Börsipäev 28. mai
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Täna on tulemas turule hulgaliselt majandusraporteid. Tund aega enne USA turu avanemist teatatakse aprillikuu kestvuskaupade tellimuste muutusest (ootus +0.5% vs märtsikuus näidatud -0.8% ning ilma transpordita ootus -0.3% vs märtsikuu -0.6%). Samuti tuleb esmaste töötuabiraha taotlejate number möödunud nädala kohta ning oodatakse 628 000list näitu, mis on pisut vähem, kui üle-eelmise nädala 631 000.
Pool tundi pärast turgude avanemist ehk kell 17.00 tehakse teatavaks aprillikuu uute majade müüginumbrid, kus aastaseks müügitempoks loodetakse näha 360 000, märtsis oli see 356 000.
Eelturul on oma tulemused teatanud Costco (COST) - oodatud $0.53lisele EPSile jäädakse 5 sendiga alla ning müügitulu näidatakse $15.81 miljardit vs oodatud $16.16 miljardit.
Täna pärast USA aktsiaturu sulgemist teatab oma tulemused tehnoloogiasektorist Dell (DELL). EPSi oodatakse ettevõttelt $0.23 ning müügitulu $12.68 miljardit. Olulisel kohal kindlasti kommentaarid tööstusharus valitsevate meeleolude ja nõudlustrendide kohta. -
Leedu turg on täna kihama läinud - raha liigutatud poole päeva jooxul rohkem, kui varem nädalaga.
Saudi-Araabia naftaminister teatas täna, et OPEC tootmist ei kärbi.
Otsus langetati 12 riigist koosneva kartelli koosistumisel. Joeli artikli OPECi kohta leiad siit.
otsus tehti küll täna, kuid suures osas tegu siiski eilse uudisega ... mis muidugi ei takista naftal ka täna uut 6 kuu tippu tegemast
NEW YORK, May 27 (Reuters) - Oil prices hit a six-month high near $64 a barrel on Wednesday after Saudi Arabia, OPEC's biggest member, said the global economy had strengthened enough to cope with oil at $75 to $80 a barrel.
U.S. crude oil for July delivery rose $1.00 to settle at $63.45 a barrel, after earlier touching $63.82, the highest level since mid-November. London Brent crude gained $1.26 to settle at $62.50 a barrel.
Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi, speaking on the eve of a meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in Vienna, said oil prices would continue to rise and that the global economy was now strong enough to support $75-$80 oil.
"The price rise is a function of optimism. Better things are coming in the future," Naimi told reporters in Vienna.
The minister said OPEC did not need to change its output policy. The group already has agree to remove 4.2 million barrels per day of oil from the market in a bid to shore up prices battered by recession. -
kestvuskaupade tellimused +1,9% vs ootus 0,5%, aga märtsi -0,8% muudetakse -2,1% peale
töötu abiraha taotlejad 623 000 vs ootus 628 000 -
ja....continuing claims 6788K from 6678K
"Bank of America announces it is commencing offer to exchange up to 200 mln shares of common stock for preferred stock (10.91)Co announced that it is commencing an offer to exchange up to 200 million shares of common stock for outstanding depositary shares of certain series of preferred stock. The exchange offer will expire at midnight, New York City time, on June 24, 2009, unless extended or earlier terminated by Bank of America. Holders of the depositary shares eligible for the exchange will be able to tender their depositary shares, or withdraw their previously tendered depositary shares, any time prior to the expiration of the exchange offer. The exchange offer would increase Bank of America's Tier 1 common capital by an amount equal to the aggregate liquidation preference of the depositary shares exchanged. The shares issuable in the Exchange Offer are part of Bank of America's previously announced plan to exchange common stock for (non-government) perpetual preferred stock. Bank of America believes that these actions will assist in meeting its $33.9 bln indicated Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP) buffer set by the Federal Reserve."
Saksamaa DAX -1.06%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.92%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.88%
Hispaania IBEX 35 -0.68%
Venemaa MICEX +1.78%
Poola WIG -0.51%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +0.13%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng N/A (börs suletud)
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) N/A (börs suletud)
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) N/A (börs suletud)
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0.61%
Tai Set 50 -0.07%
India Sensex 30 +1.32%
Bulls' Tenacity Is the Big Question Mark
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
5/28/2009 8:32 AM EDT
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.
-- Louis Pasteur
The most impressive thing about this market since the March low has been its tenacity. Through March and April we barely managed two down days in a row before the market popped right back up again.
Strength continued in the first few days of May and even spread to many small-capitalization and low-priced stocks. Many of these secondary names made big, multiple-day moves as traders were happily chasing anything that showed up on the radar screens.
Over the last few weeks, though, things have become choppier, and while momentum is still strong in some select stocks, it is narrower and harder to trust. The market continues to come back quickly from dips -- like we saw on Tuesday -- but the bounces are fizzling out faster now than in March and April.
The obvious conclusion is that the rally has grown a bit old and we are now taking a rest. Market players have a great inclination to protect gains, which is why our bounces aren't running as much, but dip-buyers are still trying to find the momentum plays, which is keeping bids under the market.
The million-dollar question is whether the market will simply consolidate for a bit before it gains the strength and traction needed for another leg higher or whether we're reaching the peak and starting to roll back over.
In many respects the move off the low is a classic bear-market bounce. It was driven primarily by news of governmental intervention and proclamations that things were becoming worse at a slower rate. We've seen all sorts of bottom calls and a lot of hope that we avoided economic Armageddon, but you have to wonder if there has been two much optimism about how the government is deftly protecting us from all those evils that were lurking.
One of the big worries with the massive government spending is that it is going to eventually drive up interest rates. If you keep adding new supplies of bonds while demand stays steady, rates will have to go up. We had a taste of that yesterday -- that's what spooked the market.
I don't want to be too negative here, because the major indices are still in trading ranges and have not broken down yet. It has been a mistake to count out the bulls, who have done a nice job numerous times in the last couple of months of coming back from the brink of a breakdown.
But the government has made most of its big moves now, and the market is going to be looking for the positive results to start occurring. Announcing plans is the easy part. It is the implementation and their effectiveness that's hard, and that's the phase we are staring to enter here.
We had such terrible worries back in March and there was a big wave of relief that maybe they aren't that bad, but now things like higher oil and gas and rising interest rates are causing concern. With the market in a vulnerable position technically, we have to increase our vigilance just in case the tenacity of the bulls is waning.
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: FREE +18.7%, LFT +7.6%, FRO +7.3%, DMND +7.2%, SAFM +4.7%, CWTR +4.6%, JAS +3.7%... Select small-cap pharma stocks showing strength: ANPI +25% (continued gains following yesterday's 45% surge on FDA news), EXEL +23.0% (announces a global license agreement with Sanofi Aventis for XL147 and XL765 and a collaboration for the discovery of inhibitors of phosphoinositide-3 kinase for the treatment of cancer), PARD +13.8% (announces "positive" efficacy and safety data from Phase 2 clinical trial of picoplatin in men with metastatic prostate cancer), OCLS +12.0% (continued momentum following yesterday's 240% gain), OGXI +10% (light volume), VNDA +4.7%... Other news: DRYS +5.6% (announces it has reached agreement with Deutsche Bank as lender and mandated lead arranger on waiver terms for $1.125 bln of debt), FIG +3.9% (FT reports the co is nearing an agreement that would mark the first step in a push into US retail banking, according to people familiar with the transaction), GLW +2.7% (raises 2Q LCD volume expectations), TWX +0.8% (confirms plan to separate AOL)... Analyst comments: KMX +8.9% (upgraded to Buy at Deutsche Securities; tgt raised to $15), SNDK +3.7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman- Reuters), SATC +7.8% (initiated with a Buy at Wunderlich, tgt $4).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: DSW -10.6%, BCSI -9.7%, SBLK -7.8%, TIVO -2.9%, COST -2.7%... Other news: TEX -6.2% (announced that it is seeking ~$600 mln in new financing) LEAP -5.9% (announces 7 mln shares common stock offering), TTWO -4.6% (to offer $100 mln of convertible senior notes), CIM -4.1% (announces pricing of common stock offering at $3.22 per share), MDVN -3.9% (prices offering of 2.75 mln common shares at $21.00 per share)... Analyst comments: JWN -4.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse), SKS -3.7% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral), CAT -1.7% (downgraded at UBS to Sell from Neutral). -
"Regions Fincl tgt raised to $5 at Credit Suisse following capital raises"
"General Motors bondholders accept amended debt-for-equity offer"
Kauplemine aktsiaga praeguseks peatatud
Nafta hind teeb hoolimata tootmismahtude samaks jätmisest üha uusi viimase poole aasta tippe.
Kauplemine taastus GM aktsiaga tasemel $1.38. Päevane muutus hetkel +20%.
April New Home Sales 352K vs 360K consensus, +0.3% m/m; prior revised to 351K from 356K
Natural gas inventory showed a build of 106 bcf, analysts were expecting a build of 111 bcf, ranging from a build of 100 bcf to a build of 120 bcf.
Joeli idee UNG lendab küll hästi ja ka CHK on tubli
Langev maagaasi pakkumine hakkab tasapisi numbritesse jõudma - maagaasi hind on võrreldes teiste energiaallikatega ebanormaalselt madalatel tasemetel, hoolimata sellest, et gaasi põletamine on naftast ja kivisöest ouliselt loodusesõbralikum. Praegune ühepäevane 9%line ralli UNG's näitab gaasis pakatavat potentsiaali. Usun, et investoritel tasub paigutada vähemalt osa oma pikaajalisest investeerimisportfellist maagaasisektori aktsiatesse nagu CHK ning kõrgema riskitaluvusega lühiajalise horisondiga kauplejatel ei ole minu arust veel hilja ka UNGd osta.
läbi swedi vist UNG-i soetada ei saa...
kindlasti saab
mõtlesin GDP-d osta (CHKd juba on), kahtlen kas on pointi, vbl. lihtsalt CHK-d lisada?
Dell beats by $0.01, misses on revs (11.48 +0.36) Reports Q1 (Apr) earnings of $0.24 per share, excluding $0.09 charge for for organizational effectiveness actions, $0.01 better than the First Call consensus of $0.23; revenues fell 23.2% year/year to $12.34 bln vs the $12.66 bln consensus. Co said, "Along with generating strong cash flow, we maintained solid operating margins and made further progress toward reducing annualized costs by $4 billion by the end of fiscal 2011". Indicators of global IT demand remain mixed, and the broader environment is still challenging. The company is positioning itself for improvement in IT spending by focusing on customer requirements and their experience with Dell, along with internal operating efficiency and costs.
Dell on järelturul tegemas päeva tippe ja kaupleb $11.55 peal.
/Kauplemine taastus GM aktsiaga tasemel $1.38. Päevane muutus hetkel +20%
.. kuid lõpetas päeva siiski miinuses.