Börsipäev 30. märts
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Lisaks siis veel eilse päeva jätkuks siia mõned uudised:
American Intl Unit To Sell $1.8 Bln Of Existing Home Loans In 2 Deals - DJ
Järelturul osutus oluliseimaks uudiseks Apple Inc. poolt teatatud tegevusplaan:
Apple Developing New iPhone For Summer Launch
Apple Also Developing CDMA iPhone To Be Made By Taiwan's Pegatron; CDMA iPhone Expected To Be Compatible With Verizon Wireless' Network
Apple ja Verizon kauplesid järelturul mõlemad korralikus tõusus ja ka Qualcomm sai tuule tiibadesse.
Research In Motion, AT&T ja Palm jaoks on AAPL uudis negatiivne ja kõik 3 ettevõtet kauplemas ~1.5% madalamal. -
Eilse börsipäeva foorumi lõpus jimi ja Alari poolt väljatoodud kommentaarid ja mõtted Apple'i ja Verizoni suuremast seotusest on positiivseks uudiseks ka LHV Maailma Pro investeerimisideele Vodafone (VOD), kes hoiab Verizon Wirelessis 44%list osalust. Kuigi eile tõusid Vodafone'i aktsiad niigi ca 4.5%, liiguti järelturul veelgi 1% võrra kõrgemale.
Makroandmete poole pealt ootame täna kell 16.00 jaanuarikuu Case-Shilleri 20 suurlinna indeksi muutust, kus ootuseks on -0.6%. Kell 17.00 tuleb turu jaoks oluline märtsikuu tarbijausalduse näit, millelt oodatakse veebruari 46 punkti pealt hüpet 51 punkti peale. Praeguseks hetkeks on S&P500 ja Nasdaq100 indeksi futuurid ca +0.25%.
Kõigile LHV foorumikülastajatele siinkohal aga palve minu poolt. Oma magistritöö raames palun abi ca 10 minutilise aktsiaturgude teemalise küsitluse täitmisel. Tõsi, tavaliselt pooldame selliste küsitluste panemist 'vaba teema' alla, kuid kuna töö teema on seotud otseselt investeerimise ja aktsiaturgudega, kasutan moderaatori õigusi ning levitan oma küsitlust kuni märtsikuu lõpuni ka siinses börsipäeva foorumis. Link küsitlusele on siin. Palun kõigil, kel vähegi võimalik, selle täitmiseks 10 minutit eraldada. Suured tänud kõigile vastajatele!
Alari, Apple krooniliselt valesti kirjutatud :P
Kuidas õigesti on?
Fed's Evans says not time yet to raise rates - DJ
Niimoodi igatahes mitte: Aapple Inc
Ah ära pane tähele, ma niisama norin. Ja valesti oli siiski vaid korra. -
Tänud tähelepanu juhtimise eest, tuli paar a-d liiga palju:D -
Euroopa turud:
Saksamaa DAX +0.08%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +0.05%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.12%
Hispaania IBEX 35 +0.05%
Rootsi OMX 30 +0.04%
Venemaa MICEX +0.37%
Poola WIG +0.44%Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +1.01%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +0.65%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +0.15%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +0.17%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0.01%
Tai Set 50 +2.69%
India Sensex 30 -0.68% -
Back to the Slow Grind Higher
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
3/30/2010 8:41 AM EDT
Rhythm is the basis of life, not steady forward progress.
-- Kabbalah
After suffering some minor selling pressure last week, the bulls returned to form on Monday. We gapped up at the open and then meandered the rest of the day. The action was slow and uneventful and the bulls remained quite complacent. It shouldn't be too surprising that we started off the week with a gain -- we have had 21 positive Mondays out of the last 24, according to Sentimentrader.com.
Over the past few months, the rest of the week has been much more mixed, and with the end of the quarter upon us and extended technical conditions still in place, the conditions are ripe for some selling. But that has been the case for quite a while, yet the bears haven't managed a selloff of greater than 1% since this rally began back on Feb. 5.
It has been such a remarkable run that you can't help but wonder when conditions might change. We are even seeing folks who have been bullish capitulate and declare that mere bullishness alone is insufficient and we should commit ourselves even further to the market that will never go down by buying and holding for the long term.
Given how steadily we have rallied with so little volatility, it isn't surprising that people are embracing a buy-and-hold stance. It has been by far the best approach to this market for seven weeks or so. Anyone who has had any doubts or hedged their bullish has underperformed. I'm not even going to mention the misery of the bears who keep on trying to anticipate a top.
My game plan has been to keep trying to ride this never-ending rally by staying short-term bullish and trying not to anticipate a top. It is very difficult to be heavily long with that approach, but it allows for some gains and avoids the pain of trying to fight the trend like so many bears have been doing.
The bears' best hope now is the end of the quarter will finally produce some selling. Money managers and mutual funds will be anxious to hold on to gains for a couple more days, but some market players will want to lock in some of their unrecognized gains at this point.
The most compelling reason for being negative about this market is simply that we have gone so far so fast without any real selling. We know that action can't last forever, but trying to determine when we will have a good bout of profit-taking is impossible. All we can do is stay vigilant and be prepared to act as conditions change. Maybe the end of the quarter will be the catalyst to cause some change in the market action, but so far there are no signs of it.
News of some new versions of the iPhone have Apple (AAPL) gapping up nearly $5 this morning, and that is producing a positive open. The dollar is steady and overseas market had slight gains overnight.
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CAST +4.5% (also announces agreement to acquire accredited private university in China for $66.2 mln), ALN +4.0%, DHR +3.9%, BIOF +2.3% (light volume)... M&A news: WEDC +27.3% (White Elec Designs to be acquired by Microsemi Corporation for $7/share)... Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: VALE +1.9% (Steelmakers agree new iron ore contracts - FT), RTP +1.5%, BHP +1.3% (BHP Billiton abandons annual pricing - WSJ), GOLD +1.1%, GFI +1.1%... Other news: YMI +8.6% (announces early expansion of ongoing CYT387 Phase I/II clinical study based on favorable safety and activity data), ATPG +3.4% (announced first oil production from its deepwater Atwater Valley #4 well), ANDS +3.3% (announced that two presentations related to ANA598 were scheduled), QCOM +3.0% (higher following the AAPL/VZ news), VZ +2.4% (new iPhone would work on a type of wireless network called CDMA, which is used by Verizon Wireless-WSJ), AAPL +1.8% (New iPhone could end AT&T's U.S. monopoly - WSJ), AIG +1.6% (to sell $1.8 bln of existing home loans In 2 Deals - DJ), ARMH +1.4% (Hearing early strength attributed to positive newsletter mention), WPPGY +1.3% (still checking), OSIP +0.5% (Astellas signs confidentiality agreement)... Analyst comments: OPXA +16.7% (initiated with a Mkt Outperform at Rodman & Renshaw; tgt $6), GNRC +4.0% (initiated with a Buy and a $19 tgt at Keybanc, initiated with an Outperform and an $18 tgt at Robert W. Baird, initiated with a Neutral at JP Morgan, initiated with a Neutral at Goldman), HL +2.8% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at BofA/Merrill).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: HPJ -17.8%, OXM -13.4%, SNSS -9.0%, CNQR -4.8%, LDK -4.3%... Select solar names ticking lower following LDK results: JASO -2.4%, CSIQ -1.3%, TSL -1.1%... Other news: GNVC -70.1% (discontinues Phase 3 clinical trial of TNFerade), AIB -12.3% (Allied Irish Banks shares fall in Europe ahead of announcements - Reuters.com), MYGN -11.6% (announces Federal District Court rules isolated DNA claims are not patentable), GY -5.2% (light volume; sees cost of the 401(k) Plan match for the remainder of fiscal 2010 related to reinstatement is ~$5 mln), HTS -3.7% (trading ex dividend), NLY -3.2% (trading ex dividend), CEPH -2.9% (receives complete response letter for NUVIGIL for the treatment of excessive sleepiness associated with jet lag disorder), RIMM -1.6% (lower on AAPL/VZ news), T -1.2% (New iPhone could end AT&T's U.S. monopoly - WSJ), SAFM -1.1% (announces 2 mln share common stock offering)... Analyst comments: MPG -8.0% (downgraded to Sell at Stifel Nicolaus), TNDM -6.2% (downgraded to Perform at Oppenheimer), CALM -2.5% (downgraded to Hold at Jesup & Lamont), EHTH -2.2% (target lowered to $12 at Oppenheimer due to falling broker commissions), SYNA -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Cowen). -
Case Shiller vastavalt ootustele:
January S&P/Case Shiller Composite-20 Y/Y -0.7% vs -0.7% consensus, prior revised to -3.1% from -3.1% -
Apple: Godfather of iPod severs final ties with Apple - NY Times
3Com prelim $0.16 vs $0.08 Thomson Reuters consensus; revs $345.9 mln vs $325.90 mln Thomson Reuters consensus
Teun Draaisma (Morgan Stanleyst) arvab jätkuvalt, et aktsiaturud ei suuda stiimulite lõpetamist seedida ja ootab klassikalist ca 10% korrektsiooni:
“The 3-6 month outlook: tactical caution. The last 12 months have been characterised by record stimulus and rising economic leading indicators. We think the next 6 months will be characterised by some stimulus withdrawal (as a reaction to good growth in Asia and US), and softening leading indicators. We reduced our equity exposure two months ago. We recommend selling into strength, and we think MSCI Europe will reach 1030 at some point later in 2010, down 11% from here.”
New nine month high for the 30-yr yield -TYX-
March Consumer Confidence 52.5 vs 51.0 consensus, prior 46.0
Maailma suurim rauamaagitootja Vale (VALE) kaupleb protsendi võrra plusspoolel, kuna hommikul teatati, et uued rauamaagi ostulepingud sõlmitakse 90% kõrgemate hindadega. Ühtlasi muudetakse 40. aastat kestnud lepingute sõlmise süsteemi ja keskendutakse rohkem lühiajalistele lepingutele (link). Rauamaaki kasutatakse terase tegemisel, mistõttu on tegu üliolulise toorainega, millest sõltuvad nt autode ja pesumasinate hinnad.