Börsipäev 27. mai
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Tänane ainuke tähtsam USA majandusraport tuleb Eesti aja järgi kell 17 ja selleks on olemasolevate majade aastane müügitempo aprillikuu seisuga. Näiduks oodatakse 4.66 miljonit, märtsis oli see 4.57 miljonit. Oodatust parema näidu korral võiks ostuhuvi üles näidata börsilkaubeldav fond XHB, mis eilegi kinnisvaraturu põhja tegemise ootuses turu tugeva tõusu taustal lõpetas päeva üle 3%lises tõusus.
Pea poole tunnine intervjuu Faberiga, kus kaetakse laia teemade ringi. Muuhulgas räägitakse aktsiaturgude senisest rallist ja selle jätkumise võimalikkusest, raha trükkimisest keskpankurite poolt, toormaterjalide ja Aasia regioonide atraktiivsusest ning inflatsiooni pildile tagasi tulemisest - pikemas perspektiivis on Faber 100% kindel, et USA läheb hüperinflatsiooni perioodi ning ehk näeme USAs isegi Zimbabwe sarnast hüperinflatsiooni - loodame, et see viimane ennustus jääb siiski tulemata.
20 sekundit enne video lõppu tuleb Faberilt ära ka järgmine kommentaar: "Natural gas is the commodity that is most undervalued right now!"
Kuigi Palm’i (PALM) kauaoodatud nutitelefoni Pre poelettidele jõudmiseni on jäänud veel vaid 10 päeva, siis Collins Stewart’i analüütik Ashok Kumar usub, et Palm ja tema allhankija Foxconn International on jätkuvalt hädas Pre suurte koguste tootmisega. Kumari kontaktide kohaselt jääb esimese partii maht väiksemaks kui niigi juba vähendatud 150 000 telefoni. Mäletatavasti müüdi esimese kahe päevaga iPhone’i tervelt 270 000 tk. Pikemalt saab Kumari karust kommentaari lugeda Eric Savitzi blogi vahendusel.
Siis ju on SP-l 1500 punkti nagu sipsti käes. Ja 3000 punkti. Arvestades, et Zimbabwel oli inflatsioon vahepeal 250 000 000% siis only sky is the limit!
Siin üks videolõik Faberi esinemisest CNBC-s, kus ta soovitab hoolikamalt kaaluda kulda investeerimist, sest paberraha muutub väärtusetuks.
Huvitav, kas tegelane on vaikselt Tavidi palgale võetud :-)
Credit Suisse'i analüütikud on pärast Goldman Sachsi juhtkonnaga kohtumist otsustanud tõsta GSile antavad kasumiprognoosid turu konsensusootustest kõrgemale ning GS aktsiale antavat hinnasihti kergitatakse $140 pealt $160 peale.
Credit Suisse'i EPSi prognoosid FY09 ja FY10 jaoks on nüüd vastavalt $13.00 ja $14.75 (vs konsensus $10.78 ja $12.37).
Aasia oli eilse USA ralli järel korralikult roheline. Võimsat tõusu näitasid Hong Kongi ja India börsid. Aasia murelapseks olid Põhja-Korea poolsed sõjaähvardused Lõuna-Korea suunas ning investorite raha põgenemine Lõuna-Koreast langetas sealseet aktsiaturgu täna üle 2%.
Saksamaa DAX +0.13%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +0.35%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.11%
Hispaania IBEX 35 +0.74%
Venemaa MICEX +2.05%
Poola WIG +2.11%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +1.37%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +5.26%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.72%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +0.57%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -2.28%
Tai Set 50 +2.69%
India Sensex 30 +3.83%
Good Action Despite the Trading Range
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
5/27/2009 8:54 AM EDT
Nothing of great value in this life comes easily. The things of highest value sometimes come hard. The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds.
-- Norman Vincent Peale
With market momentum slowing the last couple of weeks, many market players were looking for some mild action following the Memorial Day holiday. But much-better-than-expected consumer confidence and a key upgrade of Apple (AAPL) on Tuesday caught folks by surprise and had them scrambling to find some long exposure. They chased things steadily higher all day and ended the day in a rather buoyant mood. Worry that the recent rally was slowing was set aside, at least for the day, and many stocks made big moves.
But even after the big gain yesterday, it is important to look at the context. We are right back in the middle of the trading range that has existed over the past month. We have failed at the highs a couple times and held the lows a few times and are consolidating the big moves we saw in March and April.
Trading-range markets like this are when hardworking traders can really prosper. It is in this type of environment that the skills of trading come to the forefront. Good stock-picking will be rewarded, and adept money management will help to keep your account growing.
I bring this up because it's important to realize that you don't need to have strong trending markets in order to make money. In fact, my experience has often been the opposite -- I do better when the major indices are a bit choppy but not overly emotional.
I know that a lot of folks are looking for this market to continue to rally for some time to come. I don't have any great confidence in that idea, but I do feel much better about the nature of trading lately. Much of 2008 and early 2009 was just downright depressing because the trading atmosphere was so gloomy. There was no leadership and no real interest in stocks. That has changed recently and even if the indices struggle a bit, it is positive development that will reward those who stick with it and keep plugging away, day after day.
The action yesterday stirred up momentum once again, and there was a lot of chasing and big moves. Traders will be hungry for more, and we have more room to the upside before we start hitting more major technical resistance. There should be some pockets of strength even if the market cools off.
We have a mixed start setting up and not much news flow so far. Dip-buyers are likely to be supportive and the shorts a bit skittish. The atmosphere should be a good one for trading, especially if we stay focused on the smaller picture rather than the big one.
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CREE +8.9%, TMRK +6.3% (also announces VMware to purchase 4 mln shares of newly issued Terremark common stock at $5 per share), CHS +4.5%, DLTR +1.4%, RL +1.1% (light volume)... M&A news: CJBK +22.9% (to be acquired by Ocean First Bancorp; stock deal worth approximately 7.12 per share)... Select financial names showing strength: AIB +7.2%, IRE +5.3%, PNC +4.3% (raises more than $600 million in common equity through at-the-market issuance), GNW +4.0%, HIG +3.4%, HBC +3.1%, BAC +1.4% (says has raised $26 billion in capital plan to date)... Select drug and infectious disease related names trading higher: BCRX +6.0%, HEB +5.7%, NVAX +3.1%... Other news: CDE +828.6% (trading reverse split), OCLS +20.8% (announces 510(k) clearance from the FDA to market its Microcyn Skin and Wound Gel as both a prescription and over-the-counter formulation), OXGN +10.3% (continued momentum from last week's 80%+jump), TSRA +7.8% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), SNDK +4.6% (SanDisk and Samsung Electronics announce that they signed a definitive agreement to renew the cross license of their semiconductor patent portfolios), DRYS +1.6% (still checking), LDK +1.3% (partners with ESPE on PV projects in Italy)... Analyst comments: SQNM +11.7% (upgraded to Hold at Lazard Capital Mkts), MAPP +6.0% (upgraded to Buy at Deutsche and upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), LVS +4.1% (upgraded to Hold at Argus), RF +3.9% (upgraded to Buy at Deutsche).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SEED -11.8%, DCI -9.5%, CSUN -7.5%, ZLC -6.0%, JRJC -5.5%, MON -3.8%, AEO -3.0%, SPLS -2.9% (light volume), AZO -2.7%, TTWO -1.6%... Select agriculture stocks pulling back following MON earnings/guidance: SYT -3.7%, POT -2.1%, MOS -1.3%, SQM -1.3%, AGU -1.3%... Select oil/gas names ticking lower: STO -1.7%, RDS.A -1.2%, TOT -1.1%... Other news: GM -9.7% (confirms the expiration of its exchange offers for $27.2 bln of its unsecured public notes and the related consent solicitations that were commenced on April 27, 2009), CSA -7.6% (prices a 20 mln share common stock offering at $3.50/share), BDN -7.4% ( announces it has commenced a 30 mln share common stock offering), HIW -6.5% (announces pricing of common stock offering; sold 6.1 mln shares at $21.50 a share), ATI -5.3% (filed for a mixed shelf offering for an indeterminate amount and proposed concurrent senior notes and convertible notes offerings), RWT -5.3% (announces 13 mln share common stock offering), ADS -5.0% (announces proposed offering of $300 mln convertible senior notes), MDVN -4.1% (announces offering of 2.75 mln shares of common stock), DB -2.1% (trading ex dividend), YUM -1.3% (light volume; prices cash tender offer)... Analyst comments: BIG -5.1% (downgraded to Neutral at JPMorgan), EAT -4.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Cowen), SLG -2.3% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James). -
Kui algselt kukkus XHB avaldatud olemasolevate majade müüginumbri (4.68 mln vs oodatud 4.66 mln) peale ära, mis ootustele vastasid, siis nüüdseks on taas end kogutud ja kaubeldakse 2%lises plussis.
IMF Strauss-Kahn says premature to expect econ upturn before 1H '10
Nafta hind täna +2.1% @ 63.75. Tegu on kõrgeima hinnaga alates 2008. aasta detsembrikuu algusest.
Võlakirjad teevad korralikult ilma, hinnad langevad ning näiteks 10aastase võlakirja tulusus juba 3.65% kandis. TBT 3.4% plussis.
Ma ei saa tõesti aru, kas keegi tõesti arvas, et need klounid, kes end poliitikuteks nimetavad, saavad oma avantüürid 2% tasemel ära finantseerida? Bottom line - more QE and bye-bye greenback. Kui on vaja USDi kraami kaubelda, siis mina küll teeks nii, et kannaks accound'ile EURi ja võtaks USD laenuks ;-) < this strategy has worked pretty well since EURUSD 1.27...
GM on põnev, aktsia hinda vaadates ilmselt loodetakse veel positiivsemale tulemusele kui Chapter 11. Karm värk, kui ellu jääb, siis 100% x X, kui mitte, siis ilmselt kiire -50%.