Börsipäev 24. veebruar
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Täna enamus aasia turgudest languses, kuigi Shanghai suutis näidata 1.3% tõusu. Enamus euroopa turgudest juba avanemisest kerges 0.3-0.5% tõusus. Päev saab olema äärmiselt huvitav, kuna siit edasise languse puhul minnakse suure tõenäosusega lähinädalate põhju uuesti testima. Eile USA tarbijausalduse indeksi nii laialdase kukkumise najal oleks oodanud suuremat langust, kui ~1%. Päeva lõpuks kuivas käive üsna kokku ja jäi NYSE-l alla keskmise. Põrandalt oli kuulda ka kommentaare kergest müügisurvest institutsioonide poolt.
Euroopa turgudel on müügipress valla päästetud ja hommikusest cap-up avanemisest on saanud ~0.5% üsna sirget kukkumist.
Eurotsooni tööstustellimuste maht kasvas dets. 0.8% vs analüütikute oodatud -1%. Euroopa turud tööstustellimuste numbri peale tagasi plusspoolele jõudnud.
Thousands of Greeks went on strike Wednesday to voice their discontent at the government's plans to impose tough measures aimed at reducing the deficit and regaining market confidence. Two of Greece's main trade unions -- the private sector GSEE and the public sector ADEDY -- have declared a general strike. Members of the Communist workers' group PAME were also striking in downtown Athens on Wednesday.
Sotsiaalsed pinged keritakse defitsiidi vähendamise meetmetega ikka väga kõrgeks. -
Head Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva teile ka, kuigi Shanghai 1,3% tõusuga võrreldav sündmus see meil siin muidugi pole !
MBA Mortgage Applications kukkus oodatud 2.1% asemel 8.5%. Tegemist väga volatiilse näitajaga, kuid kui mälu ei peta siis viimased nädalad on väga nukrad olnud ja see peaks ka majade müügis kajastuma. Täna kell 17.00 avaldatakse USA stimuleeritud kinnisvaraturu südamerütmid "New home sales". Müügiootused jaanuarikuu kohta 353k ja MoM tõusuks 3.2%.
Takeaways from meetings on hill: No Volcker rule anytime soon; CFPA major sticking point - FBR Capital Mkts
SEC short-sale curb may apply to market makers, sources say - Reuters.com
Lending falls at epic pace - WSJ
WSJ reports U.S. banks posted last year their sharpest decline in lending since 1942, suggesting that the industry's continued slide is making it harder for the economy to recover. While top-tier banks are recovering at a faster clip, the rest of the industry is still suffering, according to a quarterly report from the FDIC. Banks fighting for survival, especially those plagued by losses on commercial real estate, are less willing to extend loans, siphoning credit from businesses and consumers. Besides registering their biggest full-year decline in total loans outstanding in 67 years, U.S. banks set a number of grim milestones. According to the FDIC, the number of U.S. banks at risk of failing hit a 16-year high at 702. More than 5% of all loans were at least three months past due, the highest level recorded in the 26 years the data have been collected. And the problems are expected to last through 2010. FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair said banks are "bumping along the bottom of the credit cycle" and that the number of bank failures in 2010 will likely eclipse the 140 recorded last year. -
U.S. Sen. Dodd says expects some agreement "soon" on bipartisan financial regulatory bill, doesn't specify a timetable; says many members working on shape of final bill, "the door's open" - Reuters
Päris kõva ostmine käib enne datat ja Bernanke kõne, kas kellelgi juba mingi info olemas või järgneb sell the news reaktsioon?
January New Home Sales 309K vs 354K consensus; M/M -11.2%
Bernanke: Job Market Still Weak, Though Less Deterioration - DJ
SEC to vote 10% short-sale threshold for individual securities - DJ
US Treasury's Geithner's House Budget testimony identical to pvs testimony text on FY'11 budget plan - Reuters -
U.S. Rep Frank says United States will fully fund any obligations it has internationally - Reuters
$15 bln Jobs Bill clears procedural hurdle in the U.S. Senate, final passage expected shortly - Reuters
Nafta raport:
Dept of Energy reports that crude oil inventories had a build of 3034K (consensus is a build of 1900K); gasoline inventories had a draw of 895K (consensus is a build of 600K); distillate inventories had a draw of 591K (consensus is a draw of 1500K). -
Bernanke says commercial real estate remains biggest credit issue facing U.S.
US SEC adopts new short sale restrictions; short selling will be restricted in a company's stock if stock falls more than 10 pct in one day - Reuters
Eeelpool mainitud Kreeka rahutused hakkavad juba ägedamaid pöördeid võtma. Mõned kokkupõrked võimuesindajatega on juba aset leidnud.
The $42B 5-yrs draw 2.395% with a 2.75 bid-to-cover and an indirect bidder participation rate of 40.3%. The market slipped on the somewhat sloppy offering with the decent cover ratio, slightly weak indirect take trumped by the higher than anticipated rate. The initial selling should be tempered by the bond friendly events of the day.
Võlakirja oksjonil jällegi nähtamatu indirect bidder, kes hoiab intresse madalal. Nagu oleks USA-le keegi hea onu lahkelt raha jagamas. Isiklikult ei usu, et see võiks Hiina olla. Põnev oleks lõpuks teada, kes viimasel ajal seda USA võlga on nii hoogsalt toetanud.
US House passes health-insurance antitrust bill - DJ
Toyota istungist on saanud pigem farss. Kus küsimused a la miks teie disain on parem, kui meie ja miks te üldse meie turul autosid müüte?:D