega ja seda hoolimata nõudluse vähenemisest. Liikumised on üpriski volatiilsed, mis loovad võimalusi ka kiiremateks treidideks, kuid kordan jätkuvalt - pikaajalisel investoril tasub aktsial silm peal hoida.
  • speedy - äkki tahad double or nothing käesoleva nädala close sub800? ;)
  • ebanormaalselt positiivsed meeleolud ikka...
  • Goldman Sachs (GS) ja Morgan Stanley (MS) täna nõrgad - põhjuseks juba reedel korra välja toodud (kuulu)jutud, et mõlemad ettevõtted kaaluvad aktsiahinna tõusu valguses emiteerida uusi aktsiaid ja parandada sel viisil oma finantspositsiooni.
  • U.S. Treasury expected to brief congressional staffers Monday evening on bank rescue plan, according to aides - Reuters
  • Kui hommikul oli nafta isegi juba ca 6% plussis, kaubeldes pealpool $42, siis päeva jooksul on tugevalt alla vajutud - kogu pluss anti käest ning praegu protsendi jagu miinuses $39.8 peal.
  • Päevasündmus: Fire in the center of beijing Luxury hotel in construction near 3rd ring road - iReport com

  • AMBAC Fincl (ABK): Citigroup discloses 7.2% stake in 13G filing
  • White Nigga Re: Börsipäev 9. veebruar 09/02/09 16:56

    speedy - äkki tahad double or nothing käesoleva nädala close sub800? ;)
  • Siin on näha kuidas hiinlased oma pilvelõhkuja põlema panid, ilutulestiku abil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPi2thePDVY

Teemade nimekirja


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